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* 解析字段通用方法
* @param {any} mainTable 字段表单的数据
* @param {any} mapAttr 字段属性
* @param {any} dataSet 数据返回的结果集
function InitAthMapAttrOfCtrlFool(mainTable, mapAttr,dataSet) {
var defValue = "";
if (mainTable!=null)
defValue = GetPara(mapAttr.Name, mainTable)
var eleHtml = '';
if (mapAttr.LGType == "0" && mapAttr.MyDataType == "1" && mapAttr.UIContralType == 1) {
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 0) {
var ctrl = "<input maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen + " id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' type=hidden class='form-control' type='text'/>";
defValue = ConvertDefVal(mainTable, mapAttr.DefVal, mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "T");
if (defValue == '' || defValue == null)
defValue = '无';
ctrl += "<input maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen + " id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "Text' value='" + defValue + "' disabled='disabled' type='text'/>";
return ctrl;
return "<select id='DDL_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='DDL_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' onchange='changeEnable(this,\"" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "\",\"" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "\",\"" + mapAttr.AtPara + "\")'>" + InitDDLOperation(mapAttr, defValue,dataSet) + "</select>";
if (mapAttr.LGType == "2" && mapAttr.MyDataType == "1") {
var data = dataSet[mapAttr.UIBindKey];
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 1)
enableAttr = "";
enableAttr = "disabled='disabled'";
return "<select id='DDL_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' onchange='changeEnable(this,\"" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "\",\"" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "\",\"" + mapAttr.AtPara + "\")'>" + InitDDLOperation(mapAttr, defValue,dataSet) + "</select>";
//添加文本框 ,日期控件等.
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == "1") { //不是外键
if (mapAttr.UIHeight <= 40) //普通的文本框.
return "<input maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen + " id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' type='text'/>";
if (mapAttr.AtPara && mapAttr.AtPara.indexOf("@IsRichText=1") >= 0) {
var eleHtml = "";
//如果是富文本就使用百度 UEditor
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == "0") {
//只读状态直接 div 展示富文本内容
eleHtml += "<div class='richText' style='width:99%;margin-right:2px'>" + defValue + "</div>";
} else {
document.BindEditorMapAttr = mapAttr; //存到全局备用
var styleText = "text-align:left;font-size:12px;";
styleText += "width:100%;";
styleText += "height:" + mapAttr.UIHeight + "px;";
//注意这里 name 属性是可以用来绑定表单提交时的字段名字的 id 是特殊约定的.
eleHtml += "<script id='editor' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' type='text/plain' style='" + styleText + "'>" + defValue + "</script>";
eleHtml = "<div style='white-space:normal;'>" + eleHtml + "</div>";
return eleHtml
return "<textarea maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen + " style='height:" + mapAttr.UIHeight + "px;width:100%;' id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' type='text' " + (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 1 ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"') + " />"
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == 6) {
var enableAttr = '';
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 1)
enableAttr = 'onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:' + "'yyyy-MM-dd'})" + '";';
enableAttr = "disabled='disabled'";
return "<input type='text' " + enableAttr + " value='" + defValue + "' style='width:120px;' class='form-control' id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "'/>";
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == 7) {
var enableAttr = '';
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 1)
enableAttr = 'onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:' + "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'})" + '";';
enableAttr = "disabled='disabled'";
return "<input type='text' value='" + defValue + "' style='width:140px;' class='form-control' " + enableAttr + " id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' />";
// boolen 类型.
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == 4) { // AppBoolean = 7
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 1)
enableAttr = "";
enableAttr = "disabled='disabled'";
var checkedStr = '';
if (checkedStr != "true" && checkedStr != '1') {
checkedStr = ' checked="checked" ';
return "<label ><input " + enableAttr + " " + (defValue == 1 ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " type='checkbox' id='CB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='CB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' " + checkedStr + " /> </label>";
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == 2 && mapAttr.LGType == 1) { //AppInt Enum
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable == 1)
enableAttr = "";
enableAttr = "disabled='disabled'";
if (mapAttr.UIContralType == 1)
//return "<select " + enableAttr + " id='DDL_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' class='form-control' >" + InitDDLOperation(flowData, mapAttr, defValue) + "</select>";
return "<select id='DDL_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='DDL_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' class='form-control' onchange='changeEnable(this,\"" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "\",\"" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "\",\"" + mapAttr.AtPara + "\")'>" + InitAthDDLOperation(mapAttr, defValue, dataSet) + "</select>";
if (mapAttr.UIContralType == 3) {
var RBShowModel = 3;
if (mapAttr.AtPara.indexOf("@RBShowModel=3") == -1)
RBShowModel = 0;
return InitRBShowContent(mapAttr, defValue, RBShowModel, enableAttr);
// AppDouble AppFloat
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == 5 || mapAttr.MyDataType == 3) {
return "<input value='" + defValue + "' style='text-align:right;width:80px;'class='form-control' onkeyup=" + '"' + "if(isNaN(value)) execCommand('undo')" + '"' + " onafterpaste=" + '"' + "if(isNaN(value))execCommand('undo')" + '"' + " maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen / 2 + " type='text' id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "'/>";
if ((mapAttr.MyDataType == 2)) { //AppInt
var enableAttr = '';
if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable != 1) {
enableAttr = "disabled='disabled'";
return "<input value='0' style='text-align:right;width:80px;' class='form-control' onkeyup=" + '"' + "if(isNaN(value) || (value%1 !== 0))execCommand('undo')" + '"' + " onafterpaste=" + '"' + "if(isNaN(value) || (value%1 !== 0))execCommand('undo')" + '"' + " maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen / 2 + " type='text'" + enableAttr + " id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "'/>";
//AppMoney AppRate
if (mapAttr.MyDataType == 8) {
return "<input value='" + defValue + "' style='text-align:right;width:80px;' class='form-control' onkeyup=" + '"' + "if(isNaN(value))execCommand('undo')" + '"' + " onafterpaste=" + '"' + "if(isNaN(value))execCommand('undo')" + '"' + " maxlength=" + mapAttr.MaxLen / 2 + " type='text' name='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' id='TB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "'/>";
alert(mapAttr.Name + "的类型没有判断.");
* 初始化下拉列表框的OPERATION
* @param {any} mapAttr
* @param {any} defVal
* @param {any} dataSet
function InitAthDDLOperation(mapAttr, defVal, dataSet) {
var operations = '';
var data = dataSet[mapAttr.KeyOfEn];
if (data == undefined)
data = dataSet[mapAttr.UIBindKey];
if (data == undefined) {
if (mapAttr.LGType == 1) {
var enums = dataSet.Sys_Enum;
enums = $.grep(enums, function (value) {
return value.EnumKey == mapAttr.UIBindKey;
$.each(enums, function (i, obj) {
operations += "<option " + (obj.IntKey == mapAttr.DefVal ? " selected='selected' " : "") + " value='" + obj.IntKey + "'>" + obj.Lab + "</option>";
return operations;
$.each(data, function (i, obj) {
operations += "<option " + (obj.No == defVal ? " selected='selected' " : "") + " value='" + obj.No + "'>" + obj.Name + "</option>";
return operations;
* 解析单选按钮
* @param {any} mapAttr
* @param {any} defValue
* @param {any} RBShowModel
* @param {any} enableAttr
function InitRBShowContent(mapAttr, defValue, RBShowModel, enableAttr) {
var rbHtml = "";
var enums = new Entities("BP.Sys.SysEnums");
enums.Retrieve("EnumKey", mapAttr.UIBindKey);
enums = $.grep(enums, function (value) {
return value.EnumKey == mapAttr.UIBindKey;
$.each(enums, function (i, obj) {
if (RBShowModel == 3)
//<input " + (defValue == 1 ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " type='checkbox' id='CB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' name='CB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' " + checkedStr + " /> " + mapAttr.Name + "</label</div>";
rbHtml += "<label><input " + enableAttr + " " + (obj.IntKey == defValue ? "checked='checked' " : "") + " type='radio' name='RB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' id='RB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "_" + obj.IntKey + "' value='" + obj.IntKey + "' /> " + obj.Lab + "</label>";
rbHtml += "<label><input " + enableAttr + " " + (obj.IntKey == defValue ? "checked='checked' " : "") + " type='radio' name='RB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' id='RB_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "_" + obj.IntKey + "' value='" + obj.IntKey + "' /> " + obj.Lab + "</label><br/>";
return rbHtml;
} |