using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using BP.Sys; using BP.DA; using BP.En; using BP.WF.Template; using BP.Difference; using System.IO; using BP.Tools; namespace BP.WF.HttpHandler { public class WF_Admin_AttrNode : BP.WF.HttpHandler.DirectoryPageBase { /// /// 构造函数 /// public WF_Admin_AttrNode() { } #region 事件基类. /// /// 事件类型 /// public new string ShowType { get { if (this.FK_Node != 0) return "Node"; if (this.FK_Node == 0 && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FK_Flow) == false && this.FK_Flow.Length >= 3) return "Flow"; if (this.FK_Node == 0 && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FK_MapData) == false) return "Frm"; return "Node"; } } /// /// 获得该节点下已经绑定该类型的实体. /// /// public string ActionDtl_Init() { //业务单元集合. DataTable dtBuess = new DataTable(); dtBuess.Columns.Add("No", typeof(string)); dtBuess.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); dtBuess.TableName = "BuessUnits"; ArrayList al = BP.En.ClassFactory.GetObjects("BP.Sys.BuessUnitBase"); foreach (BuessUnitBase en in al) { DataRow dr = dtBuess.NewRow(); dr["No"] = en.ToString(); dr["Name"] = en.Title; dtBuess.Rows.Add(dr); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dtBuess); } #endregion 事件基类. #region 公文维护 /// /// 选择一个模版 /// /// public string SelectDocTemp_Save() { string docTempNo = this.GetRequestVal("no"); DocTemplate docTemplate = new DocTemplate(docTempNo); if (File.Exists(docTemplate.FilePath) == false) return "err@选择的模版文件不存在."; //获得模版的流. var bytes = DataType.ConvertFileToByte(docTemplate.FilePath); //保存到数据库里. Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); DBAccess.SaveBytesToDB(bytes, fl.PTable, "OID", this.WorkID, "WordFile"); ////模板与业务的绑定. //DocTempFlow dtf = new DocTempFlow(); //dtf.CheckPhysicsTable(); //if (dtf.IsExit(DocTempFlowAttr.WorkID, workId)) //{ // dtf.Delete(); //} //dtf.WorkID = workId; //dtf.TempNo = docTempNo; //dtf.setMyPK(workId + "_" + docTempNo; //dtf.Insert(); return "模板导入成功."; } public string FlowDocInit() { MethodReturnMessage msg = new MethodReturnMessage { Success = true }; try { int nodeId = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("nodeId")); int workId = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("workId")); string flowNo = this.GetRequestVal("fk_flow"); string tableName = "ND" + int.Parse(flowNo) + "Rpt"; string str = "WordFile"; if (DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol(tableName, str) == false) { /*如果没有此列,就自动创建此列.*/ string sql = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD " + str + " image "; if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.MSSQL) sql = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD " + str + " image "; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } byte[] bytes = DBAccess.GetByteFromDB(tableName, "OID", workId.ToString(), "WordFile"); Node node = new Node(nodeId); if (!node.IsStartNode) { if (bytes == null) { msg.Message = "{\"IsStartNode\":0,\"IsExistFlowData\":0,\"IsExistTempData\":0}"; } else { msg.Message = "{\"IsStartNode\":0,\"IsExistFlowData\":1,\"IsExistTempData\":0}"; } } else//开始节点 { DocTemplates dts = new DocTemplates(); int count = dts.Retrieve(DocTemplateAttr.FK_Node, nodeId); if (bytes == null) { if (count == 0) { msg.Message = "{\"IsStartNode\":1,\"IsExistFlowData\":0,\"IsExistTempData\":0}"; msg.Data = null; } else { msg.Message = "{\"IsStartNode\":1,\"IsExistFlowData\":0,\"IsExistTempData\":" + count + "}"; msg.Data = dts.ToJson(); } } else { if (count == 0) { msg.Message = "{\"IsStartNode\":1,\"IsExistFlowData\":1,\"IsExistTempData\":0}"; msg.Data = null; } else { msg.Message = "{\"IsStartNode\":1,\"IsExistFlowData\":1,\"IsExistTempData\":" + count + "}"; msg.Data = dts.ToJson(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Success = false; msg.Message = ex.Message; } return LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson(msg); } /// /// 删除 /// /// public string DocTemp_Del() { int no = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("no")); BP.WF.Template.DocTemplate dt = new DocTemplate(); dt.Retrieve(DocTemplateAttr.No, no); dt.Delete(); return "操作成功"; } /// /// 模版文件上传 /// /// public string DocTemp_Upload() { if (HttpContextHelper.RequestFilesCount == 0) return "err@请上传模版."; Node nd = new Node(this.FK_Node); //上传附件. var file = HttpContextHelper.RequestFiles(0); var fileName = file.FileName; string path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "DocTemplate/" + nd.FK_Flow; string fileFullPath = path + "/" + fileName; //上传文件. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)==false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); HttpContextHelper.UploadFile(file, fileFullPath); //插入模版. DocTemplate dt = new DocTemplate(); dt.FK_Node = FK_Node; dt.No = DBAccess.GenerGUID(); dt.Name = fileName; dt.FilePath = fileFullPath; //路径 dt.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; dt.Insert(); //保存文件. DBAccess.SaveFileToDB(fileFullPath, dt.EnMap.PhysicsTable, "No", dt.No, "FileTemplate"); return dt.ToJson(); } #endregion #region 节点消息 public string PushMsg_Init() { //增加上单据模版集合. int nodeID = this.GetRequestValInt("FK_Node"); BP.WF.Template.PushMsgs ens = new BP.WF.Template.PushMsgs(nodeID); return ens.ToJson(); } public string PushMsg_Save() { BP.WF.Template.PushMsg msg = new BP.WF.Template.PushMsg(); msg.setMyPK(this.MyPK); msg.RetrieveFromDBSources(); msg.FK_Event = this.FK_Event; msg.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_Node); BP.WF.Nodes nds = new BP.WF.Nodes(nd.FK_Flow); msg.FK_Flow = nd.FK_Flow; //推送方式。 msg.SMSPushWay = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("RB_SMS").Replace("RB_SMS_", "")); //表单字段作为接收人. msg.SMSField = HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("DDL_SMS_Fields"); #region 其他节点的处理人方式(求选择的节点) string nodesOfSMS = ""; foreach (BP.WF.Node mynd in nds) { foreach (string key in HttpContextHelper.RequestParamKeys) { if (key.Contains("CB_SMS_" + mynd.NodeID) && nodesOfSMS.Contains(mynd.NodeID + "") == false) nodesOfSMS += mynd.NodeID + ","; } } msg.SMSNodes = nodesOfSMS; #endregion 其他节点的处理人方式(求选择的节点) //按照SQL msg.BySQL = HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("TB_SQL"); //发给指定的人员 msg.ByEmps = HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("TB_Emps"); //短消息发送设备 msg.SMSPushModel = this.GetRequestVal("PushModel"); //邮件标题 msg.MailTitle_Real = HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("TB_title"); //短信内容模版. msg.SMSDoc_Real = HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("TB_SMS"); //节点预警 if (this.FK_Event == BP.Sys.EventListNode.NodeWarning) { int noticeType = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("RB_NoticeType").Replace("RB_NoticeType", "")); msg.SetPara("NoticeType", noticeType); int hour = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("TB_NoticeHour")); msg.SetPara("NoticeHour", hour); } //节点逾期 if (this.FK_Event == BP.Sys.EventListNode.NodeOverDue) { int noticeType = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("RB_NoticeType").Replace("RB_NoticeType", "")); msg.SetPara("NoticeType", noticeType); int day = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContextHelper.RequestParams("TB_NoticeDay")); msg.SetPara("NoticeDay", day); } //保存. if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.MyPK) == true) { msg.setMyPK(DBAccess.GenerGUID()); msg.Insert(); } else { msg.Update(); } return "保存成功.."; } public string PushMsgEntity_Init() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //字段下拉框. //select * from Sys_MapAttr where FK_MapData='ND102' and LGType = 0 AND MyDataType =1 BP.Sys.MapAttrs attrs = new BP.Sys.MapAttrs(); attrs.Retrieve(BP.Sys.MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, "ND" + this.FK_Node, "LGType", 0, "MyDataType", 1); ds.Tables.Add(attrs.ToDataTableField("FrmFields")); //节点 //TODO 数据太多优化一下 BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_Node); BP.WF.Nodes nds = new BP.WF.Nodes(nd.FK_Flow); ds.Tables.Add(nds.ToDataTableField("Nodes")); //mypk BP.WF.Template.PushMsg msg = new BP.WF.Template.PushMsg(); msg.setMyPK(this.MyPK); msg.RetrieveFromDBSources(); ds.Tables.Add(msg.ToDataTableField("PushMsgEntity")); return BP.Tools.Json.DataSetToJson(ds, false); } #endregion #region 表单模式 /// /// 表单模式 /// /// public string NodeFromWorkModel_Init() { //数据容器. DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // 当前节点信息. Node nd = new Node(this.FK_Node); nd.WorkID = this.WorkID; //为获取表单ID ( NodeFrmID )提供参数. nd.NodeFrmID = nd.NodeFrmID; // nd.FormUrl = nd.FormUrl; DataTable mydt = nd.ToDataTableField("WF_Node"); ds.Tables.Add(mydt); BtnLab btn = new BtnLab(this.FK_Node); DataTable dtBtn = btn.ToDataTableField("WF_BtnLab"); ds.Tables.Add(dtBtn); //节点s Nodes nds = new Nodes(nd.FK_Flow); //节点s ds.Tables.Add(nds.ToDataTableField("Nodes")); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } /// /// 表单模式 /// /// public string NodeFromWorkModel_Save() { Node nd = new Node(this.FK_Node); BP.Sys.MapData md = new BP.Sys.MapData("ND" + this.FK_Node); //用户选择的表单类型. string selectFModel = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("FrmS"); //使用ccbpm内置的节点表单 if (selectFModel == "DefFrm") { //呈现风格 string frmModel = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("RB_Frm"); if (frmModel == "0") { //自由表单 nd.FormType = NodeFormType.Develop; nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.Develop; md.Update(); } else { //傻瓜表单 nd.FormType = NodeFormType.FoolForm; nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.FoolForm; md.Update(); } //表单引用 string refFrm = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("RefFrm"); //当前节点表单 if (refFrm == "0") { nd.NodeFrmID = ""; nd.DirectUpdate(); } //其他节点表单 if (refFrm == "1") { nd.NodeFrmID = "ND" + this.GetValFromFrmByKey("DDL_Frm"); nd.DirectUpdate(); } } //使用傻瓜轨迹表单模式. if (selectFModel == "FoolTruck") { nd.FormType = NodeFormType.FoolTruck; nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.FoolForm; //同时更新表单表住表. md.Update(); } //使用嵌入式表单 if (selectFModel == "SelfForm") { nd.FormType = NodeFormType.SelfForm; nd.FormUrl = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_CustomURL"); nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.Url; //同时更新表单表住表. md.UrlExt = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_CustomURL"); md.Update(); } //使用SDK表单 if (selectFModel == "SDKForm") { nd.FormType = NodeFormType.SDKForm; nd.FormUrl = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_FormURL"); nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.Url; md.UrlExt = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_FormURL"); md.Update(); } //绑定多表单 if (selectFModel == "SheetTree") { string sheetTreeModel = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("SheetTreeModel"); if (sheetTreeModel == "0") { nd.FormType = NodeFormType.SheetTree; nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.FoolForm; //同时更新表单表住表. md.Update(); } else { nd.FormType = NodeFormType.DisableIt; nd.DirectUpdate(); md.HisFrmType = BP.Sys.FrmType.FoolForm; //同时更新表单表住表. md.Update(); } } return "保存成功..."; } #endregion 表单模式 #region 节点属性(列表)的操作 /// /// 初始化节点属性列表. /// /// public string NodeAttrs_Init() { var strFlowId = GetRequestVal("FK_Flow"); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(strFlowId)) { return "err@参数错误!"; } Nodes nodes = new Nodes(); nodes.Retrieve("FK_Flow", strFlowId); //因直接使用nodes.ToJson()无法获取某些字段(e.g.HisFormTypeText,原因:Node没有自己的Attr类) //故此处手动创建前台所需的DataTable DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("NodeID"); //节点ID dt.Columns.Add("Name"); //节点名称 dt.Columns.Add("HisFormType"); //表单方案 dt.Columns.Add("HisFormTypeText"); dt.Columns.Add("HisRunModel"); //节点类型 dt.Columns.Add("HisRunModelT"); dt.Columns.Add("HisDeliveryWay"); //接收方类型 dt.Columns.Add("HisDeliveryWayText"); dt.Columns.Add("HisDeliveryWayJsFnPara"); dt.Columns.Add("HisDeliveryWayCountLabel"); dt.Columns.Add("HisDeliveryWayCount"); //接收方Count dt.Columns.Add("HisCCRole"); //抄送人 dt.Columns.Add("HisCCRoleText"); dt.Columns.Add("HisFrmEventsCount"); //消息&事件Count dt.Columns.Add("HisFinishCondsCount"); //流程完成条件Count DataRow dr; foreach (Node node in nodes) { dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["NodeID"] = node.NodeID; dr["Name"] = node.Name; dr["HisFormType"] = node.HisFormType; dr["HisFormTypeText"] = node.HisFormTypeText; dr["HisRunModel"] = node.HisRunModel; dr["HisRunModelT"] = node.HisRunModelT; dr["HisDeliveryWay"] = node.HisDeliveryWay; dr["HisDeliveryWayText"] = node.HisDeliveryWayText; //接收方数量 var intHisDeliveryWayCount = 0; if (node.HisDeliveryWay == BP.WF.DeliveryWay.ByStation) { dr["HisDeliveryWayJsFnPara"] = "ByStation"; dr["HisDeliveryWayCountLabel"] = "角色"; BP.WF.Template.NodeStations nss = new BP.WF.Template.NodeStations(); intHisDeliveryWayCount = nss.Retrieve(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Node, node.NodeID); } else if (node.HisDeliveryWay == BP.WF.DeliveryWay.ByDept) { dr["HisDeliveryWayJsFnPara"] = "ByDept"; dr["HisDeliveryWayCountLabel"] = "部门"; BP.WF.Template.NodeDepts nss = new BP.WF.Template.NodeDepts(); intHisDeliveryWayCount = nss.Retrieve(BP.WF.Template.NodeDeptAttr.FK_Node, node.NodeID); } else if (node.HisDeliveryWay == BP.WF.DeliveryWay.ByBindEmp) { dr["HisDeliveryWayJsFnPara"] = "ByDept"; dr["HisDeliveryWayCountLabel"] = "人员"; BP.WF.Template.NodeEmps nes = new BP.WF.Template.NodeEmps(); intHisDeliveryWayCount = nes.Retrieve(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Node, node.NodeID); } dr["HisDeliveryWayCount"] = intHisDeliveryWayCount; //抄送 dr["HisCCRole"] = node.HisCCRole; dr["HisCCRoleText"] = node.HisCCRoleText; //消息&事件Count BP.Sys.FrmEvents fes = new BP.Sys.FrmEvents(); dr["HisFrmEventsCount"] = fes.Retrieve(BP.Sys.FrmEventAttr.FrmID, "ND" + node.NodeID); //流程完成条件Count BP.WF.Template.Conds conds = new BP.WF.Template.Conds(BP.WF.Template.CondType.Flow, node.NodeID); dr["HisFinishCondsCount"] = conds.Count; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } #endregion #region 特别控件特别用户权限 public string SepcFiledsSepcUsers_Init() { /*string fk_mapdata = this.GetRequestVal("FK_MapData"); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(fk_mapdata)) fk_mapdata = "ND101"; string fk_node = this.GetRequestVal("FK_Node"); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(fk_node)) fk_mapdata = "101"; BP.Sys.MapAttrs attrs = new BP.Sys.MapAttrs(fk_mapdata); BP.Sys.FrmImgs imgs = new BP.Sys.FrmImgs(fk_mapdata); BP.Sys.MapExts exts = new BP.Sys.MapExts(); int mecount = exts.Retrieve(BP.Sys.MapExtAttr.FK_MapData, fk_mapdata, BP.Sys.MapExtAttr.Tag, this.GetRequestVal("FK_Node"), BP.Sys.MapExtAttr.ExtType, "SepcFiledsSepcUsers"); BP.Sys.FrmAttachments aths = new BP.Sys.FrmAttachments(fk_mapdata); exts = new BP.Sys.MapExts(); exts.Retrieve(BP.Sys.MapExtAttr.FK_MapData, fk_mapdata, BP.Sys.MapExtAttr.Tag, this.GetRequestVal("FK_Node"), BP.Sys.MapExtAttr.ExtType, "SepcAthSepcUsers"); */ return "";//toJson } #endregion #region 批量发起规则设置 public string BatchStartFields_Init() { int nodeID = int.Parse(this.FK_Node.ToString()); //获取节点字段集合 BP.Sys.MapAttrs attrs = new BP.Sys.MapAttrs("ND" + nodeID); //获取节点对象 BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(nodeID); //获取批量发起设置规则 BP.Sys.SysEnums ses = new BP.Sys.SysEnums(BP.WF.Template.NodeAttr.BatchRole); //获取当前节点设置的批处理规则 string srole = ""; if (nd.HisBatchRole == BatchRole.None) srole = "0"; else if (nd.HisBatchRole == BatchRole.WorkCheckModel) srole = "1"; else srole = "2"; return "{\"nd\":" + nd.ToJson() + ",\"ses\":" + ses.ToJson() + ",\"attrs\":" + attrs.ToJson() + ",\"BatchRole\":" + srole + "}"; } #endregion #region 发送阻塞模式 public string BlockModel_Save() { BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_Node); nd.BlockAlert = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Alert"); //提示信息. int val = this.GetRequestValInt("RB_BlockModel"); nd.SetValByKey(BP.WF.Template.NodeAttr.BlockModel, val); if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.None) nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.None; if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.CurrNodeAll) nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.CurrNodeAll; if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.SpecSubFlow) { nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.SpecSubFlow; nd.BlockExp = this.GetRequestVal("TB_SpecSubFlow"); } if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.BySQL) { nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.BySQL; nd.BlockExp = this.GetRequestVal("TB_SQL"); } if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.ByExp) { nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.ByExp; nd.BlockExp = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Exp"); } if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.SpecSubFlowNode) { nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.SpecSubFlowNode; nd.BlockExp = this.GetRequestVal("TB_SpecSubFlowNode"); } if (nd.BlockModel == BP.WF.BlockModel.SameLevelSubFlow) { nd.BlockModel = BP.WF.BlockModel.SameLevelSubFlow; nd.BlockExp = this.GetRequestVal("TB_SameLevelSubFlow"); } nd.BlockAlert = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Alert"); nd.Update(); return "保存成功."; } #endregion #region 可以撤销的节点 public string CanCancelNodes_Save() { BP.WF.Template.NodeCancels rnds = new BP.WF.Template.NodeCancels(); rnds.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeCancelAttr.FK_Node, this.FK_Node); BP.WF.Nodes nds = new Nodes(); nds.Retrieve(BP.WF.Template.NodeAttr.FK_Flow, this.FK_Flow); int i = 0; foreach (BP.WF.Node nd in nds) { string cb = this.GetRequestVal("CB_" + nd.NodeID); if (cb == null || cb == "") continue; NodeCancel nr = new NodeCancel(); nr.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; nr.CancelTo = nd.NodeID; nr.Insert(); i++; } if (i == 0) return "请您选择要撤销的节点。"; return "设置成功."; } #endregion #region 表单检查(CheckFrm.htm) public string CheckFrm_Check() { if (BP.Web.WebUser.No != "admin") return "err@只有管理员有权限进行此项操作!"; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.FK_MapData)) return "err@参数FK_MapData不能为空!"; string msg = string.Empty; //1.检查字段扩展设置 MapExts mes = new MapExts(this.FK_MapData); MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapData); MapDtls dtls = new MapDtls(this.FK_MapData); Entity en = null; string fieldMsg = string.Empty; //1.1主表 foreach (MapExt me in mes) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.AttrOfOper)) { en = attrs.GetEntityByKey(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, me.AttrOfOper); if (en != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.AttrsOfActive)) en = attrs.GetEntityByKey(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, me.AttrsOfActive); } if (en == null) { me.DirectDelete(); msg += "删除扩展设置中MyPK=" + me.PKVal + "的设置项;
"; } } //1.2明细表 foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { mes = new MapExts(dtl.No); attrs = new MapAttrs(dtl.No); foreach (MapExt me in mes) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.AttrOfOper)) { en = attrs.GetEntityByKey(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, me.AttrOfOper); if (en != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.AttrsOfActive)) en = attrs.GetEntityByKey(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, me.AttrsOfActive); } if (en == null) { me.DirectDelete(); msg += "删除扩展设置中MyPK=" + me.PKVal + "的设置项;
"; } } } //2.检查字段权限 FrmFields ffs = new FrmFields(); ffs.Retrieve(FrmFieldAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); //2.1主表 foreach (FrmField ff in ffs) { en = attrs.GetEntityByKey(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, ff.KeyOfEn); if (en == null) { ff.DirectDelete(); msg += "删除字段权限中MyPK=" + ff.PKVal + "的设置项;
"; } } //2.2明细表 foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { ffs = new FrmFields(); ffs.Retrieve(FrmFieldAttr.FK_MapData, dtl.No); attrs = new MapAttrs(dtl.No); foreach (FrmField ff in ffs) { en = attrs.GetEntityByKey(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, ff.KeyOfEn); if (en == null) { ff.DirectDelete(); msg += "删除字段权限中MyPK=" + ff.PKVal + "的设置项;
"; } } } msg += "检查完成!"; return msg; } #endregion public string NodeStationGroup_Init() { string sql = "select No as \"No\", Name as \"Name\" FROM port_StationType where No in " + "(select Fk_StationType from Port_Station where OrgNo ='" + this.GetRequestVal("orgNo") + "') group by No,Name"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } /** 删除,该组织下已经保存的岗位. @return */ public void NodeStationGroup_Dele() { string sql = "DELETE FROM WF_NodeStation WHERE FK_Station IN (SELECT No FROM Port_Station WHERE OrgNo='" + this.GetRequestVal("orgNo") + "') AND FK_Node=" + this.GetRequestVal("nodeID"); DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } /** 删除,该组织下已经保存的岗位. @return */ public void NodeDept_Dele() { string sql = "DELETE FROM WF_NodeDept WHERE FK_Node=" + this.GetRequestVal("nodeID"); DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } /** 删除,该组织下已经保存的岗位. @return */ public void NodeDeptGroup_Dele() { string sql = "DELETE FROM WF_NodeDept WHERE FK_Node=" + this.GetRequestVal("nodeID") + " AND FK_Dept IN (SELECT No FROM Port_Dept WHERE OrgNo='" + this.GetRequestVal("orgNo") + "')"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } /** WF_Node_Up @return */ public void WF_Node_Up() { string sql = "UPDATE WF_Node SET NodeAppType=" + this.GetRequestVal("appType") + " WHERE NodeID=" + this.GetRequestVal("nodeID"); DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } /** NodeStationGroup_init @return */ public String NodeAppType() { string sql = "SELECT NodeAppType FROM WF_Node WHERE NodeID=" + this.GetRequestVal("FK_Node"); DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel != FieldCaseModel.None) dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "NodeAppType"; return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } } }