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@NamelayuiAdmin Echarts集成
layui.use(['admin', 'carousel'], function(){
var $ = layui.$
,admin = layui.admin
,carousel = layui.carousel
,element = layui.element
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var othis = $(this);
elem: this
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,trigger: (device.ios || ? 'click' : 'hover'
layui.use(['carousel', 'echarts'], function(){
var $ = layui.$
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title : {
text: '未来一周气温变化',
subtext: '纯属虚构'
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trigger: 'axis'
legend: {
calculable : true,
xAxis : [
type : 'category',
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data : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日']
yAxis : [
type : 'value',
axisLabel : {
formatter: '{value} °C'
series : [
data:[11, 11, 15, 13, 12, 13, 10],
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markLine : {
data : [{type : 'average', name: '平均值'}]
data:[1, -2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 0],
markPoint : {
data : [{name : '周最低', value : -2, xAxis: 1, yAxis: -1.5}]
markLine : {
data : [{type : 'average', name : '平均值'}]
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var echheapline = [], heapline = [
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legend: {data:['邮件营销','联盟广告','视频广告','直接访问','搜索引擎']},
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type : 'category',
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data : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日']
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type : 'value'
series : [
stack: '总量',
data:[120, 132, 101, 134, 90, 230, 210]
stack: '总量',
data:[220, 182, 191, 234, 290, 330, 310]
stack: '总量',
data:[150, 232, 201, 154, 190, 330, 410]
stack: '总量',
data:[320, 332, 301, 334, 390, 330, 320]
stack: '总量',
data:[820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320]
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var echdiffline = [], diffline = [
title : {
text: '双数值轴折线',
subtext: '纯属虚构'
tooltip : {
trigger: 'axis',
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type : 'cross',
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type : 'dashed',
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formatter : function (params) {
return params.seriesName + ' : [ '+ params.value[0] + ', ' + params.value[1] + ' ]';
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type: 'value',
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{type : 'max', name: '最大值',symbol: 'emptyCircle', itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#dc143c',label:{position:'top'}}}},
{type : 'min', name: '最小值',symbol: 'emptyCircle', itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#dc143c',label:{position:'bottom'}}}},
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{type : 'max', name: '最大值', valueIndex: 0, symbol: 'emptyCircle', itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#1e90ff',label:{position:'right'}}}},
{type : 'min', name: '最小值', valueIndex: 0, symbol: 'emptyCircle', itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#1e90ff',label:{position:'left'}}}}
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data : [
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{type : 'average', name : '平均值', itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#dc143c'}}},
// 横轴
{type : 'max', name: '最大值', valueIndex: 0, itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#1e90ff'}}},
{type : 'min', name: '最小值', valueIndex: 0, itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#1e90ff'}}},
{type : 'average', name : '平均值', valueIndex: 0, itemStyle:{normal:{color:'#1e90ff'}}}
[1, 2], [2, 3], [4, 2], [7, 5], [11, 2], [18, 3]
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echdiffline[index] = echarts.init(elemdiffline[index], layui.echartsTheme);
window.onresize = echdiffline[index].resize;
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var echheaparea = [], heaparea = [
tooltip : {
trigger: 'axis'
legend: {
calculable : true,
xAxis : [
type : 'category',
boundaryGap : false,
data : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日']
yAxis : [
type : 'value'
series : [
stack: '总量',
itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}},
data:[120, 132, 101, 134, 90, 230, 210]
stack: '总量',
itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}},
data:[220, 182, 191, 234, 290, 330, 310]
stack: '总量',
itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}},
data:[150, 232, 201, 154, 190, 330, 410]
stack: '总量',
itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}},
data:[320, 332, 301, 334, 390, 330, 320]
stack: '总量',
itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}},
data:[820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320]
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var echarea = [], area = [
title : {
text: '雨量流量关系图',
x: 'center'
tooltip : {
trigger: 'axis',
formatter: function(params) {
return params[0].name + '<br/>' + params[0].seriesName + ' : ' + params[0].value + ' (m^3/s)<br/>'
+ params[1].seriesName + ' : ' + -params[1].value + ' (mm)';
legend: {
x: 'left'
dataZoom : {
show : true,
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end : 100
xAxis : [
type : 'category',
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axisLine: {onZero: false},
data : [
'2009/6/12 2:00', '2009/6/12 3:00', '2009/6/12 4:00', '2009/6/12 5:00', '2009/6/12 6:00', '2009/6/12 7:00', '2009/6/12 8:00', '2009/6/12 9:00', '2009/6/12 10:00', '2009/6/12 11:00', '2009/6/12 12:00', '2009/6/12 13:00', '2009/6/12 14:00', '2009/6/12 15:00', '2009/6/12 16:00', '2009/6/12 17:00', '2009/6/12 18:00', '2009/6/12 19:00', '2009/6/12 20:00', '2009/6/12 21:00', '2009/6/12 22:00', '2009/6/12 23:00',
'2009/6/13 0:00', '2009/6/13 1:00', '2009/6/13 2:00', '2009/6/13 3:00', '2009/6/13 4:00', '2009/6/13 5:00', '2009/6/13 6:00', '2009/6/13 7:00', '2009/6/13 8:00', '2009/6/13 9:00', '2009/6/13 10:00', '2009/6/13 11:00', '2009/6/13 12:00', '2009/6/13 13:00', '2009/6/13 14:00', '2009/6/13 15:00', '2009/6/13 16:00', '2009/6/13 17:00', '2009/6/13 18:00', '2009/6/13 19:00', '2009/6/13 20:00', '2009/6/13 21:00', '2009/6/13 22:00', '2009/6/13 23:00',
'2009/6/14 0:00', '2009/6/14 1:00', '2009/6/14 2:00', '2009/6/14 3:00', '2009/6/14 4:00', '2009/6/14 5:00', '2009/6/14 6:00', '2009/6/14 7:00', '2009/6/14 8:00', '2009/6/14 9:00', '2009/6/14 10:00', '2009/6/14 11:00', '2009/6/14 12:00', '2009/6/14 13:00', '2009/6/14 14:00', '2009/6/14 15:00', '2009/6/14 16:00', '2009/6/14 17:00', '2009/6/14 18:00', '2009/6/14 19:00', '2009/6/14 20:00', '2009/6/14 21:00', '2009/6/14 22:00', '2009/6/14 23:00',
'2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/15 1:00', '2009/6/15 2:00', '2009/6/15 3:00', '2009/6/15 4:00', '2009/6/15 5:00', '2009/6/15 6:00', '2009/6/15 7:00', '2009/6/15 8:00', '2009/6/15 9:00', '2009/6/15 10:00', '2009/6/15 11:00', '2009/6/15 12:00', '2009/6/15 13:00', '2009/6/15 14:00', '2009/6/15 15:00', '2009/6/15 16:00', '2009/6/15 17:00', '2009/6/15 18:00', '2009/6/15 19:00', '2009/6/15 20:00', '2009/6/15 21:00', '2009/6/15 22:00', '2009/6/15 23:00',
'2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/16 1:00', '2009/6/16 2:00', '2009/6/16 3:00', '2009/6/16 4:00', '2009/6/16 5:00', '2009/6/16 6:00', '2009/6/16 7:00', '2009/6/16 8:00', '2009/6/16 9:00', '2009/6/16 10:00', '2009/6/16 11:00', '2009/6/16 12:00', '2009/6/16 13:00', '2009/6/16 14:00', '2009/6/16 15:00', '2009/6/16 16:00', '2009/6/16 17:00', '2009/6/16 18:00', '2009/6/16 19:00', '2009/6/16 20:00', '2009/6/16 21:00', '2009/6/16 22:00', '2009/6/16 23:00',
'2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/17 1:00', '2009/6/17 2:00', '2009/6/17 3:00', '2009/6/17 4:00', '2009/6/17 5:00', '2009/6/17 6:00', '2009/6/17 7:00', '2009/6/17 8:00', '2009/6/17 9:00', '2009/6/17 10:00', '2009/6/17 11:00', '2009/6/17 12:00', '2009/6/17 13:00', '2009/6/17 14:00', '2009/6/17 15:00', '2009/6/17 16:00', '2009/6/17 17:00', '2009/6/17 18:00', '2009/6/17 19:00', '2009/6/17 20:00', '2009/6/17 21:00', '2009/6/17 22:00', '2009/6/17 23:00',
'2009/6/18 0:00', '2009/6/18 1:00', '2009/6/18 2:00', '2009/6/18 3:00', '2009/6/18 4:00', '2009/6/18 5:00', '2009/6/18 6:00', '2009/6/18 7:00', '2009/6/18 8:00', '2009/6/18 9:00', '2009/6/18 10:00', '2009/6/18 11:00', '2009/6/18 12:00', '2009/6/18 13:00', '2009/6/18 14:00', '2009/6/18 15:00', '2009/6/18 16:00', '2009/6/18 17:00', '2009/6/18 18:00', '2009/6/18 19:00', '2009/6/18 20:00', '2009/6/18 21:00', '2009/6/18 22:00', '2009/6/18 23:00',
'2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/19 1:00', '2009/6/19 2:00', '2009/6/19 3:00', '2009/6/19 4:00', '2009/6/19 5:00', '2009/6/19 6:00', '2009/6/19 7:00', '2009/6/19 8:00', '2009/6/19 9:00', '2009/6/19 10:00', '2009/6/19 11:00', '2009/6/19 12:00', '2009/6/19 13:00', '2009/6/19 14:00', '2009/6/19 15:00', '2009/6/19 16:00', '2009/6/19 17:00', '2009/6/19 18:00', '2009/6/19 19:00', '2009/6/19 20:00', '2009/6/19 21:00', '2009/6/19 22:00', '2009/6/19 23:00',
'2009/6/20 0:00', '2009/6/20 1:00', '2009/6/20 2:00', '2009/6/20 3:00', '2009/6/20 4:00', '2009/6/20 5:00', '2009/6/20 6:00', '2009/6/20 7:00', '2009/6/20 8:00', '2009/6/20 9:00', '2009/6/20 10:00', '2009/6/20 11:00', '2009/6/20 12:00', '2009/6/20 13:00', '2009/6/20 14:00', '2009/6/20 15:00', '2009/6/20 16:00', '2009/6/20 17:00', '2009/6/20 18:00', '2009/6/20 19:00', '2009/6/20 20:00', '2009/6/20 21:00', '2009/6/20 22:00', '2009/6/20 23:00',
'2009/6/21 0:00', '2009/6/21 1:00', '2009/6/21 2:00', '2009/6/21 3:00', '2009/6/21 4:00', '2009/6/21 5:00', '2009/6/21 6:00', '2009/6/21 7:00', '2009/6/21 8:00', '2009/6/21 9:00', '2009/6/21 10:00', '2009/6/21 11:00', '2009/6/21 12:00', '2009/6/21 13:00', '2009/6/21 14:00', '2009/6/21 15:00', '2009/6/21 16:00', '2009/6/21 17:00', '2009/6/21 18:00', '2009/6/21 19:00', '2009/6/21 20:00', '2009/6/21 21:00', '2009/6/21 22:00', '2009/6/21 23:00',
'2009/6/22 0:00', '2009/6/22 1:00', '2009/6/22 2:00', '2009/6/22 3:00', '2009/6/22 4:00', '2009/6/22 5:00', '2009/6/22 6:00', '2009/6/22 7:00', '2009/6/22 8:00', '2009/6/22 9:00', '2009/6/22 10:00', '2009/6/22 11:00', '2009/6/22 12:00', '2009/6/22 13:00', '2009/6/22 14:00', '2009/6/22 15:00', '2009/6/22 16:00', '2009/6/22 17:00', '2009/6/22 18:00', '2009/6/22 19:00', '2009/6/22 20:00', '2009/6/22 21:00', '2009/6/22 22:00', '2009/6/22 23:00',
'2009/6/23 0:00', '2009/6/23 1:00', '2009/6/23 2:00', '2009/6/23 3:00', '2009/6/23 4:00', '2009/6/23 5:00', '2009/6/23 6:00', '2009/6/23 7:00', '2009/6/23 8:00', '2009/6/23 9:00', '2009/6/23 10:00', '2009/6/23 11:00', '2009/6/23 12:00', '2009/6/23 13:00', '2009/6/23 14:00', '2009/6/23 15:00', '2009/6/23 16:00', '2009/6/23 17:00', '2009/6/23 18:00', '2009/6/23 19:00', '2009/6/23 20:00', '2009/6/23 21:00', '2009/6/23 22:00', '2009/6/23 23:00',
'2009/6/24 0:00', '2009/6/24 1:00', '2009/6/24 2:00', '2009/6/24 3:00', '2009/6/24 4:00', '2009/6/24 5:00', '2009/6/24 6:00', '2009/6/24 7:00', '2009/6/24 8:00', '2009/6/24 9:00', '2009/6/24 10:00', '2009/6/24 11:00', '2009/6/24 12:00', '2009/6/24 13:00', '2009/6/24 14:00', '2009/6/24 15:00', '2009/6/24 16:00', '2009/6/24 17:00', '2009/6/24 18:00', '2009/6/24 19:00', '2009/6/24 20:00', '2009/6/24 21:00', '2009/6/24 22:00', '2009/6/24 23:00',
'2009/6/25 0:00', '2009/6/25 1:00', '2009/6/25 2:00', '2009/6/25 3:00', '2009/6/25 4:00', '2009/6/25 5:00', '2009/6/25 6:00', '2009/6/25 7:00', '2009/6/25 8:00', '2009/6/25 9:00', '2009/6/25 10:00', '2009/6/25 11:00', '2009/6/25 12:00', '2009/6/25 13:00', '2009/6/25 14:00', '2009/6/25 15:00', '2009/6/25 16:00', '2009/6/25 17:00', '2009/6/25 18:00', '2009/6/25 19:00', '2009/6/25 20:00', '2009/6/25 21:00', '2009/6/25 22:00', '2009/6/25 23:00',
'2009/6/26 0:00', '2009/6/26 1:00', '2009/6/26 2:00', '2009/6/26 3:00', '2009/6/26 4:00', '2009/6/26 5:00', '2009/6/26 6:00', '2009/6/26 7:00', '2009/6/26 8:00', '2009/6/26 9:00', '2009/6/26 10:00', '2009/6/26 11:00', '2009/6/26 12:00', '2009/6/26 13:00', '2009/6/26 14:00', '2009/6/26 15:00', '2009/6/26 16:00', '2009/6/26 17:00', '2009/6/26 18:00', '2009/6/26 19:00', '2009/6/26 20:00', '2009/6/26 21:00', '2009/6/26 22:00', '2009/6/26 23:00',
'2009/6/27 0:00', '2009/6/27 1:00', '2009/6/27 2:00', '2009/6/27 3:00', '2009/6/27 4:00', '2009/6/27 5:00', '2009/6/27 6:00', '2009/6/27 7:00', '2009/6/27 8:00', '2009/6/27 9:00', '2009/6/27 10:00', '2009/6/27 11:00', '2009/6/27 12:00', '2009/6/27 13:00', '2009/6/27 14:00', '2009/6/27 15:00', '2009/6/27 16:00', '2009/6/27 17:00', '2009/6/27 18:00', '2009/6/27 19:00', '2009/6/27 20:00', '2009/6/27 21:00', '2009/6/27 22:00', '2009/6/27 23:00',
'2009/6/28 0:00', '2009/6/28 1:00', '2009/6/28 2:00', '2009/6/28 3:00', '2009/6/28 4:00', '2009/6/28 5:00', '2009/6/28 6:00', '2009/6/28 7:00', '2009/6/28 8:00', '2009/6/28 9:00', '2009/6/28 10:00', '2009/6/28 11:00', '2009/6/28 12:00', '2009/6/28 13:00', '2009/6/28 14:00', '2009/6/28 15:00', '2009/6/28 16:00', '2009/6/28 17:00', '2009/6/28 18:00', '2009/6/28 19:00', '2009/6/28 20:00', '2009/6/28 21:00', '2009/6/28 22:00', '2009/6/28 23:00',
'2009/6/29 0:00', '2009/6/29 1:00', '2009/6/29 2:00', '2009/6/29 3:00', '2009/6/29 4:00', '2009/6/29 5:00', '2009/6/29 6:00', '2009/6/29 7:00', '2009/6/29 8:00', '2009/6/29 9:00', '2009/6/29 10:00', '2009/6/29 11:00', '2009/6/29 12:00', '2009/6/29 13:00', '2009/6/29 14:00', '2009/6/29 15:00', '2009/6/29 16:00', '2009/6/29 17:00', '2009/6/29 18:00', '2009/6/29 19:00', '2009/6/29 20:00', '2009/6/29 21:00', '2009/6/29 22:00', '2009/6/29 23:00',
'2009/6/30 0:00', '2009/6/30 1:00', '2009/6/30 2:00', '2009/6/30 3:00', '2009/6/30 4:00', '2009/6/30 5:00', '2009/6/30 6:00', '2009/6/30 7:00', '2009/6/30 8:00', '2009/6/30 9:00', '2009/6/30 10:00', '2009/6/30 11:00', '2009/6/30 12:00', '2009/6/30 13:00', '2009/6/30 14:00', '2009/6/30 15:00', '2009/6/30 16:00', '2009/6/30 17:00', '2009/6/30 18:00', '2009/6/30 19:00', '2009/6/30 20:00', '2009/6/30 21:00', '2009/6/30 22:00', '2009/6/30 23:00',
'2009/7/1 0:00', '2009/7/1 1:00', '2009/7/1 2:00', '2009/7/1 3:00', '2009/7/1 4:00', '2009/7/1 5:00', '2009/7/1 6:00', '2009/7/1 7:00', '2009/7/1 8:00', '2009/7/1 9:00', '2009/7/1 10:00', '2009/7/1 11:00', '2009/7/1 12:00', '2009/7/1 13:00', '2009/7/1 14:00', '2009/7/1 15:00', '2009/7/1 16:00', '2009/7/1 17:00', '2009/7/1 18:00', '2009/7/1 19:00', '2009/7/1 20:00', '2009/7/1 21:00', '2009/7/1 22:00', '2009/7/1 23:00',
'2009/7/2 0:00', '2009/7/2 1:00', '2009/7/2 2:00', '2009/7/2 3:00', '2009/7/2 4:00', '2009/7/2 5:00', '2009/7/2 6:00', '2009/7/2 7:00', '2009/7/2 8:00', '2009/7/2 9:00', '2009/7/2 10:00', '2009/7/2 11:00', '2009/7/2 12:00', '2009/7/2 13:00', '2009/7/2 14:00', '2009/7/2 15:00', '2009/7/2 16:00', '2009/7/2 17:00', '2009/7/2 18:00', '2009/7/2 19:00', '2009/7/2 20:00', '2009/7/2 21:00', '2009/7/2 22:00', '2009/7/2 23:00',
'2009/7/3 0:00', '2009/7/3 1:00', '2009/7/3 2:00', '2009/7/3 3:00', '2009/7/3 4:00', '2009/7/3 5:00', '2009/7/3 6:00', '2009/7/3 7:00', '2009/7/3 8:00', '2009/7/3 9:00', '2009/7/3 10:00', '2009/7/3 11:00', '2009/7/3 12:00', '2009/7/3 13:00', '2009/7/3 14:00', '2009/7/3 15:00', '2009/7/3 16:00', '2009/7/3 17:00', '2009/7/3 18:00', '2009/7/3 19:00', '2009/7/3 20:00', '2009/7/3 21:00', '2009/7/3 22:00', '2009/7/3 23:00',
'2009/7/4 0:00', '2009/7/4 1:00', '2009/7/4 2:00', '2009/7/4 3:00', '2009/7/4 4:00', '2009/7/4 5:00', '2009/7/4 6:00', '2009/7/4 7:00', '2009/7/4 8:00', '2009/7/4 9:00', '2009/7/4 10:00', '2009/7/4 11:00', '2009/7/4 12:00', '2009/7/4 13:00', '2009/7/4 14:00', '2009/7/4 15:00', '2009/7/4 16:00', '2009/7/4 17:00', '2009/7/4 18:00', '2009/7/4 19:00', '2009/7/4 20:00', '2009/7/4 21:00', '2009/7/4 22:00', '2009/7/4 23:00',
'2009/7/5 0:00', '2009/7/5 1:00', '2009/7/5 2:00', '2009/7/5 3:00', '2009/7/5 4:00', '2009/7/5 5:00', '2009/7/5 6:00', '2009/7/5 7:00', '2009/7/5 8:00', '2009/7/5 9:00', '2009/7/5 10:00', '2009/7/5 11:00', '2009/7/5 12:00', '2009/7/5 13:00', '2009/7/5 14:00', '2009/7/5 15:00', '2009/7/5 16:00', '2009/7/5 17:00', '2009/7/5 18:00', '2009/7/5 19:00', '2009/7/5 20:00', '2009/7/5 21:00', '2009/7/5 22:00', '2009/7/5 23:00',
'2009/7/6 0:00', '2009/7/6 1:00', '2009/7/6 2:00', '2009/7/6 3:00', '2009/7/6 4:00', '2009/7/6 5:00', '2009/7/6 6:00', '2009/7/6 7:00', '2009/7/6 8:00', '2009/7/6 9:00', '2009/7/6 10:00', '2009/7/6 11:00', '2009/7/6 12:00', '2009/7/6 13:00', '2009/7/6 14:00', '2009/7/6 15:00', '2009/7/6 16:00', '2009/7/6 17:00', '2009/7/6 18:00', '2009/7/6 19:00', '2009/7/6 20:00', '2009/7/6 21:00', '2009/7/6 22:00', '2009/7/6 23:00',
'2009/7/7 0:00', '2009/7/7 1:00', '2009/7/7 2:00', '2009/7/7 3:00', '2009/7/7 4:00', '2009/7/7 5:00', '2009/7/7 6:00', '2009/7/7 7:00', '2009/7/7 8:00', '2009/7/7 9:00', '2009/7/7 10:00', '2009/7/7 11:00', '2009/7/7 12:00', '2009/7/7 13:00', '2009/7/7 14:00', '2009/7/7 15:00', '2009/7/7 16:00', '2009/7/7 17:00', '2009/7/7 18:00', '2009/7/7 19:00', '2009/7/7 20:00', '2009/7/7 21:00', '2009/7/7 22:00', '2009/7/7 23:00',
'2009/7/8 0:00', '2009/7/8 1:00', '2009/7/8 2:00', '2009/7/8 3:00', '2009/7/8 4:00', '2009/7/8 5:00', '2009/7/8 6:00', '2009/7/8 7:00', '2009/7/8 8:00', '2009/7/8 9:00', '2009/7/8 10:00', '2009/7/8 11:00', '2009/7/8 12:00', '2009/7/8 13:00', '2009/7/8 14:00', '2009/7/8 15:00', '2009/7/8 16:00', '2009/7/8 17:00', '2009/7/8 18:00', '2009/7/8 19:00', '2009/7/8 20:00', '2009/7/8 21:00', '2009/7/8 22:00', '2009/7/8 23:00',
'2009/7/9 0:00', '2009/7/9 1:00', '2009/7/9 2:00', '2009/7/9 3:00', '2009/7/9 4:00', '2009/7/9 5:00', '2009/7/9 6:00', '2009/7/9 7:00', '2009/7/9 8:00', '2009/7/9 9:00', '2009/7/9 10:00', '2009/7/9 11:00', '2009/7/9 12:00', '2009/7/9 13:00', '2009/7/9 14:00', '2009/7/9 15:00', '2009/7/9 16:00', '2009/7/9 17:00', '2009/7/9 18:00', '2009/7/9 19:00', '2009/7/9 20:00', '2009/7/9 21:00', '2009/7/9 22:00', '2009/7/9 23:00',
'2009/7/10 0:00', '2009/7/10 1:00', '2009/7/10 2:00', '2009/7/10 3:00', '2009/7/10 4:00', '2009/7/10 5:00', '2009/7/10 6:00', '2009/7/10 7:00', '2009/7/10 8:00', '2009/7/10 9:00', '2009/7/10 10:00', '2009/7/10 11:00', '2009/7/10 12:00', '2009/7/10 13:00', '2009/7/10 14:00', '2009/7/10 15:00', '2009/7/10 16:00', '2009/7/10 17:00', '2009/7/10 18:00', '2009/7/10 19:00', '2009/7/10 20:00', '2009/7/10 21:00', '2009/7/10 22:00', '2009/7/10 23:00',
'2009/7/11 0:00', '2009/7/11 1:00', '2009/7/11 2:00', '2009/7/11 3:00', '2009/7/11 4:00', '2009/7/11 5:00', '2009/7/11 6:00', '2009/7/11 7:00', '2009/7/11 8:00', '2009/7/11 9:00', '2009/7/11 10:00', '2009/7/11 11:00', '2009/7/11 12:00', '2009/7/11 13:00', '2009/7/11 14:00', '2009/7/11 15:00', '2009/7/11 16:00', '2009/7/11 17:00', '2009/7/11 18:00', '2009/7/11 19:00', '2009/7/11 20:00', '2009/7/11 21:00', '2009/7/11 22:00', '2009/7/11 23:00',
'2009/7/12 0:00', '2009/7/12 1:00', '2009/7/12 2:00', '2009/7/12 3:00', '2009/7/12 4:00', '2009/7/12 5:00', '2009/7/12 6:00', '2009/7/12 7:00', '2009/7/12 8:00', '2009/7/12 9:00', '2009/7/12 10:00', '2009/7/12 11:00', '2009/7/12 12:00', '2009/7/12 13:00', '2009/7/12 14:00', '2009/7/12 15:00', '2009/7/12 16:00', '2009/7/12 17:00', '2009/7/12 18:00', '2009/7/12 19:00', '2009/7/12 20:00', '2009/7/12 21:00', '2009/7/12 22:00', '2009/7/12 23:00',
'2009/7/13 0:00', '2009/7/13 1:00', '2009/7/13 2:00', '2009/7/13 3:00', '2009/7/13 4:00', '2009/7/13 5:00', '2009/7/13 6:00', '2009/7/13 7:00', '2009/7/13 8:00', '2009/7/13 9:00', '2009/7/13 10:00', '2009/7/13 11:00', '2009/7/13 12:00', '2009/7/13 13:00', '2009/7/13 14:00', '2009/7/13 15:00', '2009/7/13 16:00', '2009/7/13 17:00', '2009/7/13 18:00', '2009/7/13 19:00', '2009/7/13 20:00', '2009/7/13 21:00', '2009/7/13 22:00', '2009/7/13 23:00',
'2009/7/14 0:00', '2009/7/14 1:00', '2009/7/14 2:00', '2009/7/14 3:00', '2009/7/14 4:00', '2009/7/14 5:00', '2009/7/14 6:00', '2009/7/14 7:00', '2009/7/14 8:00', '2009/7/14 9:00', '2009/7/14 10:00', '2009/7/14 11:00', '2009/7/14 12:00', '2009/7/14 13:00', '2009/7/14 14:00', '2009/7/14 15:00', '2009/7/14 16:00', '2009/7/14 17:00', '2009/7/14 18:00', '2009/7/14 19:00', '2009/7/14 20:00', '2009/7/14 21:00', '2009/7/14 22:00', '2009/7/14 23:00',
'2009/7/15 0:00', '2009/7/15 1:00', '2009/7/15 2:00', '2009/7/15 3:00', '2009/7/15 4:00', '2009/7/15 5:00', '2009/7/15 6:00', '2009/7/15 7:00', '2009/7/15 8:00', '2009/7/15 9:00', '2009/7/15 10:00', '2009/7/15 11:00', '2009/7/15 12:00', '2009/7/15 13:00', '2009/7/15 14:00', '2009/7/15 15:00', '2009/7/15 16:00', '2009/7/15 17:00', '2009/7/15 18:00', '2009/7/15 19:00', '2009/7/15 20:00', '2009/7/15 21:00', '2009/7/15 22:00', '2009/7/15 23:00',
'2009/7/16 0:00', '2009/7/16 1:00', '2009/7/16 2:00', '2009/7/16 3:00', '2009/7/16 4:00', '2009/7/16 5:00', '2009/7/16 6:00', '2009/7/16 7:00', '2009/7/16 8:00', '2009/7/16 9:00', '2009/7/16 10:00', '2009/7/16 11:00', '2009/7/16 12:00', '2009/7/16 13:00', '2009/7/16 14:00', '2009/7/16 15:00', '2009/7/16 16:00', '2009/7/16 17:00', '2009/7/16 18:00', '2009/7/16 19:00', '2009/7/16 20:00', '2009/7/16 21:00', '2009/7/16 22:00', '2009/7/16 23:00',
'2009/7/17 0:00', '2009/7/17 1:00', '2009/7/17 2:00', '2009/7/17 3:00', '2009/7/17 4:00', '2009/7/17 5:00', '2009/7/17 6:00', '2009/7/17 7:00', '2009/7/17 8:00', '2009/7/17 9:00', '2009/7/17 10:00', '2009/7/17 11:00', '2009/7/17 12:00', '2009/7/17 13:00', '2009/7/17 14:00', '2009/7/17 15:00', '2009/7/17 16:00', '2009/7/17 17:00', '2009/7/17 18:00', '2009/7/17 19:00', '2009/7/17 20:00', '2009/7/17 21:00', '2009/7/17 22:00', '2009/7/17 23:00',
'2009/7/18 0:00', '2009/7/18 1:00', '2009/7/18 2:00', '2009/7/18 3:00', '2009/7/18 4:00', '2009/7/18 5:00', '2009/7/18 6:00', '2009/7/18 7:00', '2009/7/18 8:00', '2009/7/18 9:00', '2009/7/18 10:00', '2009/7/18 11:00', '2009/7/18 12:00', '2009/7/18 13:00', '2009/7/18 14:00', '2009/7/18 15:00', '2009/7/18 16:00', '2009/7/18 17:00', '2009/7/18 18:00', '2009/7/18 19:00', '2009/7/18 20:00', '2009/7/18 21:00', '2009/7/18 22:00', '2009/7/18 23:00',
'2009/7/19 0:00', '2009/7/19 1:00', '2009/7/19 2:00', '2009/7/19 3:00', '2009/7/19 4:00', '2009/7/19 5:00', '2009/7/19 6:00', '2009/7/19 7:00', '2009/7/19 8:00', '2009/7/19 9:00', '2009/7/19 10:00', '2009/7/19 11:00', '2009/7/19 12:00', '2009/7/19 13:00', '2009/7/19 14:00', '2009/7/19 15:00', '2009/7/19 16:00', '2009/7/19 17:00', '2009/7/19 18:00', '2009/7/19 19:00', '2009/7/19 20:00', '2009/7/19 21:00', '2009/7/19 22:00', '2009/7/19 23:00',
'2009/7/20 0:00', '2009/7/20 1:00', '2009/7/20 2:00', '2009/7/20 3:00', '2009/7/20 4:00', '2009/7/20 5:00', '2009/7/20 6:00', '2009/7/20 7:00', '2009/7/20 8:00', '2009/7/20 9:00', '2009/7/20 10:00', '2009/7/20 11:00', '2009/7/20 12:00', '2009/7/20 13:00', '2009/7/20 14:00', '2009/7/20 15:00', '2009/7/20 16:00', '2009/7/20 17:00', '2009/7/20 18:00', '2009/7/20 19:00', '2009/7/20 20:00', '2009/7/20 21:00', '2009/7/20 22:00', '2009/7/20 23:00',
'2009/7/21 0:00', '2009/7/21 1:00', '2009/7/21 2:00', '2009/7/21 3:00', '2009/7/21 4:00', '2009/7/21 5:00', '2009/7/21 6:00', '2009/7/21 7:00', '2009/7/21 8:00', '2009/7/21 9:00', '2009/7/21 10:00', '2009/7/21 11:00', '2009/7/21 12:00', '2009/7/21 13:00', '2009/7/21 14:00', '2009/7/21 15:00', '2009/7/21 16:00', '2009/7/21 17:00', '2009/7/21 18:00', '2009/7/21 19:00', '2009/7/21 20:00', '2009/7/21 21:00', '2009/7/21 22:00', '2009/7/21 23:00',
'2009/7/22 0:00', '2009/7/22 1:00', '2009/7/22 2:00', '2009/7/22 3:00', '2009/7/22 4:00', '2009/7/22 5:00', '2009/7/22 6:00', '2009/7/22 7:00', '2009/7/22 8:00', '2009/7/22 9:00', '2009/7/22 10:00', '2009/7/22 11:00', '2009/7/22 12:00', '2009/7/22 13:00', '2009/7/22 14:00', '2009/7/22 15:00', '2009/7/22 16:00', '2009/7/22 17:00', '2009/7/22 18:00', '2009/7/22 19:00', '2009/7/22 20:00', '2009/7/22 21:00', '2009/7/22 22:00', '2009/7/22 23:00',
'2009/7/23 0:00', '2009/7/23 1:00', '2009/7/23 2:00', '2009/7/23 3:00', '2009/7/23 4:00', '2009/7/23 5:00', '2009/7/23 6:00', '2009/7/23 7:00', '2009/7/23 8:00', '2009/7/23 9:00', '2009/7/23 10:00', '2009/7/23 11:00', '2009/7/23 12:00', '2009/7/23 13:00', '2009/7/23 14:00', '2009/7/23 15:00', '2009/7/23 16:00', '2009/7/23 17:00', '2009/7/23 18:00', '2009/7/23 19:00', '2009/7/23 20:00', '2009/7/23 21:00', '2009/7/23 22:00', '2009/7/23 23:00',
'2009/7/24 0:00', '2009/7/24 1:00', '2009/7/24 2:00', '2009/7/24 3:00', '2009/7/24 4:00', '2009/7/24 5:00', '2009/7/24 6:00', '2009/7/24 7:00', '2009/7/24 8:00', '2009/7/24 9:00', '2009/7/24 10:00', '2009/7/24 11:00', '2009/7/24 12:00', '2009/7/24 13:00', '2009/7/24 14:00', '2009/7/24 15:00', '2009/7/24 16:00', '2009/7/24 17:00', '2009/7/24 18:00', '2009/7/24 19:00', '2009/7/24 20:00', '2009/7/24 21:00', '2009/7/24 22:00', '2009/7/24 23:00',
'2009/7/25 0:00', '2009/7/25 1:00', '2009/7/25 2:00', '2009/7/25 3:00', '2009/7/25 4:00', '2009/7/25 5:00', '2009/7/25 6:00', '2009/7/25 7:00', '2009/7/25 8:00', '2009/7/25 9:00', '2009/7/25 10:00', '2009/7/25 11:00', '2009/7/25 12:00', '2009/7/25 13:00', '2009/7/25 14:00', '2009/7/25 15:00', '2009/7/25 16:00', '2009/7/25 17:00', '2009/7/25 18:00', '2009/7/25 19:00', '2009/7/25 20:00', '2009/7/25 21:00', '2009/7/25 22:00', '2009/7/25 23:00',
'2009/7/26 0:00', '2009/7/26 1:00', '2009/7/26 2:00', '2009/7/26 3:00', '2009/7/26 4:00', '2009/7/26 5:00', '2009/7/26 6:00', '2009/7/26 7:00', '2009/7/26 8:00', '2009/7/26 9:00', '2009/7/26 10:00', '2009/7/26 11:00', '2009/7/26 12:00', '2009/7/26 13:00', '2009/7/26 14:00', '2009/7/26 15:00', '2009/7/26 16:00', '2009/7/26 17:00', '2009/7/26 18:00', '2009/7/26 19:00', '2009/7/26 20:00', '2009/7/26 21:00', '2009/7/26 22:00', '2009/7/26 23:00',
'2009/7/27 0:00', '2009/7/27 1:00', '2009/7/27 2:00', '2009/7/27 3:00', '2009/7/27 4:00', '2009/7/27 5:00', '2009/7/27 6:00', '2009/7/27 7:00', '2009/7/27 8:00', '2009/7/27 9:00', '2009/7/27 10:00', '2009/7/27 11:00', '2009/7/27 12:00', '2009/7/27 13:00', '2009/7/27 14:00', '2009/7/27 15:00', '2009/7/27 16:00', '2009/7/27 17:00', '2009/7/27 18:00', '2009/7/27 19:00', '2009/7/27 20:00', '2009/7/27 21:00', '2009/7/27 22:00', '2009/7/27 23:00',
'2009/7/28 0:00', '2009/7/28 1:00', '2009/7/28 2:00', '2009/7/28 3:00', '2009/7/28 4:00', '2009/7/28 5:00', '2009/7/28 6:00', '2009/7/28 7:00', '2009/7/28 8:00', '2009/7/28 9:00', '2009/7/28 10:00', '2009/7/28 11:00', '2009/7/28 12:00', '2009/7/28 13:00', '2009/7/28 14:00', '2009/7/28 15:00', '2009/7/28 16:00', '2009/7/28 17:00', '2009/7/28 18:00', '2009/7/28 19:00', '2009/7/28 20:00', '2009/7/28 21:00', '2009/7/28 22:00', '2009/7/28 23:00',
'2009/7/29 0:00', '2009/7/29 1:00', '2009/7/29 2:00', '2009/7/29 3:00', '2009/7/29 4:00', '2009/7/29 5:00', '2009/7/29 6:00', '2009/7/29 7:00', '2009/7/29 8:00', '2009/7/29 9:00', '2009/7/29 10:00', '2009/7/29 11:00', '2009/7/29 12:00', '2009/7/29 13:00', '2009/7/29 14:00', '2009/7/29 15:00', '2009/7/29 16:00', '2009/7/29 17:00', '2009/7/29 18:00', '2009/7/29 19:00', '2009/7/29 20:00', '2009/7/29 21:00', '2009/7/29 22:00', '2009/7/29 23:00',
'2009/7/30 0:00', '2009/7/30 1:00', '2009/7/30 2:00', '2009/7/30 3:00', '2009/7/30 4:00', '2009/7/30 5:00', '2009/7/30 6:00', '2009/7/30 7:00', '2009/7/30 8:00', '2009/7/30 9:00', '2009/7/30 10:00', '2009/7/30 11:00', '2009/7/30 12:00', '2009/7/30 13:00', '2009/7/30 14:00', '2009/7/30 15:00', '2009/7/30 16:00', '2009/7/30 17:00', '2009/7/30 18:00', '2009/7/30 19:00', '2009/7/30 20:00', '2009/7/30 21:00', '2009/7/30 22:00', '2009/7/30 23:00',
'2009/7/31 0:00', '2009/7/31 1:00', '2009/7/31 2:00', '2009/7/31 3:00', '2009/7/31 4:00', '2009/7/31 5:00', '2009/7/31 6:00', '2009/7/31 7:00', '2009/7/31 8:00', '2009/7/31 9:00', '2009/7/31 10:00', '2009/7/31 11:00', '2009/7/31 12:00', '2009/7/31 13:00', '2009/7/31 14:00', '2009/7/31 15:00', '2009/7/31 16:00', '2009/7/31 17:00', '2009/7/31 18:00', '2009/7/31 19:00', '2009/7/31 20:00', '2009/7/31 21:00', '2009/7/31 22:00', '2009/7/31 23:00',
'2009/8/1 0:00', '2009/8/1 1:00', '2009/8/1 2:00', '2009/8/1 3:00', '2009/8/1 4:00', '2009/8/1 5:00', '2009/8/1 6:00', '2009/8/1 7:00', '2009/8/1 8:00', '2009/8/1 9:00', '2009/8/1 10:00', '2009/8/1 11:00', '2009/8/1 12:00', '2009/8/1 13:00', '2009/8/1 14:00', '2009/8/1 15:00', '2009/8/1 16:00', '2009/8/1 17:00', '2009/8/1 18:00', '2009/8/1 19:00', '2009/8/1 20:00', '2009/8/1 21:00', '2009/8/1 22:00', '2009/8/1 23:00', '2009/8/2 0:00', '2009/8/2 1:00', '2009/8/2 2:00', '2009/8/2 3:00', '2009/8/2 4:00', '2009/8/2 5:00', '2009/8/2 6:00', '2009/8/2 7:00', '2009/8/2 8:00', '2009/8/2 9:00', '2009/8/2 10:00', '2009/8/2 11:00', '2009/8/2 12:00', '2009/8/2 13:00', '2009/8/2 14:00', '2009/8/2 15:00', '2009/8/2 16:00', '2009/8/2 17:00', '2009/8/2 18:00', '2009/8/2 19:00', '2009/8/2 20:00', '2009/8/2 21:00', '2009/8/2 22:00', '2009/8/2 23:00', '2009/8/3 0:00', '2009/8/3 1:00', '2009/8/3 2:00', '2009/8/3 3:00', '2009/8/3 4:00', '2009/8/3 5:00', '2009/8/3 6:00', '2009/8/3 7:00', '2009/8/3 8:00', '2009/8/3 9:00', '2009/8/3 10:00', '2009/8/3 11:00', '2009/8/3 12:00', '2009/8/3 13:00', '2009/8/3 14:00', '2009/8/3 15:00', '2009/8/3 16:00', '2009/8/3 17:00', '2009/8/3 18:00', '2009/8/3 19:00', '2009/8/3 20:00', '2009/8/3 21:00', '2009/8/3 22:00', '2009/8/3 23:00', '2009/8/4 0:00', '2009/8/4 1:00', '2009/8/4 2:00', '2009/8/4 3:00', '2009/8/4 4:00', '2009/8/4 5:00', '2009/8/4 6:00', '2009/8/4 7:00', '2009/8/4 8:00', '2009/8/4 9:00', '2009/8/4 10:00', '2009/8/4 11:00', '2009/8/4 12:00', '2009/8/4 13:00', '2009/8/4 14:00', '2009/8/4 15:00', '2009/8/4 16:00', '2009/8/4 17:00', '2009/8/4 18:00', '2009/8/4 19:00', '2009/8/4 20:00', '2009/8/4 21:00', '2009/8/4 22:00', '2009/8/4 23:00', '2009/8/5 0:00', '2009/8/5 1:00', '2009/8/5 2:00', '2009/8/5 3:00', '2009/8/5 4:00', '2009/8/5 5:00', '2009/8/5 6:00', '2009/8/5 7:00', '2009/8/5 8:00', '2009/8/5 9:00', '2009/8/5 10:00', '2009/8/5 11:00', '2009/8/5 12:00', '2009/8/5 13:00', '2009/8/5 14:00', '2009/8/5 15:00', '2009/8/5 16:00', '2009/8/5 17:00', '2009/8/5 18:00', '2009/8/5 19:00', '2009/8/5 20:00', '2009/8/5 21:00', '2009/8/5 22:00', '2009/8/5 23:00', '2009/8/6 0:00', '2009/8/6 1:00', '2009/8/6 2:00', '2009/8/6 3:00', '2009/8/6 4:00', '2009/8/6 5:00', '2009/8/6 6:00', '2009/8/6 7:00', '2009/8/6 8:00', '2009/8/6 9:00', '2009/8/6 10:00', '2009/8/6 11:00', '2009/8/6 12:00', '2009/8/6 13:00', '2009/8/6 14:00', '2009/8/6 15:00', '2009/8/6 16:00', '2009/8/6 17:00', '2009/8/6 18:00', '2009/8/6 19:00', '2009/8/6 20:00', '2009/8/6 21:00', '2009/8/6 22:00', '2009/8/6 23:00', '2009/8/7 0:00', '2009/8/7 1:00', '2009/8/7 2:00', '2009/8/7 3:00', '2009/8/7 4:00', '2009/8/7 5:00', '2009/8/7 6:00', '2009/8/7 7:00', '2009/8/7 8:00', '2009/8/7 9:00', '2009/8/7 10:00', '2009/8/7 11:00', '2009/8/7 12:00', '2009/8/7 13:00', '2009/8/7 14:00', '2009/8/7 15:00', '2009/8/7 16:00', '2009/8/7 17:00', '2009/8/7 18:00', '2009/8/7 19:00', '2009/8/7 20:00', '2009/8/7 21:00', '2009/8/7 22:00', '2009/8/7 23:00', '2009/8/8 0:00', '2009/8/8 1:00', '2009/8/8 2:00', '2009/8/8 3:00', '2009/8/8 4:00', '2009/8/8 5:00', '2009/8/8 6:00', '2009/8/8 7:00', '2009/8/8 8:00', '2009/8/8 9:00', '2009/8/8 10:00', '2009/8/8 11:00', '2009/8/8 12:00', '2009/8/8 13:00', '2009/8/8 14:00', '2009/8/8 15:00', '2009/8/8 16:00', '2009/8/8 17:00', '2009/8/8 18:00', '2009/8/8 19:00', '2009/8/8 20:00', '2009/8/8 21:00', '2009/8/8 22:00', '2009/8/8 23:00', '2009/8/9 0:00', '2009/8/9 1:00', '2009/8/9 2:00', '2009/8/9 3:00', '2009/8/9 4:00', '2009/8/9 5:00', '2009/8/9 6:00', '2009/8/9 7:00', '2009/8/9 8:00', '2009/8/9 9:00', '2009/8/9 10:00', '2009/8/9 11:00', '2009/8/9 12:00', '2009/8/9 13:00', '2009/8/9 14:00', '2009/8/9 15:00', '2009/8/9 16:00', '2009/8/9 17:00', '2009/8/9 18:00', '2009/8/9 19:00', '2009/8/9 20:00', '2009/8/9 21:00', '2009/8/9 22:00', '2009/8/9 23:00', '2009/8/10 0:00', '2009/8/10 1:00', '2009/8/10 2:00', '2009/8/10 3:00', '2009/8/10 4:00', '2009/8/10 5:00', '2009/8/10 6:00', '2009/8/10 7:00', '2009/8/10 8:00', '2009/8/10 9:00', '2009/8/10 10:00', '2009/8/10 11:00', '2009/8/10 12:00', '2009/8/10 13:00', '2009/8/10 14:00', '2009/8/10 15:00', '2009/8/10 16:00', '2009/8/10 17:00', '2009/8/10 18:00', '2009/8/10 19:00', '2009/8/10 20:00', '2009/8/10 21:00', '2009/8/10 22:00', '2009/8/10 23:00', '2009/8/11 0:00', '2009/8/11 1:00', '2009/8/11 2:00', '2009/8/11 3:00', '2009/8/11 4:00', '2009/8/11 5:00', '2009/8/11 6:00', '2009/8/11 7:00', '2009/8/11 8:00', '2009/8/11 9:00', '2009/8/11 10:00', '2009/8/11 11:00', '2009/8/11 12:00', '2009/8/11 13:00', '2009/8/11 14:00', '2009/8/11 15:00', '2009/8/11 16:00', '2009/8/11 17:00', '2009/8/11 18:00', '2009/8/11 19:00', '2009/8/11 20:00', '2009/8/11 21:00', '2009/8/11 22:00', '2009/8/11 23:00', '2009/8/12 0:00', '2009/8/12 1:00', '2009/8/12 2:00', '2009/8/12 3:00', '2009/8/12 4:00', '2009/8/12 5:00', '2009/8/12 6:00', '2009/8/12 7:00', '2009/8/12 8:00', '2009/8/12 9:00', '2009/8/12 10:00', '2009/8/12 11:00', '2009/8/12 12:00', '2009/8/12 13:00', '2009/8/12 14:00', '2009/8/12 15:00', '2009/8/12 16:00', '2009/8/12 17:00', '2009/8/12 18:00', '2009/8/12 19:00', '2009/8/12 20:00', '2009/8/12 21:00', '2009/8/12 22:00', '2009/8/12 23:00', '2009/8/13 0:00', '2009/8/13 1:00', '2009/8/13 2:00', '2009/8/13 3:00', '2009/8/13 4:00', '2009/8/13 5:00', '2009/8/13 6:00', '2009/8/13 7:00', '2009/8/13 8:00', '2009/8/13 9:00', '2009/8/13 10:00', '2009/8/13 11:00', '2009/8/13 12:00', '2009/8/13 13:00', '2009/8/13 14:00', '2009/8/13 15:00', '2009/8/13 16:00', '2009/8/13 17:00', '2009/8/13 18:00', '2009/8/13 19:00', '2009/8/13 20:00', '2009/8/13 21:00', '2009/8/13 22:00', '2009/8/13 23:00', '2009/8/14 0:00', '2009/8/14 1:00', '2009/8/14 2:00', '2009/8/14 3:00', '2009/8/14 4:00', '2009/8/14 5:00', '2009/8/14 6:00', '2009/8/14 7:00', '2009/8/14 8:00', '2009/8/14 9:00', '2009/8/14 10:00', '2009/8/14 11:00', '2009/8/14 12:00', '2009/8/14 13:00', '2009/8/14 14:00', '2009/8/14 15:00', '2009/8/14 16:00', '2009/8/14 17:00', '2009/8/14 18:00', '2009/8/14 19:00', '2009/8/14 20:00', '2009/8/14 21:00', '2009/8/14 22:00', '2009/8/14 23:00', '2009/8/15 0:00', '2009/8/15 1:00', '2009/8/15 2:00', '2009/8/15 3:00', '2009/8/15 4:00', '2009/8/15 5:00', '2009/8/15 6:00', '2009/8/15 7:00', '2009/8/15 8:00', '2009/8/15 9:00', '2009/8/15 10:00', '2009/8/15 11:00', '2009/8/15 12:00', '2009/8/15 13:00', '2009/8/15 14:00', '2009/8/15 15:00', '2009/8/15 16:00', '2009/8/15 17:00', '2009/8/15 18:00', '2009/8/15 19:00', '2009/8/15 20:00', '2009/8/15 21:00', '2009/8/15 22:00', '2009/8/15 23:00', '2009/8/16 0:00', '2009/8/16 1:00', '2009/8/16 2:00', '2009/8/16 3:00', '2009/8/16 4:00', '2009/8/16 5:00', '2009/8/16 6:00', '2009/8/16 7:00', '2009/8/16 8:00', '2009/8/16 9:00', '2009/8/16 10:00', '2009/8/16 11:00', '2009/8/16 12:00', '2009/8/16 13:00', '2009/8/16 14:00', '2009/8/16 15:00', '2009/8/16 16:00', '2009/8/16 17:00', '2009/8/16 18:00', '2009/8/16 19:00', '2009/8/16 20:00', '2009/8/16 21:00', '2009/8/16 22:00', '2009/8/16 23:00', '2009/8/17 0:00', '2009/8/17 1:00', '2009/8/17 2:00', '2009/8/17 3:00', '2009/8/17 4:00', '2009/8/17 5:00', '2009/8/17 6:00', '2009/8/17 7:00', '2009/8/17 8:00', '2009/8/17 9:00', '2009/8/17 10:00', '2009/8/17 11:00', '2009/8/17 12:00', '2009/8/17 13:00', '2009/8/17 14:00', '2009/8/17 15:00', '2009/8/17 16:00', '2009/8/17 17:00', '2009/8/17 18:00', '2009/8/17 19:00', '2009/8/17 20:00', '2009/8/17 21:00', '2009/8/17 22:00', '2009/8/17 23:00', '2009/8/18 0:00', '2009/8/18 1:00', '2009/8/18 2:00', '2009/8/18 3:00', '2009/8/18 4:00', '2009/8/18 5:00', '2009/8/18 6:00', '2009/8/18 7:00', '2009/8/18 8:00', '2009/8/18 9:00', '2009/8/18 10:00', '2009/8/18 11:00', '2009/8/18 12:00', '2009/8/18 13:00', '2009/8/18 14:00', '2009/8/18 15:00', '2009/8/18 16:00', '2009/8/18 17:00', '2009/8/18 18:00', '2009/8/18 19:00', '2009/8/18 20:00', '2009/8/18 21:00', '2009/8/18 22:00', '2009/8/18 23:00', '2009/8/19 0:00', '2009/8/19 1:00', '2009/8/19 2:00', '2009/8/19 3:00', '2009/8/19 4:00', '2009/8/19 5:00', '2009/8/19 6:00', '2009/8/19 7:00', '2009/8/19 8:00', '2009/8/19 9:00', '2009/8/19 10:00', '2009/8/19 11:00', '2009/8/19 12:00', '2009/8/19 13:00', '2009/8/19 14:00', '2009/8/19 15:00', '2009/8/19 16:00', '2009/8/19 17:00', '2009/8/19 18:00', '2009/8/19 19:00', '2009/8/19 20:00', '2009/8/19 21:00', '2009/8/19 22:00', '2009/8/19 23:00', '2009/8/20 0:00', '2009/8/20 1:00', '2009/8/20 2:00', '2009/8/20 3:00', '2009/8/20 4:00', '2009/8/20 5:00', '2009/8/20 6:00', '2009/8/20 7:00', '2009/8/20 8:00', '2009/8/20 9:00', '2009/8/20 10:00', '2009/8/20 11:00', '2009/8/20 12:00', '2009/8/20 13:00', '2009/8/20 14:00', '2009/8/20 15:00', '2009/8/20 16:00', '2009/8/20 17:00', '2009/8/20 18:00', '2009/8/20 19:00', '2009/8/20 20:00', '2009/8/20 21:00', '2009/8/20 22:00', '2009/8/20 23:00', '2009/8/21 0:00', '2009/8/21 1:00', '2009/8/21 2:00', '2009/8/21 3:00', '2009/8/21 4:00', '2009/8/21 5:00', '2009/8/21 6:00', '2009/8/21 7:00', '2009/8/21 8:00', '2009/8/21 9:00', '2009/8/21 10:00', '2009/8/21 11:00', '2009/8/21 12:00', '2009/8/21 13:00', '2009/8/21 14:00', '2009/8/21 15:00', '2009/8/21 16:00', '2009/8/21 17:00', '2009/8/21 18:00', '2009/8/21 19:00', '2009/8/21 20:00', '2009/8/21 21:00', '2009/8/21 22:00', '2009/8/21 23:00', '2009/8/22 0:00', '2009/8/22 1:00', '2009/8/22 2:00', '2009/8/22 3:00', '2009/8/22 4:00', '2009/8/22 5:00', '2009/8/22 6:00', '2009/8/22 7:00', '2009/8/22 8:00', '2009/8/22 9:00', '2009/8/22 10:00', '2009/8/22 11:00', '2009/8/22 12:00', '2009/8/22 13:00', '2009/8/22 14:00', '2009/8/22 15:00', '2009/8/22 16:00', '2009/8/22 17:00', '2009/8/22 18:00', '2009/8/22 19:00', '2009/8/22 20:00', '2009/8/22 21:00', '2009/8/22 22:00', '2009/8/22 23:00', '2009/8/23 0:00', '2009/8/23 1:00', '2009/8/23 2:00', '2009/8/23 3:00', '2009/8/23 4:00', '2009/8/23 5:00', '2009/8/23 6:00', '2009/8/23 7:00', '2009/8/23 8:00', '2009/8/23 9:00', '2009/8/23 10:00', '2009/8/23 11:00', '2009/8/23 12:00', '2009/8/23 13:00', '2009/8/23 14:00', '2009/8/23 15:00', '2009/8/23 16:00', '2009/8/23 17:00', '2009/8/23 18:00', '2009/8/23 19:00', '2009/8/23 20:00', '2009/8/23 21:00', '2009/8/23 22:00', '2009/8/23 23:00', '2009/8/24 0:00', '2009/8/24 1:00', '2009/8/24 2:00', '2009/8/24 3:00', '2009/8/24 4:00', '2009/8/24 5:00', '2009/8/24 6:00', '2009/8/24 7:00', '2009/8/24 8:00', '2009/8/24 9:00', '2009/8/24 10:00', '2009/8/24 11:00', '2009/8/24 12:00', '2009/8/24 13:00', '2009/8/24 14:00', '2009/8/24 15:00', '2009/8/24 16:00', '2009/8/24 17:00', '2009/8/24 18:00', '2009/8/24 19:00', '2009/8/24 20:00', '2009/8/24 21:00', '2009/8/24 22:00', '2009/8/24 23:00', '2009/8/25 0:00', '2009/8/25 1:00', '2009/8/25 2:00', '2009/8/25 3:00', '2009/8/25 4:00', '2009/8/25 5:00', '2009/8/25 6:00', '2009/8/25 7:00', '2009/8/25 8:00', '2009/8/25 9:00', '2009/8/25 10:00', '2009/8/25 11:00', '2009/8/25 12:00', '2009/8/25 13:00', '2009/8/25 14:00', '2009/8/25 15:00', '2009/8/25 16:00', '2009/8/25 17:00', '2009/8/25 18:00', '2009/8/25 19:00', '2009/8/25 20:00', '2009/8/25 21:00', '2009/8/25 22:00', '2009/8/25 23:00', '2009/8/26 0:00', '2009/8/26 1:00', '2009/8/26 2:00', '2009/8/26 3:00', '2009/8/26 4:00', '2009/8/26 5:00', '2009/8/26 6:00', '2009/8/26 7:00', '2009/8/26 8:00', '2009/8/26 9:00', '2009/8/26 10:00', '2009/8/26 11:00', '2009/8/26 12:00', '2009/8/26 13:00', '2009/8/26 14:00', '2009/8/26 15:00', '2009/8/26 16:00', '2009/8/26 17:00', '2009/8/26 18:00', '2009/8/26 19:00', '2009/8/26 20:00', '2009/8/26 21:00', '2009/8/26 22:00', '2009/8/26 23:00', '2009/8/27 0:00', '2009/8/27 1:00', '2009/8/27 2:00', '2009/8/27 3:00', '2009/8/27 4:00', '2009/8/27 5:00', '2009/8/27 6:00', '2009/8/27 7:00', '2009/8/27 8:00', '2009/8/27 9:00', '2009/8/27 10:00', '2009/8/27 11:00', '2009/8/27 12:00', '2009/8/27 13:00', '2009/8/27 14:00', '2009/8/27 15:00', '2009/8/27 16:00', '2009/8/27 17:00', '2009/8/27 18:00', '2009/8/27 19:00', '2009/8/27 20:00', '2009/8/27 21:00', '2009/8/27 22:00', '2009/8/27 23:00', '2009/8/28 0:00', '2009/8/28 1:00', '2009/8/28 2:00', '2009/8/28 3:00', '2009/8/28 4:00', '2009/8/28 5:00', '2009/8/28 6:00', '2009/8/28 7:00', '2009/8/28 8:00', '2009/8/28 9:00', '2009/8/28 10:00', '2009/8/28 11:00', '2009/8/28 12:00', '2009/8/28 13:00', '2009/8/28 14:00', '2009/8/28 15:00', '2009/8/28 16:00', '2009/8/28 17:00', '2009/8/28 18:00', '2009/8/28 19:00', '2009/8/28 20:00', '2009/8/28 21:00', '2009/8/28 22:00', '2009/8/28 23:00', '2009/8/29 0:00', '2009/8/29 1:00', '2009/8/29 2:00', '2009/8/29 3:00', '2009/8/29 4:00', '2009/8/29 5:00', '2009/8/29 6:00', '2009/8/29 7:00', '2009/8/29 8:00', '2009/8/29 9:00', '2009/8/29 10:00', '2009/8/29 11:00', '2009/8/29 12:00', '2009/8/29 13:00', '2009/8/29 14:00', '2009/8/29 15:00', '2009/8/29 16:00', '2009/8/29 17:00', '2009/8/29 18:00', '2009/8/29 19:00', '2009/8/29 20:00', '2009/8/29 21:00', '2009/8/29 22:00', '2009/8/29 23:00', '2009/8/30 0:00', '2009/8/30 1:00', '2009/8/30 2:00', '2009/8/30 3:00', '2009/8/30 4:00', '2009/8/30 5:00', '2009/8/30 6:00', '2009/8/30 7:00', '2009/8/30 8:00', '2009/8/30 9:00', '2009/8/30 10:00', '2009/8/30 11:00', '2009/8/30 12:00', '2009/8/30 13:00', '2009/8/30 14:00', '2009/8/30 15:00', '2009/8/30 16:00', '2009/8/30 17:00', '2009/8/30 18:00', '2009/8/30 19:00', '2009/8/30 20:00', '2009/8/30 21:00', '2009/8/30 22:00', '2009/8/30 23:00', '2009/8/31 0:00', '2009/8/31 1:00', '2009/8/31 2:00', '2009/8/31 3:00', '2009/8/31 4:00', '2009/8/31 5:00', '2009/8/31 6:00', '2009/8/31 7:00', '2009/8/31 8:00', '2009/8/31 9:00', '2009/8/31 10:00', '2009/8/31 11:00', '2009/8/31 12:00', '2009/8/31 13:00', '2009/8/31 14:00', '2009/8/31 15:00', '2009/8/31 16:00', '2009/8/31 17:00', '2009/8/31 18:00', '2009/8/31 19:00', '2009/8/31 20:00', '2009/8/31 21:00', '2009/8/31 22:00', '2009/8/31 23:00',
'2009/9/1 0:00', '2009/9/1 1:00', '2009/9/1 2:00', '2009/9/1 3:00', '2009/9/1 4:00', '2009/9/1 5:00', '2009/9/1 6:00', '2009/9/1 7:00', '2009/9/1 8:00', '2009/9/1 9:00', '2009/9/1 10:00', '2009/9/1 11:00', '2009/9/1 12:00', '2009/9/1 13:00', '2009/9/1 14:00', '2009/9/1 15:00', '2009/9/1 16:00', '2009/9/1 17:00', '2009/9/1 18:00', '2009/9/1 19:00', '2009/9/1 20:00', '2009/9/1 21:00', '2009/9/1 22:00', '2009/9/1 23:00', '2009/9/2 0:00', '2009/9/2 1:00', '2009/9/2 2:00', '2009/9/2 3:00', '2009/9/2 4:00', '2009/9/2 5:00', '2009/9/2 6:00', '2009/9/2 7:00', '2009/9/2 8:00', '2009/9/2 9:00', '2009/9/2 10:00', '2009/9/2 11:00', '2009/9/2 12:00', '2009/9/2 13:00', '2009/9/2 14:00', '2009/9/2 15:00', '2009/9/2 16:00', '2009/9/2 17:00', '2009/9/2 18:00', '2009/9/2 19:00', '2009/9/2 20:00', '2009/9/2 21:00', '2009/9/2 22:00', '2009/9/2 23:00', '2009/9/3 0:00', '2009/9/3 1:00', '2009/9/3 2:00', '2009/9/3 3:00', '2009/9/3 4:00', '2009/9/3 5:00', '2009/9/3 6:00', '2009/9/3 7:00', '2009/9/3 8:00', '2009/9/3 9:00', '2009/9/3 10:00', '2009/9/3 11:00', '2009/9/3 12:00', '2009/9/3 13:00', '2009/9/3 14:00', '2009/9/3 15:00', '2009/9/3 16:00', '2009/9/3 17:00', '2009/9/3 18:00', '2009/9/3 19:00', '2009/9/3 20:00', '2009/9/3 21:00', '2009/9/3 22:00', '2009/9/3 23:00', '2009/9/4 0:00', '2009/9/4 1:00', '2009/9/4 2:00', '2009/9/4 3:00', '2009/9/4 4:00', '2009/9/4 5:00', '2009/9/4 6:00', '2009/9/4 7:00', '2009/9/4 8:00', '2009/9/4 9:00', '2009/9/4 10:00', '2009/9/4 11:00', '2009/9/4 12:00', '2009/9/4 13:00', '2009/9/4 14:00', '2009/9/4 15:00', '2009/9/4 16:00', '2009/9/4 17:00', '2009/9/4 18:00', '2009/9/4 19:00', '2009/9/4 20:00', '2009/9/4 21:00', '2009/9/4 22:00', '2009/9/4 23:00', '2009/9/5 0:00', '2009/9/5 1:00', '2009/9/5 2:00', '2009/9/5 3:00', '2009/9/5 4:00', '2009/9/5 5:00', '2009/9/5 6:00', '2009/9/5 7:00', '2009/9/5 8:00', '2009/9/5 9:00', '2009/9/5 10:00', '2009/9/5 11:00', '2009/9/5 12:00', '2009/9/5 13:00', '2009/9/5 14:00', '2009/9/5 15:00', '2009/9/5 16:00', '2009/9/5 17:00', '2009/9/5 18:00', '2009/9/5 19:00', '2009/9/5 20:00', '2009/9/5 21:00', '2009/9/5 22:00', '2009/9/5 23:00', '2009/9/6 0:00', '2009/9/6 1:00', '2009/9/6 2:00', '2009/9/6 3:00', '2009/9/6 4:00', '2009/9/6 5:00', '2009/9/6 6:00', '2009/9/6 7:00', '2009/9/6 8:00', '2009/9/6 9:00', '2009/9/6 10:00', '2009/9/6 11:00', '2009/9/6 12:00', '2009/9/6 13:00', '2009/9/6 14:00', '2009/9/6 15:00', '2009/9/6 16:00', '2009/9/6 17:00', '2009/9/6 18:00', '2009/9/6 19:00', '2009/9/6 20:00', '2009/9/6 21:00', '2009/9/6 22:00', '2009/9/6 23:00', '2009/9/7 0:00', '2009/9/7 1:00', '2009/9/7 2:00', '2009/9/7 3:00', '2009/9/7 4:00', '2009/9/7 5:00', '2009/9/7 6:00', '2009/9/7 7:00', '2009/9/7 8:00', '2009/9/7 9:00', '2009/9/7 10:00', '2009/9/7 11:00', '2009/9/7 12:00', '2009/9/7 13:00', '2009/9/7 14:00', '2009/9/7 15:00', '2009/9/7 16:00', '2009/9/7 17:00', '2009/9/7 18:00', '2009/9/7 19:00', '2009/9/7 20:00', '2009/9/7 21:00', '2009/9/7 22:00', '2009/9/7 23:00', '2009/9/8 0:00', '2009/9/8 1:00', '2009/9/8 2:00', '2009/9/8 3:00', '2009/9/8 4:00', '2009/9/8 5:00', '2009/9/8 6:00', '2009/9/8 7:00', '2009/9/8 8:00', '2009/9/8 9:00', '2009/9/8 10:00', '2009/9/8 11:00', '2009/9/8 12:00', '2009/9/8 13:00', '2009/9/8 14:00', '2009/9/8 15:00', '2009/9/8 16:00', '2009/9/8 17:00', '2009/9/8 18:00', '2009/9/8 19:00', '2009/9/8 20:00', '2009/9/8 21:00', '2009/9/8 22:00', '2009/9/8 23:00', '2009/9/9 0:00', '2009/9/9 1:00', '2009/9/9 2:00', '2009/9/9 3:00', '2009/9/9 4:00', '2009/9/9 5:00', '2009/9/9 6:00', '2009/9/9 7:00', '2009/9/9 8:00', '2009/9/9 9:00', '2009/9/9 10:00', '2009/9/9 11:00', '2009/9/9 12:00', '2009/9/9 13:00', '2009/9/9 14:00', '2009/9/9 15:00', '2009/9/9 16:00', '2009/9/9 17:00', '2009/9/9 18:00', '2009/9/9 19:00', '2009/9/9 20:00', '2009/9/9 21:00', '2009/9/9 22:00', '2009/9/9 23:00', '2009/9/10 0:00', '2009/9/10 1:00', '2009/9/10 2:00', '2009/9/10 3:00', '2009/9/10 4:00', '2009/9/10 5:00', '2009/9/10 6:00', '2009/9/10 7:00', '2009/9/10 8:00', '2009/9/10 9:00', '2009/9/10 10:00', '2009/9/10 11:00', '2009/9/10 12:00', '2009/9/10 13:00', '2009/9/10 14:00', '2009/9/10 15:00', '2009/9/10 16:00', '2009/9/10 17:00', '2009/9/10 18:00', '2009/9/10 19:00', '2009/9/10 20:00', '2009/9/10 21:00', '2009/9/10 22:00', '2009/9/10 23:00', '2009/9/11 0:00', '2009/9/11 1:00', '2009/9/11 2:00', '2009/9/11 3:00', '2009/9/11 4:00', '2009/9/11 5:00', '2009/9/11 6:00', '2009/9/11 7:00', '2009/9/11 8:00', '2009/9/11 9:00', '2009/9/11 10:00', '2009/9/11 11:00', '2009/9/11 12:00', '2009/9/11 13:00', '2009/9/11 14:00', '2009/9/11 15:00', '2009/9/11 16:00', '2009/9/11 17:00', '2009/9/11 18:00', '2009/9/11 19:00', '2009/9/11 20:00', '2009/9/11 21:00', '2009/9/11 22:00', '2009/9/11 23:00', '2009/9/12 0:00', '2009/9/12 1:00', '2009/9/12 2:00', '2009/9/12 3:00', '2009/9/12 4:00', '2009/9/12 5:00', '2009/9/12 6:00', '2009/9/12 7:00', '2009/9/12 8:00', '2009/9/12 9:00', '2009/9/12 10:00', '2009/9/12 11:00', '2009/9/12 12:00', '2009/9/12 13:00', '2009/9/12 14:00', '2009/9/12 15:00', '2009/9/12 16:00', '2009/9/12 17:00', '2009/9/12 18:00', '2009/9/12 19:00', '2009/9/12 20:00', '2009/9/12 21:00', '2009/9/12 22:00', '2009/9/12 23:00', '2009/9/13 0:00', '2009/9/13 1:00', '2009/9/13 2:00', '2009/9/13 3:00', '2009/9/13 4:00', '2009/9/13 5:00', '2009/9/13 6:00', '2009/9/13 7:00', '2009/9/13 8:00', '2009/9/13 9:00', '2009/9/13 10:00', '2009/9/13 11:00', '2009/9/13 12:00', '2009/9/13 13:00', '2009/9/13 14:00', '2009/9/13 15:00', '2009/9/13 16:00', '2009/9/13 17:00', '2009/9/13 18:00', '2009/9/13 19:00', '2009/9/13 20:00', '2009/9/13 21:00', '2009/9/13 22:00', '2009/9/13 23:00', '2009/9/14 0:00', '2009/9/14 1:00', '2009/9/14 2:00', '2009/9/14 3:00', '2009/9/14 4:00', '2009/9/14 5:00', '2009/9/14 6:00', '2009/9/14 7:00', '2009/9/14 8:00', '2009/9/14 9:00', '2009/9/14 10:00', '2009/9/14 11:00', '2009/9/14 12:00', '2009/9/14 13:00', '2009/9/14 14:00', '2009/9/14 15:00', '2009/9/14 16:00', '2009/9/14 17:00', '2009/9/14 18:00', '2009/9/14 19:00', '2009/9/14 20:00', '2009/9/14 21:00', '2009/9/14 22:00', '2009/9/14 23:00', '2009/9/15 0:00', '2009/9/15 1:00', '2009/9/15 2:00', '2009/9/15 3:00', '2009/9/15 4:00', '2009/9/15 5:00', '2009/9/15 6:00', '2009/9/15 7:00', '2009/9/15 8:00', '2009/9/15 9:00', '2009/9/15 10:00', '2009/9/15 11:00', '2009/9/15 12:00', '2009/9/15 13:00', '2009/9/15 14:00', '2009/9/15 15:00', '2009/9/15 16:00', '2009/9/15 17:00', '2009/9/15 18:00', '2009/9/15 19:00', '2009/9/15 20:00', '2009/9/15 21:00', '2009/9/15 22:00', '2009/9/15 23:00', '2009/9/16 0:00', '2009/9/16 1:00', '2009/9/16 2:00', '2009/9/16 3:00', '2009/9/16 4:00', '2009/9/16 5:00', '2009/9/16 6:00', '2009/9/16 7:00', '2009/9/16 8:00', '2009/9/16 9:00', '2009/9/16 10:00', '2009/9/16 11:00', '2009/9/16 12:00', '2009/9/16 13:00', '2009/9/16 14:00', '2009/9/16 15:00', '2009/9/16 16:00', '2009/9/16 17:00', '2009/9/16 18:00', '2009/9/16 19:00', '2009/9/16 20:00', '2009/9/16 21:00', '2009/9/16 22:00', '2009/9/16 23:00', '2009/9/17 0:00', '2009/9/17 1:00', '2009/9/17 2:00', '2009/9/17 3:00', '2009/9/17 4:00', '2009/9/17 5:00', '2009/9/17 6:00', '2009/9/17 7:00', '2009/9/17 8:00', '2009/9/17 9:00', '2009/9/17 10:00', '2009/9/17 11:00', '2009/9/17 12:00', '2009/9/17 13:00', '2009/9/17 14:00', '2009/9/17 15:00', '2009/9/17 16:00', '2009/9/17 17:00', '2009/9/17 18:00', '2009/9/17 19:00', '2009/9/17 20:00', '2009/9/17 21:00', '2009/9/17 22:00', '2009/9/17 23:00', '2009/9/18 0:00', '2009/9/18 1:00', '2009/9/18 2:00', '2009/9/18 3:00', '2009/9/18 4:00', '2009/9/18 5:00', '2009/9/18 6:00', '2009/9/18 7:00', '2009/9/18 8:00', '2009/9/18 9:00', '2009/9/18 10:00', '2009/9/18 11:00', '2009/9/18 12:00', '2009/9/18 13:00', '2009/9/18 14:00', '2009/9/18 15:00', '2009/9/18 16:00', '2009/9/18 17:00', '2009/9/18 18:00', '2009/9/18 19:00', '2009/9/18 20:00', '2009/9/18 21:00', '2009/9/18 22:00', '2009/9/18 23:00', '2009/9/19 0:00', '2009/9/19 1:00', '2009/9/19 2:00', '2009/9/19 3:00', '2009/9/19 4:00', '2009/9/19 5:00', '2009/9/19 6:00', '2009/9/19 7:00', '2009/9/19 8:00', '2009/9/19 9:00', '2009/9/19 10:00', '2009/9/19 11:00', '2009/9/19 12:00', '2009/9/19 13:00', '2009/9/19 14:00', '2009/9/19 15:00', '2009/9/19 16:00', '2009/9/19 17:00', '2009/9/19 18:00', '2009/9/19 19:00', '2009/9/19 20:00', '2009/9/19 21:00', '2009/9/19 22:00', '2009/9/19 23:00', '2009/9/20 0:00', '2009/9/20 1:00', '2009/9/20 2:00', '2009/9/20 3:00', '2009/9/20 4:00', '2009/9/20 5:00', '2009/9/20 6:00', '2009/9/20 7:00', '2009/9/20 8:00', '2009/9/20 9:00', '2009/9/20 10:00', '2009/9/20 11:00', '2009/9/20 12:00', '2009/9/20 13:00', '2009/9/20 14:00', '2009/9/20 15:00', '2009/9/20 16:00', '2009/9/20 17:00', '2009/9/20 18:00', '2009/9/20 19:00', '2009/9/20 20:00', '2009/9/20 21:00', '2009/9/20 22:00', '2009/9/20 23:00', '2009/9/21 0:00', '2009/9/21 1:00', '2009/9/21 2:00', '2009/9/21 3:00', '2009/9/21 4:00', '2009/9/21 5:00', '2009/9/21 6:00', '2009/9/21 7:00', '2009/9/21 8:00', '2009/9/21 9:00', '2009/9/21 10:00', '2009/9/21 11:00', '2009/9/21 12:00', '2009/9/21 13:00', '2009/9/21 14:00', '2009/9/21 15:00', '2009/9/21 16:00', '2009/9/21 17:00', '2009/9/21 18:00', '2009/9/21 19:00', '2009/9/21 20:00', '2009/9/21 21:00', '2009/9/21 22:00', '2009/9/21 23:00', '2009/9/22 0:00', '2009/9/22 1:00', '2009/9/22 2:00', '2009/9/22 3:00', '2009/9/22 4:00', '2009/9/22 5:00', '2009/9/22 6:00', '2009/9/22 7:00', '2009/9/22 8:00', '2009/9/22 9:00', '2009/9/22 10:00', '2009/9/22 11:00', '2009/9/22 12:00', '2009/9/22 13:00', '2009/9/22 14:00', '2009/9/22 15:00', '2009/9/22 16:00', '2009/9/22 17:00', '2009/9/22 18:00', '2009/9/22 19:00', '2009/9/22 20:00', '2009/9/22 21:00', '2009/9/22 22:00', '2009/9/22 23:00', '2009/9/23 0:00', '2009/9/23 1:00', '2009/9/23 2:00', '2009/9/23 3:00', '2009/9/23 4:00', '2009/9/23 5:00', '2009/9/23 6:00', '2009/9/23 7:00', '2009/9/23 8:00', '2009/9/23 9:00', '2009/9/23 10:00', '2009/9/23 11:00', '2009/9/23 12:00', '2009/9/23 13:00', '2009/9/23 14:00', '2009/9/23 15:00', '2009/9/23 16:00', '2009/9/23 17:00', '2009/9/23 18:00', '2009/9/23 19:00', '2009/9/23 20:00', '2009/9/23 21:00', '2009/9/23 22:00', '2009/9/23 23:00', '2009/9/24 0:00', '2009/9/24 1:00', '2009/9/24 2:00', '2009/9/24 3:00', '2009/9/24 4:00', '2009/9/24 5:00', '2009/9/24 6:00', '2009/9/24 7:00', '2009/9/24 8:00', '2009/9/24 9:00', '2009/9/24 10:00', '2009/9/24 11:00', '2009/9/24 12:00', '2009/9/24 13:00', '2009/9/24 14:00', '2009/9/24 15:00', '2009/9/24 16:00', '2009/9/24 17:00', '2009/9/24 18:00', '2009/9/24 19:00', '2009/9/24 20:00', '2009/9/24 21:00', '2009/9/24 22:00', '2009/9/24 23:00', '2009/9/25 0:00', '2009/9/25 1:00', '2009/9/25 2:00', '2009/9/25 3:00', '2009/9/25 4:00', '2009/9/25 5:00', '2009/9/25 6:00', '2009/9/25 7:00', '2009/9/25 8:00', '2009/9/25 9:00', '2009/9/25 10:00', '2009/9/25 11:00', '2009/9/25 12:00', '2009/9/25 13:00', '2009/9/25 14:00', '2009/9/25 15:00', '2009/9/25 16:00', '2009/9/25 17:00', '2009/9/25 18:00', '2009/9/25 19:00', '2009/9/25 20:00', '2009/9/25 21:00', '2009/9/25 22:00', '2009/9/25 23:00', '2009/9/26 0:00', '2009/9/26 1:00', '2009/9/26 2:00', '2009/9/26 3:00', '2009/9/26 4:00', '2009/9/26 5:00', '2009/9/26 6:00', '2009/9/26 7:00', '2009/9/26 8:00', '2009/9/26 9:00', '2009/9/26 10:00', '2009/9/26 11:00', '2009/9/26 12:00', '2009/9/26 13:00', '2009/9/26 14:00', '2009/9/26 15:00', '2009/9/26 16:00', '2009/9/26 17:00', '2009/9/26 18:00', '2009/9/26 19:00', '2009/9/26 20:00', '2009/9/26 21:00', '2009/9/26 22:00', '2009/9/26 23:00', '2009/9/27 0:00', '2009/9/27 1:00', '2009/9/27 2:00', '2009/9/27 3:00', '2009/9/27 4:00', '2009/9/27 5:00', '2009/9/27 6:00', '2009/9/27 7:00', '2009/9/27 8:00', '2009/9/27 9:00', '2009/9/27 10:00', '2009/9/27 11:00', '2009/9/27 12:00', '2009/9/27 13:00', '2009/9/27 14:00', '2009/9/27 15:00', '2009/9/27 16:00', '2009/9/27 17:00', '2009/9/27 18:00', '2009/9/27 19:00', '2009/9/27 20:00', '2009/9/27 21:00', '2009/9/27 22:00', '2009/9/27 23:00', '2009/9/28 0:00', '2009/9/28 1:00', '2009/9/28 2:00', '2009/9/28 3:00', '2009/9/28 4:00', '2009/9/28 5:00', '2009/9/28 6:00', '2009/9/28 7:00', '2009/9/28 8:00', '2009/9/28 9:00', '2009/9/28 10:00', '2009/9/28 11:00', '2009/9/28 12:00', '2009/9/28 13:00', '2009/9/28 14:00', '2009/9/28 15:00', '2009/9/28 16:00', '2009/9/28 17:00', '2009/9/28 18:00', '2009/9/28 19:00', '2009/9/28 20:00', '2009/9/28 21:00', '2009/9/28 22:00', '2009/9/28 23:00', '2009/9/29 0:00', '2009/9/29 1:00', '2009/9/29 2:00', '2009/9/29 3:00', '2009/9/29 4:00', '2009/9/29 5:00', '2009/9/29 6:00', '2009/9/29 7:00', '2009/9/29 8:00', '2009/9/29 9:00', '2009/9/29 10:00', '2009/9/29 11:00', '2009/9/29 12:00', '2009/9/29 13:00', '2009/9/29 14:00', '2009/9/29 15:00', '2009/9/29 16:00', '2009/9/29 17:00', '2009/9/29 18:00', '2009/9/29 19:00', '2009/9/29 20:00', '2009/9/29 21:00', '2009/9/29 22:00', '2009/9/29 23:00', '2009/9/30 0:00', '2009/9/30 1:00', '2009/9/30 2:00', '2009/9/30 3:00', '2009/9/30 4:00', '2009/9/30 5:00', '2009/9/30 6:00', '2009/9/30 7:00', '2009/9/30 8:00', '2009/9/30 9:00', '2009/9/30 10:00', '2009/9/30 11:00', '2009/9/30 12:00', '2009/9/30 13:00', '2009/9/30 14:00', '2009/9/30 15:00', '2009/9/30 16:00', '2009/9/30 17:00', '2009/9/30 18:00', '2009/9/30 19:00', '2009/9/30 20:00', '2009/9/30 21:00', '2009/9/30 22:00', '2009/9/30 23:00',
'2009/10/1 0:00', '2009/10/1 1:00', '2009/10/1 2:00', '2009/10/1 3:00', '2009/10/1 4:00', '2009/10/1 5:00', '2009/10/1 6:00', '2009/10/1 7:00', '2009/10/1 8:00', '2009/10/1 9:00', '2009/10/1 10:00', '2009/10/1 11:00', '2009/10/1 12:00', '2009/10/1 13:00', '2009/10/1 14:00', '2009/10/1 15:00', '2009/10/1 16:00', '2009/10/1 17:00', '2009/10/1 18:00', '2009/10/1 19:00', '2009/10/1 20:00', '2009/10/1 21:00', '2009/10/1 22:00', '2009/10/1 23:00', '2009/10/2 0:00', '2009/10/2 1:00', '2009/10/2 2:00', '2009/10/2 3:00', '2009/10/2 4:00', '2009/10/2 5:00', '2009/10/2 6:00', '2009/10/2 7:00', '2009/10/2 8:00', '2009/10/2 9:00', '2009/10/2 10:00', '2009/10/2 11:00', '2009/10/2 12:00', '2009/10/2 13:00', '2009/10/2 14:00', '2009/10/2 15:00', '2009/10/2 16:00', '2009/10/2 17:00', '2009/10/2 18:00', '2009/10/2 19:00', '2009/10/2 20:00', '2009/10/2 21:00', '2009/10/2 22:00', '2009/10/2 23:00', '2009/10/3 0:00', '2009/10/3 1:00', '2009/10/3 2:00', '2009/10/3 3:00', '2009/10/3 4:00', '2009/10/3 5:00', 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11:00', '2009/10/5 12:00', '2009/10/5 13:00', '2009/10/5 14:00', '2009/10/5 15:00', '2009/10/5 16:00', '2009/10/5 17:00', '2009/10/5 18:00', '2009/10/5 19:00', '2009/10/5 20:00', '2009/10/5 21:00', '2009/10/5 22:00', '2009/10/5 23:00', '2009/10/6 0:00', '2009/10/6 1:00', '2009/10/6 2:00', '2009/10/6 3:00', '2009/10/6 4:00', '2009/10/6 5:00', '2009/10/6 6:00', '2009/10/6 7:00', '2009/10/6 8:00', '2009/10/6 9:00', '2009/10/6 10:00', '2009/10/6 11:00', '2009/10/6 12:00', '2009/10/6 13:00', '2009/10/6 14:00', '2009/10/6 15:00', '2009/10/6 16:00', '2009/10/6 17:00', '2009/10/6 18:00', '2009/10/6 19:00', '2009/10/6 20:00', '2009/10/6 21:00', '2009/10/6 22:00', '2009/10/6 23:00', '2009/10/7 0:00', '2009/10/7 1:00', '2009/10/7 2:00', '2009/10/7 3:00', '2009/10/7 4:00', '2009/10/7 5:00', '2009/10/7 6:00', '2009/10/7 7:00', '2009/10/7 8:00', '2009/10/7 9:00', '2009/10/7 10:00', '2009/10/7 11:00', '2009/10/7 12:00', '2009/10/7 13:00', '2009/10/7 14:00', '2009/10/7 15:00', '2009/10/7 16:00', 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22:00', '2009/10/9 23:00', '2009/10/10 0:00', '2009/10/10 1:00', '2009/10/10 2:00', '2009/10/10 3:00', '2009/10/10 4:00', '2009/10/10 5:00', '2009/10/10 6:00', '2009/10/10 7:00', '2009/10/10 8:00', '2009/10/10 9:00', '2009/10/10 10:00', '2009/10/10 11:00', '2009/10/10 12:00', '2009/10/10 13:00', '2009/10/10 14:00', '2009/10/10 15:00', '2009/10/10 16:00', '2009/10/10 17:00', '2009/10/10 18:00', '2009/10/10 19:00', '2009/10/10 20:00', '2009/10/10 21:00', '2009/10/10 22:00', '2009/10/10 23:00', '2009/10/11 0:00', '2009/10/11 1:00', '2009/10/11 2:00', '2009/10/11 3:00', '2009/10/11 4:00', '2009/10/11 5:00', '2009/10/11 6:00', '2009/10/11 7:00', '2009/10/11 8:00', '2009/10/11 9:00', '2009/10/11 10:00', '2009/10/11 11:00', '2009/10/11 12:00', '2009/10/11 13:00', '2009/10/11 14:00', '2009/10/11 15:00', '2009/10/11 16:00', '2009/10/11 17:00', '2009/10/11 18:00', '2009/10/11 19:00', '2009/10/11 20:00', '2009/10/11 21:00', '2009/10/11 22:00', '2009/10/11 23:00', '2009/10/12 0:00', '2009/10/12 1:00', '2009/10/12 2:00', '2009/10/12 3:00', '2009/10/12 4:00', '2009/10/12 5:00', '2009/10/12 6:00', '2009/10/12 7:00', '2009/10/12 8:00', '2009/10/12 9:00', '2009/10/12 10:00', '2009/10/12 11:00', '2009/10/12 12:00', '2009/10/12 13:00', '2009/10/12 14:00', '2009/10/12 15:00', '2009/10/12 16:00', '2009/10/12 17:00', '2009/10/12 18:00', '2009/10/12 19:00', '2009/10/12 20:00', '2009/10/12 21:00', '2009/10/12 22:00', '2009/10/12 23:00', '2009/10/13 0:00', '2009/10/13 1:00', '2009/10/13 2:00', '2009/10/13 3:00', '2009/10/13 4:00', '2009/10/13 5:00', '2009/10/13 6:00', '2009/10/13 7:00', '2009/10/13 8:00', '2009/10/13 9:00', '2009/10/13 10:00', '2009/10/13 11:00', '2009/10/13 12:00', '2009/10/13 13:00', '2009/10/13 14:00', '2009/10/13 15:00', '2009/10/13 16:00', '2009/10/13 17:00', '2009/10/13 18:00', '2009/10/13 19:00', '2009/10/13 20:00', '2009/10/13 21:00', '2009/10/13 22:00', '2009/10/13 23:00', '2009/10/14 0:00', '2009/10/14 1:00', '2009/10/14 2:00', '2009/10/14 3:00', '2009/10/14 4:00', '2009/10/14 5:00', '2009/10/14 6:00', '2009/10/14 7:00', '2009/10/14 8:00', '2009/10/14 9:00', '2009/10/14 10:00', '2009/10/14 11:00', '2009/10/14 12:00', '2009/10/14 13:00', '2009/10/14 14:00', '2009/10/14 15:00', '2009/10/14 16:00', '2009/10/14 17:00', '2009/10/14 18:00', '2009/10/14 19:00', '2009/10/14 20:00', '2009/10/14 21:00', '2009/10/14 22:00', '2009/10/14 23:00', '2009/10/15 0:00', '2009/10/15 1:00', '2009/10/15 2:00', '2009/10/15 3:00', '2009/10/15 4:00', '2009/10/15 5:00', '2009/10/15 6:00', '2009/10/15 7:00', '2009/10/15 8:00', '2009/10/15 9:00', '2009/10/15 10:00', '2009/10/15 11:00', '2009/10/15 12:00', '2009/10/15 13:00', '2009/10/15 14:00', '2009/10/15 15:00', '2009/10/15 16:00', '2009/10/15 17:00', '2009/10/15 18:00', '2009/10/15 19:00', '2009/10/15 20:00', '2009/10/15 21:00', '2009/10/15 22:00', '2009/10/15 23:00', '2009/10/16 0:00', '2009/10/16 1:00', '2009/10/16 2:00', '2009/10/16 3:00', '2009/10/16 4:00', '2009/10/16 5:00', '2009/10/16 6:00', '2009/10/16 7:00', '2009/10/16 8:00', '2009/10/16 9:00', '2009/10/16 10:00', '2009/10/16 11:00', '2009/10/16 12:00', '2009/10/16 13:00', '2009/10/16 14:00', '2009/10/16 15:00', '2009/10/16 16:00', '2009/10/16 17:00', '2009/10/16 18:00', '2009/10/16 19:00', '2009/10/16 20:00', '2009/10/16 21:00', '2009/10/16 22:00', '2009/10/16 23:00', '2009/10/17 0:00', '2009/10/17 1:00', '2009/10/17 2:00', '2009/10/17 3:00', '2009/10/17 4:00', '2009/10/17 5:00', '2009/10/17 6:00', '2009/10/17 7:00', '2009/10/17 8:00', '2009/10/17 9:00', '2009/10/17 10:00', '2009/10/17 11:00', '2009/10/17 12:00', '2009/10/17 13:00', '2009/10/17 14:00', '2009/10/17 15:00', '2009/10/17 16:00', '2009/10/17 17:00', '2009/10/17 18:00', '2009/10/17 19:00', '2009/10/17 20:00', '2009/10/17 21:00', '2009/10/17 22:00', '2009/10/17 23:00', '2009/10/18 0:00', '2009/10/18 1:00', '2009/10/18 2:00', '2009/10/18 3:00', '2009/10/18 4:00', '2009/10/18 5:00', '2009/10/18 6:00', '2009/10/18 7:00', '2009/10/18 8:00'
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name : '流量(m^3/s)',
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return - v;
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var len = oriData.length;
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oriData[len] *= -1;
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name: "3的指数",
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title : {
text: '某地区蒸发量和降水量',
subtext: '纯属虚构'
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calculable : true,
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type : 'category',
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data:[2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3],
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{name : '年最高', value : 182.2, xAxis: 7, yAxis: 183, symbolSize:18},
{name : '年最低', value : 2.3, xAxis: 11, yAxis: 3}
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data:[320, 332, 301, 334, 390, 330, 320]
stack: '广告',
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stack: '广告',
data:[220, 182, 191, 234, 290, 330, 310]
stack: '广告',
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stack: '搜索引擎',
data:[120, 132, 101, 134, 290, 230, 220]
stack: '搜索引擎',
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stack: '搜索引擎',
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title: {
x: 'center',
text: 'ECharts例子个数统计',
subtext: 'Rainbow bar example',
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title : {
text: '世界人口总量',
subtext: '数据来自网络'
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data:['2011年', '2012年']
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data:[18203, 23489, 29034, 104970, 131744, 630230]
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data:['直接访问', '邮件营销','联盟广告','视频广告','搜索引擎']
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type : 'value'
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type : 'category',
data : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日']
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stack: '总量',
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stack: '总量',
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stack: '总量',
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stack: '总量',
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data:[150, 212, 201, 154, 190, 330, 410]
stack: '总量',
itemStyle : { normal: {label : {show: true, position: 'insideRight'}}},
data:[820, 832, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320]
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var echplat = [], plat = [
title : {
text: '2011全国GDP亿元',
subtext: '数据来自国家统计局'
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orient: 'horizontal',
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text:['高','低'], // 文本,默认为数值文本
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name: '2011全国GDP分布',
type: 'map',
mapType: 'china',
mapLocation: {
x: 'center'
selectedMode : 'multiple',
{name:'西藏', value:605.83},
{name:'青海', value:1670.44},
{name:'宁夏', value:2102.21},
{name:'海南', value:2522.66},
{name:'甘肃', value:5020.37},
{name:'贵州', value:5701.84},
{name:'新疆', value:6610.05},
{name:'云南', value:8893.12},
{name:'重庆', value:10011.37},
{name:'吉林', value:10568.83},
{name:'山西', value:11237.55},
{name:'天津', value:11307.28},
{name:'江西', value:11702.82},
{name:'广西', value:11720.87},
{name:'陕西', value:12512.3},
{name:'黑龙江', value:12582},
{name:'内蒙古', value:14359.88},
{name:'安徽', value:15300.65},
{name:'北京', value:16251.93, selected:true},
{name:'福建', value:17560.18},
{name:'上海', value:19195.69, selected:true},
{name:'湖北', value:19632.26},
{name:'湖南', value:19669.56},
{name:'四川', value:21026.68},
{name:'辽宁', value:22226.7},
{name:'河北', value:24515.76},
{name:'河南', value:26931.03},
{name:'浙江', value:32318.85},
{name:'山东', value:45361.85},
{name:'江苏', value:49110.27},
{name:'广东', value:53210.28, selected:true}
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