You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
4.2 KiB

import { GenerListPageShowModel, PageBaseGenerList } from './PageBaseGenerList';
import { HttpHandler } from "../api/Gener";
import { GPNReturnObj, GPNReturnType } from "./GPNReturnObj";
export class GL_RecentStart extends PageBaseGenerList {
constructor() {
this.PageTitle = '我发起的';
async Init() {
this.DTFieldOfSearch = 'RDT'; // 按照日期范围查询的字段,为空就不需要日期段查询.
this.DTFieldOfLabel = '发起日期'; //日期字段名.
this.LinkField = 'Title';
const flowNo = this.RequestVal('FlowNo');
if (flowNo == null) {
this.GroupFields = 'NodeName,FlowName'; //分组字段.
this.GroupFieldDefault = ''; //分组字段.
} else {
this.GroupFields = 'NodeName'; //停留节点.
this.GroupFieldDefault = ''; //停留节点.
this.Icon = '';
this.BtnOfToolbar = '打印';
this.PageSize = 15; // 分页的页面行数, 0不分页.
this.HisGLShowModel = GenerListPageShowModel.Table; //表格展示.
// 定义列,这些列用于显示. IsRead,PRI是特殊字段.
this.Columns = [
{ Key: 'WorkID', Name: '工作ID', IsShow: false, DataType: 2 },
{ Key: 'Title', Name: '标题', IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 350 },
{ Key: 'FK_Flow', Name: 'FK_Flow', IsShow: false, DataType: 1, width: 150 },
{ Key: 'FlowName', Name: '流程', IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 150 },
{ Key: 'NodeName', Name: '停留节点', IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 150 },
{ Key: 'TodoEmps', Name: '当前处理人', IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 150 },
{ Key: 'RDT', Name: '发起时间', IsShow: true, DataType: 7, width: 144 },
{ Key: 'PRI', Name: 'PRI', IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 50 },
{ Key: 'WFState', Name: '标签', IsShow: true, DataType: 2 },
this.BtnsOfRow = 'Copy发起';
const handler = new HttpHandler('BP.WF.HttpHandler.WF');
handler.AddPara('FlowNo', flowNo); //我发起的流程.
const data: any = handler.DoMethodReturnJSON('RecentStart_Init');
data.forEach((en) => {
// 判断是否是逾期. SDT 应完成日期与当前日期对比.
let lab = '';
if (en.SDT >= '2022-02-09') {
lab = '逾期';
if (en.WFState == 0) {
en.WFState = '空白';
en.TodoEmps = en.StarterName;
if (en.WFState == 1) {
en.WFState = '草稿';
if (en.WFState == 2) {
en.WFState = '进行中';
if (en.WFState == 5) {
en.WFState = lab + '<font color=red>退回</font>';
if (en.WFState == 3) {
en.WFState = lab + '<font color=green>完成</font>';
if (en.WFState == 6) {
en.WFState = lab + '<font color=red>移交</font>';
if (en.WFState == 8) {
en.WFState = lab + '<font color=red>加签</font>';
if (en.PRI == 0) en.PRI = '<img src="resource/WF/Img/PRI/0.png" style="display:inline"/>';
if (en.PRI == 1) en.PRI = '<img src="resource/WF/Img/PRI/1.png" style="display:inline"/>';
if (en.PRI == 2) en.PRI = '<img src="resource/WF/Img/PRI/2.png" style="display:inline"/>';
this.Data = data;
console.log('data', this.Data);
LinkFieldClick(object: Record<string, any>) {
let url = '/#/WF/MyFlow?WorkID=' + object.WorkID;
const keys = Object.keys(object);
for (const key of keys) {
if (key === 'WorkID') continue;
url += `&${key}=${object[key]}`;
return new GPNReturnObj(GPNReturnType.OpenUrlByDrawer75, url);
BtnClick(btnName: string, object: Record<string, any>) {
if (btnName === 'Copy发起') {
const handler = new HttpHandler('BP.WF.HttpHandler.WF');
handler.AddPara('FK_Flow', object.FK_Flow);
handler.AddPara('WorkID', object.WorkID);
const data = handler.DoMethodReturnString('Start_CopyAsWorkID');
// @zhoupeng 这里需要修改
const url = '/#/WF/MyFlow?WorkID=' + data + '&FK_Flow=' + object.FK_Flow;
const obj = new GPNReturnObj(GPNReturnType.OpenUrlByDrawer90, url);
return obj;
// throw new Error('Method not implemented.');