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using BP.DA;
using BP.En;
namespace BP.CCBill.Template
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法属性
/// </summary>
public class MethodAttr : EntityNoNameAttr
#region 基本属性.
/// <summary>
/// 表单ID
/// </summary>
public const string FrmID = "FrmID";
/// <summary>
/// 分组ID
/// </summary>
public const string GroupID = "GroupID";
/// <summary>
/// 方法ID
/// </summary>
public const string MethodID = "MethodID";
/// <summary>
/// 图标
/// </summary>
public const string Icon = "Icon";
/// <summary>
/// 方法类型
/// </summary>
public const string RefMethodType = "RefMethodType";
/// <summary>
/// 方法打开模式
/// </summary>
public const string MethodModel = "MethodModel";
/// <summary>
/// 标记
/// </summary>
public const string Mark = "Mark";
/// <summary>
/// tag
/// </summary>
public const string Tag1 = "Tag1";
/// <summary>
/// 显示方式.
/// </summary>
public const string ShowModel = "ShowModel";
/// <summary>
/// 处理内容
/// </summary>
public const string MethodDoc_Url = "MethodDoc_Url";
/// <summary>
/// 内容类型
/// </summary>
public const string MethodDocTypeOfFunc = "MethodDocTypeOfFunc";
/// <summary>
/// 处理内容s
/// </summary>
public const string Docs = "Docs";
/// <summary>
/// 执行警告信息-对功能方法有效
/// </summary>
public const string WarningMsg = "WarningMsg";
/// <summary>
/// 成功提示信息
/// </summary>
public const string MsgSuccess = "MsgSuccess";
/// <summary>
/// 失败提示信息
/// </summary>
public const string MsgErr = "MsgErr";
/// <summary>
/// 执行完毕后干啥?
/// </summary>
public const string WhatAreYouTodo = "WhatAreYouTodo";
/// <summary>
/// Idx
/// </summary>
public const string Idx = "Idx";
#endregion 基本属性.
#region 外观.
/// <summary>
/// 宽度.
/// </summary>
public const string PopWidth = "PopWidth";
/// <summary>
/// 高度
/// </summary>
public const string PopHeight = "PopHeight";
#endregion 外观.
#region 显示位置
/// <summary>
/// 是否显示myToolBar工具栏上.
/// </summary>
public const string IsMyBillToolBar = "IsMyBillToolBar";
/// <summary>
/// 显示在工具栏更多按钮里.
/// </summary>
public const string IsMyBillToolExt = "IsMyBillToolExt";
/// <summary>
/// 显示在查询列表工具栏目上,用于执行批处理.
/// </summary>
public const string IsSearchBar = "IsSearchBar";
#endregion 显示位置
#region 流程方法相关.
/// <summary>
/// 流程结束后是否同步字段?
/// </summary>
public const string DTSDataWay = "DTSDataWay";
public const string DTSSpecFiels = "DTSSpecFiels";
public const string DTSWhenFlowOver = "DTSWhenFlowOver";
public const string DTSWhenNodeOver = "DTSWhenNodeOver";
public const string FlowNo = "FlowNo";
#endregion 流程方法相关.
public const string IsEnable = "IsEnable";
/// <summary>
/// 是否显示在列表?
/// </summary>
public const string IsList = "IsList";
/// <summary>
/// 是否含有参数
/// </summary>
public const string IsHavePara = "IsHavePara";
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法
/// </summary>
public class Method : EntityNoName
#region 基本属性
/// <summary>
/// 表单ID
/// </summary>
public string FrmID
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.FrmID);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.FrmID, value);
/// <summary>
/// 方法分组ID
/// </summary>
public string GroupID
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.GroupID);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.GroupID, value);
public string Icon
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.Icon);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.Icon, value);
/// <summary>
/// 方法ID
/// </summary>
public string MethodID
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.MethodID);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.MethodID, value);
public string FlowNo
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.FlowNo);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.FlowNo, value);
/// <summary>
/// 方法类型
/// </summary>
public RefMethodType RefMethodType
return (RefMethodType)this.GetValIntByKey(MethodAttr.RefMethodType);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.RefMethodType, (int)value);
/// <summary>
/// 模式
/// </summary>
public string MethodModel
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.MethodModel);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.MethodModel, value);
/// <summary>
/// 标记
/// </summary>
public string Mark
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.Mark);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.Mark, value);
/// <summary>
/// tag1
/// </summary>
public string Tag1
return this.GetValStringByKey(MethodAttr.Tag1);
this.SetValByKey(MethodAttr.Tag1, value);
#region 构造方法
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法
/// </summary>
public Method()
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="no"></param>
public Method(string no)
this.No = no;
/// <summary>
/// 重写基类方法
/// </summary>
public override Map EnMap
if (this._enMap != null)
return this._enMap;
Map map = new Map("Frm_Method", "实体方法");
map.AddTBStringPK(MethodAttr.No, null, "编号", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.Name, null, "方法名", true, false, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.MethodID, null, "方法ID", true, true, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.GroupID, null, "分组ID", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.MethodModel, null, "方法模式", true, true, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.Tag1, null, "Tag1", true, true, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.Mark, null, "Mark", true, true, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.FrmID, null, "表单ID", true, true, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.FlowNo, null, "流程编号", true, true, 0, 10, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.Icon, null, "图标", true, false, 0, 50, 10, true);
//map.AddBoolean(MethodAttr.IsCanBatch, false, "是否可以批处理?", true, false);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.Docs, null, "方法内容", true, false, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddDDLSysEnum(MethodAttr.RefMethodType, 0, "方法类型", true, false, MethodAttr.RefMethodType,
#region 显示位置控制.
map.AddBoolean(MethodAttr.IsMyBillToolBar, true, "是否显示在MyBill.htm工具栏上", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(MethodAttr.IsMyBillToolExt, false, "是否显示在MyBill.htm工具栏右边的更多按钮里", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(MethodAttr.IsSearchBar, false, "是否显示在Search.htm工具栏上(用于批处理)", true, true, true);
#endregion 显示位置控制.
#region 外观.
map.AddTBInt(MethodAttr.PopHeight, 0, "弹窗高度", true, false);
map.AddTBInt(MethodAttr.PopWidth, 0, "弹窗宽度", true, false);
#endregion 外观.
#region 对功能有效
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.WarningMsg, null, "功能执行警告信息", true, false, 0, 300, 10);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.MsgSuccess, null, "成功提示信息", true, false, 0, 300, 10, true);
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.MsgErr, null, "失败提示信息", true, false, 0, 300, 10, true);
map.AddDDLSysEnum(MethodAttr.WhatAreYouTodo, 0, "执行完毕后干啥?", true, true, MethodAttr.WhatAreYouTodo,
map.AddDDLSysEnum(MethodAttr.MethodDocTypeOfFunc, 0, "内容类型", true, false, "MethodDocTypeOfFunc",
#endregion 对功能有效
#region (流程)相同字段数据同步方式.
map.AddDDLSysEnum(MethodAttr.DTSDataWay, 0, "同步相同字段数据方式", true, true, MethodAttr.DTSDataWay,
map.AddTBString(MethodAttr.DTSSpecFiels, null, "要同步的字段", true, false, 0, 300, 10, true);
map.AddBoolean(MethodAttr.DTSWhenFlowOver, false, "流程结束后同步?", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(MethodAttr.DTSWhenNodeOver, false, "节点发送成功后同步?", true, true, true);
#endregion (流程)相同字段数据同步方式.
map.AddTBInt(MethodAttr.IsEnable, 1, "是否启用?", true, true);
map.AddTBInt(MethodAttr.IsList, 0, "是否显示在列表?", true, false);
map.AddTBInt(MethodAttr.IsHavePara, 0, "是否含有参数?", true, false);
map.AddTBInt(MethodAttr.Idx, 0, "Idx", true, false);
this._enMap = map;
return this._enMap;
#region 移动.
public void DoUp()
this.DoOrderUp(MethodAttr.FrmID, this.FrmID, MethodAttr.Idx);
public void DoDown()
this.DoOrderDown(MethodAttr.FrmID, this.FrmID, MethodAttr.Idx);
#endregion 移动.
protected override bool beforeInsert()
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.No) == true)
this.No = DBAccess.GenerGUID();
return base.beforeInsert();
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法
/// </summary>
public class Methods : EntitiesNoName
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法
/// </summary>
public Methods() { }
/// <summary>
/// 实体方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeid">方法IDID</param>
public Methods(int nodeid)
QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this);
qo.AddWhere(MethodAttr.MethodID, nodeid);
/// <summary>
/// 得到它的 Entity
/// </summary>
public override Entity GetNewEntity
return new Method();
#region 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List.
/// <summary>
/// 转化成 java list,C#不能调用.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List</returns>
public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Method> ToJavaList()
return (System.Collections.Generic.IList<Method>)this;
/// <summary>
/// 转化成list
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List</returns>
public System.Collections.Generic.List<Method> Tolist()
System.Collections.Generic.List<Method> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Method>();
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
return list;
#endregion 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List.