You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
1.8 KiB

Description: Magula style for highligh.js
Author: Ruslan Keba <>
Version: 1.0
Date: 2009-01-03
Music: Aphex Twin / Xtal
pre code {
display: block; padding: 0.5em;
background-color: #f4f4f4;
pre code,
pre .subst,
pre .lisp .title,
pre .clojure .built_in {
color: black;
pre .string,
pre .title,
pre .parent,
pre .tag .value,
pre .rules .value,
pre .rules .value .number,
pre .preprocessor,
pre .ruby .symbol,
pre .ruby .symbol .string,
pre .aggregate,
pre .template_tag,
pre .django .variable,
pre .smalltalk .class,
pre .addition,
pre .flow,
pre .stream,
pre .bash .variable,
pre .apache .cbracket {
color: #050;
pre .comment,
pre .annotation,
pre .template_comment,
pre .diff .header,
pre .chunk {
color: #777;
pre .number,
pre .date,
pre .regexp,
pre .literal,
pre .smalltalk .symbol,
pre .smalltalk .char,
pre .change,
pre .tex .special {
color: #800;
pre .label,
pre .javadoc,
pre .ruby .string,
pre .decorator,
pre .filter .argument,
pre .localvars,
pre .array,
pre .attr_selector,
pre .pseudo,
pre .pi,
pre .doctype,
pre .deletion,
pre .envvar,
pre .shebang,
pre .apache .sqbracket,
pre .nginx .built_in,
pre .tex .formula,
pre .prompt,
pre .clojure .attribute {
color: #00e;
pre .keyword,
pre .id,
pre .phpdoc,
pre .title,
pre .built_in,
pre .aggregate,
pre .smalltalk .class,
pre .winutils,
pre .bash .variable,
pre .apache .tag,
pre .xml .tag,
pre .tex .command,
pre .request,
pre .status {
font-weight: bold;
color: navy;
pre .nginx .built_in {
font-weight: normal;
pre .coffeescript .javascript,
pre .javascript .xml,
pre .tex .formula,
pre .xml .javascript,
pre .xml .vbscript,
pre .xml .css,
pre .xml .cdata {
opacity: 0.5;
/* --- */
pre .apache .tag {
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;