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function openOfficeFileFromSystemDemo(param){
let jsonObj = (typeof(param)=='string' ? JSON.parse(param) : param)
alert("从业务系统传过来的参数为:" + JSON.stringify(jsonObj))
return {wps加载项项返回: jsonObj.filepath + ", 这个地址给的不正确"}
function InvokeFromSystemDemo(param){
let jsonObj = (typeof(param)=='string' ? JSON.parse(param) : param)
let handleInfo = jsonObj.Index
switch (handleInfo){
case "getDocumentName":{
let docName = ""
if (wps.WpsApplication().ActiveDocument){
docName = wps.WpsApplication().ActiveDocument.Name
return {当前打开的文件名为:docName}
case "newDocument":{
let newDocName=""
let doc = wps.WpsApplication().Documents.Add()
newDocName = doc.Name
return {操作结果:"新建文档成功,文档名为:" + newDocName}
case "OpenFile":{
let filePath = jsonObj.filepath
return {操作结果:"打开文件成功"}
return {其它xxx:""}