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<Item AttrKey="RateVal" AttrName="" Exp="(SUM(FZ)/SUM(FM))*100" For="BP.ZF1.RDZs" Desc="" />
<Item AttrKey="Rate" AttrName="" Exp="(SUM(FZ)/SUM(FM))*100" For="BP.ZF1.RDEs" Desc="" />
<Item AttrKey="RateVal" AttrName="" Exp="(SUM(FZ)/SUM(FM))*100" For="BP.ZF1.RDEs" Desc="" />
<Item AttrKey="RateValTZ" AttrName="" Exp="(SUM(FZOfTZ)/SUM(FM))*100" For="BP.ZF1.RDEs" Desc="" />
<Item AttrKey="RateOfTZ" AttrName="" Exp=" CASE WHEN SUM(NumOfSQ)=0 THEN 0 ELSE round ( SUM(NumOfAdjust)/SUM(NumOfSQ)*100, 4) END "
ExpApp=" case when @NumOfSQ@=0 then 0 else @NumOfAdjust@/@NumOfSQ@*100 end " For="BP.ZF1.DDETZs" Desc="调整率" />
<Item AttrKey="RateOfTZ" AttrName="" Exp="(SUM(NumOfAdjust) /DSWF.IsZeroAsVal( SUM(NumOfSQ), 1 ) )*100"
ExpApp=" @NumOfAdjust@/@NumOfSQ@*100" Condition=" AND NumOfSQ > 0 " For="BP.ZF1.DDETZs_del" Desc="调整率" />