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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using BP.DA;
using BP.Sys;
using BP.Web;
using BP.Port;
using BP.Difference;
namespace BP.WF.HttpHandler
/// <summary>
/// 页面功能实体
/// </summary>
public class WF_Setting : DirectoryPageBase
/// <summary>
/// 清楚缓存
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Default_ClearCash()
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM Sys_UserRegedit WHERE FK_Emp='" + BP.Web.WebUser.No + "' AND OrgNo='"+BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo+"'");
return "执行成功,请刷新菜单或者重新进入看看菜单权限是否有变化。";
public string UpdateEmpNo()
BP.Port.Emp emp = new Emp(WebUser.No);
emp.Email = this.GetRequestVal("Email");
emp.Tel = this.GetRequestVal("Tel");
emp.Name = this.GetRequestVal("Name");
return "修改成功.";
/// <summary>
/// 构造函数
/// </summary>
public WF_Setting()
#region 执行父类的重写方法.
/// <summary>
/// 默认执行的方法
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override string DoDefaultMethod()
switch (this.DoType)
case "DtlFieldUp": //字段上移
return "执行成功.";
throw new Exception("@标记[" + this.DoType + "],没有找到. @RowURL:" + HttpContextHelper.RequestRawUrl);
#endregion 执行父类的重写方法.
public string Default_Init()
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("UserNo", WebUser.No);
ht.Add("UserName", WebUser.Name);
BP.Port.Emp emp = new Emp();
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS)
emp.No = BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo + "_" + WebUser.No;
emp.No = WebUser.No;
emp.UserID = WebUser.No;
ht.Add("DeptName", emp.FK_DeptText);
BP.Port.DeptEmpStations des = new BP.Port.DeptEmpStations();
des.Retrieve(BP.Port.DeptEmpStationAttr.FK_Emp, WebUser.No);
string depts = "";
string stas = "";
foreach (BP.Port.DeptEmpStation item in des)
BP.Port.Dept dept = new Dept();
dept.No = item.FK_Dept;
int count = dept.RetrieveFromDBSources();
if (count != 0)
depts += dept.Name + "、";
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FK_Station) == true)
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FK_Dept) == true)
// item.Delete();
BP.Port.Station sta = new Station();
sta.No = item.FK_Station;
count = sta.RetrieveFromDBSources();
if (count != 0)
stas += sta.Name + "、";
ht.Add("Depts", depts);
ht.Add("Stations", stas);
BP.WF.Port.WFEmp wfemp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(WebUser.No);
ht.Add("Tel", emp.Tel);
ht.Add("Email", emp.Email);
return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ht);
/// <summary>
/// 初始化
/// </summary>
/// <returns>json数据</returns>
public string Author_Init()
BP.WF.Port.WFEmp emp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(BP.Web.WebUser.No);
Hashtable ht = emp.Row;
ht.Remove(BP.WF.Port.WFEmpAttr.StartFlows); //移除这一列不然无法形成json.
return emp.ToJson();
#region 图片签名.
public string Siganture_Init()
if (BP.Web.WebUser.NoOfRel == null)
return "err@登录信息丢失";
BP.WF.DTS.GenerSiganture.GenerIt(BP.Web.WebUser.No, BP.Web.WebUser.Name);
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("No", BP.Web.WebUser.No);
ht.Add("Name", BP.Web.WebUser.Name);
ht.Add("FK_Dept", BP.Web.WebUser.FK_Dept);
ht.Add("FK_DeptName", BP.Web.WebUser.FK_DeptName);
return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ht);
public string Siganture_Save()
//HttpPostedFile f = context.Request.Files[0];
string empNo = this.GetRequestVal("EmpNo");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(empNo) == true)
empNo = WebUser.No;
string tempFile = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "DataUser/Siganture/" + empNo + ".jpg";
if (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFile) == true)
System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(tempFile);
catch (Exception ex)
string info = "\t\n 上传出现错误,有可能是文件的权限出现错误,请按照如下步骤解决.";
info += "\t\n 1. 有可能是\\DataUser\\Siganture文件夹是只读的, 右键文件夹属性取消只读.";
info += "\t\n 2. 当前的iis_user用户没有读写他的权限请在文件夹属性设置.";
info += "\t\n 3. 不要设置everyone 权限会导致,不安全.";
info += "\t\n 4. 如果是.net用户,请尝试修改web.config (该步骤没有验证) identity impersonate=true userName=administrator password=bpm2017@123 ";
return "err@上传失败";// + ex.Message + "" + info;
//f.SaveAs(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "DataUser/Siganture/" + WebUser.No + ".jpg");
// f.SaveAs(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "DataUser/Siganture/" + WebUser.Name + ".jpg");
// this.Response.Redirect(this.Request.RawUrl, true);
return "上传成功!";
#endregion 图片签名.
#region 头像.
public string HeadPic_Save()
//HttpPostedFile f = context.Request.Files[0];
string empNo = this.GetRequestVal("EmpNo");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(empNo) == true)
empNo = WebUser.No;
string tempFile = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "DataUser/UserIcon/" + empNo + ".png";
if (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFile) == true)
System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(tempFile);
catch (Exception ex)
return "err@" + ex.Message;
return "上传成功!";
#endregion 头像.
#region 切换部门.
/// <summary>
/// 初始化切换部门.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string ChangeDept_Init()
Paras ps = new Paras();
ps.SQL = "SELECT a.No,a.Name, NameOfPath, '0' AS CurrentDept FROM Port_Dept A, Port_DeptEmp B WHERE A.No=B.FK_Dept AND B.FK_Emp=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "FK_Emp";
ps.Add("FK_Emp", BP.Web.WebUser.No);
DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(ps);
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
string sql = "SELECT a.No,a.Name,B.NameOfPath, '1' as CurrentDept FROM ";
sql += " Port_Emp A, Port_Dept B WHERE A.FK_Dept=B.No AND A.No='"+BP.Web.WebUser.No+"'";
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel == FieldCaseModel.UpperCase)
dt.Columns["NO"].ColumnName = "No";
dt.Columns["NAME"].ColumnName = "Name";
dt.Columns["CURRENTDEPT"].ColumnName = "CurrentDept";
dt.Columns["NAMEOFPATH"].ColumnName = "NameOfPath";
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel == FieldCaseModel.Lowercase)
dt.Columns["no"].ColumnName = "No";
dt.Columns["name"].ColumnName = "Name";
dt.Columns["currentdept"].ColumnName = "CurrentDept";
dt.Columns["nameofpath"].ColumnName = "NameOfPath";
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
if (dr["No"].ToString() == WebUser.FK_Dept)
dr["CurrentDept"] = "1";
if (dr["NameOfPath"].ToString() != "")
dr["Name"] = dr["NameOfPath"];
return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt);
/// <summary>
/// 提交选择的部门。
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string ChangeDept_Submit()
string deptNo = this.GetRequestVal("DeptNo");
BP.Port.Dept dept = new BP.Port.Dept(deptNo);
BP.Web.WebUser.FK_Dept = dept.No;
BP.Web.WebUser.FK_DeptName = dept.Name;
BP.Web.WebUser.FK_DeptNameOfFull = dept.NameOfPath;
BP.WF.Port.WFEmp emp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(WebUser.No);
emp.StartFlows = "";
/* try
string sql = "";
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS)
sql = "UPDATE Port_Emp SET fk_dept='" + deptNo + "' WHERE UserID='" + WebUser.No + "' AND OrgNo='" + WebUser.OrgNo + "'";
sql = "UPDATE Port_Emp SET fk_dept='" + deptNo + "' WHERE No='" + WebUser.No + "'";
catch (Exception ex)
return "@执行成功,已经切换到{" + BP.Web.WebUser.FK_DeptName + "}部门上。";
public string UserIcon_Init()
return "";
public string UserIcon_Save()
return "";
#region 修改密码.
public string ChangePassword_Init()
if (DBAccess.IsView("Port_Emp", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) == true)
return "err@当前是组织结构集成模式,您不能修改密码,请在被集成的系统修改密码。";
return "";
/// <summary>
/// 修改密码 .
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string ChangePassword_Submit()
string oldPass = this.GetRequestVal("OldPass");
string pass = this.GetRequestVal("Pass");
BP.Port.Emp emp = new Emp(BP.Web.WebUser.No);
if (emp.CheckPass(oldPass) == false)
return "err@旧密码错误.";
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.IsEnablePasswordEncryption == true)
pass = BP.Tools.Cryptography.EncryptString(pass);
emp.Pass = pass;
return "密码修改成功...";
#endregion 修改密码.
public string SetUserTheme()
string theme = this.GetRequestVal("Theme");
BP.WF.Port.WFEmp emp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(WebUser.No);
emp.SetPara("Theme", theme);
return "设置成功";