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var flowNo = GetQueryString("FK_Flow");
var nds = new Entities("BP.WF.Nodes");
nds.Retrieve("FK_Flow", flowNo, "Step");
nds = nds.TurnToArry();
$.each(nds, function (i, nd) {
nd.Idx = i + 1;
nd.NodeName = nd.NodeID + "-" + nd.Name;
var nodeID = nd.NodeID;
var startNodeID = parseInt(parseInt(nd.FK_Flow) + "01");
if (nodeID == startNodeID)
nd.Accepter = "发起权限";
nd.Accepter = "设置接收人";
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{ field: 'Idx', title: '序号', minWidth: 5 }
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, {
field: 'Accepter', title: '设置接收人', minWidth: 80,
templet: function (row) {
return "<a href=\"javascript:GotoSln('" + row.NodeID + "')\">" + row.Name + "</a>"
, { field: 'Oper', title: '操作' }
function GotoSln(nodeID) {
var url = "../AttrNode/AccepterRole/Default.htm?FK_Node=" + nodeID;
OpenLayuiDialog(url, "接受人规则", window.innerWidth * 0.9);
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