Minio List all objects in a bucket Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task with an iterator lazily populated with objects Create a private bucket with the given name. Name of the new bucket Region Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task Returns true if the specified bucketName exists, otherwise returns false. Bucket to test existence of Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task that returns true if exists and user has access Remove a bucket Name of bucket to remove Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task List all objects non-recursively in a bucket with a given prefix, optionally emulating a directory Bucket to list objects from Filters all objects not beginning with a given prefix Set to false to emulate a directory Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation An observable of items that client can subscribe to Gets the list of objects in the bucket filtered by prefix Bucket to list objects from Filters all objects not beginning with a given prefix Set to false to emulate a directory marks location in the iterator sequence Task with a tuple populated with objects Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Returns current policy stored on the server for this bucket Bucket name. Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task that returns the Bucket policy as a json string Sets the current bucket policy Bucket Name Policy json as string Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task to set a policy Gets notification configuration for this bucket bucket name Optional cancellation token Sets the notification configuration for this bucket bucket name notification object with configuration to be set on the server Optional cancellation token Removes all bucket notification configurations stored on the server. bucket name optional cancellation token Get an object. The object will be streamed to the callback given by the user. Bucket to retrieve object from Name of object to retrieve A stream will be passed to the callback Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Get an object. The object will be streamed to the callback given by the user. Bucket to retrieve object from Name of object to retrieve Offset of the object from where stream will start length of the object that will be read in the stream Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation A stream will be passed to the callback Get an object. The object will be streamed to the callback given by the user. Bucket to retrieve object from Name of object to retrieve string with file path Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Creates an object from file Bucket to create object in Key of the new object Path of file to upload Content type of the new object, null defaults to "application/octet-stream" Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Object metadata to be stored. Defaults to null. Creates an object from inputstream Bucket to create object in Key of the new object Total size of bytes to be written, must match with data's length Content type of the new object, null defaults to "application/octet-stream" Stream of bytes to send Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Object metadata to be stored. Defaults to null. Internal method to complete multi part upload of object to server. Bucket Name Object to be uploaded Upload Id Etags Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Returns an async observable of parts corresponding to a uploadId for a specific bucket and objectName Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Gets the list of parts corresponding to a uploadId for given bucket and object Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Start a new multi-part upload request Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Upload object part to bucket for particular uploadId Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Get list of multi-part uploads matching particular uploadIdMarker bucketName prefix Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Lists all incomplete uploads in a given bucket and prefix recursively Bucket to list all incomplepte uploads from prefix to list all incomplete uploads option to list incomplete uploads recursively Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation A lazily populated list of incomplete uploads Lists all or delimited incomplete uploads in a given bucket with a given objectName Bucket to list incomplete uploads from Key of object to list incomplete uploads from delimiter of object to list incomplete uploads Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Observable that notifies when next next upload becomes available Find uploadId of most recent unsuccessful attempt to upload object to bucket. Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Remove incomplete uploads from a given bucket and objectName Bucket to remove incomplete uploads from Key to remove incomplete uploads from Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Remove object with matching uploadId from bucket Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Removes an object with given name in specific bucket Bucket to remove object from Key of object to remove Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation private helper method to remove list of objects from bucket Removes multiple objects from a specific bucket Bucket to remove objects from List of object keys to remove. Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Tests the object's existence and returns metadata about existing objects. Bucket to test object in Name of the object to stat Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Facts about the object Advances in the stream upto currentPartSize or End of Stream bytes read in a byte array Copy a source object into a new destination object. Bucket name where the object to be copied exists. Object name source to be copied. Bucket name where the object will be copied to. Object name to be created, if not provided uses source object name as destination object name. optionally can take a key value CopyConditions as well for conditionally attempting copyObject. Optional Object metadata to be stored. Defaults to null. Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Create the copy request,execute it and Bucket name where the object to be copied exists. Object name source to be copied. Bucket name where the object will be copied to. Object name to be created, if not provided uses source object name as destination object name. optionally can take a key value CopyConditions as well for conditionally attempting copyObject. optional custom header to specify byte range optional string to specify upload id and part number type of XML serialization to be applied on the server response Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Make a multi part copy upload for objects larger than 5GB or if CopyCondition specifies a byte range. source bucket name source object name destination bucket name destiantion object name copyconditions size of copy upload optional cancellation token Presigned get url - returns a presigned url to access an object's data without credentials.URL can have a maximum expiry of upto 7 days or a minimum of 1 second.Additionally, you can override a set of response headers using reqParams. Bucket to retrieve object from Key of object to retrieve Expiration time in seconds optional override response headers Presigned Put url -returns a presigned url to upload an object without credentials.URL can have a maximum expiry of upto 7 days or a minimum of 1 second. Bucket to retrieve object from Key of object to retrieve Expiration time in seconds Presigned post policy Constructs a RestRequest. For AWS, this function has the side-effect of overriding the baseUrl in the RestClient with region specific host path or virtual style path. HTTP method Bucket Name Object Name headerMap Content Type request body query string A RestRequest This method initializes a new RESTClient. The host URI for Amazon is set to virtual hosted style if usePathStyle is false. Otherwise path style URL is constructed. Sets app version and name. Used by RestSharp for constructing User-Agent header in all HTTP requests Creates and returns an Cloud Storage client Location of the server, supports HTTP and HTTPS Access Key for authenticated requests (Optional,can be omitted for anonymous requests) Secret Key for authenticated requests (Optional,can be omitted for anonymous requests) Optional custom region Client initialized with user credentials Connects to Cloud Storage with HTTPS if this method is invoked on client object Sets endpoint URL on the client object that request will be made against Actual doer that executes the REST request to the server List of handlers to override default handling request IRESTResponse Parse response errors if any and return relevant error messages Delegate errors to handlers Sets HTTP tracing On.Writes output to Console Sets HTTP tracing Off. Logs the request sent to server and corresponding response Create a private bucket with the given name. Name of the new bucket Region Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task List all objects in a bucket Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task with an iterator lazily populated with objects Returns true if the specified bucketName exists, otherwise returns false. Bucket to test existence of Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task that returns true if exists and user has access Remove a bucket Name of bucket to remove Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Task List all objects non-recursively in a bucket with a given prefix, optionally emulating a directory Bucket to list objects from Filters all objects not beginning with a given prefix Set to false to emulate a directory An observable of items that client can subscribe to Get bucket policy Bucket name. Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Returns Task with bucket policy json as string Sets the current bucket policy Bucket Name policy json Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Returns Task that sets the current bucket policy Gets the notification configuration set for this bucket bucketName optional cancellation token BucketNotification object populated with the notification subresource Sets bucket notification configuration bucketName BucketNotification object optional task cancellation token Remove all bucket notifications bucketName optional cancellation token Get an object. The object will be streamed to the callback given by the user. Bucket to retrieve object from Name of object to retrieve A stream will be passed to the callback Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Get an object. The object will be streamed to the callback given by the user. Bucket to retrieve object from Name of object to retrieve offset of the object from where stream will start length of object to read in from the stream A stream will be passed to the callback Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Creates an object from file input stream Bucket to create object in Key of the new object Stream of file to upload Size of stream Content type of the new object, null defaults to "application/octet-stream" Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Optional Object metadata to be stored. Defaults to null. Removes an object with given name in specific bucket Bucket to remove object from Key of object to remove Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Removes objects in the list from specific bucket Bucket to remove objects from List of object keys to remove Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Tests the object's existence and returns metadata about existing objects. Bucket to test object in Name of the object to stat Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Facts about the object Lists all incomplete uploads in a given bucket and prefix recursively Bucket to list all incomplepte uploads from prefix to list all incomplete uploads option to list incomplete uploads recursively Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation A lazily populated list of incomplete uploads Remove incomplete uploads from a given bucket and objectName Bucket to remove incomplete uploads from Key to remove incomplete uploads from Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Copy a source object into a new destination object. Bucket name where the object to be copied exists. Object name source to be copied. Bucket name where the object will be copied to. Object name to be created, if not provided uses source object name as destination object name. optionally can take a key value CopyConditions as well for conditionally attempting copyObject. Optional Object metadata to be stored. Defaults to null. Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Creates an object from file Bucket to create object in Key of the new object Path of file to upload Content type of the new object, null defaults to "application/octet-stream" Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Optional Object metadata to be stored. Defaults to null. Get an object. The object will be streamed to the callback given by the user. Bucket to retrieve object from Name of object to retrieve string with file path Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation Presigned get url - returns a presigned url to access an object's data without credentials.URL can have a maximum expiry of upto 7 days or a minimum of 1 second.Additionally, you can override a set of response headers using reqParams. Bucket to retrieve object from Key of object to retrieve Expiration time in seconds. optional override response headers Presigned Put url - returns a presigned url to upload an object without credentials.URL can have a maximum expiry of upto 7 days or a minimum of 1 second. Bucket to retrieve object from Key of object to retrieve Expiration time in seconds Presigned post policy Amazon AWS S3 endpoints for various regions. Gets Amazon S3 endpoint for the relevant region. Returns AWS region for given bucket name. Adds bucket name and its region to BucketRegionCache. Removes region cache of the bucket if any. Returns true if given bucket name is in the map else false. Updates Region cache for given bucket. A container class to hold all the Conditions to be checked before copying an object. Clone CopyConditions object new CopyConditions object Set modified condition, copy object modified since given time. @throws ArgumentException When date is null Unset modified condition, copy object modified since given time. @throws ArgumentException When date is null Set matching ETag condition, copy object which matches the following ETag. @throws ArgumentException when etag is null Set matching ETag none condition, copy object which does not match the following ETag. @throws InvalidArgumentException When etag is null Set replace metadata directive which specifies that server side copy needs to replace metadata on destination with custom metadata provided in the request. Return true if replace metadata directive is specified Set Byte Range condition, copy object which falls within the start and end byte range specified by user @throws InvalidArgumentException When firstByte is null or lastByte is null Get range size Get all the set copy conditions map. AddFilterSuffix sets the suffix configuration to the current notification config AddFilterPrefix sets the prefix configuration to the current notification config Object metadata information. Object name Object size Last when object was modified Unique entity tag for the object Object content type Set expiration policy. Expiration time for the policy Set key policy. Object name for the policy Set key prefix policy. Object name prefix for the policy Set bucket policy. Bucket name for the policy Set content type policy. ContentType for the policy Set content encoding ContentEncoding for the policy Set content length ContentLength for the policy Set content range ContentRange for the policy Set the success action status of the object for this policy based upload. Success action status Set user specified metadata as a key/value couple. Key and Value to insert in the metadata Set signature algorithm policy. Set signature algorithm used for the policy Set credential policy. Set credential string for the policy Set date policy. Set date for the policy Set base64 encoded policy to form dictionary. Base64 encoded policy Set computed signature for the policy to form dictionary. Computed signature Serialize policy into JSON string. Serialized JSON policy Compute base64 encoded form of JSON policy. Base64 encoded string of JSON policy Verify if bucket is set in policy. true if bucket is set Verify if key is set in policy. true if key is set Verify if expiration is set in policy. true if expiration is set Get the populated dictionary of policy data. Dictionary of policy data HTTP method to use when making requests Validates URI to check if it is well formed. Otherwise cry foul. Validate Url endpoint true/false isValidBucketName - verify bucket name in accordance with - Bucket to test existence of Calculate part size and number of parts required. Check if input expires value is valid. time to expiry in seconds bool Get corresponding region for input host. S3 API endpoint Region corresponding to the endpoint. Default is 'us-east-1' V4Authenticator implements IAuthenticator interface. Authenticator constructor. Access key id Secret access key Implements Authenticate interface method for IAuthenticator. Instantiated IRestClient object Instantiated IRestRequest object Get credential string of form {ACCESSID}/date/region/s3/aws4_request. Signature initated date Region for the credential string Credential string for the authorization header Constructs an authorization header. All signed http headers Hexadecimally encoded computed signature Date for signature to be signed Requested region Fully formed authorization header Concatenates sorted list of signed http headers. Sorted dictionary of headers to be signed All signed headers Generates signing key based on the region and date. Requested region Date for signature to be signed bytes of computed hmac Compute hmac of input content with key. Hmac key Bytes to be hmac computed Computed hmac of input content Get string to sign. Requested region Date for signature to be signed Hexadecimal encoded sha256 checksum of canonicalRequest String to sign Get scope. Requested region Date for signature to be signed Scope string Compute sha256 checksum. Bytes body Bytes of sha256 checksum Convert bytes to hexadecimal string. Bytes of any checksum Hexlified string of input bytes Generate signature for post policy. Requested region Date for signature to be signed Base64 encoded policy JSON Computed signature Presigns any input client object with a requested expiry. Instantiated client Instantiated request Expiration in seconds Presigned url Get presign canonical request. Instantiated client object Instantiated request object Additional request query params Presigned canonical request Get canonical request. Instantiated client object Instantiated request object Dictionary of http headers to be signed Canonical Request Get headers to be signed. Instantiated requesst Sorted dictionary of headers to be signed Sets 'x-amz-date' http header. Instantiated request object Date for signature to be signed Set 'Host' http header. Instantiated request object Host url Set 'x-amz-content-sha256' http header. Instantiated request object Set 'Content-MD5' http header. Instantiated request object