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using System;
using System.Text;
using BP.DA;
using BP.Sys;
using BP.Web;
using BP.Port;
using BP.WF.Template;
using ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
namespace BP.WF.HttpHandler
/// <summary>
/// 二维码
/// </summary>
public class WF_WorkOpt_QRCode : BP.WF.HttpHandler.DirectoryPageBase
/// <summary>
/// 构造函数
/// </summary>
public WF_WorkOpt_QRCode()
/// <summary>
/// 执行登录
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Login_Submit()
NodeExt ne = new NodeExt(this.NodeID);
int val = ne.GetValIntByKey(BtnAttr.QRCodeRole);
if (val == 0)
return "err@流程表单扫描已经关闭不允许扫描.";
//如果是:预览无需要权限, 没有这样的情况.
if (val == 1)
if (WebUser.No == null)
return "../../MyView.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID;
//如果是:预览需要权限, 检查是否可以查看该流程?.
if (val == 2)
BP.Port.Emp emp = new Emp();
emp.No = this.No;
if (emp.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
return "err@用户名或者密码错误.";
if (emp.CheckPass(this.GetRequestVal("Pass")) == false)
return "err@用户名或者密码错误.";
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.Single)
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Port_Login(emp.No, emp.OrgNo);
return "../../MyFlowView.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID;
if (val == 3)
GenerWorkFlow gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(this.WorkID);
if (gwf.NodeID != this.NodeID)
return "err@二维码过期";
BP.WF.Port.User user = new BP.WF.Port.User();
user.No = this.No;
if (user.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
return "err@用户名账号错误.";
if (user.CheckPass(this.GetRequestVal("Pass")) == false)
return "err@用户名账号错误.";
BP.WF.Dev2InterfaceGuest.Port_Login(user.No, user.Name);
HuiQian_AddGuest(this.WorkID, this.NodeID);
return "../../MyFlow.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID;
return "err@系统错误.";
/// <summary>
/// 生成二维码
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GenerCode_Init()
string url = "";
if (this.WorkID == 0) //开始节点的时候.
url = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURL + "/WF/WorkOpt/QRCode/ScanGuide.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo;
url = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURL + "/WF/WorkOpt/QRCode/ScanGuide.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo;
QRCodeEncoder encoder = new QRCodeEncoder();
encoder.QRCodeEncodeMode = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE;//编码方式(注意BYTE能支持中文ALPHA_NUMERIC扫描出来的都是数字)
encoder.QRCodeScale = 4;//大小(值越大生成的二维码图片像素越高)
encoder.QRCodeVersion = 0;//版本(注意设置为0主要是防止编码的字符串太长时发生错误)
encoder.QRCodeErrorCorrect = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.H;//错误效验、错误更正(有4个等级)
encoder.QRCodeBackgroundColor = Color.White;
encoder.QRCodeForegroundColor = Color.Black;
System.Drawing.Image image = encoder.Encode(url, Encoding.UTF8);
string tempPath = "";
if (this.WorkID == 0)
tempPath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + this.FlowNo + ".png";
tempPath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + this.WorkID + ".png";
image.Save(tempPath, ImageFormat.Png);
return url;
public string ScanGuide_Init()
NodeExt ne = new NodeExt(this.NodeID);
int val = ne.GetValIntByKey(BtnAttr.QRCodeRole);
if (val == 0)
return "err@流程表单扫描已经关闭不允许扫描.";
// 如果不需要权限 就可以查看表单.
if (val == 1)
if (WebUser.No == null)
return "/CCMobile/MyView.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID;
// 如果需要权限才能查看表单.
if (val == 2)
if (WebUser.No == null)
return "Login.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID + "&QRCodeRole=2";
return "/CCMobile/MyView.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID;
if (val == 3)
if (GuestUser.No == null)
return "Login.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID + "&QRCodeRole=2";
GenerWorkFlow gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(this.WorkID);
if (gwf.NodeID != this.NodeID)
return "err@二维码过期";
HuiQian_AddGuest(this.WorkID, this.NodeID);
return "/CCMobile/MyFlowView.htm?WorkID=" + this.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FlowNo + "&FK_Node=" + this.NodeID;
return "err@没有判断的模式.";
private void HuiQian_AddGuest(Int64 workid, int fk_node)
GenerWorkerList gwl = new GenerWorkerList();
gwl.NodeID = fk_node;
gwl.EmpNo = GuestUser.No;
gwl.WorkID = workid;
int num = gwl.RetrieveFromDBSources();
if (num == 0)
Node nd = new Node(fk_node);
GenerWorkerList gwlZCR = null;
GenerWorkFlow gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(gwf.HuiQianZhuChiRen) == true)
gwlZCR = new GenerWorkerList();
num = gwlZCR.Retrieve(GenerWorkerListAttr.WorkID, workid, GenerWorkerListAttr.FK_Node, fk_node, GenerWorkerListAttr.IsPass, 0);
gwlZCR = new GenerWorkerList();
num = gwlZCR.Retrieve(GenerWorkerListAttr.WorkID, workid, GenerWorkerListAttr.FK_Node, fk_node, GenerWorkerListAttr.FK_Emp, gwf.HuiQianZhuChiRen);
if (num == 0)
throw new Exception("err@发生不可预测的问题,组长协作模式下找不到组长信息");
gwf.HuiQianZhuChiRen = gwlZCR.EmpNo;
gwf.HuiQianZhuChiRenName = gwlZCR.EmpName;
gwlZCR.SetPara("HuiQianType", "");
gwlZCR.EmpNo = GuestUser.No;
gwlZCR.EmpName = GuestUser.Name;
gwlZCR.PassInt = 0; //设置不可以用.
gwlZCR.DeptNo = "";
gwlZCR.DeptName = ""; //部门名称.
gwlZCR.ItIsRead = false;
gwlZCR.GuestNo = GuestUser.No;
gwlZCR.GuestName = GuestUser.Name;
gwlZCR.SetPara("HuiQianZhuChiRen", gwlZCR.EmpNo);
#region 计算会签时间.
if (nd.HisCHWay == CHWay.None)
gwlZCR.SDT = "无";
//给会签人设置应该完成日期. 考虑到了节假日.
DateTime dtOfShould = Glo.AddDayHoursSpan(DateTime.Now, nd.TimeLimit,
nd.TimeLimitHH, nd.TimeLimitMM, nd.TWay);
gwlZCR.SDT = DataType.SysDateTimeFormat(dtOfShould);
DateTime dtOfWarning = DateTime.Now;
// 增加小时数. 考虑到了节假日.
if (nd.WarningDay != 0)
dtOfWarning = Glo.AddDayHoursSpan(DateTime.Now, (int)nd.WarningDay, 0, 0, nd.TWay);
gwlZCR.DTOfWarning = DataType.SysDateTimeFormat(dtOfWarning);
#endregion 计算会签时间.
gwlZCR.Sender = gwlZCR.EmpNo + "," + gwlZCR.EmpName; //发送人为当前人.
gwlZCR.ItIsHuiQian = true;
gwlZCR.Insert(); //插入作为待办.
//gwf.TodoEmps += GuestUser.No + "," + GuestUser.Name + ";";
gwf.HuiQianTaskSta = HuiQianTaskSta.HuiQianing;
"bpm会签工作参与", "HuiQian" + gwf.WorkID + "_" + gwf.NodeID + "_" + GuestUser.No, GuestUser.Name + "参与了您对工作的{" + gwf.Title + "}邀请,请您及时关注工作进度.", "HuiQian", gwf.FlowNo, gwf.NodeID, gwf.WorkID, gwf.FID);
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.WriteTrack(gwf.FlowNo, gwf.NodeID, gwf.NodeName, gwf.WorkID, gwf.FID, GuestUser.No + "," + GuestUser.Name,
ActionType.HuiQian, "执行会签", null, null, null, GuestUser.No, GuestUser.Name, gwlZCR.EmpNo, gwlZCR.EmpName);