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using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BP.Tools
public static class AuthV3Util
添加鉴权相关参数 -
appKey : 应用ID
salt : 随机值
curtime : 当前时间戳(秒)
signType : 签名版本
sign : 请求签名
@param appKey 您的应用ID
@param appSecret 您的应用密钥
@param paramsMap 请求参数表
public static void addAuthParams(string appKey, string appSecret, Dictionary<string, string[]> paramsMap)
string q = "";
string[] qArray;
if (paramsMap.ContainsKey("q"))
qArray = paramsMap["q"];
qArray = paramsMap["img"];
foreach (var item in qArray)
q += item;
string salt = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string curtime = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + "";
string sign = calculateSign(appKey, appSecret, q, salt, curtime);
paramsMap.Add("appKey", new string[] { appKey });
paramsMap.Add("salt", new string[] { salt });
paramsMap.Add("curtime", new string[] { curtime });
paramsMap.Add("signType", new string[] { "v3" });
paramsMap.Add("sign", new string[] { sign });
计算鉴权签名 -
计算方式 : sign = sha256(appKey + input(q) + salt + curtime + appSecret)
@param appKey 您的应用ID
@param appSecret 您的应用密钥
@param q 请求内容
@param salt 随机值
@param curtime 当前时间戳(秒)
@return 鉴权签名sign
public static string calculateSign(string appKey, string appSecret, string q, string salt, string curtime)
string strSrc = appKey + getInput(q) + salt + curtime + appSecret;
return encrypt(strSrc);
private static string encrypt(string strSrc)
Byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strSrc);
HashAlgorithm algorithm = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();
Byte[] hashedBytes = algorithm.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
return BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes).Replace("-", "");
private static string getInput(string q)
if (q == null)
return "";
int len = q.Length;
return len <= 20 ? q : q.Substring(0, 10) + len + q.Substring(len - 10, 10);