You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

823 lines
28 KiB

//自定义url. ********************************************************************************************************
function SelfUrl(mapExt, targetId, index, oid) {
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var tb = $("#" + targetId);
if (tb.length == 0) {
alert(mapExt.AttrOfOper + "字段删除了.");
return; //有可能字段被删除了.
tb.attr('readonly', 'true');
// tb.attr('disabled', 'true');
//在文本框双击,绑定弹出. PopGroupList.htm的窗口.
tb.bind("click", function () {
SelfUrl_Done(mapExt,, index, oid)
function SelfUrl_Done(mapExt, targetId, index, pkval) {
if (pkval == null || pkval == undefined)
pkval = GetPKVal();
var webUser = new WebUser();
var url = mapExt.Tag;
if (url.indexOf('?') == -1)
url = url + "?PKVal=" + pkval + "&UserNo=" + webUser.No;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
var width = mapExt.W;
var height = mapExt.H;
if (width > window.innerWidth || width < window.innerWidth / 2)
width = window.innerWidth * 4 / 5;
if (height > window.innerHeight || height < window.innerHeight / 2)
height = 250;
height = height / window.innerHeight * 100;
if (window.parent && typeof window.parent.OpenLayuiDialog == "function") {
window.parent.OpenLayuiDialog(url, title, width, 80, "auto", false, true, true, function () {
var iframe = $(window.parent.frames["dlg"]).find("iframe");
if (iframe.length > 0) {
iframe = iframe[0].contentWindow;
if (typeof iframe.Btn_OK == "function") {
var val = iframe.Btn_OK;
$("#" + targetId).val(val);
FullIt(val, mapExt.MyPK, targetId);
OpenBootStrapModal(url, "eudlgframe", title, mapExt.H, mapExt.W,"icon-edit", true, function () {
var iframe = document.getElementById("eudlgframe");
if (iframe) {
var val = iframe.contentWindow.Btn_OK();
$("#" + targetId).val(val);
FullIt(val, mapExt.MyPK, targetId);
}, null, function () {
function PopBranchesAndLeaf(mapExt, val, targetId, index, oid, objtr) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
container.css("min-height", height);
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
if (oid == null || oid == undefined)
oid = GetPKVal();
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
console.log("unselect: " + JSON.stringify(record));
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, val));
$("#" + targetId).val(mtags.mtags("getText"));
//解项羽 这里需要相对路径.
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/BranchesAndLeaf.htm?MyPK=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&oid=" + oid + "&m=" + Math.random();
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
function GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, val) {
var frmEleDBs = new Entities("BP.Sys.FrmEleDBs");
frmEleDBs.Retrieve("FK_MapData", mapExt.FK_MapData, "EleID", mapExt.AttrOfOper, "RefPKVal", oid);
/*if (frmEleDBs.length == 0 && val != "")
frmEleDBs = [{ "Tag1": "", "Tag2": val }];*/
var initJsonData = [];
$.each(frmEleDBs, function (i, o) {
"No": o.Tag1,
"Name": o.Tag2,
return initJsonData;
function clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid) {
var width = mapExt.W;
var height = mapExt.H;
var iframeId = mapExt.MyPK;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
if (width > window.innerWidth || width < window.innerWidth / 2)
width = window.innerWidth * 4 / 5;
if (height > window.innerHeight || height < window.innerHeight / 2)
height = 250;
height = height / window.innerHeight * 100;
var data = "";
var paras = "";
if (objtr == "" || objtr == null || objtr == undefined) {
paras = getPageData();
else {
data = $(objtr).data().data;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
if (key == "OID" || key == "FID" || key == "Rec" || key == "RefPK" || key == "RDT") { }
else {
paras += "@" + key + "=" + data[key];
if (window.parent && typeof window.parent.OpenLayuiDialog == "function") {
window.parent.OpenLayuiDialog(url + "&AtParas=" + paras, title, width, 80, "auto", false, true, true, function () {
var selectType = mapExt.GetPara("SelectType");
var iframe = $(window.parent.frames["dlg"]).find("iframe");
if (iframe.length > 0) {
iframe = iframe[0].contentWindow;
var selectedRows = iframe.selectedRows;
if (iframe.Save)
selectedRows = iframe.Save();
if ($.isArray(selectedRows)) {
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, ""));
// 单选复制当前表单
if (selectType == "0" && selectedRows.length == 1) {
FullIt(selectedRows[0].No, mapExt.MyPK, targetId);
var No = "";
if (selectedRows != null && $.isArray(selectedRows))
$.each(selectedRows, function (i, selectedRow) {
No += selectedRow.No + ",";
var backFunc = mapExt.Tag5;
if (backFunc != null && backFunc != "" && backFunc != undefined)
DBAccess.RunFunctionReturnStr(DealSQL(backFunc, No));
} else {
window.OpenBootStrapModal(url + "&AtParas=" + paras, iframeId, title, width, height, "icon-edit", true, function () {
var selectType = mapExt.GetPara("SelectType");
var iframe = window.frames[iframeId];
if (iframe) {
var selectedRows = iframe.selectedRows;
if (iframe.Save)
selectedRows = iframe.Save();
if ($.isArray(selectedRows)) {
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, ""));
// 单选复制当前表单
if (selectType == "0" && selectedRows.length == 1) {
FullIt(selectedRows[0].No, mapExt.MyPK, targetId);
var No = "";
if (selectedRows != null && $.isArray(selectedRows))
$.each(selectedRows, function (i, selectedRow) {
No += selectedRow.No + ",";
var backFunc = mapExt.Tag5;
if (backFunc != null && backFunc != "" && backFunc != undefined)
DBAccess.RunFunctionReturnStr(DealSQL(backFunc, No));
}, null, function () {
}, "div_" + iframeId);
function PopBranches(mapExt, val, targetId, index, oid, objtr) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
container.css("min-height", height);
container.attr("id", mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags");
var mtags;
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
if (oid == null || oid == undefined)
oid = GetPKVal();
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
console.log("unselect: " + JSON.stringify(record));
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, val));
$("#" + targetId).val(mtags.mtags("getText"));
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/Branches.htm?MyPK=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&oid=" + oid + "&m=" + Math.random();
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickBranchesEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickBranchesEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
function clickBranchesEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid) {
var width = mapExt.W;
var height = mapExt.H;
var iframeId = mapExt.MyPK;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
if (width > window.innerWidth || width < window.innerWidth / 2)
width = window.innerWidth * 4 / 5;
if (height > window.innerHeight || height < window.innerHeight / 2)
height = 50;
height = height / window.innerHeight * 100;
var data = "";
var paras = "";
if (objtr == "" || objtr == null || objtr == undefined) {
paras = getPageData();
else {
data = $(objtr).data().data;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
if (key == "OID" || key == "FID" || key == "Rec" || key == "RefPK" || key == "RDT") { }
else {
paras += "@" + key + "=" + data[key];
if (window.parent && typeof window.parent.OpenLayuiDialog == "function") {
window.parent.OpenLayuiDialog(url + "&AtParas=" + paras, title, width, 80, "auto", false, true, true, function () {
var selectType = mapExt.GetPara("SelectType");
var iframe = $(window.parent.frames["dlg"]).find("iframe");
if (iframe.length > 0) {
iframe = iframe[0].contentWindow;
var initJsonData = [];
initJsonData = Delete_FrmEleDBs(mapExt.FK_MapData, mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, initJsonData);
var nodes = iframe.GetCheckNodes();
mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
if ($.isArray(nodes)) {
$.each(nodes, function (i, node) {
"No": node.No,
"Name": node.Name
mtags.mtags("loadData", initJsonData);
$("#" + targetId).val(mtags.mtags("getText"));
// 单选复制当前表单
if (selectType == "0" && nodes.length == 1) {
FullIt(nodes[0].No, mapExt.MyPK, targetId);
var No = "";
if (nodes != null && $.isArray(nodes))
$.each(nodes, function (i, nodes) {
No += nodes.No + ",";
var backFunc = mapExt.Tag5;
if (backFunc != null && backFunc != "" && backFunc != undefined)
DBAccess.RunFunctionReturnStr(DealSQL(backFunc, No));
} else {
window.OpenBootStrapModal(url + "&AtParas=" + paras, iframeId, title, width, height, "icon-edit", true, function () {
var selectType = mapExt.GetPara("SelectType");
var iframe = window.frames[iframeId];
if (iframe) {
var initJsonData = [];
initJsonData = Delete_FrmEleDBs(mapExt.FK_MapData, mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, initJsonData);
var nodes = iframe.GetCheckNodes();
mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
if ($.isArray(nodes)) {
$.each(nodes, function (i, node) {
"No": node.No,
"Name": node.Name
mtags.mtags("loadData", initJsonData);
$("#" + targetId).val(mtags.mtags("getText"));
// 单选复制当前表单
if (selectType == "0" && nodes.length == 1) {
FullIt(nodes[0].No, mapExt.MyPK, targetId);
var No = "";
if (nodes != null && $.isArray(nodes))
$.each(nodes, function (i, nodes) {
No += nodes.No + ",";
var backFunc = mapExt.Tag5;
if (backFunc != null && backFunc != "" && backFunc != undefined)
DBAccess.RunFunctionReturnStr(DealSQL(backFunc, No));
}, null, function () {
}, "div_" + iframeId);
/****************************************** 表格查询 **********************************/
function PopTableSearch(mapExt, val, targetId, index, oid, objtr) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
if (oid == null || oid == undefined)
oid = GetPKVal();
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, val));
//解项羽 这里需要相对路径.
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/TableSearch.htm?MyPK=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + mapExt.FK_MapData + "&OID=" + oid + "&KeyOfEn=" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, objtr, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
/****************************************** 分组平铺列表 **********************************/
function PopGroupList(mapExt, targetId, index, oid) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
if (oid == null || oid == undefined)
oid = GetPKVal();
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, ""));
//解项羽 这里需要相对路径.
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/GroupList.htm?FK_MapExt=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + mapExt.FK_MapData + "&PKVal=" + oid + "&OID=" + oid + "&KeyOfEn=" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
/****************************************** 绑定外键-外部数据源 **********************************/
function PopBindSFTable(mapExt, targetId, index, oid) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
var oid = GetPKVal();
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, ""));
//解项羽 这里需要相对路径.
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/BindSFTable.htm?FK_MapExt=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + mapExt.FK_MapData + "&PKVal=" + oid + "&OID=" + oid + "&KeyOfEn=" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
/****************************************** 绑定外键-单表数据源 PopTableList **********************************/
function PopTableList(mapExt, targetId, index, oid) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
if (oid == null || oid == undefined)
oid = GetPKVal();
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, ""));
//解项羽 这里需要相对路径.
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/TableList.htm?FK_MapExt=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + mapExt.FK_MapData + "&PKVal=" + oid + "&OID=" + oid + "&KeyOfEn=" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
/****************************************** 绑定枚举 **********************************/
function PopBindEnum(mapExt, targetId, index, oid) {
var mtagsId;
if (targetId == null || targetId == undefined)
targetId = "TB_" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
var target = $("#" + targetId);
var width = target.outerWidth();
var height = target.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div></div>");
if (index == null || index == undefined)
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags";
mtagsId = mapExt.AttrOfOper + "_mtags_" + index;
if ($("#" + mtagsId).length != 0)
$("#" + mtagsId).remove();
container.attr("id", mtagsId);
var mtags = $("#" + mtagsId);
if (oid == null || oid == undefined)
oid = GetPKVal();
var isEnter = mapExt.GetPara("IsEnter");
isEnter = isEnter != null && isEnter != undefined && isEnter == "1" ? true : false;
var title = mapExt.GetPara("Title");
"fit": true,
"FK_MapData": mapExt.FK_MapData,
"KeyOfEn": mapExt.AttrOfOper,
"RefPKVal": oid,
"IsEnter": isEnter,
"Title": title == null || title == "" ? "选择" : title,
"onUnselect": function (record) {
Delete_FrmEleDB(mapExt.AttrOfOper, oid, record.No);
mtags.mtags("loadData", GetInitJsonData(mapExt, oid, ""));
//解项羽 这里需要相对路径.
var localHref = GetLocalWFPreHref();
var url = localHref + "/WF/CCForm/Pop/BindEnum.htm?FK_MapExt=" + mapExt.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + mapExt.FK_MapData + "&PKVal=" + oid + "&OID=" + oid + "&KeyOfEn=" + mapExt.AttrOfOper;
if (isEnter == false)
container.on("dblclick", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid)
$("#" + mtagsId + "_Button").bind("click", function () {
clickEvent(mapExt, targetId, null, url, mtagsId, target, oid);
function ValSetter(tag4, key, dbType, dbSource) {
if (!tag4 || !key) {
tag4 = tag4.replace(/@Key/g, key).replace(/~/g, "'");
tag4 = tag4.replace(/@key/g, key).replace(/~/g, "'");
tag4 = tag4.replace(/@KEY/g, key).replace(/~/g, "'");
var dt = DBAccess.RunDBSrc(tag4, dbType, dbSource);
function Delete_FrmEleDBs(FK_MapData, keyOfEn, oid, initJsonData) {
var frmEleDBs = new Entities("BP.Sys.FrmEleDBs");
frmEleDBs.Retrieve("FK_MapData", FK_MapData, "EleID", keyOfEn, "RefPKVal", oid);
$.each(frmEleDBs, function (i, obj) {
if (obj.Tag5 != "1") {
var frmEleDB = new Entity("BP.Sys.FrmEleDB");
frmEleDB.MyPK = obj.MyPK
} else {
"No": obj.Tag1,
"Name": obj.Tag2
$("#TB_" + keyOfEn).val('');
return initJsonData;
function Delete_FrmEleDB(keyOfEn, oid, No) {
var frmEleDB = new Entity("BP.Sys.FrmEleDB");
frmEleDB.MyPK = keyOfEn + "_" + oid + "_" + No;
//$("#TB_" + keyOfEn).val(target.getText);
function SaveVal_FrmEleDB(fk_mapdata, keyOfEn, oid, val1, val2, tag5) {
var frmEleDB = new Entity("BP.Sys.FrmEleDB");
frmEleDB.MyPK = keyOfEn + "_" + oid + "_" + val1;
frmEleDB.FK_MapData = fk_mapdata;
frmEleDB.EleID = keyOfEn;
frmEleDB.RefPKVal = oid;
frmEleDB.Tag1 = val1;
frmEleDB.Tag2 = val2;
frmEleDB.Tag5 = tag5;
if (frmEleDB.Update() == 0) {
function GetLocalWFPreHref() {
var url = GetHrefUrl();
if (url.indexOf('/WF/') >= 0) {
var index = url.indexOf('/WF/');
url = url.substring(0, index);
return url;