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827 lines
35 KiB

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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using BP.DA;
using BP.Sys;
using BP.Web;
using BP.En;
using BP.WF.Template;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Collections;
using LitJson;
using System.Net;
using BP.Tools;
using System.Drawing;
using BP.Difference;
using Aliyun.OSS;
namespace BP.WF.HttpHandler
/// <summary>
/// 表单
/// </summary>
public class CCMobile_CCForm : DirectoryPageBase
/// <summary>
/// 构造函数
/// </summary>
public CCMobile_CCForm()
BP.Web.WebUser.SheBei = "Mobile";
public string HandlerMapExt()
WF_CCForm en = new WF_CCForm();
return en.HandlerMapExt();
public string AttachmentUpload_Down()
WF_CCForm ccform = new WF_CCForm();
return ccform.AttachmentUpload_Down();
/// <summary>
/// 表单初始化.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Frm_Init()
WF_CCForm ccform = new WF_CCForm();
return ccform.Frm_Init();
public string FrmGener_Init()
WF_CCForm ccform = new WF_CCForm();
return ccform.FrmGener_Init();
public string Dtl_Init()
WF_CCForm ccform = new WF_CCForm();
return ccform.Dtl_Init();
public string Dtl_SaveRow()
#region 查询出来从表数据.
GEDtls dtls = new GEDtls(this.EnsName);
GEDtl dtl = dtls.GetNewEntity as GEDtl;
dtls.Retrieve("RefPK", this.GetRequestVal("RefPKVal"));
MapDtl mdtl = new MapDtl(this.EnsName);
Map map = dtl.EnMap;
foreach (GEDtl item in dtls)
string pkval = item.GetValStringByKey(dtl.PK);
foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs)
if (attr.ItIsRefAttr == true)
if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDateTime || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDate)
if (attr.UIIsReadonly == true)
string val = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_" + attr.Key + "_" + pkval, null);
item.SetValByKey(attr.Key, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(val, Encoding.UTF8));
if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.TB)
string val = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_" + attr.Key + "_" + pkval, null);
item.SetValByKey(attr.Key, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(val, Encoding.UTF8));
if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL)
string val = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("DDL_" + attr.Key + "_" + pkval);
item.SetValByKey(attr.Key, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(val, Encoding.UTF8));
if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.CheckBok)
string val = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("CB_" + attr.Key + "_" + pkval, "-1");
if (val == "0")
item.SetValByKey(attr.Key, 0);
item.SetValByKey(attr.Key, 1);
item.RefPK = this.RefPKVal;
switch (mdtl.DtlOpenType)
case DtlOpenType.ForEmp: // 按人员来控制.
item.RefPK = this.RefPKVal;
case DtlOpenType.ForWorkID: // 按工作ID来控制
item.RefPK = this.RefPKVal;
item.FID = this.FID;
case DtlOpenType.ForFID: // 按流程ID来控制.
item.RefPK = this.RefPKVal;
item.FID = this.FID;
item.Rec = WebUser.No;
item.Update(); //执行更新.
return "保存成功.";
#endregion 查询出来从表数据.
public string UploadIOSAttach()
string uploadFileM = ""; //上传附件数据的MyPK,用逗号分开
string pkVal = this.GetRequestVal("PKVal");
string attachPk = this.GetRequestVal("FK_FrmAttachment");
string sort = this.GetRequestVal("Sort");
string fileSoruce = this.GetRequestVal("fileSource");
string fileName = this.GetRequestVal("fileName");
string ext = this.GetRequestVal("Ext");
// 多附件描述.
BP.Sys.FrmAttachment athDesc = new BP.Sys.FrmAttachment(attachPk);
MapData mapData = new MapData(athDesc.FrmID);
string msg = "";
GEEntity en = new GEEntity(athDesc.FrmID);
en.PKVal = pkVal;
if (en.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
en.PKVal = this.FID;
if (en.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
en.PKVal = this.PWorkID;
//求主键. 如果该表单挂接到流程上.
if (this.NodeID != 0)
FrmNode fn = new FrmNode(this.NodeID, this.FrmID);
if (fn.FrmSln == FrmSln.Self)
BP.Sys.FrmAttachment myathDesc = new FrmAttachment();
myathDesc.setMyPK(attachPk + "_" + this.NodeID);
if (myathDesc.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0)
athDesc.HisCtrlWay = myathDesc.HisCtrlWay;
pkVal = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.GetAthRefPKVal(this.WorkID, this.PWorkID, this.FID, this.NodeID, this.FrmID, athDesc);
bool fileEncrypt = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.isEnableAthEncrypt;
#region 文件上传的iis服务器上 or db数据库里.
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.IISServer || athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.DB)
string savePath = athDesc.SaveTo;
if (savePath.Contains("@") == true || savePath.Contains("*") == true)
savePath = savePath.Replace("*", "@");
if (savePath.Contains("@") && this.NodeID != 0)
/*如果包含 @ */
BP.WF.Flow flow = new BP.WF.Flow(this.FlowNo);
BP.WF.GERpt myen = flow.HisGERpt;
myen.OID = this.WorkID;
savePath = BP.WF.Glo.DealExp(savePath, myen, null);
if (savePath.Contains("@") == true)
throw new Exception("@路径配置错误,变量没有被正确的替换下来." + savePath);
savePath = athDesc.SaveTo + "/" + pkVal;
savePath = savePath.Replace("\\\\", "/");
if (savePath.Contains(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp) == false)
savePath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + savePath;
catch (Exception ex)
savePath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "UploadFile/" + mapData.No + "/";
//return "err@获取路径错误" + ex.Message + ",配置的路径是:" + savePath + ",您需要在附件属性上修改该附件的存储路径.";
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(savePath) == false)
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("err@创建路径出现错误,可能是没有权限或者路径配置有问题:" + savePath + "@异常信息:" + ex.Message);
string guid = DBAccess.GenerGUID();
string realSaveTo = savePath + "/" + guid + "." + fileName;
realSaveTo = realSaveTo.Replace("~", "-");
realSaveTo = realSaveTo.Replace("'", "-");
realSaveTo = realSaveTo.Replace("*", "-");
if (fileEncrypt == true)
string strtmp = realSaveTo + ".tmp";
Base64StrToImage(fileSoruce, strtmp);
EncHelper.EncryptDES(strtmp, strtmp.Replace(".tmp", ""));//加密
Base64StrToImage(fileSoruce, realSaveTo);
//执行附件上传前事件added by liuxc,2017-7-15
msg = ExecEvent.DoFrm(mapData, EventListFrm.AthUploadeBefore, en, "@FK_FrmAttachment=" + athDesc.MyPK + "@FileFullName=" + realSaveTo);
if (!DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
BP.Sys.Base.Glo.WriteLineError("@AthUploadeBefore事件返回信息文件" + fileName + "" + msg);
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(realSaveTo);
FrmAttachmentDB dbUpload = new FrmAttachmentDB();
dbUpload.NodeID = this.NodeID;
dbUpload.Sort = sort;
dbUpload.FrmID= athDesc.FrmID ;
dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment = attachPk;
dbUpload.FileExts = info.Extension;
dbUpload.FID = this.FID;
if (fileEncrypt == true)
dbUpload.SetPara("IsEncrypt", 1);
dbUpload.FileFullName = realSaveTo;
dbUpload.FileName = fileName;
dbUpload.FileSize = (float)info.Length;
dbUpload.RDT = DataType.CurrentDateTimess;
dbUpload.Rec = BP.Web.WebUser.No;
dbUpload.RecName = BP.Web.WebUser.Name;
dbUpload.DeptNo = WebUser.DeptNo;
dbUpload.DeptName = WebUser.DeptName;
dbUpload.RefPKVal = pkVal;
dbUpload.FID = this.FID;
dbUpload.UploadGUID = guid;
//执行附件上传后事件added by liuxc,2017-7-15
msg = ExecEvent.DoFrm(mapData, EventListFrm.AthUploadeAfter, en, "@FK_FrmAttachment=" + dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment + "@FK_FrmAttachmentDB=" + dbUpload.MyPK + "@FileFullName=" + dbUpload.FileFullName);
if (!DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
BP.Sys.Base.Glo.WriteLineError("@AthUploadeAfter事件返回信息文件" + dbUpload.FileName + "" + msg);
#endregion 文件上传的iis服务器上 or db数据库里.
#region 保存到数据库 / FTP服务器上 / OSS服务器上.
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.FTPServer || athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.OSS)
string guid = DBAccess.GenerGUID();
string temp = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + "" + guid + ".tmp";
if (fileEncrypt == true)
string strtmp = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + "" + guid + "_Desc" + ".tmp";
Base64StrToImage(fileSoruce, strtmp);
EncHelper.EncryptDES(strtmp, temp);//加密
Base64StrToImage(fileSoruce, temp);
//执行附件上传前事件added by liuxc,2017-7-15
msg = ExecEvent.DoFrm(mapData, EventListFrm.AthUploadeBefore, en, "@FK_FrmAttachment=" + athDesc.MyPK + "@FileFullName=" + temp);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) == false)
BP.Sys.Base.Glo.WriteLineError("@AthUploadeBefore事件返回信息文件" +fileName + "" + msg);
throw new Exception("err@上传附件错误:" + msg);
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(temp);
FrmAttachmentDB dbUpload = new FrmAttachmentDB();
dbUpload.Sort = sort;
dbUpload.NodeID = this.NodeID;
dbUpload.FrmID= athDesc.FrmID;
dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment = athDesc.MyPK;
dbUpload.FID = this.FID; //流程id.
if (fileEncrypt == true)
dbUpload.SetPara("IsEncrypt", 1);
dbUpload.RefPKVal = pkVal.ToString();
dbUpload.FrmID= athDesc.FrmID;
dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment = athDesc.MyPK;
dbUpload.FileName = fileName;
dbUpload.FileSize = (float)info.Length;
dbUpload.RDT = DataType.CurrentDateTimess;
dbUpload.Rec = BP.Web.WebUser.No;
dbUpload.RecName = BP.Web.WebUser.Name;
dbUpload.DeptNo = WebUser.DeptNo;
dbUpload.DeptName = WebUser.DeptName;
dbUpload.UploadGUID = guid;
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.FTPServer)
BP.FtpConnection ftpconn = new BP.FtpConnection(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.FTPServerIP,
SystemConfig.FTPUserNo, BP.Difference.SystemConfig.FTPUserPassword);
string ny = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM");
if (ftpconn.DirectoryExist(ny) == false)
if (ftpconn.DirectoryExist(athDesc.FrmID) == false)
ftpconn.PutFile(temp, guid + "." + dbUpload.FileExts);
throw new Exception("err@FTP端口号受限或者防火墙未关闭");
dbUpload.FileFullName = ny + "//" + athDesc.FrmID + "//" + guid + "." + dbUpload.FileExts;
#region 文件上传到OSS服务器上
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.OSS)
string subDir = "";
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.BucketSubPath) == false && "/".Equals(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.BucketSubPath) == false)
subDir = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.BucketSubPath + "/";
string ny = DataType.CurrentYearMonth;
// 填写Object完整路径完整路径中不能包含Bucket名称例如exampledir/exampleobject.txt。
var objectName = subDir + ny + "/" + athDesc.FrmID + "/" + guid + "." + dbUpload.FileExts;
OSSUtil.doUpload(objectName, temp);
dbUpload.FileFullName = ny + "//" + athDesc.FrmID + "//" + guid + "." + dbUpload.FileExts;
#endregion 文件上传到OSS服务器上
//执行附件上传后事件added by liuxc,2017-7-15
msg = ExecEvent.DoFrm(mapData, EventListFrm.AthUploadeAfter, en, "@FK_FrmAttachment=" + dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment + "@FK_FrmAttachmentDB=" + dbUpload.MyPK + "@FileFullName=" + temp);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) == false)
BP.Sys.Base.Glo.WriteLineError("@AthUploadeAfter事件返回信息文件" + dbUpload.FileName + "" + msg);
#endregion 保存到数据库.
return "上传成功";
public void Base64StrToImage(string base64Str, string savePath)
var ret = true;
base64Str = base64Str.Replace(" ", "+");
string[] str = base64Str.Split(','); //base64Str为base64完整的字符串先处理一下得到我们所需要的字符串
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(str[1]);
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
memoryStream.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
// 转成图片
Image image = Image.FromStream(memoryStream);
// 图片名称
string iname = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddhhmmss");
image.Save(savePath); // 将图片存到本地
/// <summary>
/// 获取百度云token
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string getAccessToken()
string ak = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.APIKey;
string sk = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.SecretKey;
String authHost = "";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
List<KeyValuePair<String, String>> paraList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
paraList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("grant_type", "client_credentials"));
paraList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("client_id", ak));
paraList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("client_secret", sk));
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(authHost, new FormUrlEncodedContent(paraList)).Result;
String result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return result;
public string GetAccessTokenImgs()
//获取 AccessToken
return BP.GPM.WeiXin.WeiXinEntity.getAccessToken();
/// <summary>
/// 下载微信服务器图片,上传到应用服务器
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mideaid"></param>
public string MyFlowGener_SaveUploadeImg()
string media_id = this.GetRequestVal("IDs");
string athMyPK = this.GetRequestVal("AthMyPK"); //图片组件.
FrmAttachment athDesc = new FrmAttachment(athMyPK);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(media_id))
return "media_id为空";
string accessToken = GetAccessTokenImgs();
//BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("accessToken:" + accessToken);
Bitmap img = null;
HttpWebRequest req;
HttpWebResponse res = null;
string url = string.Format("{0}&media_id={1}", accessToken, media_id);
System.Uri httpUrl = new System.Uri(url);
req = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create(httpUrl));
req.Timeout = 180000; //设置超时值10秒
req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)";
req.Method = "GET";
res = (HttpWebResponse)(req.GetResponse());
img = new Bitmap(res.GetResponseStream());//获取图片流
string fileName = res.GetResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").Replace("attachment; filename=", "").Replace("\"", "");
img.Save(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + fileName);
BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError(this.NodeID+":"+this.FlowNo + ":" + this.WorkID + ":" +
athDesc.NoOfObj + ":" + athDesc.FrmID + ":" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + fileName + ":" + fileName);
BP.WF.CCFormAPI.CCForm_AddAth(this.NodeID,this.FlowNo, this.WorkID,
athMyPK, athDesc.FrmID, BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + fileName, fileName);
return "执行成功";
catch (Exception ex)
string msg = "err@GetMedia:" + ex.Message + " -- " + ex.StackTrace;
return msg;
public static byte[] BitmapToBytes(Bitmap Bitmap)
MemoryStream ms = null;
ms = new MemoryStream();
Bitmap.Save(ms, Bitmap.RawFormat);
byte[] byteImage = new Byte[ms.Length];
byteImage = ms.ToArray();
return byteImage;
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 调用企业号获取地理位置
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GetWXConfigSetting()
string htmlPage = this.GetRequestVal("htmlPage");
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMDDHHddss");
string nonceStr = BP.DA.DBAccess.GenerGUID();
string jsapi_ticket = "";
string url1 = htmlPage;
//获取 AccessToken
string accessToken = BP.GPM.WeiXin.WeiXinEntity.getAccessToken();
string url = "" + accessToken;
string str = DataType.ReadURLContext(url);
BP.GPM.WeiXin.Ticket ticket = new BP.GPM.WeiXin.Ticket();
ticket = FormatToJson.ParseFromJson<BP.GPM.WeiXin.Ticket>(str);
if (ticket.errcode == "0")
jsapi_ticket = ticket.ticket;
return "err:@获取jsapi_ticket失败+accessToken=" + accessToken;
ht.Add("timestamp", timestamp);
ht.Add("nonceStr", nonceStr);
ht.Add("AppID", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.WX_CorpID);
string str1 = "jsapi_ticket=" + jsapi_ticket + "&noncestr=" + nonceStr + "&timestamp=" + timestamp + "&url=" + url1 + "";
string Signature = BP.WF.Difference.Glo.Sha1Signature(str1);
ht.Add("signature", Signature);
return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ht);
public string GetIDCardInfo()
string token = getAccessToken();
JsonData jd = JsonMapper.ToObject(token);
string host = "" + jd["access_token"].ToString();
Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(host);
request.Method = "post";
request.KeepAlive = true;
// 图片的base64编码
if (HttpContextHelper.RequestFilesCount == 0)
return "err@请选择要上传的身份证件。";
Stream stream = HttpContextHelper.RequestFiles(0).InputStream;//new MemoryStream();
byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
String str = "id_card_side=" + "front" + "&image=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base64);
byte[] buffer = encoding.GetBytes(str);
request.ContentLength = buffer.Length;
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 获取微信公众号的签名
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GetWXGZHConfigSetting()
string htmlPage = this.GetRequestVal("htmlPage");
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMDDHHddss");
string nonceStr = BP.DA.DBAccess.GenerGUID();
string jsapi_ticket = "";
string url1 = htmlPage;
//获取 AccessToken
BP.WF.WeiXin.GZH.WeiXinGZHModel.AccessToken accessToken = BP.WF.WeiXin.WeiXinGZHEntity.getAccessToken();
if (accessToken.errcode!= "0"&& DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken.errcode)==false)
return "err@获取网页授权失败errcode" + accessToken.errcode;
string token = accessToken.access_token;
string url = "" + token+ "&type=jsapi";
string str = BP.Tools.PubGlo.HttpGet(url);
BP.GPM.WeiXin.Ticket ticket = new BP.GPM.WeiXin.Ticket();
ticket = FormatToJson.ParseFromJson<BP.GPM.WeiXin.Ticket>(str);
if (ticket.errcode == "0")
jsapi_ticket = ticket.ticket;
return "err@获取jsapi_ticket失败+accessToken=" + token;
ht.Add("timestamp", timestamp);
ht.Add("nonceStr", nonceStr);
ht.Add("AppID", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.WXGZH_Appid);
string str1 = "jsapi_ticket=" + jsapi_ticket + "&noncestr=" + nonceStr + "&timestamp=" + timestamp + "&url=" + url1 + "";
string Signature = BP.WF.Difference.Glo.Sha1Signature(str1);
ht.Add("signature", Signature);
return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ht);
public string WXGZH_AthUpload()
//HttpPostedFile file = HttpContextHelper.RequestFiles(0);
if(HttpContextHelper.RequestFiles(0) == null)
return "err@请选择文件";
//string imageData = this.GetRequestVal("ImageData");
//if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(imageData) == true)
// return "";
//Log.DebugWriteInfo("上传附件信息ImageData:" + imageData);
// 多附件描述.
string pkVal = this.GetRequestVal("PKVal");
string attachPk = this.GetRequestVal("AttachPK");
BP.Sys.FrmAttachment athDesc = new BP.Sys.FrmAttachment(attachPk);
MapData mapData = new MapData(athDesc.FrmID);
string msg = "";
GEEntity en = new GEEntity(athDesc.FrmID);
en.PKVal = pkVal;
if (en.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
en.PKVal = this.FID;
if (en.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
en.PKVal = this.PWorkID;
//求主键. 如果该表单挂接到流程上.
if (this.NodeID != 0 && athDesc.NoOfObj.Contains("AthMDtl") == false)
FrmNode fn = new FrmNode(this.NodeID, this.FrmID);
if (fn.FrmSln == FrmSln.Self)
BP.Sys.FrmAttachment myathDesc = new FrmAttachment();
myathDesc.setMyPK(attachPk + "_" + this.NodeID);
if (myathDesc.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0)
athDesc.HisCtrlWay = myathDesc.HisCtrlWay;
pkVal = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.GetAthRefPKVal(this.WorkID, this.PWorkID, this.FID, this.NodeID, this.FrmID, athDesc);
string savePath = "";
string fileName = DBAccess.GenerGUID();
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.IISServer)
savePath = athDesc.SaveTo + "/" + pkVal;
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(savePath) == false)
savePath = savePath + "/" + fileName + ".png";
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.FTPServer || athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.OSS)
savePath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp +fileName + ".tmp";
//using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Create))
// using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs))
// {
// byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(imageData);
// bw.Write(data);
// bw.Close();
// }
string ny = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM");
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.FTPServer)
BP.FtpConnection ftpconn = null;
ftpconn = new BP.FtpConnection(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.FTPServerIP,
SystemConfig.FTPUserNo, BP.Difference.SystemConfig.FTPUserPassword);
throw new Exception("err@FTP连接失败请检查账号,密码,端口号是否正确");
if (ftpconn.DirectoryExist(ny) == false)
if (ftpconn.DirectoryExist(athDesc.FrmID) == false)
ftpconn.PutFile(savePath, fileName + ".png");
throw new Exception("err@FTP端口号受限或者防火墙未关闭");
#region 文件上传到OSS服务器上
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.OSS)
string subDir = "";
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.BucketSubPath) == false && "/".Equals(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.BucketSubPath) == false)
subDir = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.BucketSubPath + "/";
// 填写Object完整路径完整路径中不能包含Bucket名称例如exampledir/exampleobject.txt。
var objectName = subDir + ny + "/" + athDesc.FrmID + "/" + fileName + ".png";
OSSUtil.doUpload(objectName, savePath);
#endregion 文件上传到OSS服务器上
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(savePath);
FrmAttachmentDB dbUpload = new FrmAttachmentDB();
dbUpload.Sort = "";
dbUpload.NodeID = this.NodeID;
dbUpload.FrmID= athDesc.FrmID;
dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment = athDesc.MyPK;
dbUpload.FID = this.FID; //流程id.
dbUpload.RefPKVal = pkVal.ToString();
dbUpload.FrmID= athDesc.FrmID;
dbUpload.FK_FrmAttachment = athDesc.MyPK;
dbUpload.FileName = fileName+".png";
dbUpload.FileSize = (float)info.Length;
dbUpload.RDT = DataType.CurrentDateTimess;
dbUpload.Rec = BP.Web.WebUser.No;
dbUpload.RecName = BP.Web.WebUser.Name;
dbUpload.DeptNo = WebUser.DeptNo;
dbUpload.DeptName = WebUser.DeptName;
dbUpload.FileExts = "png";
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.IISServer)
dbUpload.FileFullName = savePath;
if (athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.FTPServer || athDesc.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.OSS)
dbUpload.FileFullName = ny + "//" + athDesc.FrmID + "//" + fileName + ".png";
return "上传成功";