You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1120 lines
37 KiB

*Stack holds all the figures on the screen
*It will also hold the groups formed on the screen
*@this {Stack}
function Stack(){
/**Keeps all the figures on the canvas*/
this.figures = [];
/**Keeps all the groups in the canvas*/
this.groups = [];
this.containers = [];
/**Keeps current generated Id. Not for direct access*/
this.currentId = 0;
/**Keeps a map like (figure Id, figure index). It is similar to an index*/
this.idToIndex = [];
/**Type used in serialization*/
this.oType = 'Stack';
/**Creates a {Stack} out of JSON parsed object
*@param {JSONObject} o - the JSON parsed object
*@return {Stack} a newly constructed Stack
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
Stack.load = function(o){
var newStack = new Stack(); //empty constructor
newStack.figures = Figure.loadArray(o.figures);
newStack.containers = Container.loadArray(o.containers);
newStack.groups = Group.loadArray(o.groups);
newStack.figureSelectedIndex = o.figureSelectedIndex;
newStack.currentId = o.currentId;
newStack.idToIndex = o.idToIndex;
return newStack;
Stack.prototype = {
constructor: Stack,
/**Creates a {Group} based on a set of figure IDs
* Group is created by 1. creating a Group and 2. setting Figure's groupId property to the new id of the Group
*@param {Array} figureIds - all the ids of {Figure}s
*@param {Number} groupId - the id of the {Group} (optional)
*@return {Number} - the id of newly created Group
groupCreate: function (figureIds, groupId) {
//we should allow to create more than one temporary group
for (var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++) {
if (this.groups[i].permanent == false) {
throw 'Stack::groupCreate() You can not create new groups while you have temporary groups alive';
//create group
var g = new Group(groupId);
//add figures to group
for (var i = 0; i < figureIds.length; i++) {
var f = this.figureGetById(figureIds[i]);
f.groupId =;
var bounds = g.getBounds();
g.rotationCoords.push(new Point(bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2));
g.rotationCoords.push(new Point(bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[1]));
//save group to STACK
/**Finds a {Group} by it's id
*@param {Number} groupId - the {Group}'s id
*@return {Group} founded group of null if none finded
groupGetById: function (groupId) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++) {
if (this.groups[i].id == groupId) {
return this.groups[i];
return null;
/**Destroy a group by it's Id.
*I will be removed from Stack's groups and any member figure will be removed
*from group (by set the groupId to -1)
* @param {Number} groupId - the id of the group
groupDestroy: function (groupId) {
var index = -1;
//search for the group
for (var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++) {
if (this.groups[i].id == groupId) {
index = i;
//remove it
if (index > -1) {
//remove Group
this.groups.splice(index, 1);
//remove the Figures from Group
var groupFigures = this.figureGetByGroupId(groupId);
for (var i = 0; i < groupFigures.length; i++) {
groupFigures[i].groupId = -1;
/**Removes any temporary group*/
groupRemoveTemporary: function () {
throw Exception("Not implemented");
/**See if this STACK is equal to another. It is a shallow compare.
*@param {Stack} anotherStack - the other STACK object
*@return {Boolean} - true if equals, false otherwise
equals: function (anotherStack) {
var msg = '';
if (!anotherStack instanceof Stack) {
return false;
msg += 'not same class';
//test figures
if (this.figures.length != anotherStack.figures.length) {
msg += 'not same nr of figures';
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (!this.figures[i].equals(anotherStack.figures[i])) {
msg += 'figures not the same';
return false;
//test groups
if (this.groups.length != anotherStack.groups.length) {
msg += 'not same nr of groups';
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++) {
if (!this.groups[i].equals(anotherStack.groups[i])) {
msg += 'groups not the same';
return false;
//test idToIndex
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.idToIndex; i++) {
if (this.idToIndex[i] != undefined //if not undefined
&& anotherStack.idToIndex != undefined //if not undefined
&& this.idToIndex[i] != anotherStack.idToIndex[i]) {
msg += 'not same idToIndex';
return false;
if (this.currentId != anotherStack.currentId) {
msg += 'not same currentId';
return false;
if (msg != '') {
return true;
/**Generates an returns a new unique ID
*@return {Number} - next id*/
generateId: function () {
return this.currentId++;
/**Adds a figure to the Stack of figures
*@param {Figure} figure - the figure to add
figureAdd: function (figure) {
this.idToIndex[] = this.figures.length - 1;
containerAdd: function (container) {
/*code taken from ConnectionPoint.removeConnector
*@param {Figure} figure - the figure to remove
figureRemove_deprecated: function (figure) {
var index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i] == figure) {
index = i;
if (index > -1) {
this.figures.splice(index, 1);
for (var i = index; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
this.idToIndex[this.figures[i].id] = i;
if (index < this.figureSelectedIndex && index != -1) {
/**Removes a container by it's id
*@param {Number} containerId - the {Container}'s id
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
containerRemoveById: function (containerId) {
var index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.containers.length; i++) {
if (this.containers[i].id === containerId) {
index = i;
if (index > -1) {
//remove figure
this.containers.splice(index, 1);
// this.reindex();
/**Removes a figure by it's id
*@param {Number} figId - the {Figure}'s id
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
figureRemoveById: function (figId) {
var index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i].id == figId) {
index = i;
if (index > -1) {
//remove all affected Glues
var cCPs = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectionPointGetAllByParent(figId); //get all connection points
var length = cCPs.length;
var k;
for (k = 0; k < length; k++) {
// remove figure's connection points
//remove figure
this.figures.splice(index, 1);
/**Recreates the index (id, index)
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
reindex: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
this.idToIndex[this.figures[i].id] = i;
/**Deletes all the figure and reset any index*/
reset: function () {
this.figures = [];
this.figureSelectedIndex = -1;
this.currentId = 0;
/**Find the storage index of a figure
*@param {Figure} figure - the figure you search for
*@return {Number} - the index where you can find the Figure or -1 if not founded
getIndex: function (figure) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i] == figure) {
return i;
return -1;
/**Returns all figures from a group
*@param {Number} groupId - the id of the group
*@return {Array} - the {Array} of {Figure}s that belong to the group
figureGetByGroupId: function (groupId) {
var groupFigures = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i].groupId == groupId) {
return groupFigures;
/**Returns all figures ids from a group
*@param {Number} groupId - the id of the group
*@return {Array} - the {Array} of {Number}s that belong to the group
figureGetIdsByGroupId: function (groupId) {
var groupFiguresIds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i].groupId == groupId) {
return groupFiguresIds;
/**Returns a figure by id
*@param {Number} id - the id of the figure
*@return {Figure} - the figure object or null if no figure with that id found
*TODO: use idToIndex to speed up the search....well there is no search at all :)
figureGetById: function (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i].id == id) {
return this.figures[i];
return null;
*Returns first figure glued to a connector
*@param {Number} connectorId - the id of the connector
*@return {Figure} - the figure connected, or null if none
figureGetAsFirstFigureForConnector: function (connectorId) {"Stack:figureGetAsFirstFigureForConnector");
*Connector -> first Connector's ConnectionPoint-> Glue -> Figure's ConnectionPoint -> Figure
var figure = null;
//var connector = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectorGetById(connectorId);
Log.debug("Connector id = " + connectorId);
var startConnectionPoint = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectionPointGetFirstForConnector(connectorId);
Log.debug("ConnectionPoint id = " +;
var startGlue = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.glueGetBySecondConnectionPointId([0];
if (startGlue) {
Log.debug("Glue id1 = (" + startGlue.id1 + ", " + startGlue.id2 + ')');
var figureConnectionPoint = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectionPointGetById(startGlue.id1);
Log.debug("Figure's ConnectionPoint id = " +;
figure = this.figureGetById(figureConnectionPoint.parentId);
else {
Log.debug("no glue");
return figure;
*Returns second figure glued to a connector
*@param {Number} connectorId - the id of the connector
*@return {Figure} - the figure connected, or null if none
figureGetAsSecondFigureForConnector: function (connectorId) {"Stack:figureGetAsSecondFigureForConnector");
*Connector -> first Connector's ConnectionPoint-> Glue -> Figure's ConnectionPoint -> Figure
var figure = null;
//var connector = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectorGetById(connectorId);
Log.debug("Connector id = " + connectorId);
var endConnectionPoint = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectionPointGetSecondForConnector(connectorId);
Log.debug("ConnectionPoint id = " +;
var startGlue = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.glueGetBySecondConnectionPointId([0];
if (startGlue) {
Log.debug("Glue id1 = (" + startGlue.id1 + ", " + startGlue.id2 + ')');
var figureConnectionPoint = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectionPointGetById(startGlue.id1);
Log.debug("Figure's ConnectionPoint id = " +;
figure = this.figureGetById(figureConnectionPoint.parentId);
else {
Log.debug("no glue");
return figure;
*Returns the Figure's id if there is a figure for the given coordinates
*It will return the first figure we found from top to bottom (Z-order)
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Ox axis
*@return {Number} - the id of the figure or -1 if none found
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
figureGetByXY: function (x, y) {
var id = -1;
for (var i = this.figures.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.figures[i].contains(x, y)) {
id = this.figures[i].id;
*Some old stuff left from a previous version.
*TODO: delete it if no longer needed after the grouping has been (re)done
*we always want to get the group of a figure, not the figure itself where possible
*(this section only does anything when we change the order of some items
*var figure = this.figures[i];
*While the figure belongs to a group or the group is part of another group
*we will go up in the ancestor hierarchy
* while(figure.groupId >= 0){
* figure = this.figureGetById(figure.groupId);
* }
return figure;
} //end if
} //end for
return id;
*Returns the Text primitive of parent figure for the given coordinates
*It will return the first Text primitive we found from top to bottom (Z-order)
*@param {Number} fId - the id of figure - parent of target Text primitive
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Oy axis
*@return {Number} - the id value of Text primitive or -1 if none found
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
textGetByFigureXY: function (fId, x, y) {
var figureLength = this.figures.length;
for (var i = figureLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var figure = this.figures[i];
if ( === fId) {
var primitiveLength = figure.primitives.length;
for (var j = primitiveLength - 1; j >= 0; j--) { //top to bottom
var primitive = figure.primitives[j];
if ((primitive.oType === "Text") && primitive.contains(x, y)) {
} //end if
} //end for
return -1;
*Returns the Text primitive of parent container for the given coordinates
*It will return the first Text primitive we found from top to bottom (Z-order)
*@param {Number} cId - the id of container - parent of target Text primitive
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Oy axis
*@return {Number} - the id value of Text primitive or -1 if none found
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
textGetByContainerXY: function (cId, x, y) {
var containerLength = this.containers.length;
for (var i = containerLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var container = this.containers[i];
if ( === cId) {
var primitiveLength = container.primitives.length;
for (var j = primitiveLength - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var primitive = container.primitives[j];
if ((primitive.oType == "Text") && primitive.contains(x, y)) {
} //end if
} //end for
return -1;
*Returns the Container's id if there is a container for the given coordinates
*It will return the first container we found from top to bottom (Z-order)
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Ox axis
*@return {Number} - the id of the container or -1 if none found
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
containerGetByXY: function (x, y) {
var id = -1;
for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.containers[i].contains(x, y)) {
id = this.containers[i].id;
} //end if
} //end for
return id;
*Returns the Container's id if there is a container for the given coordinates
*It will return the first container we found from top to bottom (Z-order)
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Ox axis
*@return {Number} - the id of the {Container} or -1 if none found
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
containerGetByXYOnEdge: function (x, y) {
var id = -1;
for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.containers[i].onEdge(x, y)) {
id = this.containers[i].id;
} //end if
} //end for
return id;
/**Returns a container by id
*@param {Number} id - the id of the container
*@return {Container} - the container object or null if no container with that id found
containerGetById: function (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.containers.length; i++) {
if (this.containers[i].id == id) {
return this.containers[i];
return null;
*Returns an Array of Figure's id if there are figures for the given coordinates
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Ox axis
*@return {Array} of {Number} - the array of {Figure} ids. Figures are arranged from top (closer to viewer)
* to bottom (far from viewer)
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
figuresGetByXY: function (x, y) {
var ids = [];
for (var i = this.figures.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.figures[i].contains(x, y)) {
return ids;
/**Returns a imageFrame by figureId
*@param {Number} figureId - the figureId of the Figure
*@return {ImageFrame} - the ImageFrame object or null if no ImageFrame with that found
figuresImagePrimitiveGetByFigureId: function (figureId) {
var f = this.figureGetById(figureId);
var imageFrame = null;
for (var i = 0; i < f.primitives.length; i++) {
if (f.primitives[i].oType == 'ImageFrame') {
imageFrame = f.primitives[i];
return imageFrame;
/**Returns a Text by figureId
*@param {Number} figureId - the figureId of the Figure
*@return {Text} - the Text object or null if no Text with that found
figuresTextPrimitiveGetByFigureId: function (figureId) {
var f = this.figureGetById(figureId);
var text = null;
if (f) {
for (var i = 0; i < f.primitives.length; i++) {
if (f.primitives[i].oType == 'Text') {
text = f.primitives[i];
return text;
/* Sets the z index of a figure
* @param {Figure} figure - the figure to move
* @param {Number} position - the Z index. The bigger value means closer to user (last painted);
* @deprecated
* */
setPosition_deprecated: function (figure, position) {
var figureIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (this.figures[i] == figure) {
figureIndex = i;
if (figureIndex != -1 && position >= 0 && position < this.figures.length) {
var tempFigure = this.figures.splice(figureIndex, 1); //the figure to move
this.figures.splice(position, 0, tempFigure[0]);
var added = false
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
this.idToIndex[this.figures[i].id] = i;
this.figureSelectedIndex = position;
/** Sets the new z position of a currently selected figure (if present)
* It actually swap figures.
* <p/>
* Note: it's just a simple switch between current position and new position
* <p/>
* Zack: Is it just a switch? All you are doing is swapping, what if the user didn't want to swap, but shift up
* using this method, if you have 5 figures, and bring the very back one to the front, the front figure
* is moved to the very back, surely the correct solution is to move everything back 1, and move the selected
* figure to the front
* <p/>
* Alex: What you are saying is an insert at a certain position which is not what we want with this method.
* Maybe we should rename it swapToPosition(...) or swapIntoPosition(...)
* <p/>
* @param {Number} figureId - the id of the {Figure}
* @param {Number} newPosition - the new Z index of the figure. The bigger the value, close to user (last painted);
* @author Alex Gheorghiu <>
* */
swapToPosition: function (figureId, newPosition) {
var oldPosition = this.idToIndex[figureId];
if (oldPosition != -1 /**oldPosition valid*/
&& newPosition >= 0 && newPosition < this.figures.length /**newPosition in vector bounds*/) {
//update idToIndex index
this.idToIndex[figureId] = newPosition;
this.idToIndex[this.figures[newPosition].id] = oldPosition;
//switch figures
var temp = this.figures[oldPosition];
this.figures[oldPosition] = this.figures[newPosition];
this.figures[newPosition] = temp;
*Insert a figure into a position and shifts all other figures
*Used by moveToBack and moveToFront, sets the selected figure to the selected position, and rotates all other figures away
*[0] = 0
*[1] = 1
*[2] = 2
*change to
*[0] = 1
*[1] = 2
*[2] = 0
*change to
*@param {Number} figureId - the id of the figure
*@param {Number} newPosition - the new position of the figure
*@author Zack Newsham
setPosition: function (figureId, newPosition) {
//are we moving forward or back?
var oldPosition = this.idToIndex[figureId];
var temp = this.figures[oldPosition];
var direction = -1; //move to back
if (oldPosition < newPosition) {//move to front
direction = 1;
//while i between oldposition and new position, move 1 in given direction
for (var i = oldPosition; i != newPosition; i += direction) {
this.figures[i] = this.figures[i + direction]; //set the figure
this.idToIndex[this.figures[i].id] = i; //change the index
this.figures[newPosition] = temp; //replace the temp
this.idToIndex[this.figures[newPosition].id] = newPosition;
/**Test if an (x,y) is over a figure
*@param {Number} x - the x coordinates
*@param {Number} y - the y coordinates
*@return {Boolean} - true if over a figure, false otherwise
figureIsOver: function (x, y) {
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
var figure = this.figures[i];
if (figure.contains(x, y)) {
found = true;
return found;
/**Test if an (x,y) is over a container
*@param {Number} x - the x coordinates
*@param {Number} y - the y coordinates
*@return {Boolean} - true if over a container, false otherwise
containerIsOver: function (x, y) {
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.containers.length; i++) {
var container = this.containers[i];
if (container.contains(x, y)) {
found = true;
return found;
/**Test if an (x,y) is over a Container's edge (rigt on its edge)
*@param {Number} x - the x coordinates
*@param {Number} y - the y coordinates
*@return {Boolean} - true if over a container, false otherwise
containerIsOnEdge: function (x, y) {
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.containers.length; i++) {
var container = this.containers[i];
if (container.onEdge(x, y)) {
found = true;
return found;
/**Return the bounds for all objects on work area (canvas).
*@return {Array<Number>} - returns [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] - bounds, where
* all objects on canvas (Figures/Containers/Connectors) are in the bounds.
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
getWorkAreaBounds: function () {
var minX;
var maxX;
var minY;
var maxY;
var unset = true; // defines if there were no object - no bounds set
// function to run for any bounds in format [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]
// compares given bounds with current values of canvas
var compareAndSet = function (bounds) {
// if minX is unset or bigger than given
if (typeof (minX) === 'undefined' || minX > bounds[0]) {
minX = bounds[0];
// if minY is unset or bigger than given
if (typeof (minY) === 'undefined' || minY > bounds[1]) {
minY = bounds[1];
// if maxX is unset or bigger than given
if (typeof (maxX) === 'undefined' || bounds[2] > maxX) {
maxX = bounds[2];
// if maxY is unset or bigger than given
if (typeof (maxY) === 'undefined' || bounds[3] > maxY) {
maxY = bounds[3];
// if once function were ran - one object setted it's bounds
unset = false;
var i;
// get bounds of containers
var containerLength = this.containers.length;
for (i = 0; i < containerLength; i++) {
// get bounds of figures
var figureLength = this.figures.length;
for (i = 0; i < figureLength; i++) {
// get bounds of connectors
var connectorLength = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectors.length;
for (i = 0; i < connectorLength; i++) {
// bounds were setted/changed?
if (unset) {
// return full canvas size
return [0, 0, canvasProps.getWidth(), canvasProps.getHeight()];
} else {
// return setted new bounds
return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY];
*Apply a transformation to all Figures and Containers in Stack
*@param {Matrix} matrix - a matrix of numbers
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
transform: function (matrix) {
// translate Containers
var i;
var containerLength = this.containers.length;
for (i = 0; i < containerLength; i++) {
// translate Figures
var figureLength = this.figures.length;
for (i = 0; i < figureLength; i++) {
// Does Figure is placed outside of container?
if (CONTAINER_MANAGER.getContainerForFigure(this.figures[i].id) === -1) {
// otherwise it is already transformed
/**Paints all {Figure}s from back to top (Z order)
*@param {Context} context - the 2D context
*@param {boolean} ignoreSelection - if ignoreSelection is set to true selections will not be painted
paint: function (context, ignoreSelection) {
//"STACK: paint");
/*The idea is to paint from bottom to top
* 1. figures (first)
* 2. connectors
* 3. handlers
* 4. selection area (last)
if (DIAGRAMO.debug) {
var pos = 1;;
context.font = "10px Arial";
context.fillStyle = '#000000';
context.strokeStyle = '#000000';
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.fillText("state: " + state, 0, 10 * pos++);
context.fillText("selectedFigureId: : " + selectedFigureId, 0, 10 * pos++);
context.fillText("selectedGroupId: : " + selectedGroupId, 0, 10 * pos++);
context.fillText("selectedContainerId: : " + selectedContainerId, 0, 10 * pos++);
if (selectedGroupId != -1) {
var logGroup = this.groupGetById(selectedGroupId);
context.fillText("permanent: : " + logGroup.permanent, 0, 10 * pos++);
context.fillText("selectedConnectorId: : " + selectedConnectorId, 0, 10 * pos++);
if (selectedConnectorId != -1) {
var connector = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectorGetById(selectedConnectorId);
context.fillText("connector type: : " + connector.type, 0, 10 * pos++);
//paint containers
for (var i = 0; i < this.containers.length; i++) {;
//end paint containers
//paint figures
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
if (! {
alert("save() no present")
//if we are connecting something we should paint connection points too
CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectionPointPaint(context, this.figures[i].id);
} //end for
//if we are connecting something we should paint currentCloud too
//paint connector(s)
CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectorPaint(context, selectedConnectorId);
//paint handlers for selected shape
var f = this.figureGetById(selectedFigureId);
//self dgq
if (f) { = f.getBounds();
//alert('Paint handles');
if (!ignoreSelection) {
var c = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectorGetById(selectedConnectorId);
if (!ignoreSelection) {
var cont = STACK.containerGetById(selectedContainerId);
if (!ignoreSelection) {
else if (state == STATE_GROUP_SELECTED) { //GROUP
var g = this.groupGetById(selectedGroupId);
if (!ignoreSelection) {
/* If shift is pressed, then leave the selected figure
* or group drawn on screen and allow drawing region in same time*/
if (selectedFigureId != -1) {
var f = this.figureGetById(selectedFigureId);
if (selectedGroupId != -1) {
var g = this.groupGetById(selectedGroupId);
if (DIAGRAMO.debug) {
//"Visual debug");
var colors = {
's0': '#ff0000',
's1_1': '#009900',
's1_2': '#0033ff',
's2_1': '#00ff33',
's2_2': '#ff3399',
's2_3': '#808019',
's2_4': '#e6e64c',
's2_5': '#e67814',
's2_6': '#309bda'
for (var i = 0; i < DIAGRAMO.debugSolutions.length; i++) {
var shift = 3 + i * 3;
var solution = DIAGRAMO.debugSolutions[i];
//"Solution: " + solution + " type of " + typeof(solution[2]) + " length: " + solution.length );
//"Solution points: " + solution[2]);
var points = solution[2]; //get points
//paint line;
context.strokeStyle = colors[solution[1]];
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.moveTo(points[0].x + shift, points[0].y + shift);
for (var j = 1; j < points.length; j++) {
context.lineTo(points[j].x + shift, points[j].y + shift)
//paint points
for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {;
// points[j].style.strokeStyle = '#FF0000';
// points[j].paint(context);
//context.strokeStyle= colors[solution[1]];
context.strokeStyle = '#cccccc';
//context.arc(points[j].x,points[j].y, 2 + i * 3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
context.arc(points[j].x, points[j].y, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
//paint the legend
pos += 4;
for (var solName in colors) {;
context.strokeText(solName, 0, 10 * pos);
context.strokeStyle = colors[solName];
context.moveTo(50, 10 * pos);
context.lineTo(150, 10 * pos);
pos += 2;
// Log.groupEnd();
// Log.groupEnd();
/**Convert all STACK to SVG representation
*@return {String} - the SVG string representation*/
toSVG: function () {
var svg = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this.figures.length; i++) {
svg += this.figures[i].toSVG();
return svg;