You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using BP.DA;
using BP.Difference;
using BP.Sys;
using BP.Web;
using BP.Port;
using BP.En;
using BP.WF;
using BP.WF.Template;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Policy;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
namespace BP.Cloud.HttpHandler
/// <summary>
/// 页面功能实体
/// </summary>
public class Portal_SaaSOption : BP.WF.HttpHandler.DirectoryPageBase
/// <summary>
/// 构造函数
/// </summary>
public Portal_SaaSOption()
/// <summary>
/// 注册页面提交
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string RegisterAdminer_Submit()
string ip = BP.Difference.Glo.GetIP;
string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Port_Org WHERE RegIP='" + ip + "' AND DTReg LIKE '" + DataType.CurrentDate + "%'";
int num = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql);
if (num >= 4)
return "err@系统错误,今日不能连续注册。";
BP.Cloud.Org org = new Org();
string orgNo = this.GetRequestVal("TB_OrgNo");//管理员名称拼音.
string orgName = this.GetRequestVal("TB_OrgName");//管理员名称拼音.
org.No = orgNo;
if (org.IsExits == true)
return "err@组织账号[" + orgNo + "]已经存在。";
string tel = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Adminer");//管理员名称拼音.
Emp ep = new Emp();
ep.No = orgNo;
if (ep.IsExits == true)
return "err@组织账号[" + orgNo + "]已经存在。";
if (ep.IsExit(EmpAttr.UserID, orgNo) == true)
return "err@组织账号,已经存在.";
ep.No = tel;
if (ep.IsExits == true)
return "err@该手机号已经注册请登陆,或者使用其他手机号注册.";
if (ep.IsExit("UserID", tel) == true)
return "err@该手机号已经注册请登陆,或者使用其他手机号注册.";
string adminer = this.GetRequestVal("TB_AdminerName"); //管理员名称中文.
ep.UserID = tel;
ep.Name = adminer;
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Port_Login("admin", "100");
Dev2Interface.Port_CreateOrg(orgNo, orgName);
org.No = orgNo;
org.NameFull = this.GetRequestVal("TB_OrgNameFull");
org.Adminer = tel;
org.AdminerName = adminer;
BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo = org.No;
BP.Web.WebUser.OrgName = org.Name;
org.RegFrom = 0; //0=网站.1=企业微信.
org.Adminer = tel;
org.AdminerName = ep.Name;
org.DTReg = DataType.CurrentDateTime;
string from = this.GetRequestVal("From");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(from) == true)
from = "ccbpm";
org.UrlFrom = from;
//循环遍历 看邮箱是否唯一用户忘记密码用邮箱找回.
string email = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Email");
ep.Email = email;
ep.Name = adminer;
string pinyinQP = BP.DA.DataType.ParseStringToPinyin(ep.Name).ToLower();
string pinyinJX = BP.DA.DataType.ParseStringToPinyinJianXie(ep.Name).ToLower();
ep.PinYin = "," + pinyinQP + "," + pinyinJX + ",";
ep.OrgName = this.GetRequestVal("TB_OrgName");
ep.DeptNo = org.No;
ep.OrgNo = org.No;
ep.No = ep.OrgNo + "_" + tel;
// 密码加密。
string pass = this.GetRequestVal("TB_PassWord2");
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.isEnablePasswordEncryption == true)
pass = BP.Tools.Cryptography.MD5_Encrypt(pass);
DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE Port_Emp SET Pass='" + pass + "' WHERE No='" + ep.No + "'");
org.Adminer = ep.UserID;
org.AdminerName = ep.Name;
BP.WF.Port.Admin2Group.Org myorg = new BP.WF.Port.Admin2Group.Org(org.No);
//让 组织 管理员登录.
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Port_Login(ep.UserID, org.No);
string token = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Port_GenerToken("PC");
return token;
catch (Exception ex)
return "err@安装期间出现错误:" + ex.Message;
//string orgno = WebUser.OrgNo;