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* Object that is used to undo actions when the property editor is used
* @this {ShapeChangePropertyCommand}
* @constructor
* @param figureId {Numeric} - the id of the object
* @param property {String} - property name that is being edited on the figure
* @param newValue {Object} - the value to set the property to
* @param [previousValue] {Object} - the previous value of property
* @author Alex, Artyom
function ShapeChangePropertyCommand(figureId, property, newValue, previousValue){
this.figureId = figureId; = property;
this.newValue = newValue;
this.previousValue = typeof(previousValue) !== 'undefined' ? previousValue : this._getValue(figureId, property);
this.firstExecute = true;
// check if property corresponds to a Text primitive
// isTextPrimitiveProperty property used for calling TextEditorPopup callback on property change
this.textPrimitiveId = this._getTextPrimitiveId();
this.isTextPrimitiveProperty = this.textPrimitiveId !== -1;
this.oType = "ShapeChangePropertyCommand";
ShapeChangePropertyCommand.prototype = {
/**This method got called every time the Command must execute*/
execute : function(){
if (this.firstExecute) {
this._setValue(this.figureId,, this.newValue);
this.firstExecute = false;
// if property change of Text primitive executed
// then state must be equal to text editing
// and we call it's setProperty method to provide WYSIWYG functionality
if (this.isTextPrimitiveProperty) {
if (state == STATE_TEXT_EDITING) {
currentTextEditor.setProperty(, this.newValue);
// } else {
// throw "ShapeChangePropertyCommand:execute() - this should never happen";
throw "Redo not implemented.";
/**This method should be called every time the Command should be undone*/
undo : function(){
this._setValue(this.figureId,, this.previousValue);
var shape = this.__getShape(this.figureId);
// if property of Text primitive is changing back
// then we need to set this change on TextEditorPopup
// to provide WYSIWYG functionality
if (this.isTextPrimitiveProperty) {
// if we already in text editing state
if (state == STATE_TEXT_EDITING) {
// if currentTextEditor refers to another shape/primitive
// then we destroy current and create new TextEditorPopup
if (!currentTextEditor.refersTo(shape, this.textPrimitiveId)) {
setUpTextEditorPopup(shape, this.textPrimitiveId);
// and we call setProperty of currentTextEditor method to provide WYSIWYG functionality
currentTextEditor.setProperty(, this.previousValue);
*@param id {Numeric} the id of the shape (Figure, Connector, Container)
__getShape : function(id){
var shape = STACK.figureGetById(id);
if(shape == null){
shape = CONNECTOR_MANAGER.connectorGetById(id);
if(shape == null){
shape = STACK.containerGetById(id);
return shape;
/**Get */
_getValue : function(figureId, property){
//gel old value
var shape = this.__getShape(this.figureId);
var propertyObject = shape;
var propertyAccessors = property.split(".");
for(var i = 0; i<propertyAccessors.length-1; i++){
propertyObject = propertyObject[propertyAccessors[i]];
if(propertyObject[propertyAccessors[propertyAccessors.length -1]] === undefined){
/*if something is complicated enough to need a function,
*likelyhood is it will need access to its parent figure*/
return propertyObject["get"+propertyAccessors[propertyAccessors.length -1]];
return propertyObject[propertyAccessors[propertyAccessors.length -1]];
/**Set */
_setValue : function(figureId, property, value){
//gel old value
var shape = this.__getShape(this.figureId);
var propertyObject = shape;
var propertyAccessors = property.split(".");
for(var i = 0; i<propertyAccessors.length-1; i++){
propertyObject = propertyObject[propertyAccessors[i]];
if(propertyObject[propertyAccessors[propertyAccessors.length -1]] === undefined){
/*if something is complicated enough to need a function,
*likelyhood is it will need access to its parent figure*/
propertyObject["set"+propertyAccessors[propertyAccessors.length -1]](value);
propertyObject[propertyAccessors[propertyAccessors.length -1]] = value;
* Checks if property applied to Text primitive
* @return -1 if property didn't apply to Text primitive or id of the corresponding Text primitive otherwise
_getTextPrimitiveId : function() {
var textPrimitiveId = -1;
// check by RegExp - is property applying to a Text primitive
// typical examples: "primitives.3.size", "primitives.1.str", "primitives.5.font" and "middleText.str" for a Connector
if (/(primitives\.\d+|middleText)\.(str|size|font|align|underlined|style\.fillStyle)/g.test( {
// according to RegExp this (between first and second dots) part is a number
var id ='.')[1];
textPrimitiveId = parseInt(id, 10);
return textPrimitiveId;