System.Xml.ReaderWriter Specifies the amount of input or output checking that and objects perform. The or object automatically detects whether document-level or fragment-level checking should be performed, and does the appropriate checking. If you're wrapping another or object, the outer object doesn't do any additional conformance checking. Conformance checking is left up to the underlying object.See the and properties for details on how the compliance level is determined. The XML data complies with the rules for a well-formed XML 1.0 document, as defined by the W3C. The XML data is a well-formed XML fragment, as defined by the W3C. Specifies the options for processing DTDs. The enumeration is used by the class. Causes the DOCTYPE element to be ignored. No DTD processing occurs. Specifies that when a DTD is encountered, an is thrown with a message that states that DTDs are prohibited. This is the default behavior. Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information. Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information. true if and can be provided; otherwise, false. Gets the current line number. The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, returns false). Gets the current line position. The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, returns false). Provides read-only access to a set of prefix and namespace mappings. Gets a collection of defined prefix-namespace mappings that are currently in scope. An that contains the current in-scope namespaces. An value that specifies the type of namespace nodes to return. Gets the namespace URI mapped to the specified prefix. The namespace URI that is mapped to the prefix; null if the prefix is not mapped to a namespace URI. The prefix whose namespace URI you wish to find. Gets the prefix that is mapped to the specified namespace URI. The prefix that is mapped to the namespace URI; null if the namespace URI is not mapped to a prefix. The namespace URI whose prefix you wish to find. Specifies whether to remove duplicate namespace declarations in the . Specifies that duplicate namespace declarations will not be removed. Specifies that duplicate namespace declarations will be removed. For the duplicate namespace to be removed, the prefix and the namespace must match. Implements a single-threaded . Initializes a new instance of the NameTable class. Atomizes the specified string and adds it to the NameTable. The atomized string or the existing string if one already exists in the NameTable. If is zero, String.Empty is returned. The character array containing the string to add. The zero-based index into the array specifying the first character of the string. The number of characters in the string. 0 > -or- >= .Length -or- >= .Length The above conditions do not cause an exception to be thrown if =0. < 0. Atomizes the specified string and adds it to the NameTable. The atomized string or the existing string if it already exists in the NameTable. The string to add. is null. Gets the atomized string containing the same characters as the specified range of characters in the given array. The atomized string or null if the string has not already been atomized. If is zero, String.Empty is returned. The character array containing the name to find. The zero-based index into the array specifying the first character of the name. The number of characters in the name. 0 > -or- >= .Length -or- >= .Length The above conditions do not cause an exception to be thrown if =0. < 0. Gets the atomized string with the specified value. The atomized string object or null if the string has not already been atomized. The name to find. is null. Specifies how to handle line breaks. New line characters are entitized. This setting preserves all characters when the output is read by a normalizing . The new line characters are unchanged. The output is the same as the input. New line characters are replaced to match the character specified in the property. Specifies the state of the reader. The method has been called. The end of the file has been reached successfully. An error occurred that prevents the read operation from continuing. The Read method has not been called. The Read method has been called. Additional methods may be called on the reader. Specifies the state of the . Indicates that an attribute value is being written. Indicates that the method has been called. Indicates that element content is being written. Indicates that an element start tag is being written. An exception has been thrown, which has left the in an invalid state. You can call the method to put the in the state. Any other method calls results in an . Indicates that the prolog is being written. Indicates that a Write method has not yet been called. Encodes and decodes XML names, and provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and XML Schema definition language (XSD) types. When converting data types, the values returned are locale-independent. Decodes a name. This method does the reverse of the and methods. The decoded name. The name to be transformed. Converts the name to a valid XML local name. The encoded name. The name to be encoded. Converts the name to a valid XML name. Returns the name with any invalid characters replaced by an escape string. A name to be translated. Verifies the name is valid according to the XML specification. The encoded name. The name to be encoded. Converts the to a equivalent. A Boolean value, that is, true or false. The string to convert. is null. does not represent a Boolean value. Converts the to a equivalent. A Byte equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. A Char representing the single character. The string containing a single character to convert. The value of the parameter is null. The parameter contains more than one character. Converts the to a using the specified A equivalent of the . The value to convert. One of the values that specify whether the date should be converted to local time or preserved as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), if it is a UTC date. is null. The value is null. is an empty string or is not in a valid format. Converts the supplied to a equivalent. The equivalent of the supplied string. The string to convert.Note   The string must conform to a subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type. For more information see is null. The argument passed to this method is outside the range of allowable values. For information about allowable values, see . The argument passed to this method does not conform to a subset of the W3C Recommendations for the XML dateTime type. For more information see Converts the supplied to a equivalent. The equivalent of the supplied string. The string to convert. The format from which is converted. The format parameter can be any subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type. (For more information see The string is validated against this format. is null. or is an empty string or is not in the specified format. Converts the supplied to a equivalent. The equivalent of the supplied string. The string to convert. An array of formats from which can be converted. Each format in can be any subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type. (For more information see The string is validated against one of these formats. Converts the to a equivalent. A Decimal equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. A Double equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. A Guid equivalent of the string. The string to convert. Converts the to a equivalent. An Int16 equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. An Int32 equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. An Int64 equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. An SByte equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. A Single equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a . A string representation of the Boolean, that is, "true" or "false". The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Byte. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Char. The value to convert. Converts the to a using the specified. A equivalent of the . The value to convert. One of the values that specify how to treat the value. The value is not valid. The or value is null. Converts the supplied to a . A representation of the supplied . The to be converted. Converts the supplied to a in the specified format. A representation in the specified format of the supplied . The to be converted. The format to which is converted. The format parameter can be any subset of the W3C Recommendation for the XML dateTime type. (For more information see Converts the to a . A string representation of the Decimal. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Double. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Guid. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Int16. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Int32. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Int64. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the SByte. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the Single. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the TimeSpan. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the UInt16. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the UInt32. The value to convert. Converts the to a . A string representation of the UInt64. The value to convert. Converts the to a equivalent. A TimeSpan equivalent of the string. The string to convert. The string format must conform to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes recommendation for duration. is not in correct format to represent a TimeSpan value. Converts the to a equivalent. A UInt16 equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. A UInt32 equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Converts the to a equivalent. A UInt64 equivalent of the string. The string to convert. is null. is not in the correct format. represents a number less than or greater than . Verifies that the name is a valid name according to the W3C Extended Markup Language recommendation. The name, if it is a valid XML name. The name to verify. is not a valid XML name. is null or String.Empty. Verifies that the name is a valid NCName according to the W3C Extended Markup Language recommendation. An NCName is a name that cannot contain a colon. The name, if it is a valid NCName. The name to verify. is null or String.Empty. is not a valid non-colon name. Verifies that the string is a valid NMTOKEN according to the W3C XML Schema Part2: Datatypes recommendation The name token, if it is a valid NMTOKEN. The string you wish to verify. The string is not a valid name token. is null. Returns the passed in string instance if all the characters in the string argument are valid public id characters. Returns the passed-in string if all the characters in the argument are valid public id characters. that contains the id to validate. Returns the passed-in string instance if all the characters in the string argument are valid whitespace characters. Returns the passed-in string instance if all the characters in the string argument are valid whitespace characters, otherwise null. to verify. Returns the passed-in string if all the characters and surrogate pair characters in the string argument are valid XML characters, otherwise an XmlException is thrown with information on the first invalid character encountered. Returns the passed-in string if all the characters and surrogate-pair characters in the string argument are valid XML characters, otherwise an XmlException is thrown with information on the first invalid character encountered. that contains characters to verify. Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and . Treat as local time. If the object represents a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is converted to the local time. Time zone information should be preserved when converting. Treat as a local time if a is being converted to a string. Treat as a UTC. If the object represents a local time, it is converted to a UTC. Returns detailed information about the last exception. Initializes a new instance of the XmlException class. Initializes a new instance of the XmlException class with a specified error message. The error description. Initializes a new instance of the XmlException class. The description of the error condition. The that threw the XmlException, if any. This value can be null. Initializes a new instance of the XmlException class with the specified message, inner exception, line number, and line position. The error description. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. This value can be null. The line number indicating where the error occurred. The line position indicating where the error occurred. Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred. The line number indicating where the error occurred. Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred. The line position indicating where the error occurred. Gets a message describing the current exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. Resolves, adds, and removes namespaces to a collection and provides scope management for these namespaces. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . The to use. null is passed to the constructor Adds the given namespace to the collection. The prefix to associate with the namespace being added. Use String.Empty to add a default namespace.NoteIf the will be used for resolving namespaces in an XML Path Language (XPath) expression, a prefix must be specified. If an XPath expression does not include a prefix, it is assumed that the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is the empty namespace. For more information about XPath expressions and the , refer to the and methods. The namespace to add. The value for is "xml" or "xmlns". The value for or is null. Gets the namespace URI for the default namespace. Returns the namespace URI for the default namespace, or String.Empty if there is no default namespace. Returns an enumerator to use to iterate through the namespaces in the . An containing the prefixes stored by the . Gets a collection of namespace names keyed by prefix which can be used to enumerate the namespaces currently in scope. A collection of namespace and prefix pairs currently in scope. An enumeration value that specifies the type of namespace nodes to return. Gets a value indicating whether the supplied prefix has a namespace defined for the current pushed scope. true if there is a namespace defined; otherwise, false. The prefix of the namespace you want to find. Gets the namespace URI for the specified prefix. Returns the namespace URI for or null if there is no mapped namespace. The returned string is atomized.For more information on atomized strings, see the class. The prefix whose namespace URI you want to resolve. To match the default namespace, pass String.Empty. Finds the prefix declared for the given namespace URI. The matching prefix. If there is no mapped prefix, the method returns String.Empty. If a null value is supplied, then null is returned. The namespace to resolve for the prefix. Gets the associated with this object. The used by this object. Pops a namespace scope off the stack. true if there are namespace scopes left on the stack; false if there are no more namespaces to pop. Pushes a namespace scope onto the stack. Removes the given namespace for the given prefix. The prefix for the namespace The namespace to remove for the given prefix. The namespace removed is from the current namespace scope. Namespaces outside the current scope are ignored. The value of or is null. Defines the namespace scope. All namespaces defined in the scope of the current node. This includes the xmlns:xml namespace which is always declared implicitly. The order of the namespaces returned is not defined. All namespaces defined in the scope of the current node, excluding the xmlns:xml namespace, which is always declared implicitly. The order of the namespaces returned is not defined. All namespaces that are defined locally at the current node. Table of atomized string objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, atomizes the specified string and adds it to the XmlNameTable. The new atomized string or the existing one if it already exists. If length is zero, String.Empty is returned. The character array containing the name to add. Zero-based index into the array specifying the first character of the name. The number of characters in the name. 0 > -or- >= .Length -or- > .Length The above conditions do not cause an exception to be thrown if =0. < 0. When overridden in a derived class, atomizes the specified string and adds it to the XmlNameTable. The new atomized string or the existing one if it already exists. The name to add. is null. When overridden in a derived class, gets the atomized string containing the same characters as the specified range of characters in the given array. The atomized string or null if the string has not already been atomized. If is zero, String.Empty is returned. The character array containing the name to look up. The zero-based index into the array specifying the first character of the name. The number of characters in the name. 0 > -or- >= .Length -or- > .Length The above conditions do not cause an exception to be thrown if =0. < 0. When overridden in a derived class, gets the atomized string containing the same value as the specified string. The atomized string or null if the string has not already been atomized. The name to look up. is null. Specifies the type of node. An attribute (for example, id='123' ). A CDATA section (for example, <![CDATA[my escaped text]]> ). A comment (for example, <!-- my comment --> ). A document object that, as the root of the document tree, provides access to the entire XML document. A document fragment. The document type declaration, indicated by the following tag (for example, <!DOCTYPE...> ). An element (for example, <item> ). An end element tag (for example, </item> ). Returned when XmlReader gets to the end of the entity replacement as a result of a call to . An entity declaration (for example, <!ENTITY...> ). A reference to an entity (for example, &num; ). This is returned by the if a Read method has not been called. A notation in the document type declaration (for example, <!NOTATION...> ). A processing instruction (for example, <?pi test?> ). White space between markup in a mixed content model or white space within the xml:space="preserve" scope. The text content of a node. White space between markup. The XML declaration (for example, <?xml version='1.0'?> ). Provides all the context information required by the to parse an XML fragment. Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified , , base URI, xml:lang, xml:space, and document type values. The to use to atomize strings. If this is null, the name table used to construct the is used instead. For more information about atomized strings, see . The to use for looking up namespace information, or null. The name of the document type declaration. The public identifier. The system identifier. The internal DTD subset. The DTD subset is used for entity resolution, not for document validation. The base URI for the XML fragment (the location from which the fragment was loaded). The xml:lang scope. An value indicating the xml:space scope. is not the same XmlNameTable used to construct . Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified , , base URI, xml:lang, xml:space, encoding, and document type values. The to use to atomize strings. If this is null, the name table used to construct the is used instead. For more information about atomized strings, see . The to use for looking up namespace information, or null. The name of the document type declaration. The public identifier. The system identifier. The internal DTD subset. The DTD is used for entity resolution, not for document validation. The base URI for the XML fragment (the location from which the fragment was loaded). The xml:lang scope. An value indicating the xml:space scope. An object indicating the encoding setting. is not the same XmlNameTable used to construct . Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified , , xml:lang, and xml:space values. The to use to atomize strings. If this is null, the name table used to construct the is used instead. For more information about atomized strings, see . The to use for looking up namespace information, or null. The xml:lang scope. An value indicating the xml:space scope. is not the same XmlNameTable used to construct . Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified , , xml:lang, xml:space, and encoding. The to use to atomize strings. If this is null, the name table used to construct the is used instead. For more information on atomized strings, see . The to use for looking up namespace information, or null. The xml:lang scope. An value indicating the xml:space scope. An object indicating the encoding setting. is not the same XmlNameTable used to construct . Gets or sets the base URI. The base URI to use to resolve the DTD file. Gets or sets the name of the document type declaration. The name of the document type declaration. Gets or sets the encoding type. An object indicating the encoding type. Gets or sets the internal DTD subset. The internal DTD subset. For example, this property returns everything between the square brackets <!DOCTYPE doc [...]>. Gets or sets the . The XmlNamespaceManager. Gets the used to atomize strings. For more information on atomized strings, see . The XmlNameTable. Gets or sets the public identifier. The public identifier. Gets or sets the system identifier. The system identifier. Gets or sets the current xml:lang scope. The current xml:lang scope. If there is no xml:lang in scope, String.Empty is returned. Gets or sets the current xml:space scope. An value indicating the xml:space scope. Represents an XML qualified name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name. The local name to use as the name of the object. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and namespace. The local name to use as the name of the object. The namespace for the object. Provides an empty . Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. true if the two are the same instance object; otherwise, false. The to compare. Returns the hash code for the . A hash code for this object. Gets a value indicating whether the is empty. true if name and namespace are empty strings; otherwise, false. Gets a string representation of the qualified name of the . A string representation of the qualified name or String.Empty if a name is not defined for the object. Gets a string representation of the namespace of the . A string representation of the namespace or String.Empty if a namespace is not defined for the object. Compares two objects. true if the two objects have the same name and namespace values; otherwise, false. An to compare. An to compare. Compares two objects. true if the name and namespace values for the two objects differ; otherwise, false. An to compare. An to compare. Returns the string value of the . The string value of the in the format of namespace:localname. If the object does not have a namespace defined, this method returns just the local name. Returns the string value of the . The string value of the in the format of namespace:localname. If the object does not have a namespace defined, this method returns just the local name. The name of the object. The namespace of the object. Represents a reader that provides fast, noncached, forward-only access to XML data.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. Initializes a new instance of the XmlReader class. When overridden in a derived class, gets the number of attributes on the current node. The number of attributes on the current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the base URI of the current node. The base URI of the current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Gets a value indicating whether the implements the binary content read methods. true if the binary content read methods are implemented; otherwise false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Gets a value indicating whether the implements the method. true if the implements the method; otherwise false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Gets a value indicating whether this reader can parse and resolve entities. true if the reader can parse and resolve entities; otherwise, false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Creates a new instance using the specified stream with default settings. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The stream that contains the XML data.The scans the first bytes of the stream looking for a byte order mark or other sign of encoding. When encoding is determined, the encoding is used to continue reading the stream, and processing continues parsing the input as a stream of (Unicode) characters. The value is null. The does not have sufficient permissions to access the location of the XML data. Creates a new instance with the specified stream and settings. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The stream that contains the XML data.The scans the first bytes of the stream looking for a byte order mark or other sign of encoding. When encoding is determined, the encoding is used to continue reading the stream, and processing continues parsing the input as a stream of (Unicode) characters. The settings for the new instance. This value can be null. The value is null. Creates a new instance using the specified stream, settings, and context information for parsing. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The stream that contains the XML data. The scans the first bytes of the stream looking for a byte order mark or other sign of encoding. When encoding is determined, the encoding is used to continue reading the stream, and processing continues parsing the input as a stream of (Unicode) characters. The settings for the new instance. This value can be null. The context information required to parse the XML fragment. The context information can include the to use, encoding, namespace scope, the current xml:lang and xml:space scope, base URI, and document type definition. This value can be null. The value is null. Creates a new instance by using the specified text reader. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The text reader from which to read the XML data. A text reader returns a stream of Unicode characters, so the encoding specified in the XML declaration is not used by the XML reader to decode the data stream. The value is null. Creates a new instance by using the specified text reader and settings. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The text reader from which to read the XML data. A text reader returns a stream of Unicode characters, so the encoding specified in the XML declaration isn't used by the XML reader to decode the data stream. The settings for the new . This value can be null. The value is null. Creates a new instance by using the specified text reader, settings, and context information for parsing. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The text reader from which to read the XML data. A text reader returns a stream of Unicode characters, so the encoding specified in the XML declaration isn't used by the XML reader to decode the data stream. The settings for the new instance. This value can be null. The context information required to parse the XML fragment. The context information can include the to use, encoding, namespace scope, the current xml:lang and xml:space scope, base URI, and document type definition.This value can be null. The value is null. The and properties both contain values. (Only one of these NameTable properties can be set and used). Creates a new instance with specified URI. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The URI for the file that contains the XML data. The class is used to convert the path to a canonical data representation. The value is null. The does not have sufficient permissions to access the location of the XML data. The file identified by the URI does not exist. In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, , instead.The URI format is not correct. Creates a new instance by using the specified URI and settings. An object that is used to read the XML data in the stream. The URI for the file containing the XML data. The object on the object is used to convert the path to a canonical data representation. If is null, a new object is used. The settings for the new instance. This value can be null. The value is null. The file specified by the URI cannot be found. In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, , instead.The URI format is not correct. Creates a new instance by using the specified XML reader and settings. An object that is wrapped around the specified object. The object that you want to use as the underlying XML reader. The settings for the new instance.The conformance level of the object must either match the conformance level of the underlying reader, or it must be set to . The value is null. If the object specifies a conformance level that is not consistent with conformance level of the underlying reader.-or-The underlying is in an or state. When overridden in a derived class, gets the depth of the current node in the XML document. The depth of the current node in the XML document. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Releases all resources used by the current instance of the class. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the reader is positioned at the end of the stream. true if the reader is positioned at the end of the stream; otherwise, false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified index. The value of the specified attribute. This method does not move the reader. The index of the attribute. The index is zero-based. (The first attribute has index 0.) is out of range. It must be non-negative and less than the size of the attribute collection. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified . The value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not found or the value is String.Empty, null is returned. The qualified name of the attribute. is null. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified and . The value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not found or the value is String.Empty, null is returned. This method does not move the reader. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. is null. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously gets the value of the current node. The value of the current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Gets a value indicating whether the current node has any attributes. true if the current node has attributes; otherwise, false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current node can have a . true if the node on which the reader is currently positioned can have a Value; otherwise, false. If false, the node has a value of String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current node is an attribute that was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema. true if the current node is an attribute whose value was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema; false if the attribute value was explicitly set. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current node is an empty element (for example, <MyElement/>). true if the current node is an element ( equals XmlNodeType.Element) that ends with />; otherwise, false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Returns a value indicating whether the string argument is a valid XML name. true if the name is valid; otherwise, false. The name to validate. The value is null. Returns a value indicating whether or not the string argument is a valid XML name token. true if it is a valid name token; otherwise false. The name token to validate. The value is null. Calls and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag. true if finds a start tag or empty element tag; false if a node type other than XmlNodeType.Element was found. Incorrect XML is encountered in the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Calls and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag and if the property of the element found matches the given argument. true if the resulting node is an element and the Name property matches the specified string. false if a node type other than XmlNodeType.Element was found or if the element Name property does not match the specified string. The string matched against the Name property of the element found. Incorrect XML is encountered in the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Calls and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag and if the and properties of the element found match the given strings. true if the resulting node is an element. false if a node type other than XmlNodeType.Element was found or if the LocalName and NamespaceURI properties of the element do not match the specified strings. The string to match against the LocalName property of the element found. The string to match against the NamespaceURI property of the element found. Incorrect XML is encountered in the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified index. The value of the specified attribute. The index of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified . The value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not found, null is returned. The qualified name of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of the attribute with the specified and . The value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not found, null is returned. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the local name of the current node. The name of the current node with the prefix removed. For example, LocalName is book for the element <bk:book>.For node types that do not have a name (like Text, Comment, and so on), this property returns String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, resolves a namespace prefix in the current element's scope. The namespace URI to which the prefix maps or null if no matching prefix is found. The prefix whose namespace URI you want to resolve. To match the default namespace, pass an empty string. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, moves to the attribute with the specified index. The index of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” The parameter has a negative value. When overridden in a derived class, moves to the attribute with the specified . true if the attribute is found; otherwise, false. If false, the reader's position does not change. The qualified name of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” The parameter is an empty string. When overridden in a derived class, moves to the attribute with the specified and . true if the attribute is found; otherwise, false. If false, the reader's position does not change. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Both parameter values are null. Checks whether the current node is a content (non-white space text, CDATA, Element, EndElement, EntityReference, or EndEntity) node. If the node is not a content node, the reader skips ahead to the next content node or end of file. It skips over nodes of the following type: ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace. The of the current node found by the method or XmlNodeType.None if the reader has reached the end of the input stream. Incorrect XML encountered in the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously checks whether the current node is a content node. If the node is not a content node, the reader skips ahead to the next content node or end of file. The of the current node found by the method or XmlNodeType.None if the reader has reached the end of the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, moves to the element that contains the current attribute node. true if the reader is positioned on an attribute (the reader moves to the element that owns the attribute); false if the reader is not positioned on an attribute (the position of the reader does not change). An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, moves to the first attribute. true if an attribute exists (the reader moves to the first attribute); otherwise, false (the position of the reader does not change). An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, moves to the next attribute. true if there is a next attribute; false if there are no more attributes. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the qualified name of the current node. The qualified name of the current node. For example, Name is bk:book for the element <bk:book>.The name returned is dependent on the of the node. The following node types return the listed values. All other node types return an empty string.Node type Name AttributeThe name of the attribute. DocumentTypeThe document type name. ElementThe tag name. EntityReferenceThe name of the entity referenced. ProcessingInstructionThe target of the processing instruction. XmlDeclarationThe literal string xml. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the namespace URI (as defined in the W3C Namespace specification) of the node on which the reader is positioned. The namespace URI of the current node; otherwise an empty string. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the associated with this implementation. The XmlNameTable enabling you to get the atomized version of a string within the node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the current node. One of the enumeration values that specify the type of the current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the namespace prefix associated with the current node. The namespace prefix associated with the current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, reads the next node from the stream. true if the next node was read successfully; otherwise, false. An error occurred while parsing the XML. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the next node from the stream. true if the next node was read successfully; false if there are no more nodes to read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, parses the attribute value into one or more Text, EntityReference, or EndEntity nodes. true if there are nodes to return.false if the reader is not positioned on an attribute node when the initial call is made or if all the attribute values have been read.An empty attribute, such as, misc="", returns true with a single node with a value of String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the content as an object of the type specified. The concatenated text content or attribute value converted to the requested type. The type of the value to be returned.Note   With the release of the .NET Framework 3.5, the value of the parameter can now be the type. An object that is used to resolve any namespace prefixes related to type conversion. For example, this can be used when converting an object to an xs:string.This value can be null. The content is not in the correct format for the target type. The attempted cast is not valid. The value is null. The current node is not a supported node type. See the table below for details. Read Decimal.MaxValue. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the content as an object of the type specified. The concatenated text content or attribute value converted to the requested type. The type of the value to be returned. An object that is used to resolve any namespace prefixes related to type conversion. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the content and returns the Base64 decoded binary bytes. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. The value is null. is not supported on the current node. The index into the buffer or index + count is larger than the allocated buffer size. The implementation does not support this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the content and returns the Base64 decoded binary bytes. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the content and returns the BinHex decoded binary bytes. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. The value is null. is not supported on the current node. The index into the buffer or index + count is larger than the allocated buffer size. The implementation does not support this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the content and returns the BinHex decoded binary bytes. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the text content at the current position as a Boolean. The text content as a object. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as a object. The text content as a object. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as a object. The text content at the current position as a object. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as a double-precision floating-point number. The text content as a double-precision floating-point number. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as a single-precision floating point number. The text content at the current position as a single-precision floating point number. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as a 32-bit signed integer. The text content as a 32-bit signed integer. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as a 64-bit signed integer. The text content as a 64-bit signed integer. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the text content at the current position as an . The text content as the most appropriate common language runtime (CLR) object. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the text content at the current position as an . The text content as the most appropriate common language runtime (CLR) object. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the text content at the current position as a object. The text content as a object. The attempted cast is not valid. The string format is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the text content at the current position as a object. The text content as a object. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the element content as the requested type. The element content converted to the requested typed object. The type of the value to be returned.Note   With the release of the .NET Framework 3.5, the value of the parameter can now be the type. An object that is used to resolve any namespace prefixes related to type conversion. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to the requested type. The method is called with null arguments. Read Decimal.MaxValue. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the element content as the requested type. The element content converted to the requested typed object. The type of the value to be returned.Note   With the release of the .NET Framework 3.5, the value of the parameter can now be the type. An object that is used to resolve any namespace prefixes related to type conversion. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to the requested type. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. Read Decimal.MaxValue. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the element content as the requested type. The element content converted to the requested typed object. The type of the value to be returned. An object that is used to resolve any namespace prefixes related to type conversion. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the element and decodes the Base64 content. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. The value is null. The current node is not an element node. The index into the buffer or index + count is larger than the allocated buffer size. The implementation does not support this method. The element contains mixed-content. The content cannot be converted to the requested type. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the element and decodes the Base64 content. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the element and decodes the BinHex content. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. The value is null. The current node is not an element node. The index into the buffer or index + count is larger than the allocated buffer size. The implementation does not support this method. The element contains mixed-content. The content cannot be converted to the requested type. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the element and decodes the BinHex content. The number of bytes written to the buffer. The buffer into which to copy the resulting text. This value cannot be null. The offset into the buffer where to start copying the result. The maximum number of bytes to copy into the buffer. The actual number of bytes copied is returned from this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a object. The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to the requested type. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a . The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a . The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as a double-precision floating-point number. The element content as a double-precision floating-point number. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a double-precision floating-point number. The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a double-precision floating-point number. The element content as a double-precision floating-point number. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to the requested type. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as single-precision floating-point number. The element content as a single-precision floating point number. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a single-precision floating-point number. The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a single-precision floating-point number. The element content as a single-precision floating point number. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a single-precision floating-point number. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as a 32-bit signed integer. The element content as a 32-bit signed integer. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a 32-bit signed integer. The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a 32-bit signed integer. The element content as a 32-bit signed integer. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a 32-bit signed integer. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as a 64-bit signed integer. The element content as a 64-bit signed integer. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a 64-bit signed integer. The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a 64-bit signed integer. The element content as a 64-bit signed integer. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a 64-bit signed integer. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as an . A boxed common language runtime (CLR) object of the most appropriate type. The property determines the appropriate CLR type. If the content is typed as a list type, this method returns an array of boxed objects of the appropriate type. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to the requested type The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as an . A boxed common language runtime (CLR) object of the most appropriate type. The property determines the appropriate CLR type. If the content is typed as a list type, this method returns an array of boxed objects of the appropriate type. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to the requested type. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the current element and returns the contents as an . A boxed common language runtime (CLR) object of the most appropriate type. The property determines the appropriate CLR type. If the content is typed as a list type, this method returns an array of boxed objects of the appropriate type. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a object. The method is called with null arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The is not positioned on an element. The current element contains child elements.-or-The element content cannot be converted to a object. The method is called with null arguments. The specified local name and namespace URI do not match that of the current element being read. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the current element and returns the contents as a object. The element content as a object. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Checks that the current content node is an end tag and advances the reader to the next node. The current node is not an end tag or if incorrect XML is encountered in the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, reads all the content, including markup, as a string. All the XML content, including markup, in the current node. If the current node has no children, an empty string is returned.If the current node is neither an element nor attribute, an empty string is returned. The XML was not well-formed, or an error occurred while parsing the XML. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads all the content, including markup, as a string. All the XML content, including markup, in the current node. If the current node has no children, an empty string is returned. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, reads the content, including markup, representing this node and all its children. If the reader is positioned on an element or an attribute node, this method returns all the XML content, including markup, of the current node and all its children; otherwise, it returns an empty string. The XML was not well-formed, or an error occurred while parsing the XML. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads the content, including markup, representing this node and all its children. If the reader is positioned on an element or an attribute node, this method returns all the XML content, including markup, of the current node and all its children; otherwise, it returns an empty string. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Checks that the current node is an element and advances the reader to the next node. Incorrect XML was encountered in the input stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the current content node is an element with the given and advances the reader to the next node. The qualified name of the element. Incorrect XML was encountered in the input stream. -or- The of the element does not match the given . An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Checks that the current content node is an element with the given and and advances the reader to the next node. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Incorrect XML was encountered in the input stream.-or-The and properties of the element found do not match the given arguments. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the state of the reader. One of the enumeration values that specifies the state of the reader. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Returns a new XmlReader instance that can be used to read the current node, and all its descendants. A new XML reader instance set to . Calling the method positions the new reader on the node that was current before the call to the method. The XML reader isn't positioned on an element when this method is called. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Advances the to the next descendant element with the specified qualified name. true if a matching descendant element is found; otherwise false. If a matching child element is not found, the is positioned on the end tag ( is XmlNodeType.EndElement) of the element.If the is not positioned on an element when was called, this method returns false and the position of the is not changed. The qualified name of the element you wish to move to. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” The parameter is an empty string. Advances the to the next descendant element with the specified local name and namespace URI. true if a matching descendant element is found; otherwise false. If a matching child element is not found, the is positioned on the end tag ( is XmlNodeType.EndElement) of the element.If the is not positioned on an element when was called, this method returns false and the position of the is not changed. The local name of the element you wish to move to. The namespace URI of the element you wish to move to. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Both parameter values are null. Reads until an element with the specified qualified name is found. true if a matching element is found; otherwise false and the is in an end of file state. The qualified name of the element. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” The parameter is an empty string. Reads until an element with the specified local name and namespace URI is found. true if a matching element is found; otherwise false and the is in an end of file state. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Both parameter values are null. Advances the XmlReader to the next sibling element with the specified qualified name. true if a matching sibling element is found; otherwise false. If a matching sibling element is not found, the XmlReader is positioned on the end tag ( is XmlNodeType.EndElement) of the parent element. The qualified name of the sibling element you wish to move to. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” The parameter is an empty string. Advances the XmlReader to the next sibling element with the specified local name and namespace URI. true if a matching sibling element is found; otherwise, false. If a matching sibling element is not found, the XmlReader is positioned on the end tag ( is XmlNodeType.EndElement) of the parent element. The local name of the sibling element you wish to move to. The namespace URI of the sibling element you wish to move to. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Both parameter values are null. Reads large streams of text embedded in an XML document. The number of characters read into the buffer. The value zero is returned when there is no more text content. The array of characters that serves as the buffer to which the text contents are written. This value cannot be null. The offset within the buffer where the can start to copy the results. The maximum number of characters to copy into the buffer. The actual number of characters copied is returned from this method. The current node does not have a value ( is false). The value is null. The index into the buffer, or index + count is larger than the allocated buffer size. The implementation does not support this method. The XML data is not well-formed. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously reads large streams of text embedded in an XML document. The number of characters read into the buffer. The value zero is returned when there is no more text content. The array of characters that serves as the buffer to which the text contents are written. This value cannot be null. The offset within the buffer where the can start to copy the results. The maximum number of characters to copy into the buffer. The actual number of characters copied is returned from this method. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, resolves the entity reference for EntityReference nodes. The reader is not positioned on an EntityReference node; this implementation of the reader cannot resolve entities ( returns false). An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Gets the object used to create this instance. The object used to create this reader instance. If this reader was not created using the method, this property returns null. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Skips the children of the current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously skips the children of the current node. The current node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the text value of the current node. The value returned depends on the of the node. The following table lists node types that have a value to return. All other node types return String.Empty.Node type Value AttributeThe value of the attribute. CDATAThe content of the CDATA section. CommentThe content of the comment. DocumentTypeThe internal subset. ProcessingInstructionThe entire content, excluding the target. SignificantWhitespaceThe white space between markup in a mixed content model. TextThe content of the text node. WhitespaceThe white space between markup. XmlDeclarationThe content of the declaration. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Gets The Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current node. The CLR type that corresponds to the typed value of the node. The default is System.String. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the current xml:lang scope. The current xml:lang scope. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the current xml:space scope. One of the values. If no xml:space scope exists, this property defaults to XmlSpace.None. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Specifies a set of features to support on the object created by the method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets whether asynchronous methods can be used on a particular instance. true if asynchronous methods can be used; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to do character checking. true to do character checking; otherwise false. The default is true.NoteIf the is processing text data, it always checks that the XML names and text content are valid, regardless of the property setting. Setting to false turns off character checking for character entity references. Creates a copy of the instance. The cloned object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or should be closed when the reader is closed. true to close the underlying stream or when the reader is closed; otherwise false. The default is false. Gets or sets the level of conformance which the will comply. One of the enumeration values that specifies the level of conformance that the XML reader will enforce. The default is . Gets or sets a value that determines the processing of DTDs. One of the enumeration values that determines the processing of DTDs. The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore comments. true to ignore comments; otherwise false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore processing instructions. true to ignore processing instructions; otherwise false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore insignificant white space. true to ignore white space; otherwise false. The default is false. Gets or sets line number offset of the object. The line number offset. The default is 0. Gets or sets line position offset of the object. The line position offset. The default is 0. Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in a document that result from expanding entities. The maximum allowable number of characters from expanded entities. The default is 0. Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in an XML document. A zero (0) value means no limits on the size of the XML document. A non-zero value specifies the maximum size, in characters. The maximum allowable number of characters in an XML document. The default is 0. Gets or sets the used for atomized string comparisons. The that stores all the atomized strings used by all instances created using this object.The default is null. The created instance will use a new empty if this value is null. Resets the members of the settings class to their default values. Specifies the current xml:space scope. The xml:space scope equals default. No xml:space scope. The xml:space scope equals preserve. Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way to generate streams or files that contain XML data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new instance using the specified stream. An object. The stream to which you want to write. The writes XML 1.0 text syntax and appends it to the specified stream. The value is null. Creates a new instance using the stream and object. An object. The stream to which you want to write. The writes XML 1.0 text syntax and appends it to the specified stream. The object used to configure the new instance. If this is null, a with default settings is used.If the is being used with the method, you should use the property to obtain an object with the correct settings. This ensures that the created object has the correct output settings. The value is null. Creates a new instance using the specified . An object. The to which you want to write. The writes XML 1.0 text syntax and appends it to the specified . The value is null. Creates a new instance using the and objects. An object. The to which you want to write. The writes XML 1.0 text syntax and appends it to the specified . The object used to configure the new instance. If this is null, a with default settings is used.If the is being used with the method, you should use the property to obtain an object with the correct settings. This ensures that the created object has the correct output settings. The value is null. Creates a new instance using the specified . An object. The to which to write to. Content written by the is appended to the . The value is null. Creates a new instance using the and objects. An object. The to which to write to. Content written by the is appended to the . The object used to configure the new instance. If this is null, a with default settings is used.If the is being used with the method, you should use the property to obtain an object with the correct settings. This ensures that the created object has the correct output settings. The value is null. Creates a new instance using the specified object. An object that is wrapped around the specified object. The object that you want to use as the underlying writer. The value is null. Creates a new instance using the specified and objects. An object that is wrapped around the specified object. The object that you want to use as the underlying writer. The object used to configure the new instance. If this is null, a with default settings is used.If the is being used with the method, you should use the property to obtain an object with the correct settings. This ensures that the created object has the correct output settings. The value is null. Releases all resources used by the current instance of the class. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream. The task that represents the asynchronous Flush operation. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, returns the closest prefix defined in the current namespace scope for the namespace URI. The matching prefix or null if no matching namespace URI is found in the current scope. The namespace URI whose prefix you want to find. is either null or String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Gets the object used to create this instance. The object used to create this writer instance. If this writer was not created using the method, this property returns null. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out all the attributes found at the current position in the . The XmlReader from which to copy the attributes. true to copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise, false. is null. The reader is not positioned on an element, attribute or XmlDeclaration node. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out all the attributes found at the current position in the . The task that represents the asynchronous WriteAttributes operation. The XmlReader from which to copy the attributes. true to copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise, false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out the attribute with the specified local name and value. The local name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. The state of writer is not WriteState.Element or writer is closed. The xml:space or xml:lang attribute value is invalid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes an attribute with the specified local name, namespace URI, and value. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI to associate with the attribute. The value of the attribute. The state of writer is not WriteState.Element or writer is closed. The xml:space or xml:lang attribute value is invalid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out the attribute with the specified prefix, local name, namespace URI, and value. The namespace prefix of the attribute. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. The value of the attribute. The state of writer is not WriteState.Element or writer is closed. The xml:space or xml:lang attribute value is invalid. The or is null. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out the attribute with the specified prefix, local name, namespace URI, and value. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteAttributeString operation. The namespace prefix of the attribute. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. The value of the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, encodes the specified binary bytes as Base64 and writes out the resulting text. Byte array to encode. The position in the buffer indicating the start of the bytes to write. The number of bytes to write. is null. or is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus is less than . An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously encodes the specified binary bytes as Base64 and writes out the resulting text. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteBase64 operation. Byte array to encode. The position in the buffer indicating the start of the bytes to write. The number of bytes to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, encodes the specified binary bytes as BinHex and writes out the resulting text. Byte array to encode. The position in the buffer indicating the start of the bytes to write. The number of bytes to write. is null. The writer is closed or in error state. or is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus is less than . An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously encodes the specified binary bytes as BinHex and writes out the resulting text. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteBinHex operation. Byte array to encode. The position in the buffer indicating the start of the bytes to write. The number of bytes to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out a <![CDATA[...]]> block containing the specified text. The text to place inside the CDATA block. The text would result in a non-well formed XML document. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out a <![CDATA[...]]> block containing the specified text. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteCData operation. The text to place inside the CDATA block. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, forces the generation of a character entity for the specified Unicode character value. The Unicode character for which to generate a character entity. The character is in the surrogate pair character range, 0xd800 - 0xdfff. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously forces the generation of a character entity for the specified Unicode character value. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteCharEntity operation. The Unicode character for which to generate a character entity. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes text one buffer at a time. Character array containing the text to write. The position in the buffer indicating the start of the text to write. The number of characters to write. is null. or is less than zero.-or-The buffer length minus is less than ; the call results in surrogate pair characters being split or an invalid surrogate pair being written. The parameter value is not valid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes text one buffer at a time. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteChars operation. Character array containing the text to write. The position in the buffer indicating the start of the text to write. The number of characters to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out a comment <!--...--> containing the specified text. Text to place inside the comment. The text would result in a non-well-formed XML document. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out a comment <!--...--> containing the specified text. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteComment operation. Text to place inside the comment. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the DOCTYPE declaration with the specified name and optional attributes. The name of the DOCTYPE. This must be non-empty. If non-null it also writes PUBLIC "pubid" "sysid" where and are replaced with the value of the given arguments. If is null and is non-null it writes SYSTEM "sysid" where is replaced with the value of this argument. If non-null it writes [subset] where subset is replaced with the value of this argument. This method was called outside the prolog (after the root element). The value for would result in invalid XML. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes the DOCTYPE declaration with the specified name and optional attributes. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteDocType operation. The name of the DOCTYPE. This must be non-empty. If non-null it also writes PUBLIC "pubid" "sysid" where and are replaced with the value of the given arguments. If is null and is non-null it writes SYSTEM "sysid" where is replaced with the value of this argument. If non-null it writes [subset] where subset is replaced with the value of this argument. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Writes an element with the specified local name and value. The local name of the element. The value of the element. The value is null or an empty string.-or-The parameter values are not valid. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes an element with the specified local name, namespace URI, and value. The local name of the element. The namespace URI to associate with the element. The value of the element. The value is null or an empty string.-or-The parameter values are not valid. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes an element with the specified prefix, local name, namespace URI, and value. The prefix of the element. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The value of the element. The value is null or an empty string.-or-The parameter values are not valid. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes an element with the specified prefix, local name, namespace URI, and value. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteElementString operation. The prefix of the element. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The value of the element. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, closes the previous call. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously closes the previous call. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteEndAttribute operation. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, closes any open elements or attributes and puts the writer back in the Start state. The XML document is invalid. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously closes any open elements or attributes and puts the writer back in the Start state. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteEndDocument operation. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. This results in an invalid XML document. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteEndElement operation. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out an entity reference as &name;. The name of the entity reference. is either null or String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out an entity reference as &name;. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteEntityRef operation. The name of the entity reference. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteFullEndElement operation. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid name according to the W3C XML 1.0 recommendation ( The name to write. is not a valid XML name; or is either null or String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid name according to the W3C XML 1.0 recommendation ( The task that represents the asynchronous WriteName operation. The name to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid NmToken according to the W3C XML 1.0 recommendation ( The name to write. is not a valid NmToken; or is either null or String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid NmToken according to the W3C XML 1.0 recommendation ( The task that represents the asynchronous WriteNmToken operation. The name to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, copies everything from the reader to the writer and moves the reader to the start of the next sibling. The to read from. true to copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise, false. is null. contains invalid characters. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously copies everything from the reader to the writer and moves the reader to the start of the next sibling. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteNode operation. The to read from. true to copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise, false. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out a processing instruction with a space between the name and text as follows: <?name text?>. The name of the processing instruction. The text to include in the processing instruction. The text would result in a non-well formed XML document. is either null or String.Empty.This method is being used to create an XML declaration after has already been called. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out a processing instruction with a space between the name and text as follows: <?name text?>. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteProcessingInstruction operation. The name of the processing instruction. The text to include in the processing instruction. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out the namespace-qualified name. This method looks up the prefix that is in scope for the given namespace. The local name to write. The namespace URI for the name. is either null or String.Empty. is not a valid name. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out the namespace-qualified name. This method looks up the prefix that is in scope for the given namespace. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteQualifiedName operation. The local name to write. The namespace URI for the name. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes raw markup manually from a character buffer. Character array containing the text to write. The position within the buffer indicating the start of the text to write. The number of characters to write. is null. or is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus is less than . An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes raw markup manually from a string. String containing the text to write. is either null or String.Empty. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes raw markup manually from a character buffer. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteRaw operation. Character array containing the text to write. The position within the buffer indicating the start of the text to write. The number of characters to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Asynchronously writes raw markup manually from a string. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteRaw operation. String containing the text to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Writes the start of an attribute with the specified local name. The local name of the attribute. The writer is closed. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes the start of an attribute with the specified local name and namespace URI. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the start of an attribute with the specified prefix, local name, and namespace URI. The namespace prefix of the attribute. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI for the attribute. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes the start of an attribute with the specified prefix, local name, and namespace URI. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteStartAttribute operation. The namespace prefix of the attribute. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI for the attribute. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0". This is not the first write method called after the constructor. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0" and the standalone attribute. If true, it writes "standalone=yes"; if false, it writes "standalone=no". This is not the first write method called after the constructor. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0". The task that represents the asynchronous WriteStartDocument operation. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Asynchronously writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0" and the standalone attribute. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteStartDocument operation. If true, it writes "standalone=yes"; if false, it writes "standalone=no". An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out a start tag with the specified local name. The local name of the element. The writer is closed. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace. The local name of the element. The namespace URI to associate with the element. If this namespace is already in scope and has an associated prefix, the writer automatically writes that prefix also. The writer is closed. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace and prefix. The namespace prefix of the element. The local name of the element. The namespace URI to associate with the element. The writer is closed. There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace and prefix. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteStartElement operation. The namespace prefix of the element. The local name of the element. The namespace URI to associate with the element. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the state of the writer. One of the values. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes the given text content. The text to write. The text string contains an invalid surrogate pair. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes the given text content. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteString operation. The text to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, generates and writes the surrogate character entity for the surrogate character pair. The low surrogate. This must be a value between 0xDC00 and 0xDFFF. The high surrogate. This must be a value between 0xD800 and 0xDBFF. An invalid surrogate character pair was passed. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously generates and writes the surrogate character entity for the surrogate character pair. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteSurrogateCharEntity operation. The low surrogate. This must be a value between 0xDC00 and 0xDFFF. The high surrogate. This must be a value between 0xD800 and 0xDBFF. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” Writes a value. The value to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a value. The value to write. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a value. The value to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a value. The value to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a value. The value to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a value. The value to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes the object value. The object value to write.Note   With the release of the .NET Framework 3.5, this method accepts as a parameter. An invalid value was specified. The is null. The writer is closed or in error state. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a single-precision floating-point number. The single-precision floating-point number to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Writes a value. The value to write. An invalid value was specified. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, writes out the given white space. The string of white space characters. The string contains non-white space characters. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Asynchronously writes out the given white space. The task that represents the asynchronous WriteWhitespace operation. The string of white space characters. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” An asynchronous method was called without setting the flag to true. In this case, is thrown with the message “Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods.” When overridden in a derived class, gets the current xml:lang scope. The current xml:lang scope. An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” When overridden in a derived class, gets an representing the current xml:space scope. An XmlSpace representing the current xml:space scope.Value Meaning NoneThis is the default if no xml:space scope exists.DefaultThe current scope is xml:space="default".PreserveThe current scope is xml:space="preserve". An method was called before a previous asynchronous operation finished. In this case, is thrown with the message “An asynchronous operation is already in progress.” Specifies a set of features to support on the object created by the method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether asynchronous methods can be used on a particular instance. true if asynchronous methods can be used; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the XML writer should check to ensure that all characters in the document conform to the "2.2 Characters" section of the W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation. true to do character checking; otherwise, false. The default is true. Creates a copy of the instance. The cloned object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the should also close the underlying stream or when the method is called. true to also close the underlying stream or ; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the level of conformance that the XML writer checks the XML output for. One of the enumeration values that specifies the level of conformance (document, fragment, or automatic detection). The default is . Gets or sets the type of text encoding to use. The text encoding to use. The default is Encoding.UTF8. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to indent elements. true to write individual elements on new lines and indent; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the character string to use when indenting. This setting is used when the property is set to true. The character string to use when indenting. This can be set to any string value. However, to ensure valid XML, you should specify only valid white space characters, such as space characters, tabs, carriage returns, or line feeds. The default is two spaces. The value assigned to the is null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the should remove duplicate namespace declarations when writing XML content. The default behavior is for the writer to output all namespace declarations that are present in the writer's namespace resolver. The enumeration used to specify whether to remove duplicate namespace declarations in the . Gets or sets the character string to use for line breaks. The character string to use for line breaks. This can be set to any string value. However, to ensure valid XML, you should specify only valid white space characters, such as space characters, tabs, carriage returns, or line feeds. The default is \r\n (carriage return, new line). The value assigned to the is null. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to normalize line breaks in the output. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write attributes on a new line. true to write attributes on individual lines; otherwise, false. The default is false.NoteThis setting has no effect when the property value is false.When is set to true, each attribute is pre-pended with a new line and one extra level of indentation. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to omit an XML declaration. true to omit the XML declaration; otherwise, false. The default is false, an XML declaration is written. Resets the members of the settings class to their default values. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the will add closing tags to all unclosed element tags when the method is called. true if all unclosed element tags will be closed out; otherwise, false. The default value is true. An in-memory representation of an XML Schema, as specified in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Schema Part 1: Structures and XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes specifications. Indicates if attributes or elements need to be qualified with a namespace prefix. Element and attribute form is not specified in the schema. Elements and attributes must be qualified with a namespace prefix. Elements and attributes are not required to be qualified with a namespace prefix. Provides custom formatting for XML serialization and deserialization. This method is reserved and should not be used. When implementing the IXmlSerializable interface, you should return null (Nothing in Visual Basic) from this method, and instead, if specifying a custom schema is required, apply the to the class. An that describes the XML representation of the object that is produced by the method and consumed by the method. Generates an object from its XML representation. The stream from which the object is deserialized. Converts an object into its XML representation. The stream to which the object is serialized. When applied to a type, stores the name of a static method of the type that returns an XML schema and a (or for anonymous types) that controls the serialization of the type. Initializes a new instance of the class, taking the name of the static method that supplies the type's XML schema. The name of the static method that must be implemented. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the target class is a wildcard, or that the schema for the class has contains only an xs:any element. true, if the class is a wildcard, or if the schema contains only the xs:any element; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the static method that supplies the type's XML schema and the name of its XML Schema data type. The name of the method that is invoked by the XML infrastructure to return an XML schema.