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2023-02-22 08:57:45.1910|ERROR|
SQL= SELECT No, Name, FK_FlowSort, SysType, FlowRunWay, WorkModel, RunObj, Note, RunSQL, NumOfBill, NumOfDtl, FlowAppType, ChartType, IsFrmEnable, IsTruckEnable, IsTimeBaseEnable, IsTableEnable, IsOPEnable, TrackOrderBy, SubFlowShowType, IsCanStart, IsStartInMobile, IsFullSA, IsMD5, IsEnableDBVer, Idx, SDTOfFlowRole, SDTOfFlowRoleSQL, PTable, FlowDevModel, FrmUrl, Draft, TitleRole, TitleRoleNodes, FlowMark, FlowEventEntity, GuestFlowRole, BillNoFormat, DRCtrlType, IsToParentNextNode, StartLimitRole, StartLimitPara, StartLimitAlert, StartLimitWhen, StartGuideWay, StartGuideLink, StartGuideLab, StartGuidePara1, StartGuidePara2, StartGuidePara3, IsResetData, IsLoadPriData, IsDBTemplate, IsBatchStart, BatchStartFields, Ver, OrgNo,CreateDate CreateDate, Creater, DevModelType, DevModelPara, AtPara, DataDTSWay, DTSDBSrc, DTSBTable, DTSBTablePK, DTSSpecNodes, DTSTime, DTSFields FROM WF_Flow WHERE (1=1) ORDER BY Idx Exception=Unknown column 'FlowDevModel' in 'field list'