using System; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using BP.Sys; using BP.DA; using BP.En; using BP.Web; using BP.Port; using BP.WF.Rpt; using BP.WF.Template; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; using System.Net; using iTextSharp.text; using iTextSharp.text.pdf; namespace BP.WF { public class MakeForm2Html { private static StringBuilder GenerHtmlOfFool(MapData mapData, string frmID, Int64 workid, Entity en, string path, string flowNo = null, string FK_Node = null, NodeFormType formType = NodeFormType.FoolForm) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //审核意见 string sql = "SELECT NDFromT,Msg,RDT,EmpFromT,EmpFrom,NDFrom FROM ND" + int.Parse(flowNo) + "Track WHERE WorkID=" + workid + " AND ActionType=" + (int)ActionType.WorkCheck + " ORDER BY RDT "; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); //字段集合. MapAttrs mapAttrs = new MapAttrs(frmID); //获取当前表单的联动项 FrmRBs frmRBs = new FrmRBs(frmID); Attrs attrs = null; GroupFields gfs = null; if (formType == NodeFormType.FoolTruck && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(FK_Node) == false) { Node nd = new Node(FK_Node); Work wk = nd.HisWork; wk.OID = workid; wk.RetrieveFromDBSources(); /* 求出来走过的表单集合 */ sql = "SELECT NDFrom FROM ND" + int.Parse(flowNo) + "Track A, WF_Node B "; sql += " WHERE A.NDFrom=B.NodeID "; sql += " AND (ActionType=" + (int)ActionType.Forward + " OR ActionType=" + (int)ActionType.Start + " OR ActionType=" + (int)ActionType.Skip + ") "; sql += " AND B.FormType=" + (int)NodeFormType.FoolTruck + " "; // 仅仅找累加表单. sql += " AND NDFrom!=" + Int32.Parse(FK_Node.Replace("ND", "")) + " "; //排除当前的表单. sql += " AND (A.WorkID=" + workid + ") "; sql += " ORDER BY A.RDT "; // 获得已经走过的节点IDs. DataTable dtNodeIDs = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); string frmIDs = ""; if (dtNodeIDs.Rows.Count > 0) { //把所有的节点字段. foreach (DataRow dr in dtNodeIDs.Rows) { if (frmIDs.Contains("ND" + dr[0].ToString()) == true) continue; frmIDs += "'ND" + dr[0].ToString() + "',"; } } if (frmIDs == "") frmIDs = "'" + mapData.No + "'"; else frmIDs = frmIDs.Substring(0, frmIDs.Length - 1); GenerWorkFlow gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid); if (gwf.WFState == WFState.Complete) frmIDs = frmIDs + ",'" + FK_Node + "'"; gfs = new GroupFields(); gfs.RetrieveIn(GroupFieldAttr.FrmID, "(" + frmIDs + ")"); mapAttrs = new MapAttrs(); mapAttrs.RetrieveIn(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, "(" + frmIDs + ")", "GroupID, Idx"); frmRBs = new FrmRBs(); frmRBs.RetrieveIn(FrmRBAttr.FK_MapData, "(" + frmIDs + ")"); } else { gfs = new GroupFields(frmID); attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; } string hideField = ","; string showField = ","; if (frmRBs.Count > 0) { foreach (MapAttr mapAttr in mapAttrs) { if (mapAttr.GetParaBoolen("IsEnableJS") == true) { string val = en.GetValStrByKey(mapAttr.KeyOfEn); FrmRB rb = frmRBs.GetEntityByKey(mapAttr.MyPK + "_" + val) as FrmRB; if (rb == null) continue; string cfgs = rb.FieldsCfg; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(cfgs) == true) continue; AtPara atPara = new AtPara(cfgs); //获取显示的字段 foreach (string key in atPara.HisHT.Keys) { int keyVal = atPara.GetValIntByKey(key); if (keyVal == 0) continue; if (keyVal == 3) hideField += key + ","; if (keyVal == 2 || keyVal == 4) showField += key + ","; } } } } //生成表头. String frmName = mapData.Name; if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppSettings["CustomerNo"] == "TianYe") frmName = ""; sb.Append(" "); //#region 生成头部信息. sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); //#endregion 生成头部信息. if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(FK_Node) == false && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(flowNo) == false) { Node nd = new Node(Int32.Parse(FK_Node.Replace("ND", ""))); if (frmID.StartsWith("ND") == true && nd.FrmWorkCheckSta != FrmWorkCheckSta.Disable) { GroupField gf = gfs.GetEntityByKey(GroupFieldAttr.CtrlType, "FWC") as GroupField; if (gf == null) { gf = new GroupField(); gf.OID = 100; gf.FrmID = nd.NodeFrmID; gf.CtrlType = "FWC"; gf.CtrlID = "FWCND" + nd.NodeID; gf.Idx = 100; gf.Lab = "审核信息"; gfs.AddEntity(gf); } } } foreach (GroupField gf in gfs) { //输出标题. if (gf.CtrlType != "Ath") { sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(" "); } //#region 输出字段. if (gf.CtrlID == "" && gf.CtrlType == "") { Boolean isDropTR = true; String html = ""; foreach (MapAttr attr in mapAttrs) { //处理隐藏字段,如果是不可见并且是启用的就隐藏. if (attr.UIVisible == false && showField.Contains("," + attr.KeyOfEn + ",") == false) continue; if (hideField.Contains("," + attr.KeyOfEn + ",") == true) continue; if (attr.GroupID != attr.GroupID) continue; //处理分组数据,非当前分组的数据不输出 if (attr.GroupID != gf.OID) continue; string text = ""; switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: // 输出普通类型字段. if (attr.MyDataType == 1 && (int)attr.UIContralType == DataType.AppString) { if (attrs.Contains(attr.KeyOfEn + "Text") == true) text = en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) if (attrs.Contains(attr.KeyOfEn + "T") == true) text = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn + "T"); } else { //判断是不是图片签名 if (attr.IsSigan == true) { String SigantureNO = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); String src = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURL + "/DataUser/Siganture/"; text = "图片丢失 "; } else if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.SignCheck)//是不是签批字段 { //获取当前节点的审核意见 DataTable mydt = GetWorkcheckInfoByNodeIDs(dt, en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn)); text = "
"; text += "
"); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); //二维码显示 bool IsHaveQrcode = true; if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKeyBoolen("IsShowQrCode", false) == false) IsHaveQrcode = false; //判断当前文件是否存在图片 bool IsHaveImg = false; String IconPath = path + "/icon.png"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(IconPath) == true) IsHaveImg = true; if (IsHaveImg == true) { sb.Append(""); } if (IsHaveImg == false && IsHaveQrcode == false) sb.Append(""); if (IsHaveQrcode == true) { sb.Append(""); } sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); else if ((IsHaveImg == true && IsHaveQrcode == false) || (IsHaveImg == false && IsHaveQrcode == true)) sb.Append(""); else sb.Append(""); sb.Append("

" + frmName + "

"); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append("
" + gf.Lab + "
"; foreach (DataRow dr in mydt.Rows) { text += ""; } text += "
"; text += "
" + dr[1].ToString() + "
"; text += "
" + dr[3].ToString() + "(" + dr[2].ToString() + ")
"; text += "
"; } else { text = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); } if (attr.TextModel == 3) { text = text.Replace("white-space: nowrap;", ""); } if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.AthShow) { FrmAttachmentDBs athDBsFrom = new FrmAttachmentDBs(); int i = athDBsFrom.Retrieve(FrmAttachmentDBAttr.FK_FrmAttachment, attr.MyPK, FrmAttachmentDBAttr.RefPKVal, workid); text = "附件(" + i + "个)"; } } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.CheckBok) { string s = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn) + ","; SysEnums enums = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey); foreach (SysEnum se in enums) { if (s.IndexOf(se.IntKey + ",") != -1) text += se.Lab + " "; } } else text = en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); break; case FieldTypeS.FK: text = en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); break; default: break; } if (attr.IsBigDoc) { //这几种字体生成 pdf都乱码 text = text.Replace("仿宋,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("仿宋;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("仿宋\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("黑体,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("黑体;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("黑体\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("楷体,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("楷体;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("楷体\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("隶书,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("隶书;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("隶书\"", "宋体\""); } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || text == "0") text = "[✕]" + attr.Name; else text = "[✔]" + attr.Name; } //线性展示并且colspan=3 if (attr.ColSpan == 3 || (attr.ColSpan == 4 && attr.UIHeightInt < 30)) { isDropTR = true; html += " "; html += " " + attr.Name + ""; html += " "; html += text; html += " "; html += " "; continue; } //线性展示并且colspan=4 if (attr.ColSpan == 4) { isDropTR = true; html += " "; html += " " + attr.Name + ""; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += text; html += " "; html += " "; continue; } if (isDropTR == true) { html += " "; html += " " + attr.Name + ""; html += " "; html += text; html += " "; isDropTR = !isDropTR; continue; } if (isDropTR == false) { html += " " + attr.Name + ""; html += " "; html += text; html += " "; html += " "; isDropTR = !isDropTR; continue; } } sb.Append(html); //增加到里面. continue; } //#endregion 输出字段. //#region 如果是从表. if (gf.CtrlType == "Dtl") { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(gf.CtrlID) == true) continue; /* 如果是从表 */ MapAttrs attrsOfDtls = null; try { attrsOfDtls = new MapAttrs(gf.CtrlID); } catch (Exception ex) { } //#region 输出标题. sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); foreach (MapAttr item in attrsOfDtls) { if (item.KeyOfEn == "OID") continue; if (item.UIVisible == false) continue; sb.Append(""); } sb.Append(""); //#endregion 输出标题. //#region 输出数据. GEDtls dtls = new GEDtls(gf.CtrlID); dtls.Retrieve(GEDtlAttr.RefPK, workid, "OID"); foreach (GEDtl dtl in dtls) { sb.Append(""); foreach (MapAttr item in attrsOfDtls) { if (item.KeyOfEn == "OID" || item.UIVisible == false) continue; string text = ""; switch (item.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: // 输出普通类型字段. if (item.MyDataType == 1 && (int)item.UIContralType == DataType.AppString) { if (attrs.Contains(item.KeyOfEn + "Text") == true) text = dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(item.KeyOfEn); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) if (attrs.Contains(item.KeyOfEn + "T") == true) text = dtl.GetValStrByKey(item.KeyOfEn + "T"); } else { text = dtl.GetValStrByKey(item.KeyOfEn); if (item.TextModel == 3) { text = text.Replace("white-space: nowrap;", ""); } } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: if (item.UIContralType == UIContralType.CheckBok) { string s = en.GetValStrByKey(item.KeyOfEn) + ","; SysEnums enums = new SysEnums(item.UIBindKey); foreach (SysEnum se in enums) { if (s.IndexOf(se.IntKey + ",") != -1) text += se.Lab + " "; } } else text = dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(item.KeyOfEn); break; case FieldTypeS.FK: text = dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(item.KeyOfEn); break; default: break; } if (item.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { sb.Append(""); continue; } //Hongyan if (item.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || text == "0") sb.Append(""); else sb.Append(""); continue; } if (item.IsNum) { sb.Append(""); continue; } sb.Append(""); } sb.Append(""); } //#endregion 输出数据. sb.Append("
" + item.Name + "
" + text + "[✕][✔]" + text + "" + text + "
"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(" "); } //#endregion 如果是从表. //#region 如果是附件. if (gf.CtrlType == "Ath") { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(gf.CtrlID) == true) continue; FrmAttachment ath = new FrmAttachment(); ath.setMyPK(gf.CtrlID); if (ath.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) continue; if (ath.IsVisable == false) continue; sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(" " + gf.Lab + ""); sb.Append(" "); FrmAttachmentDBs athDBs = BP.WF.Glo.GenerFrmAttachmentDBs(ath, workid.ToString(), ath.MyPK, workid); if (ath.UploadType == AttachmentUploadType.Single) { /* 单个文件 */ sb.Append("单附件没有转化:" + ath.MyPK + ""); continue; } if (ath.UploadType == AttachmentUploadType.Multi) { sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } } //#endregion 如果是附件. //如果是IFrame页面 if (gf.CtrlType == "Frame" && flowNo != null) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(gf.CtrlID) == true) continue; sb.Append(""); sb.Append(" "); //根据GroupID获取对应的 MapFrame frame = new MapFrame(gf.CtrlID); //获取URL String url = frame.URL; //替换URL的 url = url.Replace("@basePath", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS); //替换系统参数 url = url.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); url = url.Replace("@WebUser.Name;", WebUser.Name); url = url.Replace("@WebUser.FK_DeptName;", WebUser.FK_DeptName); url = url.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept;", WebUser.FK_Dept); //替换参数 if (url.IndexOf("?") > 0) { //获取url中的参数 url = url.Substring(url.IndexOf('?')); String[] paramss = url.Split('&'); foreach (String param in paramss) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(param) || param.IndexOf("@") == -1) continue; String[] paramArr = param.Split('='); if (paramArr.Length == 2 && paramArr[1].IndexOf('@') == 0) { if (paramArr[1].IndexOf("@WebUser.") == 0) continue; url = url.Replace(paramArr[1], en.GetValStrByKey(paramArr[1].Substring(1))); } } } sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } //#region 审核组件 if (gf.CtrlType == "FWC" && flowNo != null) { NodeWorkCheck fwc = new NodeWorkCheck(frmID); DataTable dtTrack = null; Boolean bl = false; try { bl = DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol("Port_Emp", "SignType"); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (bl) { String tTable = "ND" + int.Parse(flowNo) + "Track"; sql = "SELECT a." + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.UserNo + ", a.SignType FROM Port_Emp a, " + tTable + " b WHERE a." + Glo.UserNo + "=b.EmpFrom AND B.WorkID=" + workid; dtTrack = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); dtTrack.TableName = "SignType"; if (dtTrack.Columns.Contains("No") == false) dtTrack.Columns.Add("No"); if (dtTrack.Columns.Contains("SignType") == false) dtTrack.Columns.Add("SignType"); } String html = ""; // ""; //#region 生成审核信息. //获得当前待办的人员,把当前审批的人员排除在外,不然就有默认同意的意见可以打印出来. sql = "SELECT FK_Emp, FK_Node FROM WF_GenerWorkerList WHERE IsPass!=1 AND WorkID=" + workid; DataTable dtOfTodo = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //#region 排除正在审批的人员. string nodeID = dr["NDFrom"].ToString(); string empFrom = dr["EmpFrom"].ToString(); if (dtOfTodo.Rows.Count != 0) { Boolean isHave = false; foreach (DataRow mydr in dtOfTodo.Rows) { if (mydr["FK_Node"].ToString() != nodeID) continue; if (mydr["FK_Emp"].ToString() != empFrom) continue; isHave = true; } if (isHave == true) continue; } //#endregion 排除正在审批的人员. html += ""; html += " "; String msg = dr["Msg"].ToString(); msg += "
"; msg += "
"; String empStrs = ""; if (dtTrack == null) { empStrs = dr["EmpFromT"].ToString(); } else { String singType = "0"; foreach (DataRow drTrack in dtTrack.Rows) { if (drTrack["No"].ToString() == dr["EmpFrom"].ToString()) { singType = drTrack["SignType"].ToString(); break; } } if (singType == "0" || singType == "2") { empStrs = dr["EmpFromT"].ToString(); } if (singType == "1") { String src = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURL + "/DataUser/Siganture/"; empStrs = "图片丢失 "; } } msg += "审核人:" + empStrs + "      日期:" + dr["RDT"].ToString(); html += " "; html += " "; } //#endregion 生成审核信息. sb.Append(" " + html); } } sb.Append("
" + dr["NDFromT"] + "" + msg + "
"); return sb; } /// /// 这里做了一些不为空的判断,获得document的元素的时候. /// 注意同步. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// private static void GenerHtmlOfDevelop(MapData mapData, string frmID, Int64 workid, Entity en, string path, string indexFile, string flowNo = null, string FK_Node = null) { string htmlString = DataType.ReadTextFile(indexFile); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); //用于创建新节点 HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode createnode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/p"); //将字符串转换成 HtmlDocument doc.LoadHtml(htmlString); //字段集合. MapAttrs mapAttrs = new MapAttrs(frmID); //获取审核组件的信息 string sql = "SELECT NDFromT,Msg,RDT,EmpFromT,EmpFrom,NDFrom FROM ND" + int.Parse(flowNo) + "Track WHERE WorkID=" + workid + " AND ActionType=" + (int)ActionType.WorkCheck + " ORDER BY RDT "; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node = null; foreach (MapAttr attr in mapAttrs) { //处理隐藏字段,如果是不可见并且是启用的就隐藏. if (attr.UIVisible == false) continue; string text = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); //外键或者外部数据源 if ((attr.LGType == FieldTypeS.Normal && attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString && attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) || (attr.LGType == FieldTypeS.FK && attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString)) { if (mapAttrs.Contains(attr.KeyOfEn + "Text") == true) text = en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) if (mapAttrs.Contains(attr.KeyOfEn + "T") == true) text = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn + "T"); node = doc.GetElementbyId("DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn); if (node == null) continue; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode parentNode = node.ParentNode; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode newNode = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.CreateNode("" + text + ""); parentNode.AppendChild(newNode); node.Remove(); continue; } //枚举、枚举下拉框 if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt && attr.LGType == FieldTypeS.Enum) { text = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); //如果是下拉框 if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { text = en.GetValStringByKey(attr.KeyOfEn + "Text"); node = doc.GetElementbyId("DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn); if (node == null) continue; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode parentNode = node.ParentNode; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode newNode = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.CreateNode("" + text + ""); parentNode.AppendChild(newNode); node.Remove(); continue; } var rb = doc.GetElementbyId("RB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + text); if (rb != null) rb.SetAttributeValue("checked", "checked"); continue; } //枚举复选框 if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString && attr.LGType == FieldTypeS.Enum) { text = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); string s = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn) + ","; SysEnums enums = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey); foreach (SysEnum se in enums) { var mycb = doc.GetElementbyId("CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + se.IntKey); if (mycb == null) continue; if (s.IndexOf(se.IntKey + ",") != -1) mycb.SetAttributeValue("checked", "checked"); mycb.SetAttributeValue("disabled", "disabled"); } continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { var cb = doc.GetElementbyId("CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn); if (cb != null) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || text == "0") doc.GetElementbyId("CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn).SetAttributeValue("checked", ""); else doc.GetElementbyId("CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn).SetAttributeValue("checked", "checked"); doc.GetElementbyId("CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn).SetAttributeValue("disabled", "disabled"); } continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { //签批字段 if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.SignCheck) { node = doc.GetElementbyId("TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn); if (node == null) continue; DataTable mydt = GetWorkcheckInfoByNodeIDs(dt, text); if (mydt.Rows.Count == 0) { node.Remove(); continue; } string _html = "
"; _html += ""; foreach (DataRow dr in mydt.Rows) { string sql2 = "SELECT SigantureEnabel FROM WF_Node WHERE NodeID ='" + dr[5].ToString() + "'"; string singType = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql2); _html += ""; } _html += "
"; _html += "
" + dr[1].ToString() + "
"; string empstr = ""; if (singType == "0" || singType == "2") { empstr = dr[3].ToString(); } if (singType == "1") { string src = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURL + "/DataUser/Siganture/"; empstr = "图片丢失"; } _html += "
" + empstr + "(" + dr[2].ToString() + ")
"; _html += "
"; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode parentNode = node.ParentNode; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode newNode = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.CreateNode(_html); parentNode.AppendChild(newNode); node.Remove(); continue; } //字段附件 if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.AthShow) { continue; } //签名 if (attr.IsSigan == true) { continue; } } if (attr.IsBigDoc) { //这几种字体生成 pdf都乱码 text = text.Replace("仿宋,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("仿宋;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("仿宋\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("黑体,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("黑体;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("黑体\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("楷体,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("楷体;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("楷体\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("隶书,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("隶书;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("隶书\"", "宋体\""); var tb1 = doc.GetElementbyId("TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn); if (tb1 != null) { doc.GetElementbyId("TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn).InnerHtml = text; doc.GetElementbyId("TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn).SetAttributeValue("disabled", "disabled"); } continue; } //如果是字符串 var tb = doc.GetElementbyId("TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn); if (tb != null) { tb.SetAttributeValue("value", text); tb.SetAttributeValue("disabled", "disabled"); } } //获取从表 MapDtls dtls = new MapDtls(frmID); foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { if (dtl.IsView == false) continue; string html = GetDtlHtmlByID(dtl, workid, mapData.FrmW); node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//img[@data-key='" + dtl.No + "']"); if (node == null) continue; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode parentNode = node.ParentNode; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode newNode = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.CreateNode(html); parentNode.AppendChild(newNode); node.Remove(); } //获取附件 FrmAttachments aths = new FrmAttachments(frmID); foreach (FrmAttachment ath in aths) { if (ath.IsVisable == false) continue; node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//img[@data-key='" + ath.MyPK + "']"); if (node == null) continue; string html = GetAthHtmlByID(ath, workid, path); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode parentNode = node.ParentNode; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode newNode = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.CreateNode(html); parentNode.AppendChild(newNode); node.Remove(); } doc.Save(indexFile, Encoding.UTF8); return; } private static DataTable GetWorkcheckInfoByNodeIDs(DataTable dt, string nodeId) { DataTable mydt = dt.Clone(); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeId) == true) return mydt; string[] nodeIds = nodeId.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < nodeIds.Length; i++) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIds[i]) == true) continue; //获取到值 DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("NDFrom=" + nodeIds[i]); foreach (DataRow dr in rows) { DataRow myrow = mydt.NewRow(); myrow.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray; mydt.Rows.Add(myrow); } } return mydt; } private static string GetDtlHtmlByID(MapDtl dtl, Int64 workid, float width) { StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); MapAttrs attrsOfDtls = new MapAttrs(dtl.No); int columNum = 0; foreach (MapAttr item in attrsOfDtls) { if (item.KeyOfEn == "OID") continue; if (item.UIVisible == false) continue; columNum++; } if (columNum == 0) return ""; int columWidth = (int)100 / columNum; sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); foreach (MapAttr item in attrsOfDtls) { if (item.KeyOfEn == "OID") continue; if (item.UIVisible == false) continue; sb.Append(""); } sb.Append(""); //#endregion 输出标题. //#region 输出数据. GEDtls gedtls = new GEDtls(dtl.No); gedtls.Retrieve(GEDtlAttr.RefPK, workid, "OID"); foreach (GEDtl gedtl in gedtls) { sb.Append(""); foreach (MapAttr attr in attrsOfDtls) { //处理隐藏字段,如果是不可见并且是启用的就隐藏. if (attr.KeyOfEn.Equals("OID") || attr.UIVisible == false) continue; string text = ""; switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: // 输出普通类型字段. if (attr.MyDataType == 1 && (int)attr.UIContralType == DataType.AppString) { if (attrsOfDtls.Contains(attr.KeyOfEn + "Text") == true) text = gedtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) if (attrsOfDtls.Contains(attr.KeyOfEn + "T") == true) text = gedtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn + "T"); } else { //判断是不是图片签名 if (attr.IsSigan == true) { String SigantureNO = gedtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); String src = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURL + "/DataUser/Siganture/"; text = "图片丢失 "; } else { text = gedtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); } if (attr.TextModel == 3) { text = text.Replace("white-space: nowrap;", ""); } } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.CheckBok) { string s = gedtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn) + ","; SysEnums enums = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey); foreach (SysEnum se in enums) { if (s.IndexOf(se.IntKey + ",") != -1) text += se.Lab + " "; } } else text = gedtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); break; case FieldTypeS.FK: text = gedtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); break; default: break; } if (attr.IsBigDoc) { //这几种字体生成 pdf都乱码 text = text.Replace("仿宋,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("仿宋;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("仿宋\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("黑体,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("黑体;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("黑体\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("楷体,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("楷体;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("楷体\"", "宋体\""); text = text.Replace("隶书,", "宋体,"); text = text.Replace("隶书;", "宋体;"); text = text.Replace("隶书\"", "宋体\""); } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || text == "0") text = "否"; else text = "是"; } if (attr.IsNum) sb.Append(""); else sb.Append(""); } sb.Append(""); } //#endregion 输出数据. sb.Append("
" + item.Name + "
" + text + "" + text + "
"); sb.Append(""); return sb.ToString(); } private static string GetAthHtmlByID(FrmAttachment ath, Int64 workid, string path) { StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (ath.UploadType == AttachmentUploadType.Multi) { //判断是否有这个目录. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path + "/pdf/") == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "/pdf/"); //文件加密 bool fileEncrypt = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.IsEnableAthEncrypt; FrmAttachmentDBs athDBs = BP.WF.Glo.GenerFrmAttachmentDBs(ath, workid.ToString(), ath.MyPK, workid); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); int idx = 0; foreach (FrmAttachmentDB item in athDBs) { idx++; sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); //获取文件是否加密 bool isEncrypt = item.GetParaBoolen("IsEncrypt"); if (ath.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.FTPServer) { try { string toFile = path + "/pdf/" + item.FileName; if (System.IO.File.Exists(toFile) == false) { //获取文件是否加密 string file = item.GenerTempFile(ath.AthSaveWay); string fileTempDecryPath = file; if (fileEncrypt == true && isEncrypt == true) { fileTempDecryPath = file + ".tmp"; BP.Tools.EncHelper.DecryptDES(file, fileTempDecryPath); } System.IO.File.Copy(fileTempDecryPath, toFile, true); } sb.Append(""); } catch (Exception ex) { sb.Append(""); } } if (ath.AthSaveWay == AthSaveWay.IISServer) { try { string toFile = path + "/pdf/" + item.FileName; if (System.IO.File.Exists(toFile) == false) { //把文件copy到, string fileTempDecryPath = item.FileFullName; if (fileEncrypt == true && isEncrypt == true) { fileTempDecryPath = item.FileFullName + ".tmp"; BP.Tools.EncHelper.DecryptDES(item.FileFullName, fileTempDecryPath); } //把文件copy到, System.IO.File.Copy(fileTempDecryPath, path + "/pdf/" + item.FileName, true); } sb.Append(""); } catch (Exception ex) { sb.Append(""); } } sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
" + idx + "" + item.FileName + "" + item.FileName + "(文件未从ftp下载成功{" + ex.Message + "})" + item.FileName + "" + item.FileName + "(文件未从ftp下载成功{" + ex.Message + "})" + item.FileSize + "KB" + item.RDT + "" + item.RecName + "
"); } return sb.ToString(); } /// /// 单表单,多表单打印PDF /// /// 节点属性 /// 流程实例WorkID /// 流程编号 /// 生成PDF的名称 /// 生成PDF的路径 /// /// public static string MakeCCFormToPDF(Node node, Int64 workid, string flowNo, string pdfName, string filePath) { //根据节点信息获取表单方案 MapData md = new MapData("ND" + node.NodeID); string resultMsg = ""; GenerWorkFlow gwf = null; //获取主干流程信息 if (flowNo != null) gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid); //存放信息地址 string hostURL = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURL", ""); string path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid; string frmID = node.NodeFrmID; //处理正确的文件名. if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(pdfName) == true) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(flowNo) == false) pdfName = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnStringIsNull("SELECT Title FROM WF_GenerWorkFlow WHERE WorkID=" + workid, workid.ToString()); else pdfName = workid.ToString(); } pdfName = DataType.PraseStringToFileName(pdfName); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); #region 单表单打印 if (node.HisFormType == NodeFormType.RefOneFrmTree || node.IsNodeFrm == true) { resultMsg = setPDFPath("ND" + node.NodeID, workid, flowNo, gwf); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; string billUrl = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/index.htm"; resultMsg = MakeHtmlDocument(frmID, workid, flowNo, path, billUrl, "ND" + node.NodeID); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; ht.Add("htm", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser") + "/InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/index.htm"); //生成pdf文件 string pdfPath = filePath; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(pdfPath) == true) pdfPath = path + "/pdf"; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pdfPath) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pdfPath); string pdfFile = pdfPath + "/" + pdfName + ".pdf"; string pdfFileExe = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ThirdpartySoftware/wkhtmltox/wkhtmltopdf.exe"; try { Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, billUrl, pdfFile); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) == true) ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + pdfName + ".pdf"); else ht.Add("pdf", pdfPath + "/" + DataType.PraseStringToUrlFileName(pdfName) + ".pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("err@html转PDF错误:PDF的路径" + pdfPath + "可能抛的异常" + ex.Message); } //生成压缩文件 string zipFile = path + "/../" + pdfName + ".zip"; System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(zipFile); ZipFilePath = finfo.FullName; //文件路径. try { (new FastZip()).CreateZip(finfo.FullName, pdfPath, true, ""); ht.Add("zip", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser/InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + pdfName + ".zip"); } catch (Exception ex) { ht.Add("zip", "err@生成zip文件遇到权限问题:" + ex.Message + " @Path:" + pdfFile); } //把所有的文件做成一个zip文件. return BP.Tools.Json.ToJsonEntitiesNoNameMode(ht); } #endregion 单表单打印 #region 多表单合并PDF打印 if ((int)node.HisFormType == (int)NodeFormType.SheetTree) { string pdfPath = filePath; //生成pdf文件 //生成pdf文件 if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(pdfPath) == true) pdfPath = path + "/pdf"; string pdfTempPath = path + "/pdfTemp"; DataRow dr = null; resultMsg = setPDFPath("ND" + node.NodeID, workid, flowNo, gwf); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; //获取绑定的表单 FrmNodes nds = new FrmNodes(node.FK_Flow, node.NodeID); foreach (FrmNode item in nds) { //判断当前绑定的表单是否启用 if (item.FrmEnableRoleInt == (int)FrmEnableRole.Disable) continue; //判断 who is pk if (flowNo != null && item.WhoIsPK == WhoIsPK.PWorkID) //如果是父子流程 workid = gwf.PWorkID; //获取表单的信息执行打印 string billUrl = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/" + item.FK_Frm + "index.htm"; resultMsg = MakeHtmlDocument(item.FK_Frm, workid, flowNo, path, billUrl, "ND" + node.NodeID); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; ht.Add("htm_" + item.FK_Frm, BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "/InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/" + item.FK_Frm + "index.htm"); //#region 把所有的文件做成一个zip文件. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pdfTempPath) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pdfTempPath); string pdfFormFile = pdfTempPath + "/" + item.FK_Frm + ".pdf"; string pdfFileExe = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ThirdpartySoftware/wkhtmltox/wkhtmltopdf.exe"; try { Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, resultMsg, pdfFormFile); } catch (Exception ex) { /*有可能是因为文件路径的错误, 用补偿的方法在执行一次, 如果仍然失败,按照异常处理. */ Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, resultMsg, pdfFormFile); } } //pdf合并 string pdfFile = pdfPath + "/" + pdfName + ".pdf"; //开始合并处理 if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pdfPath) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pdfPath); MergePDF(pdfTempPath, pdfFile);//合并pdf //合并完删除文件夹 System.IO.Directory.Delete(pdfTempPath, true); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) == true) ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + pdfName + ".pdf"); else ht.Add("pdf", pdfPath + "/" + pdfName + ".pdf"); //生成压缩文件 string zipFile = path + "/../" + pdfName + ".zip"; System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(zipFile); ZipFilePath = finfo.FullName; //文件路径. try { (new FastZip()).CreateZip(finfo.FullName, pdfPath, true, ""); ht.Add("zip", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser/InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/" + workid + "/" + pdfName + ".zip"); } catch (Exception ex) { ht.Add("zip", "err@生成zip文件遇到权限问题:" + ex.Message + " @Path:" + pdfFile); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJsonEntitiesNoNameMode(ht); } #endregion 多表单合并PDF打印 return "warning@不存在需要打印的表单"; } /// /// 单据打印 /// /// 表单ID /// 数据ID /// PDF路径 /// PDF名称 /// public static string MakeBillToPDF(string frmId, Int64 workid, string filePath, string pdfName) { string resultMsg = ""; // 获取单据的属性信息 BP.CCBill.FrmBill bill = new BP.CCBill.FrmBill(frmId); //存放信息地址 string path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + bill.No + "/" + workid; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(pdfName) == true) pdfName = workid.ToString(); pdfName = DataType.PraseStringToFileName(pdfName); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); string pdfPath = filePath; //生成pdf文件 if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(pdfPath) == true) pdfPath = path + "/pdf"; DataRow dr = null; resultMsg = setPDFPath(frmId, workid, null, null); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; //获取表单的信息执行打印 string billUrl = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + bill.No + "/" + workid + "/" + "index.htm"; resultMsg = MakeHtmlDocument(bill.No, workid, null, path, billUrl, frmId); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; ht.Add("htm", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "InstancePacketOfData/" + frmId + "/" + workid + "/" + "index.htm"); //#region 把所有的文件做成一个zip文件. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pdfPath) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pdfPath); string pdfFormFile = pdfPath + "/" + pdfName + ".pdf"; //生成的路径. string pdfFileExe = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ThirdpartySoftware/wkhtmltox/wkhtmltopdf.exe"; try { Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, resultMsg, pdfFormFile); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) == true) ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "InstancePacketOfData/" + frmId + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + pdfName + ".pdf"); else ht.Add("pdf", pdfPath + "/" + pdfName + ".pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { pdfFormFile = pdfPath + "/" + pdfName + ".pdf"; Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, resultMsg, pdfFormFile); ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "") + "/InstancePacketOfData/" + frmId + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + bill.Name + ".pdf"); } //生成压缩文件 string zipFile = path + "/../" + pdfName + ".zip"; System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(zipFile); ZipFilePath = finfo.FullName; //文件路径. try { (new FastZip()).CreateZip(finfo.FullName, pdfPath, true, ""); ht.Add("zip", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser/InstancePacketOfData/" + frmId + "/" + pdfName + ".zip"); } catch (Exception ex) { ht.Add("zip", "err@生成zip文件遇到权限问题:" + ex.Message + " @Path:" + pdfPath); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJsonEntitiesNoNameMode(ht); } public static string MakeFormToPDF(string frmId, string frmName, Node node, Int64 workid, string flowNo, string fileNameFormat, bool urlIsHostUrl, string basePath) { string resultMsg = ""; GenerWorkFlow gwf = null; //获取主干流程信息 if (flowNo != null) gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid); //存放信息地址 string hostURL = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURL", ""); string path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid; //处理正确的文件名. if (fileNameFormat == null) { if (flowNo != null) fileNameFormat = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnStringIsNull("SELECT Title FROM WF_GenerWorkFlow WHERE WorkID=" + workid, "" + workid.ToString()); else fileNameFormat = workid.ToString(); } if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(fileNameFormat) == true) fileNameFormat = workid.ToString(); fileNameFormat = DataType.PraseStringToFileName(fileNameFormat); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); //生成pdf文件 string pdfPath = path + "/pdf"; DataRow dr = null; resultMsg = setPDFPath("ND" + node.NodeID, workid, flowNo, gwf); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; //获取绑定的表单 FrmNode frmNode = new FrmNode(); frmNode.Retrieve(FrmNodeAttr.FK_Frm, frmId); //判断当前绑定的表单是否启用 if (frmNode.FrmEnableRoleInt == (int)FrmEnableRole.Disable) return "warning@" + frmName + "没有被启用"; //判断 who is pk if (flowNo != null && frmNode.WhoIsPK == WhoIsPK.PWorkID) //如果是父子流程 workid = gwf.PWorkID; //获取表单的信息执行打印 string billUrl = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/" + frmNode.FK_Frm + "index.htm"; resultMsg = MakeHtmlDocument(frmNode.FK_Frm, workid, flowNo, path, billUrl, "ND" + node.NodeID); if (resultMsg.IndexOf("err@") != -1) return resultMsg; // ht.Add("htm", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "/InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/" + frmNode.FK_Frm + "index.htm"); //#region 把所有的文件做成一个zip文件. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pdfPath) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pdfPath); fileNameFormat = fileNameFormat.Substring(0, fileNameFormat.Length - 1); string pdfFormFile = pdfPath + "/" + frmNode.FK_Frm + ".pdf"; string pdfFileExe = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ThirdpartySoftware/wkhtmltox/wkhtmltopdf.exe"; try { Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, resultMsg, pdfFormFile); if (urlIsHostUrl == false) ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "../../DataUser/") + "InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + frmNode.FK_Frm + ".pdf"); else ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURL", "") + "/DataUser/InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + frmNode.FK_Frm + ".pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { /*有可能是因为文件路径的错误, 用补偿的方法在执行一次, 如果仍然失败,按照异常处理. */ fileNameFormat = DBAccess.GenerGUID(); pdfFormFile = pdfPath + "/" + fileNameFormat + ".pdf"; Html2Pdf(pdfFileExe, resultMsg, pdfFormFile); ht.Add("pdf", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURLOfBS", "") + "/InstancePacketOfData/" + "ND" + node.NodeID + "/" + workid + "/pdf/" + frmNode.FK_Frm + ".pdf"); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJsonEntitiesNoNameMode(ht); } /// /// 读取合并的pdf文件名称 /// /// 目录 /// 导出的路径 public static void MergePDF(string Directorypath, string outpath) { List filelist2 = new List(); System.IO.DirectoryInfo di2 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Directorypath); FileInfo[] ff2 = di2.GetFiles("*.pdf"); BubbleSort(ff2); foreach (FileInfo temp in ff2) { filelist2.Add(Directorypath + "/" + temp.Name); } PdfReader reader; //iTextSharp.text.Rectangle rec = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(1403, 991); Document document = new Document(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(outpath, FileMode.Create)); document.Open(); PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent; PdfImportedPage newPage; for (int i = 0; i < filelist2.Count; i++) { reader = new PdfReader(filelist2[i]); int iPageNum = reader.NumberOfPages; for (int j = 1; j <= iPageNum; j++) { document.NewPage(); newPage = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, j); cb.AddTemplate(newPage, 0, 0); } } document.Close(); } /// /// 冒泡排序 /// /// 文件名数组 public static void BubbleSort(FileInfo[] arr) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { for (int j = i; j < arr.Length; j++) { if (arr[i].LastWriteTime > arr[j].LastWriteTime)//按创建时间(升序) { FileInfo temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; } } } } //前期文件的准备 private static string setPDFPath(string frmID, long workid, string flowNo, GenerWorkFlow gwf) { //准备目录文件. string path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/"; try { path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/"; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/" + workid; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); //把模版文件copy过去. string templateFilePath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(templateFilePath); System.IO.FileInfo[] finfos = dir.GetFiles(); if (finfos.Length == 0) return "err@不存在模板文件"; foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fl in finfos) { if (fl.Name.Contains("ShuiYin")) continue; if (fl.Name.Contains("htm")) continue; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "/" + fl.FullName) == true) System.IO.File.Delete(path + "/" + fl.FullName); System.IO.File.Copy(fl.FullName, path + "/" + fl.Name, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@读写文件出现权限问题,请联系管理员解决。" + ex.Message; } string hostURL = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKey("HostURL", ""); string billUrl = hostURL + "/DataUser/InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/" + workid + "/index.htm"; // begin生成二维码. string pathQR = path + "/QR.png"; // key.Replace("OID.Img@AppPath", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKeyBoolen("IsShowQrCode", false) == true) { /*说明是图片文件.*/ string qrUrl = hostURL + "/WF/WorkOpt/PrintDocQRGuide.htm?FrmID=" + frmID + "&WorkID=" + workid + "&FlowNo=" + flowNo; if (flowNo != null) { gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid); qrUrl = hostURL + "/WF/WorkOpt/PrintDocQRGuide.htm?AP=" + frmID + "$" + workid + "_" + flowNo + "_" + gwf.FK_Node + "_" + gwf.Starter + "_" + gwf.FK_Dept; } //二维码的生成 ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder qrc = new ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder(); qrc.QRCodeEncodeMode = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE; qrc.QRCodeScale = 4; qrc.QRCodeVersion = 7; qrc.QRCodeErrorCorrect = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M; System.Drawing.Bitmap btm = qrc.Encode(qrUrl, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); btm.Save(pathQR); //QrCodeUtil.createQrCode(qrUrl,path,"QR.png"); } //end生成二维码. return ""; } private static string DownLoadFielToMemoryStream(string url) { var wreq = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url) as System.Net.HttpWebRequest; System.Net.HttpWebResponse response = wreq.GetResponse() as System.Net.HttpWebResponse; MemoryStream ms = null; using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { Byte[] buffer = new Byte[response.ContentLength]; int offset = 0, actuallyRead = 0; do { actuallyRead = stream.Read(buffer, offset, buffer.Length - offset); offset += actuallyRead; } while (actuallyRead > 0); ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); } response.Close(); return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray()); } /// /// zip文件路径. /// public static string ZipFilePath = ""; public static string CCFlowAppPath = "/"; public static string GetHtml(string url) { string html = String.Empty; HttpWebRequest rt = null; HttpWebResponse rs = null; Stream stream = null; StreamReader sr = null; try { rt = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); rs = (HttpWebResponse)rt.GetResponse(); stream = rs.GetResponseStream(); sr = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.Default); html = sr.ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception ee) { new Exception("发生异常:" + ee.Message); } finally { sr.Close(); stream.Close(); rs.Close(); } return html; } public static string MakeHtmlDocument(string frmID, Int64 workid, string flowNo, string path, string indexFile, string nodeID) { try { GenerWorkFlow gwf = null; if (flowNo != null) gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid); //#region 定义变量做准备. //生成表单信息. MapData mapData = new MapData(frmID); if (mapData.HisFrmType == FrmType.Url) { string url = mapData.UrlExt; //替换系统参数 url = url.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); url = url.Replace("@WebUser.Name;", WebUser.Name); url = url.Replace("@WebUser.FK_DeptName;", WebUser.FK_DeptName); url = url.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept;", WebUser.FK_Dept); //替换参数 if (url.IndexOf("?") > 0) { //获取url中的参数 var urlParam = url.Substring(url.IndexOf('?')); string[] paramss = url.Split('&'); foreach (string param in paramss) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(param) || param.IndexOf("@") == -1) continue; string[] paramArr = param.Split('='); if (paramArr.Length == 2 && paramArr[1].IndexOf('@') == 0) { if (paramArr[1].IndexOf("@WebUser.") == 0) continue; url = url.Replace(paramArr[1], gwf.GetValStrByKey(paramArr[1].Substring(1))); } } } url = url.Replace("@basePath", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS); if (url.Contains("http") == false) url = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + url; string str = ""; string docs1 = DataType.ReadTextFile(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/indexUrl.htm"); StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); WebClient MyWebClient = new WebClient(); MyWebClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;//获取或设置用于向Internet资源的请求进行身份验证的网络凭据 Byte[] pageData = MyWebClient.DownloadData(url); //从指定网站下载数据 string pageHtml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pageData); //如果获取网站页面采用的是UTF-8,则使用这句 docs1 = docs1.Replace("@Width", mapData.FrmW.ToString() + "px"); if (gwf != null) docs1 = docs1.Replace("@Title", gwf.Title); DataType.WriteFile(indexFile, pageHtml); return indexFile; } if (mapData.HisFrmType == FrmType.Develop) { GEEntity enn = new GEEntity(frmID, workid); string ddocs = DataType.ReadTextFile(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/indexDevelop.htm"); string htmlString = DBAccess.GetBigTextFromDB("Sys_MapData", "No", mapData.No, "HtmlTemplateFile"); htmlString = htmlString.Replace("../../DataUser", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser"); htmlString = htmlString.Replace("../DataUser", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser"); ddocs = ddocs.Replace("@Docs", htmlString); ddocs = ddocs.Replace("@Title", mapData.Name); DataType.WriteFile(indexFile, ddocs); GenerHtmlOfDevelop(mapData, mapData.No, workid, enn, path, indexFile, flowNo, nodeID); return indexFile; } if (mapData.HisFrmType == FrmType.ChapterFrm) { GEEntity enn = new GEEntity(frmID, workid); string ddocs = DataType.ReadTextFile(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/indexChapterFrm.htm"); string htmlString = DBAccess.GetBigTextFromDB("Sys_MapData", "No", mapData.No, "HtmlTemplateFile"); htmlString = htmlString.Replace("../../DataUser", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser"); htmlString = htmlString.Replace("../DataUser", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.HostURLOfBS + "/DataUser"); ddocs = ddocs.Replace("@Docs", htmlString); ddocs = ddocs.Replace("@Title", mapData.Name); DataType.WriteFile(indexFile, ddocs); GenerHtmlOfDevelop(mapData, mapData.No, workid, enn, path, indexFile, flowNo, nodeID); return indexFile; } //以下就是傻瓜表单. GEEntity en = new GEEntity(frmID, workid); #region 生成水文. string rdt = ""; if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("RDT")) { rdt = en.GetValStringByKey("RDT"); if (rdt.Length > 10) rdt = rdt.Substring(0, 10); } //先判断节点中水印的设置 //判断是否打印水印 bool isPrintShuiYin = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKeyBoolen("IsPrintBackgroundWord", false); Node nd = null; if (gwf != null) nd = new Node(gwf.FK_Node); if (isPrintShuiYin == true) { string words = ""; if (nd.NodeID != 0) words = nd.ShuiYinModle; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(words) == true) words = Glo.PrintBackgroundWord; words = words.Replace("@RDT", rdt); if (words.Contains("@") == true) words = Glo.DealExp(words, en); string templateFilePathMy = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/"; WaterImageManage wim = new WaterImageManage(); wim.DrawWords(templateFilePathMy + "ShuiYin.png", words, float.Parse("0.15"), ImagePosition.Center, path + "/ShuiYin.png"); } #endregion //生成 表单的 html. StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); #region 替换模版文件.. //首先判断是否有约定的文件. string docs = ""; string tempFile = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/" + mapData.No + ".htm"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFile) == false) { if (gwf != null) { if (nd.HisFormType == NodeFormType.Develop) mapData.HisFrmType = FrmType.Develop; else if (nd.HisFormType == NodeFormType.FoolForm || nd.HisFormType == NodeFormType.FoolTruck) mapData.HisFrmType = FrmType.FoolForm; else if (nd.HisFormType == NodeFormType.SelfForm) mapData.HisFrmType = FrmType.Url; //如果是应用表单. if (nd.HisFormType == NodeFormType.RefNodeFrm) { MapData myMapData = new MapData(nd.NodeFrmID); mapData.HisFrmType = myMapData.HisFrmType; } } if (mapData.HisFrmType == FrmType.FoolForm) { docs = DataType.ReadTextFile(BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/indexFool.htm"); sb = BP.WF.MakeForm2Html.GenerHtmlOfFool(mapData, frmID, workid, en, path, flowNo, nodeID, nd.HisFormType); docs = docs.Replace("@Width", mapData.FrmW.ToString() + "px"); } } docs = docs.Replace("@Docs", sb.ToString()); String dateFormat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒"); docs = docs.Replace("@PrintDT", dateFormat); if (flowNo != null) { gwf = new GenerWorkFlow(workid); gwf.WorkID = workid; gwf.RetrieveFromDBSources(); docs = docs.Replace("@Title", gwf.Title); if (gwf.WFState == WFState.Runing) { if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CustomerNo == "TianYe" && gwf.NodeName.Contains("反馈") == true) { nd = new Node(gwf.FK_Node); if (nd.IsEndNode == true) { //让流程自动结束. BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Flow_DoFlowOver(workid, "打印并自动结束", 0); } } } //替换模版尾部的打印说明信息. String pathInfo = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/EndInfo/" + flowNo + ".txt"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(pathInfo) == false) pathInfo = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "InstancePacketOfData/Template/EndInfo/Default.txt"; docs = docs.Replace("@EndInfo", DataType.ReadTextFile(pathInfo)); } //indexFile = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.getPathOfDataUser() + "/InstancePacketOfData/" + frmID + "/" + workid + "/index.htm"; DataType.WriteFile(indexFile, docs); return indexFile; } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@报表生成错误:" + ex.StackTrace; } } public static void Html2Pdf(string pdfFileExe, string htmFile, string pdf) { Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); try { startInfo.FileName = pdfFileExe;//设定需要执行的命令 startInfo.Arguments = " --disable-external-links " + htmFile + " " + pdf;//“/C”表示执行完命令后马上退出 startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;//不使用系统外壳程序启动 startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false;//不重定向输入 startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; //重定向输出 startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;//不创建窗口 startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Process p = Process.Start(startInfo); p.WaitForExit(); p.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { process.Dispose(); BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@生成PDF错误:" + ex.Message + " --@pdf=" + pdf + "@htmFile=" + htmFile); throw ex; } } /// /// 签名 /// /// /// private static string SignPic(string userNo) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userNo)) { return ""; } //如果文件存在 String path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "Siganture/" + userNo + ".jpg"; if (File.Exists(path) == false) { path = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "Siganture/" + userNo + ".jpg"; if (File.Exists(path) == true) return ""; else { Emp emp = new Emp(userNo); return emp.Name; } } else { return ""; } } } } #endregion