You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
3.5 KiB

* @description 编辑器 class
* @author wangfupeng
import $, { DomElement, DomElementSelector } from '../utils/dom-core';
import { ConfigType } from '../config';
import SelectionAndRangeAPI from './selection';
import CommandAPI from './command';
import Text from '../text/index';
import Menus from '../menus/index';
import ZIndex from './z-index';
import Change from './change/index';
import History from './history/index';
import SelectionChange from './selection-change';
import { RegisterOptions, pluginsListType } from '../plugins';
import { MenuListType } from '../menus/menu-list';
import BtnMenu from '../menus/menu-constructors/BtnMenu';
import DropList from '../menus/menu-constructors/DropList';
import DropListMenu from '../menus/menu-constructors/DropListMenu';
import Panel from '../menus/menu-constructors/Panel';
import PanelMenu from '../menus/menu-constructors/PanelMenu';
import Tooltip from '../menus/menu-constructors/Tooltip';
declare class Editor {
static $: typeof $;
static BtnMenu: typeof BtnMenu;
static DropList: typeof DropList;
static DropListMenu: typeof DropListMenu;
static Panel: typeof Panel;
static PanelMenu: typeof PanelMenu;
static Tooltip: typeof Tooltip;
static globalCustomMenuConstructorList: MenuListType;
static globalPluginsFunctionList: pluginsListType;
pluginsFunctionList: pluginsListType;
id: string;
toolbarSelector: DomElementSelector;
textSelector?: DomElementSelector;
config: ConfigType;
$toolbarElem: DomElement;
$textContainerElem: DomElement;
$textElem: DomElement;
toolbarElemId: string;
textElemId: string;
isFocus: boolean;
isComposing: boolean;
isCompatibleMode: boolean;
selection: SelectionAndRangeAPI;
cmd: CommandAPI;
txt: Text;
menus: Menus;
i18next: any;
highlight: any;
zIndex: ZIndex;
change: Change;
history: History;
isEnable: Boolean;
onSelectionChange: SelectionChange;
private beforeDestroyHooks;
/** 禁用api */
disable: Function;
/** 启用api */
enable: Function;
* 构造函数
* @param toolbarSelector 工具栏 DOM selector
* @param textSelector 文本区域 DOM selector
constructor(toolbarSelector: DomElementSelector, textSelector?: DomElementSelector);
* 初始化选区
* @param newLine 新建一行
initSelection(newLine?: boolean): void;
* 创建编辑器实例
create(): void;
* 提供给用户添加销毁前的钩子函数
* @param fn 钩子函数
beforeDestroy(fn: Function): Editor;
* 销毁当前编辑器实例
destroy(): void;
* 将编辑器设置为全屏
fullScreen(): void;
* 将编辑器退出全屏
unFullScreen(): void;
* 滚动到指定标题锚点
* @param id 标题锚点id
scrollToHead(id: string): void;
* 自定义添加菜单
* @param key 菜单 key
* @param Menu 菜单构造函数
static registerMenu(key: string, Menu: any): void;
* 自定义添加插件
* @param { string } name 插件的名称
* @param { RegisterOptions } options 插件的选项
registerPlugin(name: string, options: RegisterOptions): void;
* 自定义添加插件
* @param { string } name 插件的名称
* @param { RegisterOptions } options 插件的选项
static registerPlugin(name: string, options: RegisterOptions): void;
export default Editor;