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"use strict";
Copyright [2014] [Diagramo]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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*This functions detects if a browser supports
* - <canvas> tag (tests to see if baasic drawing features are supported)
* - standard new event system (older then IE9 browsers will basically fail this test)
*@return {Boolean} false - means no support, true - means supported
*@author Alex <>
*@author Augustin <>
function isBrowserReady()
var ready = true;
ready &= checkHTML5();
ready &= checkEventSystem();
return ready;
/**Checks if we have all HTML5 features we need
*@return true - if all if fine, false - otherwise
*@author Alex <>
function checkHTML5(){
var html5ready = true;
var canvas;
var ctx;
var retTxtDebug = '';
try {
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
if( !("getContext" in canvas) ){
html5ready = false;
retTxtDebug = "No HTML5 ( canvas.getContext() function missing) support\n";
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
retTxtDebug = "We have support for canvas\n";
} catch(ex){
html5ready = false;
retTxtDebug = "No HTML5 (<canvas> tag) support\n";
//check if we have all needed functions
if (html5ready){
//basic canvas functions
var functionUsed = ["fill", "arc", "beginPath", "moveTo", "lineTo",
"stroke", "bezierCurveTo", "quadraticCurveTo", "closePath", "save",
"restore", "translate", "rotate", "drawImage", "strokeText",
"fillText", "measureText"];
for (var idx in functionUsed){
if (typeof( ctx[functionUsed[idx]]) != "function"){
retTxtDebug = retTxtDebug + functionUsed[idx] + " function missing\n"; //collect all missing functions
html5ready = false;
return html5ready;
/**Checks if event system fits our needs
* @return true - if all if fine, false - otherwise
* @author Alex <>
function checkEventSystem(){
var eventready = true;
var retTxtDebug = '';
//basic DOM Level 2 event handlers
var functionUsed = ["addEventListener", "removeEventListener"];
for (var idx in functionUsed){
if ( !(functionUsed[idx] in window) || typeof( window[functionUsed[idx]]) != "function"){
retTxtDebug = retTxtDebug + functionUsed[idx] + " function missing\n"; //collect all missing functions
eventready = false;
return eventready;
* Displays a modal window with information about the browser HTML5 support
* Note: requires jquery.simplemodal-1.3.5.min.js to be loaded
function modal(){
var msg = "<div style=\"background-color: #EDEDED; border:1px dotted gray; padding: 5px;\" >\
<h1>Browser problem</h1>\
<div>Your browser does not fully support HTML5</div>\
<div>Please use one of the following browsers for best experience</div>\
<ul> \
<li> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firefox</a></li> \
<li> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Chrome</a></li> \
<li> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Opera</a></li> \
<li> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Safari</a></li> \
</ul> \
Press <span style=\"color:red;\">Escape</span> to close this message</div>";
$.modal(msg, {