You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { PageBaseGenerList } from './PageBaseGenerList';
import { dealClassId } from './utils/StringUtils';
const CLASS_PREFIX = '/GL_';
// const allTsInfo = import.meta.glob('/src/**/*.ts');
const allTsInfo = require.context('./', false, /\.ts&/);
const glTsKeys = Object.keys(allTsInfo).filter((key) => key.includes(CLASS_PREFIX));
const modules: Record<string,any> = {};
glTsKeys.forEach((glTsKey) => {
modules[glTsKey] = allTsInfo[glTsKey];
export class ClassFactoryOfGenerList {
public static async GetEn(classID: string): Promise<PageBaseGenerList> {
classID = dealClassId(classID, CLASS_PREFIX);
const filePath = glTsKeys.find((key) => key.includes(classID + '.ts'));
if (!filePath) {
throw new Error('GL-GetEn: 没有找到文件路径' + classID);
const loader = modules[filePath];
if (!loader) {
throw new Error('ClassFactoryOfGenerList没有判断的类名:' + classID);
const esModule = (await loader()) as object;
const obj = esModule?.[classID];
if (!obj) {
const keys = Object.keys(esModule);
const message = `GL-GetEn 文件 [${filePath}] 中 没有正确导出名为 ${classID} 的模块,现有模块名为 [${[...keys]}] 请检查`;
throw new Error(message);
return new obj();
public static async toJSON(filteredPrefix: string[]) {
const pathList = Object.keys(modules).map((key) => dealClassId(key, CLASS_PREFIX));
const loaders = pathList
.filter((path) => {
for (const prefix of filteredPrefix) {
if (path.startsWith(prefix)) return false;
return true;
.map(async (classID) => {
const obj = await this.GetEn(classID);
return {
No: classID,
Name: obj.PageTitle + `(${classID})`,
const result = await Promise.allSettled(loaders);
return JSON.stringify(result.filter((p) => p.status === 'fulfilled').map((r) => (r.status !== 'rejected' ? r?.value : '')));