System.Web.Http.SelfHost Provides extension methods for . Gets the current stored in the request message properties for the given request. The current . The request. Contains the configuration class for HTTP Services. Initializes a new instance of the class. The base address in a form of string. Initializes a new instance of the class. The base address in a URI form. Gets the base HTTP address. The object that represents the base HTTP address. Gets or sets the client credential type that the server expects. A value that specifies the credential type. Gets a value that specifies how the host name should be used in URI comparisons when dispatching an incoming message. One of the values of the enumeration. Gets or sets the maximum size of the buffer. The maximum size of the buffer. The default size is 65536 bytes. Gets or sets the upper limit of concurrent instances that can be processed at any given time. The default is 100 times the number of CPU cores. The upper limit of concurrent instances that can be processed at any given time. Gets or sets the maximum size of the received message. The maximum size of the received message. The default size is 65536 bytes. Called to apply the configuration on the endpoint level. The to use when building the or null if no binding parameters are present. The HTTP endpoint. Gets or sets the receive timeout. The receive timeout. Gets or sets the send timeout. The send timeout. Gets or sets the transfer mode. One of the enumeration values of the enumeration . Gets or sets the that is used to validate the username and password sent over HTTP or HTTPS. The that is used to validate the username and password sent over HTTP or HTTPS. Gets or sets the instance that will be used to validate the client certificate sent over HTTPS. The instance that will be used to validate the client certificate. Implementation of an which listens directly to HTTP. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. The dispatcher. Closes the current instance. A representing the asynchronous close operation. Opens the current instance. A representing the asynchronous open operation. Once this task completes successfully the server is running. A binding used with endpoints for web services that use strongly-type HTTP request and response messages. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified security mode. An value that specifies the type of security used to configure a service endpoint using the binding. Gets or sets the delegate which configures the that this binding creates. A delegate to configure the . Creates a collection that contains the binding elements that are part of the current binding. A collection that contains the binding elements from the current binding object in the correct order. Gets the version of SOAP that is used for messages that are processed by this binding. The value of the that is used with this binding. The value is always .. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the hostname is used to reach the service when matching the URI. The value. Gets or sets the maximum amount of memory allocated for the buffer manager that manages the buffers required by endpoints that use this binding. The maximum size, in bytes, for the pool of buffers used by an endpoint configured with this binding. Gets or sets the maximum amount of memory that is allocated for use by the manager of the message buffers that receive messages from the channel. The maximum buffer size. Gets or sets the maximum size for a message that can be processed by the binding. The maximum size, in bytes, for a message that is processed by the binding. Gets the URI transport scheme for the channels and listeners that are configured with this binding. The transport scheme. Gets or sets the security settings used with this binding. The security settings.. Gets a value that indicates whether incoming requests are handled synchronously or asynchronously. true if requests are handled synchronously; false if handled asynchronously. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether messages are sent buffered or streamed. The value that indicates whether messages are sent buffered or streamed. Specifies the types of security available to a service endpoint configured to use an binding. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the mode of security that is used by an endpoint configured to use an binding. Gets or sets an object that contains the transport-level security settings for the binding. Defines the modes of security that can be used to configure a service endpoint that uses the . Indicates no security is used with HTTP requests. Indicates that transport-level security is used with HTTP requests. Indicates that only HTTP-based client authentication is provided.