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function Matrix() {
/**Add two matrixes.
*It can be used to combine multiple transformations into one.
*@param {Array} m1 - first matrix
*@param {Array} m2 - second matrix
*@return {Array} the sum of those 2 matrix
*@see <a href="">></a>
Matrix.add = function (m1, m2) {
var mReturn = [];
if (m1.length == m2.length) {
for (var row = 0; row < m1.length; row++) {
mReturn[row] = [];
for (var column = 0; column < m1[row].length; column++) {
mReturn[row][column] = m1[row][column] + m2[row][column];
return mReturn;
/**Clones a matrix. Recursivelly
*@param {Array} m - the matrix to clone
*@return {Array} - the clone of orriginal matrix
*@author Alex Gheorghiu <>
Matrix.clone = function (m) {
if (typeof (m) == 'undefined' || m == null) {
return null;
var mReturn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
/*If the element is also an array. As we can not tell if this is an array or object as both array and object return objects
*we will at least try to see if it's object and if it has some length */
if (typeof (m) == 'object' && m[i].length) {
else {
return mReturn;
/**Substract matrix m2 from m1
*@param {Array} m1 - first matrix
*@param {Array} m2 - second matrix
*@return {Array} the m1 - m2 matrix
Matrix.subtract = function (m1, m2) {
var mReturn = [];
if (m1.length == m2.length) {
for (var row = 0; row < m1.length; row++) {
mReturn[row] = [];
for (var column = 0; column < m1[row].length; column++) {
mReturn[row][column] = m1[row][column] - m2[row][column];
return mReturn;
/**Check againsts NaN values
*@param {Array} m - the matrix
*@return {boolean} true - if it contains NaN values, false otherwise
Matrix.isNaN = function (m) {
for (var row = 0; row < m.length; row++) {
if (m[row] instanceof Array) {
for (var column = 0; column < m[row].length; column++) {
if (isNaN(m[row][column])) {
return true;
else {
if (isNaN(m[row])) {
return true;
return false;
/**Multiply matrix m2 with m1
*@param {Array} m1 - first matrix
*@param {Array} m2 - second matrix
*@return {Array} the multiplication of those 2 matrix
*@see <a href=""></a>
Matrix.multiply = function (m1, m2) {
var mReturn = [];
if (m1[0].length == m2.length) {//check that width=height
for (var m1Row = 0; m1Row < m1.length; m1Row++) {
mReturn[m1Row] = [];
for (var m2Column = 0; m2Column < m2[0].length; m2Column++) {
mReturn[m1Row][m2Column] = 0
for (var m2Row = 0; m2Row < m2.length; m2Row++) {
mReturn[m1Row][m2Column] += m1[m1Row][m2Row] * m2[m2Row][m2Column];
return mReturn;
/**Multiply matrix m2 with m1
*If you apply a transformation T to a point P the new point is:
* P' = T x P
*So if you apply more then one transformation (T1, T2, T3) then the new point is:
* P'= T3 x (T2 x (T1 x P)))
*@return {Array} the equivalent matrix ( of all transformations)
*@see <a href=""></a>
*@see <a href=""></a>
Matrix.mergeTransformations = function () {
var mReturn = [];
if (arguments.length > 0) {
mReturn = Matrix.clone(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
for (var m = arguments.length - 2; m >= 0; m--) {
mReturn = Matrix.multiply(mReturn, arguments[m]);
return mReturn;
* Inverts a matrix
Matrix.invertMatrix = function (m) {
/**Compares two matrixes
*@param {Array} m1 - first matrix
*@param {Array} m2 - second matrix
*@return {Boolean} true if matrixes are equal , false otherwise
Matrix.equals = function (m1, m2) {
if (m1.length != m2.length) { //nr or rows not equal
return false;
else {
for (var i in m1) {
if (m1[i].length != m2[i].length) { //nr or cols not equal
return false;
else {
for (var j in m1[i]) {
if (m1[i][j] != m2[i][j]) {
return false;
return true;
/**Creates a clockwise rotation matrix around the origin.
*Note: don't use this to rotate a Figure. You must first move it to origin.
*(by using a translation)
*@param {Number} angle - the angle expressed in radians
*@return {Array} - the ready to use rotation matrix
*@see <a href=""></a>
*@see <a href=""></a>
*@see <a href=""></a>
Matrix.rotationMatrix = function (angle) {
var mReturn = [
[Math.cos(angle), -Math.sin(angle), 0],
[Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle), 0],
[0, 0, 1]];
return mReturn;
/**Creates a translation matrix
*@param {Number} dx - variation of movement on [Ox axis
*@param {Number} dy - variation of movement on [Oy axis
*@return {Array} - the ready to use translation matrix
Matrix.translationMatrix = function (dx, dy) {
return [
[1, 0, dx],
[0, 1, dy],
[0, 0, 1]
/**Creates a scale matrix
*@param {Number} sx - scale factor by which the x will be multiply
*@param {Number} sy - scale factor by which the y will be multiply
*@return {Array} - the ready to use scale matrix
*@see <a href=""></a>
Matrix.scaleMatrix = function (sx, sy) {
if (sy == null) {
sy = sx;
return [
[sx, 0, 0],
[0, sy, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
//we should allow a single parameter too, in which case we will have sx = sy
/**A ready to use matrix to make a 90 degree rotation.
*It acts like a singleton.
*It's more used for example and testings
Matrix.R90 = [[0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]];
/**The identity matrix*/
Matrix.IDENTITY = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]];
/**The move up by 1 unit matrix*/
Matrix.UP = [
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, -1],
[0, 0, 1]
/**The move down by 1 unit matrix*/
Matrix.DOWN = [
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 1]
/**The move left by 1 unit matrix*/
Matrix.LEFT = [
[1, 0, -1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
/**The move right by 1 unit matrix*/
Matrix.RIGHT = [
[1, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]