System.Net.Security The EncryptionPolicy to use. Prefer that full encryption be used, but allow a NULL cipher (no encryption) if the server agrees. Allow no encryption and request that a NULL cipher be used if the other endpoint can handle a NULL cipher. Require encryption and never allow a NULL cipher. Selects the local Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate used for authentication. An used for establishing an SSL connection. An object that contains state information for this validation. The host server specified by the client. An containing local certificates. The certificate used to authenticate the remote party. A array of certificate issuers acceptable to the remote party. Verifies the remote Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate used for authentication. A value that determines whether the specified certificate is accepted for authentication. An object that contains state information for this validation. The certificate used to authenticate the remote party. The chain of certificate authorities associated with the remote certificate. One or more errors associated with the remote certificate. Provides a stream used for client-server communication that uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security protocol to authenticate the server and optionally the client. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified . A object used by the for sending and receiving data. is not readable.-or- is not writable. is null.-or- is equal to . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified and stream closure behavior. A object used by the for sending and receiving data. A Boolean value that indicates the closure behavior of the object used by the for sending and receiving data. This parameter indicates if the inner stream is left open. is not readable.-or- is not writable. is null.-or- is equal to . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified , stream closure behavior and certificate validation delegate. A object used by the for sending and receiving data. A Boolean value that indicates the closure behavior of the object used by the for sending and receiving data. This parameter indicates if the inner stream is left open. A delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party. is not readable.-or- is not writable. is null.-or- is equal to . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified , stream closure behavior, certificate validation delegate and certificate selection delegate. A object used by the for sending and receiving data. A Boolean value that indicates the closure behavior of the object used by the for sending and receiving data. This parameter indicates if the inner stream is left open. A delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party. A delegate responsible for selecting the certificate used for authentication. is not readable.-or- is not writable. is null.-or- is equal to . Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified A object used by the for sending and receiving data. A Boolean value that indicates the closure behavior of the object used by the for sending and receiving data. This parameter indicates if the inner stream is left open. A delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party. A delegate responsible for selecting the certificate used for authentication. The to use. is not readable.-or- is not writable.-or- is not valid. is null.-or- is equal to . Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection. The name of the server that shares this . is null. The authentication failed and left this object in an unusable state. Authentication has already occurred.-or-Server authentication using this was tried previously.-or- Authentication is already in progress. This object has been closed. Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection. The authentication process uses the specified certificate collection and SSL protocol. The name of the server that will share this . The that contains client certificates. The value that represents the protocol used for authentication. A value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication. Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection as an asynchronous operation. Returns The task object representing the asynchronous operation. The name of the server that shares this . is null. The authentication failed and left this object in an unusable state. Authentication has already occurred.-or-Server authentication using this was tried previously.-or- Authentication is already in progress. This object has been closed. Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection as an asynchronous operation. The authentication process uses the specified certificate collection and SSL protocol. Returns The task object representing the asynchronous operation. The name of the server that will share this . The that contains client certificates. The value that represents the protocol used for authentication. A value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication. Called by servers to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection using the specified certificate. The certificate used to authenticate the server. is null. The authentication failed and left this object in an unusable state. Authentication has already occurred.-or-Client authentication using this was tried previously.-or- Authentication is already in progress. This object has been closed. The method is not supported on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium. Called by servers to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection using the specified certificates, requirements and security protocol. The X509Certificate used to authenticate the server. A value that specifies whether the client must supply a certificate for authentication. The value that represents the protocol used for authentication. A value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication. is null. is not a valid value. The authentication failed and left this object in an unusable state. Authentication has already occurred.-or-Client authentication using this was tried previously.-or- Authentication is already in progress. This object has been closed. The method is not supported on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium. Called by servers to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection using the specified certificate as an asynchronous operation. Returns The task object representing the asynchronous operation. The certificate used to authenticate the server. is null. The authentication failed and left this object in an unusable state. Authentication has already occurred.-or-Client authentication using this was tried previously.-or- Authentication is already in progress. This object has been closed. The method is not supported on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium. Called by servers to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection using the specified certificates, requirements and security protocol as an asynchronous operation. Returns The task object representing the asynchronous operation. The X509Certificate used to authenticate the server. A value that specifies whether the client must supply a certificate for authentication. The value that represents the protocol used for authentication. A value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication. Gets a value that indicates whether the underlying stream is readable. true if authentication has occurred and the underlying stream is readable; otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the underlying stream is seekable. This property always returns false. Gets a value that indicates whether the underlying stream supports time-outs. true if the underlying stream supports time-outs; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the underlying stream is writable. true if authentication has occurred and the underlying stream is writable; otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the certificate revocation list is checked during the certificate validation process. true if the certificate revocation list is checked; otherwise, false. Gets a value that identifies the bulk encryption algorithm used by this . A value. The property was accessed before the completion of the authentication process or the authentication process failed. Gets a value that identifies the strength of the cipher algorithm used by this . An value that specifies the strength of the algorithm, in bits. Causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device. Gets the algorithm used for generating message authentication codes (MACs). A value. The property was accessed before the completion of the authentication process or the authentication process failed. Gets a value that identifies the strength of the hash algorithm used by this instance. An value that specifies the strength of the algorithm, in bits. Valid values are 128 or 160. Gets the key exchange algorithm used by this . An value. Gets a value that identifies the strength of the key exchange algorithm used by this instance. An value that specifies the strength of the algorithm, in bits. Gets the length of the underlying stream. A .The length of the underlying stream. Getting the value of this property is not supported when the underlying stream is a . Gets the certificate used to authenticate the local endpoint. An X509Certificate object that represents the certificate supplied for authentication or null if no certificate was supplied. Authentication failed or has not occurred. Gets or sets the current position in the underlying stream. A .The current position in the underlying stream. Setting this property is not supported.-or-Getting the value of this property is not supported when the underlying stream is a . Reads data from this stream and stores it in the specified array. A value that specifies the number of bytes read. When there is no more data to be read, returns 0. A array that receives the bytes read from this stream. A that contains the zero-based location in at which to begin storing the data read from this stream. A that contains the maximum number of bytes to read from this stream. is null. . > the length of .-or- + count > the length of . The read operation failed. Check the inner exception, if present to determine the cause of the failure. There is already a read operation in progress. This object has been closed. Authentication has not occurred. Gets or sets the amount of time a read operation blocks waiting for data. A that specifies the amount of time that elapses before a synchronous read operation fails. Gets the certificate used to authenticate the remote endpoint. An X509Certificate object that represents the certificate supplied for authentication or null if no certificate was supplied. Authentication failed or has not occurred. Throws a . Always throws a . This value is ignored. This value is ignored. Seeking is not supported by objects. Sets the length of the underlying stream. An value that specifies the length of the stream. Gets a value that indicates the security protocol used to authenticate this connection. The value that represents the protocol used for authentication. Gets the used for authentication using extended protection. The object that contains the channel binding token (CBT) used for extended protection. Writes the specified data to this stream. A array that supplies the bytes written to the stream. is null. The write operation failed. There is already a write operation in progress. This object has been closed. Authentication has not occurred. Write the specified number of s to the underlying stream using the specified buffer and offset. A array that supplies the bytes written to the stream. A that contains the zero-based location in at which to begin reading bytes to be written to the stream. A that contains the number of bytes to read from . is null. . > the length of .-or- + count > the length of . The write operation failed. There is already a write operation in progress. This object has been closed. Authentication has not occurred. Gets or sets the amount of time a write operation blocks waiting for data. A that specifies the amount of time that elapses before a synchronous write operation fails. The exception that is thrown when authentication fails for an authentication stream. Initializes a new instance of the class with no message. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message. A that describes the authentication failure. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message and inner exception. A that describes the authentication failure. The that is the cause of the current exception. The class represents the extended protection policy used by the server to validate incoming client connections. Initializes a new instance of the class that specifies when the extended protection policy should be enforced. A value that indicates when the extended protection policy should be enforced. Initializes a new instance of the class that specifies when the extended protection policy should be enforced and the channel binding token (CBT) to be used. A value that indicates when the extended protection policy should be enforced. A that contains a custom channel binding to use for validation. is specified as . is null. Initializes a new instance of the class that specifies when the extended protection policy should be enforced, the kind of protection enforced by the policy, and a custom Service Provider Name (SPN) list that is used to match against a client's SPN. A value that indicates when the extended protection policy should be enforced. A value that indicates the kind of protection enforced by the policy. A that contains the custom SPN list that is used to match against a client's SPN. is specified as . is nullor an empty list. Initializes a new instance of the class that specifies when the extended protection policy should be enforced, the kind of protection enforced by the policy, and a custom Service Provider Name (SPN) list that is used to match against a client's SPN. A value that indicates when the extended protection policy should be enforced. A value that indicates the kind of protection enforced by the policy. A that contains the custom SPN list that is used to match against a client's SPN. is specified as . is nullor an empty list. Gets a custom channel binding token (CBT) to use for validation. A that contains a custom channel binding to use for validation. Gets the custom Service Provider Name (SPN) list used to match against a client's SPN. A that contains the custom SPN list that is used to match against a client's SPN. Indicates whether the operating system supports integrated windows authentication with extended protection. true if the operating system supports integrated windows authentication with extended protection, otherwise false. Gets when the extended protection policy should be enforced. A value that indicates when the extended protection policy should be enforced. Gets the kind of protection enforced by the extended protection policy. A value that indicates the kind of protection enforced by the policy. Gets a string representation for the extended protection policy instance. A instance that contains the representation of the instance. The enumeration specifies when the should be enforced. The is always enforced. Clients that don’t support extended protection will fail to authenticate. The is never enforced and extended protection is disabled. The is enforced only if the client and server supports extended protection. The enumeration specifies the protection scenario enforced by the policy. The transport will select between a secure and standard protection scenario depending on the type of channel used. For secure protection, integrated Windows authentication is wrapped in a secure channel and has an exactly matching channel binding token with no Service Provider Name (SPN) validation. For standard protection, integrated Windows authentication is optionally wrapped in a secure channel with an optional channel binding token and SPN validation is required. So if the request comes through a secure channel, the channel binding token (CBT) is checked, otherwise the SPN is checked. Integrated Windows authentication is wrapped in a secure channel terminated by a trusted proxy and has a channel binding token with SPN validation required. This requires the presence of a CBT, but the CBT is not checked while the SPN is checked. The class is a read-only collection of service principal names. Initializes a new read-only instance of the class based on an existing . An instance of the class that contains the specified values of service names to be used to initialize the class. is null. is empty. Returns a value indicating whether the specified string occurs within this instance. Returns .true if the parameter occurs within this instance; otherwise, false. The string to seek. Merges the current with the specified values to create a new containing the union. A new instance that contains the union of the existing instance merged with the specified values. An instance of the class that contains the specified values of service names to be merged. is null. is empty. Merges the current with the specified values to create a new containing the union. A new instance that contains the union of the existing instance merged with the specified values. A string that contains the specified values of service names to be used to initialize the class. is null. is empty.