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* It manages all the Connectors on a diagram
* @constructor
* @this {ConnectorManager}
function ConnectorManager(){
/**An {Array} of {Connector}s. Keeps all Connectors from canvas*/
this.connectors = [];
/**An {Array} of {ConnectionPoint}s. Keeps all ConnectionPoints from canvas*/
this.connectionPoints = [];
/**Used to generate unique IDs for ConnectionPoint*/
this.connectionPointCurrentId = 0; //
/**An {Array} of {Glue}s. Keeps all Glues from canvas*/
this.glues = [];
/** Tells in what mode are we:
* 0 = disabled
* 1 = choosing first location (creation)
* 2 = choosing second location (creation)
* 3 = dragging connector
this.connectionMode = ConnectorManager.MODE_DISABLED;
// defines current cloud's paint details
ConnectorManager.CLOUD_RADIUS = 12;
ConnectorManager.CLOUD_LINEWIDTH = 3;
ConnectorManager.CLOUD_STROKE_STYLE = "rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.8)"; //orange
/**Creates a {ConnectorManager} out of JSON parsed object
*@param {JSONObject} o - the JSON parsed object
*@return {ConnectorManager} a newly constructed ConnectorManager
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
ConnectorManager.load = function(o){
var newConnectionManager = new ConnectorManager(); //empty constructor
var localLog = '';
//1 - load connectors
localLog += '\nCONNECTORS';
newConnectionManager.connectors = Connector.loadArray(o.connectors);
// newConnectionManager.connectorSelectedIndex = o.connectorSelectedIndex;
for(var i=0;i<newConnectionManager.connectors.length;i++){
localLog += '\n' + newConnectionManager.connectors[i].toString();
//2 - load connection points
localLog += '\nCONNECTION POINTS';
newConnectionManager.connectionPoints = ConnectionPoint.loadArray(o.connectionPoints);
for(var i=0;i<newConnectionManager.connectionPoints.length; i++){
localLog += "\n" + newConnectionManager.connectionPoints[i].toString();
// newConnectionManager.connectionPointSelectedIndex = o.connectionPointSelectedIndex;
newConnectionManager.connectionPointCurrentId = o.connectionPointCurrentId;
//3 - load glues
localLog += '\nGLUES';
newConnectionManager.glues = Glue.loadArray(o.glues);
//localLog += 'Connection manager has ' + newConnectionManager.glues.length + " glues";
for(var i=0;i<newConnectionManager.glues.length; i++){
localLog += "\n" + newConnectionManager.glues[i].toString();
newConnectionManager.connectionMode = o.connectionMode;
return newConnectionManager ;
ConnectorManager.prototype = {
constructor : ConnectorManager,
*Performs a deeps equals
*@param {ConnectorManager} anotherConnectionManager - the other object to compare against
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
equals : function(anotherConnectionManager){
if(!anotherConnectionManager instanceof ConnectorManager){
return false;
//test Connectors
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
return false;
//test ConnectionPoints
for(var i=0; i<this.connectionPoints.length; i++){
return false;
//test Glues
for(var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
return false;
return this.connectionPointCurrentId == anotherConnectionManager.connectionPointCurrentId
&& this.connectionMode == anotherConnectionManager.connectionMode;
/**Export the entire ConnectionManager to SVG format*/
toSVG : function(){
var r = '';
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
r += this.connectors[i].toSVG();
return r;
* Creates a new connector. Also store the connector into the pool of connectors.
* @param {Point} startPoint
* @param {Point} endPoint
* @param {String} type of Connector. It can be either 'straight' or 'jagged'
* @return {Number} the id of the newly created Connector
//get a new id for Connector
var id = STACK.generateId();
//create and save connector
this.connectors.push(new Connector(startPoint,endPoint,type, id));
//create ConnectionPoints for Connector
this.connectionPointCreate(id, startPoint, ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR);
this.connectionPointCreate(id, endPoint, ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR);
var c = this.connectorGetById(id);
//alert('log:connectorCreate: connector has ' + c.turningPoints.length);
return id;
* Remove a connector and all other objects( ConnectionPoints, Glues) linked to it
* @param {Connector} connector - the connector you want to remove
this.connectorRemoveById(, true);
*Remove a connector by Id
*@param {Number} connectorId - the {Connector}'s id
*@param {Boolean} cascade - if cascade is true it will delete the (linked) ConnectionPoints and Glues
connectorRemoveById:function(connectorId, cascade){
//remove all affected Glues
var cCPs = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(connectorId); //get all connection points
for(var k=0; k<cCPs.length; k++){
//remove all affected ConnectionPoints
//remove the connector
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
if(this.connectors[i].id == connectorId){
}//end if
}//end for
/**Paints all connectors and highlight the selected one
*@param {Context} context - a reference to HTML5's canvas
*@param {Number} highlightedConnectorId - the id of the highlighted connector
*@author Zack
*@author Alex
*TODO: maybe all painting should not be made in managers
connectorPaint:function(context, highlightedConnectorId){
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
//1 - paint highlight color
//detect if we have a currenly selected Connector and "highlight" its ConnectionPoints
if(this.connectors[i].id == highlightedConnectorId){
//paint a lime line underneath the connector;
if(this.connectors[i].style.lineWidth == null){
this.connectors[i].style.lineWidth = 1;
var oldStyle = this.connectors[i].style.clone();
var oldWidth = this.connectors[i].style.lineWidth;
this.connectors[i].style = new Style();
this.connectors[i].style.lineWidth = parseInt(oldWidth) + 2;
this.connectors[i].style.strokeStyle = "lime";
this.connectors[i].style = oldStyle;
//2 - paint the connector
//3 - paint the connection points (as they are on top of the connector)
if(this.connectors[i].id == highlightedConnectorId){
this.connectionPointPaint(context, this.connectors[i].id)
// //(if selected) activate the handlers for the connector
// if(i == this.connectorSelectedIndex){
// HandleManager.shapeSet(this.connectors[i]);
// HandleManager.paint(context);
// }
}//end for
* Disconnects all Connectors (actually one) that have a ConnectionPoint
* @param {Number} conectionPointId - connectionPoint to disconnect
* should only ever be called using the conPoint of a Connector, but could work either way
/** Simplifies the connection of 2 ConnectionPoints
* @param {ConnectionPoint} connectionPoint1 - connectionPoint on a figure/connector
* @param {ConnectionPoint} connectionPoint2 - connectionPoint on a figure/connector
* TODO: Is it mandatory that one ConnectionPoint is from a figure an the another one from a Connector?
connectorConnect:function(connectionPoint1, connectionPoint2){
//connect the two figures, they were highlighted, so now unhighlight them
connectionPoint1.color = ConnectionPoint.CONNECTED_COLOR;
connectionPoint2.color = ConnectionPoint.CONNECTED_COLOR;
//select the figure we jusfigurest connected to
var figurePoint;
var nonFigurePoint;
//find out which one is from a connector
//set the connectors point to the figures point, has a "snap to" effect
if(connectionPoint1.type == ConnectionPoint.TYPE_FIGURE){
figurePoint = connectionPoint1;
nonFigurePoint = connectionPoint2;
figurePoint = connectionPoint2;
nonFigurePoint = connectionPoint1;
//make connector's point be identical with Figure's point
nonFigurePoint.point.x = figurePoint.point.x;
nonFigurePoint.point.y = figurePoint.point.y;
//are these connectionPoints already connected, if not connect them now?
this.glueCreate(,, false);
//if we are now connected at two places, make the line jagged.
var connector = this.connectorGetById(nonFigurePoint.parentId);
if(connector != null){
if(this.connectionPointHasGlues(this.connectionPointGetAllByParent([0].id) //is Connector's first ConnectionPoint glued
&& this.connectionPointHasGlues(this.connectionPointGetAllByParent([1].id) //is Connector's second ConnectionPoint glued
&& connector.type == Connector.TYPE_JAGGED) //is Connector's type jagged
//TODO: it seems that Connector does not have a parameter....!?
alert('Problem connector has ' + connector.turningPoints.length + " points");
/** Selects a connector using x and y coordinates, same as figure and handle
* @param {Number} x - the x coordinate
* @param {Number} y - the y coordinate
//try to pick the new selected connector
this.connectorSelectedIndex = -1;
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
this.connectorSelectedIndex = i;
/** Returns the currently selected connector
* or null if none available
return this.connectors[this.connectorSelectedIndex];
return null;
/**Get a Connector by its id
*@param {Number} connectorId
*@return {Connetor} if founded or null if none finded
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
if(this.connectors[i].id == connectorId){
return this.connectors[i];
return null;
/**Returns the id of the connector the mouse is over.
*It actually return the first connector we found in a vicinity of that point
*@param {Number} x - the x coord
*@param {Number} y - the y coord
*@return {Number} - the id of the connector or -1 if no connector found
*TODO: Note: We are picking the Connector the most far from user as if
*we iterate from 0 to connectors.lenght we are going from back to front, similar
*to painting
var id = -1;
for(var i=0; i<this.connectors.length; i++){
if(this.connectors[i].near(x, y, 3)){
id = this.connectors[i].id;
return id;
*Returns the id value of connector for the given coordinates of it's middle text
*@param {Number} x - the value on Ox axis
*@param {Number} y - the value on Oy axis
*@return {Number} - id value of connector (parent of the text primitive with XY) otherwise -1
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
connectorGetByTextXY: function(x, y) {
var connectorsLength = this.connectors.length;
for(var i = connectorsLength - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var connector = this.connectors[i];
if( connector.middleText.contains(x, y) ) {
}//end for
return -1;
/**Adjust a Connector by its (one) ConnectionPoint
*@param {Integer} cpId - the id of the connector
*@param {Number} x - the x coordinates of the point
*@param {Number} y - the y coordinates of the point
*@deprecated This function seems to no longer be used.
*See ConnectionMamager.connectionPointTransform(...)
connectorAdjustByConnectionPoint: function(cpId, x, y){
var cp = this.connectionPointGetById(cpId); //ConnectionPoint
Log.debug("connectorAdjustByConnectionPoint() - Cp is :" + cp);
var con = this.connectorGetById(cp.parentId); //Connector
var conCps = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(; //Conector's ConnectionPoints
if(con.type === Connector.TYPE_STRAIGHT){
/**For STRAIGHT is very simple just update the tunrning points to the start and end connection points*/
var start = conCps[0].point.clone();
var end = conCps[1].point.clone();
con.turningPoints = [start, end];
else if(con.type === Connector.TYPE_JAGGED || con.type === Connector.TYPE_ORGANIC){
//first ConnectionPoint
var startPoint = conCps[0].point.clone();
//second ConnectionPoint
var endPoint = conCps[1].point.clone();
//first bounds (of start figure)
var sFigure = STACK.figureGetAsFirstFigureForConnector(;
var sBounds = sFigure == null ? null : sFigure.getBounds();
//second bounds (of end figure)
var eFigure = STACK.figureGetAsSecondFigureForConnector(;
var eBounds = eFigure == null ? null : eFigure.getBounds();
//adjust connector
var solutions = this.connector2Points(Connector.TYPE_JAGGED, startPoint, endPoint, sBounds, eBounds);
// apply solution to Connector (for delta changes made by user)
conCps[0].point = con.turningPoints[0].clone();
conCps[1].point = con.turningPoints[con.turningPoints.length - 1].clone();
/**Simple function to get access to first {ConnectionPoint}
*@param {Number} connectorId - the id of the connector
*@return {ConnectionPoint} - the start {ConnectionPoint}
*@author Alex Gheorghiu
connectionPointGetFirstForConnector : function(connectorId) {
return this.connectionPointGetAllByParentIdAndType(connectorId, ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR)[0];
/**Simple function to get access to second {ConnectionPoint}
*@param {Number} connectorId - the id of the connector
*@return {ConnectionPoint} - the end {ConnectionPoint}
*@author Alex Gheorghiu
connectionPointGetSecondForConnector : function(connectorId) {
return this.connectionPointGetAllByParentIdAndType(connectorId, ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR)[1];
* This function simply takes 2 points: M, N from 2 figures A, B (M belongs to A,
* N belongs to B) and tries to find the
* nearest {ConnectionPoint}s to M ( C1i ) and nearest {ConnectionPoint}s to N ( C2i ) and then
* pick those that have a minimum distance between them (minimum C1-C2 distance]
*@param {Boolean} startAutomatic - flag defines if start of connection is automatic
*@param {Boolean} endAutomatic - flag defines if end of connection is automatic
*@param {Number} startFigureId - Start {Figure}'s id or -1 if no start {Figure} present
*@param {Point} startPoint - Start {Point} of connection
*@param {Number} endFigureId - End {Figure}'s id or -1 if no start {Figure} present
*@param {Point} endPoint - End {Point} of connection
*@retun {Array} - in a form of
* [
* startPoint,
* endPoint,
* start {Figure}'s {ConnectionPoint} Id - or -1 if none,
* end {Figure}'s {ConnectionPoint}'s Id - or -1 if none
* ]
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
getClosestPointsOfConnection: function(startAutomatic, endAutomatic, startFigureId, startPoint, endFigureId, endPoint) {
//We will have 4 cases depending on automaticStart and automaticEnd values
//Case 1
// both points have locked position
// we are taking defined {Point}s of connection
if (!startAutomatic && !endAutomatic) {
//TODO: not fair not to return CPs'ids where we know for sure they
//are present( !automaticStart && !automaticEnd)
return this.closestPointsFixed2Fixed(startPoint, endPoint);
//Case 2
// end point has locked position:
// we are taking 1 point as position of closest {ConnectionPoint} connected with startPoint
// and 2 point as end {ConnectionPoint}
if (startAutomatic && !endAutomatic) {
return this.closestPointsAuto2Fixed(startFigureId, endPoint);
//Case 3
// start point has locked position:
// we taking 1 point as clone of {ConnectionPoint}
// and 2 point as position of closest {ConnectionPoint} connected with end point
if (!startAutomatic && endAutomatic) {
return this.closestPointsFixed2Auto(startPoint, endFigureId);
//Case 4
// start and end points have locked position:
// we taking both as position of closest {ConnectionPoint} connected with start and end point
if (startAutomatic && endAutomatic) {
return this.closestPointsAuto2Auto(startFigureId, startPoint, endFigureId, endPoint);
* Special case of getClosestPointsOfConnection() when
* startAutomatic = true
* and
* endAutomatic = true
* */
closestPointsAuto2Auto : function(startFigureId, startPoint, endFigureId, endPoint){
// special case when figure is connected to itself
if (startFigureId == endFigureId) {
// we will find closest to end point (mouse coordinates)
// this means solutions will be the same as connecting to end point
// from automatic start where start and end connection point match
var candidate = this.closestPointsAuto2Fixed(
startFigureId, //start figure's id
startPoint, //start point
endFigureId, //end figure's id
endPoint //end
candidate[1] = candidate[0];
candidate[3] = candidate[2];
return candidate;
//get all connection points of start figure
var startFCps = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(startFigureId),
startFCpLength = startFCps.length,
closestStartPoint = startFCps[0].point,
closestStartConnectionPointId = startFCps[0].id,
endFCps = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(endFigureId),
endFCpLength = endFCps.length,
closestEndPoint = endFCps[0].point,
closestEndConnectionPointId = endFCps[0].id,
minDistance = Util.distance(closestStartPoint,closestEndPoint),
// find closest to endPoint
for(var i = 0; i < startFCpLength; i++){
curStartPoint = startFCps[i].point;
for(var j = 0; j < endFCpLength; j++){
curEndPoint = endFCps[j].point;
curDistance = Util.distance(curStartPoint, curEndPoint);
if (curDistance < minDistance) {
minDistance = curDistance;
closestStartPoint = curStartPoint;
closestStartConnectionPointId = startFCps[i].id;
closestEndPoint = curEndPoint;
closestEndConnectionPointId = endFCps[j].id;
return [closestStartPoint.clone(), closestEndPoint.clone(), closestStartConnectionPointId, closestEndConnectionPointId];
* Special case of getClosestPointsOfConnection() when
* startAutomatic = false
* and
* endAutomatic = true
* */
closestPointsFixed2Auto : function(startPoint, endFigureId){
//get all connection points of end figure
var fCps = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(endFigureId),
fCpLength = fCps.length,
closestPoint = fCps[0].point,
closestConnectionPointId = fCps[0].id,
minDistance = Util.distance(startPoint, closestPoint),
// find closest to startPoint
for(var i = 1; i < fCpLength; i++){
curPoint = fCps[i].point;
curDistance = Util.distance(startPoint, curPoint);
if (curDistance < minDistance) {
minDistance = curDistance;
closestPoint = curPoint;
closestConnectionPointId = fCps[i].id;
return [startPoint, closestPoint.clone(), -1, closestConnectionPointId];
* Special case of getClosestPointsOfConnection() when
* startAutomatic = true
* and
* endAutomatic = false
* */
closestPointsAuto2Fixed: function(startFigureId, endPoint){
//get all connection points of start figure
var fCps = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(startFigureId),
fCpLength = fCps.length,
closestPoint = fCps[0].point,
closestConnectionPointId = fCps[0].id,
minDistance = Util.distance(closestPoint, endPoint),
// find closest to endPoint
for(var i = 1; i < fCpLength; i++){
curPoint = fCps[i].point;
curDistance = Util.distance(curPoint, endPoint);
if (curDistance < minDistance) {
minDistance = curDistance;
closestPoint = curPoint;
closestConnectionPointId = fCps[i].id;
return [closestPoint.clone(), endPoint, closestConnectionPointId, -1];
* Special case of getClosestPointsOfConnection() when
* startAutomatic = false
* and
* endAutomatic = false
* */
closestPointsFixed2Fixed : function (startPoint, endPoint){
return [startPoint, endPoint, -1, -1];
/**This function returns a "temp" connector between 2 points. The points
* are usually inside some boundaries and we need to "discover" a path
* from start point to the end point.
* Note: We are not using {ConnectionPoint}s here are this somehow a generic algorithm
* where we have a type of drawing, a start point, and end point and 2 boundaries to
* consider.
* Note 2: For organic connector the solution(s) is "injected" with 2 additional
* points: in the middle of start and end segment (of turning points) so that
* the curve will look more natural.
*@param {Number} type - Connector.TYPE_STRAIGHT, Connector.TYPE_JAGGED or Connector.TYPE_ORGANIC
*@param {Point} startPoint - the start {Point}
*@param {Point} endPoint - the end {Point}
*@param {Array} sBounds - the starting bounds (of a Figure) as [left, top, right, bottom] - area we should avoid
*@param {Array} eBounds - the ending bounds (of a Figure) as [left, top, right, bottom] - area we shoudl avoid
*@return {Array} solution - in a form ('generic solution name', 'specific solution name', [point1, point2, ...])
*Example: ['s1', 's1_1', [point1, point2, point3, ...]] where 's1 - is the generic solution name,
* s1_1 - the specific solution name (Case 1 of Solution 1)
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
connector2Points: function(type, startPoint, endPoint, sBounds, eBounds ){
var oldLogLevel = Log.level;
// Log.level = Log.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;"connectionManager: connector2Points");"ConnectionManager: connector2Points (" + type + ", " + startPoint + ", " + endPoint + ", " + sBounds + ", " + eBounds + ')');
var solutions = [];
case Connector.TYPE_STRAIGHT:
var points = [startPoint.clone(), endPoint.clone()];
solutions.push( ['straight', 'straight', points] );
case Connector.TYPE_ORGANIC:
//do nothing....just flow with JAGGED...for now
case Connector.TYPE_JAGGED:
var startExitPoint = null;
var endExitPoint = null;
//find start exit point
if(sBounds != null){
var potentialExits = [];
potentialExits.push(new Point(startPoint.x, sBounds[1] - FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE)); //north
potentialExits.push(new Point(sBounds[2] + FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE, startPoint.y)); //east
potentialExits.push(new Point(startPoint.x, sBounds[3] + FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE)); //south
potentialExits.push(new Point(sBounds[0] - FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE, startPoint.y)); //west
//pick closest exit point
startExitPoint = potentialExits[0];
for(var i=1; i < potentialExits.length; i++){
if(Util.distance(startPoint, potentialExits[i]) < Util.distance(startPoint, startExitPoint)){
startExitPoint = potentialExits[i];
if(startExitPoint == null){
alert("No way");
//find end exit point
if(eBounds != null){
var potentialExits = [];
potentialExits.push(new Point(endPoint.x, eBounds[1] - FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE)); //north
potentialExits.push(new Point(eBounds[2] + FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE, endPoint.y)); //east
potentialExits.push(new Point(endPoint.x, eBounds[3] + FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE)); //south
potentialExits.push(new Point(eBounds[0] - FIGURE_ESCAPE_DISTANCE, endPoint.y)); //west
//pick closest exit point
endExitPoint = potentialExits[0];
for(var i=1; i < potentialExits.length; i++){
if(Util.distance(endPoint, potentialExits[i]) < Util.distance(endPoint, endExitPoint)){
endExitPoint = potentialExits[i];
if(endExitPoint == null){
alert("No way");
//Basic solution (basic kit :p)
var s = [startPoint];
var gapIndex = 0; //the index of the gap (where do we need to insert new points) DO NOT CHANGE IT
gapIndex = 1;
//SO - no additional points
var s0 = Point.cloneArray(s);
solutions.push(['s0', 's0', s0]);
var s1 = Point.cloneArray(s);
//first variant
var s1_1 = Point.cloneArray(s1);
s1_1.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, new Point(s1_1[gapIndex].x , s1_1[gapIndex+1].y) );
solutions.push(['s1', 's1_1', s1_1]);
//second variant
var s1_2 = Point.cloneArray(s1);
s1_2.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, new Point(s1_2[gapIndex+1].x , s1_2[gapIndex].y) );
solutions.push(['s1', 's1_2', s1_2]);
//Variant I
var s2_1 = Point.cloneArray(s);
var s2_1_1 = new Point( (s2_1[gapIndex].x + s2_1[gapIndex+1].x) / 2, s2_1[gapIndex].y);
var s2_1_2 = new Point( (s2_1[gapIndex].x + s2_1[gapIndex+1].x) / 2, s2_1[gapIndex+1].y);
s2_1.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, s2_1_1, s2_1_2);
solutions.push(['s2', 's2_1', s2_1]);
//Variant II
var s2_2 = Point.cloneArray(s);
var s2_2_1 = new Point( s2_2[gapIndex].x, (s2_2[gapIndex].y + s2_2[gapIndex+1].y)/2 );
var s2_2_2 = new Point( s2_2[gapIndex+1].x, (s2_2[gapIndex].y + s2_2[gapIndex+1].y)/2);
s2_2.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, s2_2_1, s2_2_2);
solutions.push(['s2', 's2_2', s2_2]);
//Variant III
var s2_3 = Point.cloneArray(s);
//find the amount (stored in delta) of pixels we need to move right so no intersection with a figure will be present
//!See: /documents/specs/connected_figures_deltas.jpg file
var eastExits = [s2_3[gapIndex].x + 20, s2_3[gapIndex+1].x + 20]; //add points X coordinates to be able to generate Variant III even in the absence of figures :p
eastExits.push(sBounds[2] + 20);
eastExits.push(eBounds[2] + 20);
var eastExit = Util.max(eastExits);
var s2_3_1 = new Point( eastExit, s2_3[gapIndex].y );
var s2_3_2 = new Point( eastExit, s2_3[gapIndex+1].y );
s2_3.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, s2_3_1, s2_3_2);
solutions.push(['s2', 's2_3', s2_3]);
//Variant IV
var s2_4 = Point.cloneArray(s);
//find the amount (stored in delta) of pixels we need to move up so no intersection with a figure will be present
//!See: /documents/specs/connected_figures_deltas.jpg file
var northExits = [s2_4[gapIndex].y - 20, s2_4[gapIndex+1].y - 20]; //add points y coordinates to be able to generate Variant III even in the absence of figures :p
northExits.push(sBounds[1] - 20);
northExits.push(eBounds[1] - 20);
var northExit = Util.min(northExits);
var s2_4_1 = new Point( s2_4[gapIndex].x, northExit);
var s2_4_2 = new Point( s2_4[gapIndex+1].x, northExit);
s2_4.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, s2_4_1, s2_4_2);
solutions.push(['s2', 's2_4', s2_4]);
//Variant V
var s2_5 = Point.cloneArray(s);
//find the amount (stored in delta) of pixels we need to move left so no intersection with a figure will be present
//!See: /documents/specs/connected_figures_deltas.jpg file
var westExits = [s2_5[gapIndex].x - 20, s2_5[gapIndex+1].x - 20]; //add points x coordinates to be able to generate Variant III even in the absence of figures :p
westExits.push(sBounds[0] - 20);
westExits.push(eBounds[0] - 20);
var westExit = Util.min(westExits);
var s2_5_1 = new Point( westExit, s2_5[gapIndex].y);
var s2_5_2 = new Point( westExit, s2_5[gapIndex+1].y);
s2_5.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, s2_5_1, s2_5_2);
solutions.push(['s2', 's2_5', s2_5]);
//Variant VI
var s2_6 = Point.cloneArray(s);
//find the amount (stored in delta) of pixels we need to move down so no intersection with a figure will be present
//!See: /documents/specs/connected_figures_deltas.jpg file
var southExits = [s2_6[gapIndex].y + 20, s2_6[gapIndex+1].y + 20]; //add points y coordinates to be able to generate Variant III even in the absence of figures :p
southExits.push(sBounds[3] + 20);
southExits.push(eBounds[3] + 20);
var southExit = Util.max(southExits);
var s2_6_1 = new Point( s2_6[gapIndex].x, southExit);
var s2_6_2 = new Point( s2_6[gapIndex+1].x, southExit);
s2_6.splice(gapIndex + 1, 0, s2_6_1, s2_6_2);
solutions.push(['s2', 's2_6', s2_6]);
//FILTER solutions
* 0. solutions are ordered from minimmun nr of points to maximum >:)
* 1. remove all solutions that are not orthogonal (mainly s0 solution)
* 2. remove all solutions that go backward (we will not need them ever)
* 3. remove all solutions with intersections
* 4. pick first class of solutions with same nr of points (ex: 2)
* 5. pick the first solution with 90 degree angles (less turnarounds)
* (not interesteted) sort by length :p
//1. filter non ortogonal solutions
if(true){"Filter orthogonal solutions. Initial number of solutions = " + solutions.length);
var orthogonalSolution = [];
for(var l=0; l<solutions.length; l++){
var solution = solutions[l][2];
solutions = orthogonalSolution;"\n\tOrthogonalSolutions = " + solutions.length);
//2. filter backward solutions
//do not allow start and end points to coincide - ignore them
if(startPoint.equals(endPoint)){"Start and end point coincide...skip backward solution. I think we will just fall on s0 :)");
else{"Filter backward solutions. Initial number of solutions = " + solutions.length);
var forwardSolutions = [];
var temp = '';
for(var l=0; l<solutions.length; l++){
var solution = solutions[l][2];
temp = temp + "\n\t" + solution;
solutions = forwardSolutions;"\n\t ForwardSolutions = " + solutions.length);
if(solutions.length == 0){"Discarded solutions: " + temp);
//3. Filter non intersecting solutions
if(true){"Filter non intersecting solutions. Initial number of solutions = " + solutions.length);
var nonIntersectionSolutions = []
for(var l=0; l<solutions.length; l++){
var solution = solutions[l][2];
//"Solution id= " + solutions[l][1] + ' nr points = ' + solution.length + ", points = " + solution);
var intersect = false;
var innerLines = solution.slice(); //just a shallow copy
/*If any bounds just trim the solution. So we avoid the strange case when a connection
*startes from a point on a figure and ends inside of the same figure, but not on a connection point*/
if(eBounds || sBounds){
//i0nnerLines = innerLines.slice(0, innerLines.length - 1);
innerLines = innerLines.slice(1, innerLines.length - 1);
//"\t eBounds present,innerLines nr. points = " + innerLines.length + ", points = " + innerLines);
//now test for intersection
intersect = intersect || Util.polylineIntersectsRectangle(innerLines, sBounds);
intersect = intersect || Util.polylineIntersectsRectangle(innerLines, eBounds);
//If all solutions intersect than this is destiny :) and just ignore the intersection filter
if(nonIntersectionSolutions.length != 0){
//reasign to solutions
solutions = nonIntersectionSolutions;
}"\n\t nonIntersectionSolutions = " + solutions.length);
//4. get first class of solutions with same nr of points
if(true){"Get first class of solutions with same nr of points");
if(solutions.length == 0){
alert("This is not possible");
var firstSolution = solutions[0][2]; //pick first solution
var nrOfPoints = firstSolution.length;
var sameNrPointsSolution = [];
for(var l=0; l<solutions.length; l++){
var solution = solutions[l][2];
if(solution.length == nrOfPoints){
solutions = sameNrPointsSolution;
/*5. Pick the first solution with 90 degree angles (less turnarounds)
*in case we have more than one solution in our class
if(true){"pick the first solution with 90 degree angles (less turnarounds)");
var solIndex = 0;
for(var l=0; l<solutions.length; l++){
var solution = solutions[l][2];
if(Util.scorePath( solutions[solIndex][2] ) < Util.scorePath( solutions[l][2] ) ){
solIndex = l;
solutions = [solutions[solIndex]];
if(type === Connector.TYPE_ORGANIC){
Log.level = oldLogLevel;
return solutions;
* Tries to smooth the solution.
* Made mainly for organic connectors
* @param {Array} solutions - in a form ('generic solution name', 'specific solution name', [point1, point2, ...])
* Example: ['s1', 's1_1', [point1, point2, point3, ...]] where 's1 - is the generic solution name,
* s1_1 - the specific solution name (Case 1 of Solution 1)
* */
smoothOrganic: function(solutions){
var option = 3;
case 0:
//do nothing
case 1: //add intermediate points
//Add the middle point for start and end segment so that we "force" the
//curve to both come "perpendicular" on bounds and also make the curve
//"flee" more from bounds (on exit)
for(var s=0; s<solutions.length; s++){
var solTurningPoints = solutions[s][2];
//first segment
var a1 = solTurningPoints[0];
var a2 = solTurningPoints[1];
var startMiddlePoint = Util.getMiddle(a1, a2);
solTurningPoints.splice(1,0, startMiddlePoint);
//last segment
var a3 = solTurningPoints[solTurningPoints.length - 2];
var a4 = solTurningPoints[solTurningPoints.length - 1];
var endMiddlePoint = Util.getMiddle(a3, a4);
solTurningPoints.splice(solTurningPoints.length - 1, 0, endMiddlePoint);
case 2: //remove points
for(var s=0; s<solutions.length; s++){
var solType= solutions[s][0];
if(solType == 's1' || solType == 's2'){
var solTurningPoints = solutions[s][2];
solTurningPoints.splice(solTurningPoints.length - 2, 1);
case 3:
/*remove colinear point for s1 as it seems that more colinear points do not look good
* on organic solutions >:D*/
for(var s=0; s<solutions.length; s++){
var solType= solutions[s][0];
if(solType == 's1'){
var solTurningPoints = solutions[s][2];
var reducedSolution = Util.collinearReduction(solTurningPoints);
solutions[s][2] = reducedSolution;
}//end switch
/**Score a ortogonal path made out of Points
*Iterates over a set of points (minimum 3)
*For each 3 points if the 3rd one is after the 2nd
* on the same line we add +1 if the 3rd is up or down rlated to the 2nd we do not do anything
* and if the 3rd goes back we imediatelly retun -1
*@param {Array} v - an array of {Point}s
*@param {Boolean} smooth - if true the smoothest path will have a greater score, if false the most jagged
* will have a bigger score.
*@return {Number} - -1 if the path is wrong (goes back) or something >= 0 if is fine
* The bigger the number the smooth the path is
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
_scorePath:function(v, smooth){
var n = v.length;
if(n < 3){
return -1;
var score = 0;
for(var i=1;i<n-1;i++){
if(v[i-1].x == v[i].x && v[i].x == v[i+1].x){ //on the same vertical
if(signum(v[i+1].y - v[i].y) == signum(v[i].y - v[i-1].y)){ //same direction
else{ //going back - no good
return -1;
else if(v[i-1].y == v[i].y && v[i].y == v[i+1].y){ //on the same horizontal
if(signum(v[i+1].x - v[i].x) == signum(v[i].x - v[i-1].x)){ //same direction
else{ //going back - no good
return -1;
else{ //not on same vertical nor horizontal
//do nothing; is like adding 0
return score;
*Tests if a vector of points is a valid path (not going back)
*@param {Array} v - an {Array} of {Point}s
*@return {Boolean} - true if path is valid, false otherwise
*@author Alex <>
var n = v.length;
if(n < 3){
return false;
for(var i=1;i<n-1;i++){
if(v[i-1].x == v[i].x && v[i].x == v[i+1].x){ //on the same vertical
if(signum(v[i+1].y - v[i].y) != signum(v[i].y - v[i-1].y)){ //going back
return false;
else if(v[i-1].y == v[i].y && v[i].y == v[i+1].y){ //on the same horizontal
if(signum(v[i+1].x - v[i].x) != signum(v[i].x - v[i-1].x)){ //going back
return false;
return true;
/**Reset this ConnectionManager*/
this.connectors = [];
this.connectorSelectedIndex = -1;
this.connectionPoints = [];
this.connectionPointSelectedIndex = -1;
this.connectionPointCurrentId = 0;
/**Returns the selected connection point
*@return a {ConnectionPoint} that is stored at position selectedConnectionPointIndex
*or null if selectedConnectionPointIndex is not set (equal to -1)
if(this.connectionPointSelectedIndex == -1){
return null
return this.connectionPoints[this.connectionPointSelectedIndex];
/** Returns a connection point id based on an x and y and the ConnectionPoint.RADIUS
* It will pick the first one that matches the criteria
*@param {Number} x - the x coordinates of the point
*@param {Number} y - the y coordinates of the point
*@param {String} type - the type of connector to select. Can be 'connector'(ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR)
* or 'figure' (ConnectionPoint.TYPE_FIGURE)
*@return {Number} the Id of the {ConnectionPoint} or -1 if none found
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
connectionPointGetByXY:function(x,y, type){
var id = -1;
for(var i=0; i<this.connectionPoints.length; i++){
if( this.connectionPoints[i].contains(x,y) && this.connectionPoints[i].type == type ){
id = this.connectionPoints[i].id;
return id;
/** Returns closest connection point id based on an x, y, radius and the ConnectionPoint.RADIUS
* It will pick the first one that matches the criteria
*@param {Number} x - the x coordinates of the point
*@param {Number} y - the y coordinates of the point
*@param {Number} radius - max distance from (x,y) point
*@param {String} type - the type of connector to select. Can be 'connector'(ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR)
* or 'figure' (ConnectionPoint.TYPE_FIGURE)
*@param {ConnectionPoint} ignoreConPoint - the ConnectionPoint to ignore in search
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
connectionPointGetByXYRadius: function(x,y, radius, type, ignoreConPoint) {
var curId = -1,
closestId = -1,
minDistance = -1,
for (curX = x - radius; curX <= x + radius; curX++) {
for (curY = y - radius; curY <= y + radius; curY++) {
if ( !ignoreConPoint.contains(curX,curY) ) {
curId = this.connectionPointGetByXY(curX, curY, type);
if (curId !== -1) {
curDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(curX - x, 2) + Math.pow(curY - y, 2) );
if (minDistance === -1 || curDistance < minDistance) {
minDistance = curDistance;
closestId = curId;
return closestId;
/**Reset color to all connection points
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
connectionPointsResetColor : function(){
for(var i=0; i<this.connectionPoints.length; i++){
this.connectionPoints[i].color = ConnectionPoint.NORMAL_COLOR;
/** Creates a new ConnectionPoint. Beside creating the ConnectionPoint it will also
* inject the id and store the ConnectionPoint
* @param {Number} parentId - the id of the parent ( Figure or Connector )this ConnectionPoint will belong to
* @param {Point} point - the location
* @param {String} type - the type of parent. It can be 'figure' (ConnectionPoint.TYPE_FIGURE)
* or 'connector' {ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR}
* @return {ConnectionPoint} with a proper id set
* @author Alex Gheorghiu <>
connectionPointCreate:function(parentId, point, type){
var conPoint = new ConnectionPoint(parentId, point.clone(), this.connectionPointCurrentId++, type);
return conPoint;
/**Adds an existing ConnectionPoint to the connectionPoints array
*@param {ConnectionPoint} connectionPoint - the ConnectionPoint to add
* @author Artyom Pokatilov <>
/** Removes the connectionPoints associated with a parent (it can be either Figure or Connector)
* @param {Number} parentId - the figure id
* @author Alex Gheorghiu <>
for(var i=0; i<this.connectionPoints.length; i++){
if(this.connectionPoints[i].parentId == parentId){
/** Returns a ConnectionPoint based on its id
* or null if none finded
*@param {Number} connectionPointId - the id
*@return {ConnectionPoint}
for(var i=0; i<this.connectionPoints.length; i++){
if(this.connectionPoints[i].id == connectionPointId){
return this.connectionPoints[i];
return null;
/** Returns a ConnectionPoint based on its id
* or null if none finded
*@param {Number} parentId - the id of the parent
*@param {Number} x - the x of the point
*@param {Number} y - the y of the point
*@return {ConnectionPoint}
connectionPointGetByParentAndCoordinates:function(parentId, x, y){
for(var i=0; i<this.connectionPoints.length; i++){
if(this.connectionPoints[i].parentId == parentId
&& this.connectionPoints[i].point.x == x
&& this.connectionPoints[i].point.y == y
return this.connectionPoints[i];
return null;
/** Returns a subset of whole ConnectionPoints that belong to a figure or a connector
*@param {Number} parentId - the figure or connector's id whom subset we want
*@return {Array}{ConnectionPoint}s
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
var collectedPoints = [];
for(var connectionPoint in this.connectionPoints){
if(this.connectionPoints[connectionPoint].parentId == parentId){
return collectedPoints;
/** Returns a subset of whole ConnectionPoints that belong to a figure or a connector
*@param {Number} parentId - the figure or connector's id whom subset we want
*@param {String} type - ConnectionPoint.TYPE_FIGURE or ConnectionPoint.TYPE_CONNECTOR. No more guessing.
*@return {Array}{ConnectionPoint}s
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
connectionPointGetAllByParentIdAndType:function(parentId, type){
var collectedPoints = [];
for(var cpIndex in this.connectionPoints){
if(this.connectionPoints[cpIndex].parentId == parentId && this.connectionPoints[cpIndex].type == type){
return collectedPoints;
/** Get the connectionPoint the mouse is over
* @param {Number} x - coordinate
* @param {Number} y - coordinate
* @param {Number} parentFigureId - the subset to obtain (optional)
* If the parentFigureId is null we will get extend our search to all the ConnectionPoints on the canvas
* If the parentFigureId is positive we will limit our search to that shape (Figure or Connector)
* If the parentFigureId is negative we will search on all Canvas but except that shape (Figure or Connector)
* @return {ConnectionPoint} that fit the criteria or null if none present
* @author Alex Gheorghiu <>
connectionPointOver:function(x, y, parentFigureId){
var foundedConnectionPoint = null;
if(typeof(parentFigureId) == 'number'){ //we have a Figure id specified
if(parentFigureId < 0 ){ //search whole canvas except a figure
for(var canvasConnectionPoint in this.connectionPoints){
if(this.connectionPoints[canvasConnectionPoint].parentId != -parentFigureId && this.connectionPoints[canvasConnectionPoint].contains(x,y)){
this.connectionPoints[canvasConnectionPoint].color = ConnectionPoint.OVER_COLOR;
foundedConnectionPoint = this.connectionPoints[canvasConnectionPoint];
else{ //search only a figure
var figureConnectionPoints = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(parentFigureId);
for(var figureConnectionPoint in figureConnectionPoints){
figureConnectionPoints[figureConnectionPoint].color = ConnectionPoint.OVER_COLOR;
foundedConnectionPoint = figureConnectionPoints[figureConnectionPoint];
else{ //search whole canvas
for(var connectionPoint in this.connectionPoints){
this.connectionPoints[connectionPoint].color = ConnectionPoint.OVER_COLOR;
foundedConnectionPoint = this.connectionPoints[connectionPoint];
return foundedConnectionPoint;
/**Paints ALL ConnectionPoints that are attached to a shape (Figure or Connector)
*@param {Context} context - the HTML5 canvas' context
*@param {Number} parentFigureId - the the parent figure's ID
connectionPointPaint:function(context, parentFigureId){
var figureConnectionPoints = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(parentFigureId);
for(var conPoint in figureConnectionPoints){
* Transform all ConnectionPoints of a Figure
* @param {Number} fId - the the parent figure's ID
* @param {Matrix} matrix - the transformation matrix
connectionPointTransform:function(fId, matrix){
var fCps = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(fId);
var currentFigure = STACK.figureGetById(fId);
//"ConnectionManager: connectionPointTransform()....1");
//get all shape's connection points
for(var i = 0 ; i < fCps.length; i++){
//transform figure's connection points (no go for the other side)
//"\tConnectionManager: connectionPointTransform()....2");
/* TODO: can we have more than one Glue for single ConnectionPoint? Do we need this cycle? */
//get all glues for current connection point
var glues = this.glueGetByFirstConnectionPointId(fCps[i].id);
var gluesLength = glues.length;
//"\tConnectionManager: connectionPointTransform()" + fCps[i].id + " glues = " + gluesLength);
for(var j = 0; j < gluesLength; j++){
// get the ConnectionPoint from other side of current Glue (from the Connector)
var firstCP = this.connectionPointGetById(glues[j].id2);
// get the Connector - parent of firstCP ConnectionPoint
var connector = this.connectorGetById(firstCP.parentId);
// get ConnectionPoints of the Connector
var cCPs = this.connectionPointGetAllByParent(;
/* In case of having connections where first or second ConnectionPoint glued automatically -
* current ConnectionPoints can change it's position and maybe to another ConnectionPoints.
* Variables used in finding solution of ConnectionPoints. we need to find
* who is the start Figure, end Figure, starting Glue, ending Glue, etc*/
var startPoint = cCPs[0].point;
var endPoint = cCPs[1].point;
var startFigure;
var endFigure;
var startBounds;
var endBounds;
var automaticStart;
var automaticEnd;
// if current Figure is glued with startPoint of the Connector
if ( == cCPs[0].id) {
// ConnectionPoint connected with moved (transformed) Figure must be moved (transformed) as well
// in this case current Figure is startFigure of the connection
startFigure = currentFigure;
// get Glue for second ConnectionPoint of the Connector
var endGlue = this.glueGetBySecondConnectionPointId(cCPs[1].id)[0];
// get Figure's ConnectionPoint which is glued with second ConnectionPoint of the Connector
var endFigureCP = endGlue ? this.connectionPointGetById(endGlue.id1) : null;
// get endFigure as parent of endFigureCP
endFigure = endFigureCP ? STACK.figureGetById(endFigureCP.parentId) : null;
// if startPoint has automatic Glue -> connection has automatic start
automaticStart = glues[j].automatic;
// if endPoint has Glue and it's automatic -> connection has automatic end
automaticEnd = endGlue && endGlue.automatic;
} else { // if current Figure is glued with endPoint of the Connector
// ConnectionPoint connected with moved (transformed) Figure must be moved (transformed) as well
// in this case current Figure is endFigure of the connection
endFigure = currentFigure;
// get Glue for first ConnectionPoint of the Connector
var startGlue = this.glueGetBySecondConnectionPointId(cCPs[0].id)[0];
// get Figure's ConnectionPoint which is glued with first ConnectionPoint of the Connector
var startFigureCP = startGlue ? this.connectionPointGetById(startGlue.id1) : null;
// get startFigure as parent of startFigureCP
startFigure = startFigureCP ? STACK.figureGetById(startFigureCP.parentId) : null;
// if startPoint has Glue and it's automatic -> connection has automatic start
automaticStart = startGlue && startGlue.automatic;
// if endPoint has automatic Glue -> connection has automatic end
automaticEnd = glues[j].automatic;
startBounds = startFigure ? startFigure.getBounds(): null;
endBounds = endFigure ? endFigure.getBounds() : null;
//find best candidate for start and end point
var candidate = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.getClosestPointsOfConnection(
automaticStart, //start automatic
automaticEnd, //end automatic
startFigure ? : -1, //start figure's id
startPoint, //start point
endFigure ? : -1, //end figure's id
endPoint //end point
DIAGRAMO.debugSolutions = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connector2Points(connector.type, candidate[0], candidate[1], startBounds, endBounds);
// apply solution to Connector
// update position of Connector's ConnectionPoints
cCPs[0].point = connector.turningPoints[0].clone();
cCPs[1].point = connector.turningPoints[connector.turningPoints.length - 1].clone();
//"\t\tConnectionManager: connectionPointTransform() - connector's point " + conCp);
// firstCP.transform(matrix);
//get attached connector
// var con = this.connectorGetById(conCp.parentId);
//adjust attached Connector through the ConnectionPoint
// con.adjust(matrix, conCp.point.clone());
// this.connectorAdjustByConnectionPoint(glues[j].id2 /*, x, y*/);
//get all shape's automatic glues
var automaticGlues = this.glueGetByFigureId(fId);
var automaticGluesLength = automaticGlues.length;
//transform all {ConnectionPoint}s and {Connector}s in automatic connection
for(j = 0; j < automaticGluesLength; j++){
//get the ConnectionPoint from other side of the glue (from the connector)
var conCpId = automaticGlues[j].id2;
var conCp = this.connectionPointGetById(conCpId);
//"\t\tConnectionManager: connectionPointTransform() - connector's point " + conCp);
//adjust attached Connector through the ConnectionPoint
//"ConnectionManager: connectionPointTransform()...");
* See if two {ConnectionPoint}s are connected
*@param id1 - a {ConnectionPoint}'s id
*@param id2 - another {ConnectionPoint}'s id
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
for (var i=0; i < this.glues.length; i++){
if( (id1 == this.glues[i].id1 && id2 == this.glues[i].id2)
|| (id1 == this.glues[i].id2 && id2 == this.glues[i].id1) ){
return true;
return false;
*See if a {ConnectionPoint} has {Glue}s attached to it
*@param {Number} conectionPointId - the {ConnectionPoint}'s id
*@return true - if we have {Glue}s with it or false if not
*@author Zack Newsham <>
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
for (var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
if(conectionPointId == this.glues[i].id1 || conectionPointId == this.glues[i].id2){
return true;
return false;
/** Returns all {Glue}s that have the first Id equals with a certain id value
*@param {Number} pointId - {Figure}'s {ConnectionPoint} id
*@return {Array}{Glue}s
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
var collectedGlues = [];
var currentGlue;
for(var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
currentGlue = this.glues[i];
if(currentGlue.id1 == pointId){
return collectedGlues;
/** Returns all {Glue}s that have the second Id equals with a certain id value
*@param {Number} pointId - {Connector}'s {ConnectionPoint} id
*@return {Array}{Glue}s
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
*TODO: as second id is usually connector AND a Connector can not be connected to more than one Figure
*then it should be ONLY one returning value
var collectedGlues = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
if(this.glues[i].id2 == pointId){
return collectedGlues;
/**Creates a new {Glue} and store it into the glue database. Use this instead
*of creating the Glues by simply "new" operator
*@param {Number} firstId - the id of the first {ConnectionPoint} - usually the {Figure}'s {ConnectionPoint} id
*@param {Number} secondId - the id of the second {ConnectionPoint} - usually the {Connector}'s {ConnectionPoint} id
*@return {Glue} - the newly created Glue
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
glueCreate:function(firstId, secondId, automatic){
var glue = new Glue(firstId, secondId, automatic);
return glue;
/**Adds an existing Glue to the glues array
*@param {Glue} glue - the Glue to add
* @author Artyom Pokatilov <>
/**Removes all the {Glue}s based on it's two IDs
*@param {Number} id1 - the id of the first shape (usually the Figure)
*@param {Number} id2 - the id of the second shape (usually the Connector)
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
glueRemoveByIds:function(id1, id2){
for (var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
if(id1 == this.glues[i].id1 && id2 == this.glues[i].id2){
/**Removes all the {Glue}s based on first Id (usually the Figure)
*@param {Number} id - the id of the first shape (usually the Figure)
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
for (var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
if(id == this.glues[i].id1){
/**Removes all the {Glue}s based on second Id (usually the Connector)
*@param {Number} id - the id of the second shape (usually the Connector)
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
for (var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
if(id == this.glues[i].id2){
/** Returns all {Glue}s that have the first Id equals with a certain id value
*@param {Number} firstId - first id (usually {Figure}'s id)
*@param {Number} secondId - second id (usually {Connector}'s id)
*@return {Array}{Glue}s
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
glueGetAllByIds:function(firstId, secondId){
var collectedGlues = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.glues.length; i++){
if(this.glues[i].id1 == firstId && this.glues[i].id2 == secondId){
return collectedGlues;
*Paints the Cloud into a Context
*@param {Context} context - the 2D context
*@author Artyom Pokatilov <>
*@author Alex <>
connectionCloudPaint: function(context) {
if (DIAGRAMO.visualMagnet) {
if (currentCloud.length) { //draw only if we have a cloud
var conPoint1 = this.connectionPointGetById(currentCloud[0]);
var conPoint2 = this.connectionPointGetById(currentCloud[1]);
var centerX = (conPoint2.point.x + conPoint1.point.x) / 2; //x coordinates of the ellipse
var centerY = (conPoint2.point.y + conPoint1.point.y) / 2; //y coordinates of the ellipse
var radiusX = ConnectorManager.CLOUD_RADIUS;
var radiusY = ConnectorManager.CLOUD_RADIUS / 2;
* Using formula from
* 2. Finding angle from arctan, where opposite is (conPoint2.point.y - conPoint1.point.y)
* and adjacent is (conPoint2.point.x - conPoint1.point.x)
var rotationAngle = Math.atan( (conPoint2.point.y - conPoint1.point.y) / (conPoint2.point.x - conPoint1.point.x));;
if (context.ellipse) { // if context.ellipse() function implemented
context.ellipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotationAngle, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
} else { // TODO: when ellipse will be implemented in all browsers - remove it
/*We will construct an ellipse by 2 Bezier curves
* Algorithm described in /web/editor/test/issues/3/Demo.html
* and on a Bitbucket (if it still alive :))
* */
var width_two_thirds = radiusX * 4 / 3;
var dx1 = Math.sin(rotationAngle) * radiusY;
var dy1 = Math.cos(rotationAngle) * radiusY;
var dx2 = Math.cos(rotationAngle) * width_two_thirds;
var dy2 = Math.sin(rotationAngle) * width_two_thirds;
var P3x = centerX - dx1;
var P3y = centerY + dy1;
var P2x = P3x + dx2;
var P2y = P3y + dy2;
var P4x = P3x - dx2;
var P4y = P3y - dy2;
var P6x = centerX + dx1;
var P6y = centerY - dy1;
var P1x = P6x + dx2;
var P1y = P6y + dy2;
var P5x = P6x - dx2;
var P5y = P6y - dy2;
context.moveTo(P6x, P6y);
context.bezierCurveTo(P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y);
context.bezierCurveTo(P4x, P4y, P5x, P5y, P6x, P6y);
context.lineWidth = ConnectorManager.CLOUD_LINEWIDTH;
context.strokeStyle = ConnectorManager.CLOUD_STROKE_STYLE;