using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using BP.DA;
using BP.Port;
namespace BP.WF.HttpHandler
public class WF_Comm_RefFunc : DirectoryPageBase
/// 构造函数
public WF_Comm_RefFunc()
#region Dot2DotTreeDeptEmpModel.htm(部门人员选择)
/// 保存节点绑定人员信息
public string Dot2DotTreeDeptEmpModel_SaveNodeEmps()
JsonResultInnerData jr = new JsonResultInnerData();
string nodeid = this.GetRequestVal("nodeid");
string data = this.GetRequestVal("data");
string partno = this.GetRequestVal("partno");
bool lastpart = false;
int partidx = 0;
int partcount = 0;
int nid = 0;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeid) || int.TryParse(nodeid, out nid) == false)
throw new Exception("参数nodeid不正确");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
data = "";
BP.WF.Template.NodeEmps nemps = new BP.WF.Template.NodeEmps();
string[] empNos = data.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
nemps.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeEmpAttr.FK_Node, nid);
string[] parts = partno.Split("/".ToCharArray());
if (parts.Length != 2)
throw new Exception("参数partno不正确");
partidx = int.Parse(parts[0]);
partcount = int.Parse(parts[1]);
empNos = data.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (partidx == 1)
nemps.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeEmpAttr.FK_Node, nid);
lastpart = partidx == partcount;
DataTable dtEmps = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable("SELECT No FROM Port_Emp");
BP.WF.Template.NodeEmp nemp = null;
foreach (string empNo in empNos)
if (dtEmps.Select(string.Format("No='{0}'", empNo)).Length + dtEmps.Select(string.Format("NO='{0}'", empNo)).Length == 0)
nemp = new BP.WF.Template.NodeEmp();
nemp.NodeID = nid;
nemp.EmpNo = empNo;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
jr.Msg = "保存成功";
jr.InnerData = new { lastpart, partidx, partcount };
if (lastpart)
jr.Msg = "保存成功";
jr.Msg = string.Format("第{0}/{1}段保存成功", partidx, partcount);
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr);
/// 保存节点绑定部门信息
public string Dot2DotTreeDeptModel_SaveNodeDepts()
JsonResultInnerData jr = new JsonResultInnerData();
string nodeid = this.GetRequestVal("nodeid");
string data = this.GetRequestVal("data");
string partno = this.GetRequestVal("partno");
bool lastpart = false;
int partidx = 0;
int partcount = 0;
int nid = 0;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeid) || int.TryParse(nodeid, out nid) == false)
throw new Exception("参数nodeid不正确");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
data = "";
BP.WF.Template.NodeDepts ndepts = new BP.WF.Template.NodeDepts();
string[] deptNos = data.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
ndepts.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeDeptAttr.FK_Node, nid);
string[] parts = partno.Split("/".ToCharArray());
if (parts.Length != 2)
throw new Exception("参数partno不正确");
partidx = int.Parse(parts[0]);
partcount = int.Parse(parts[1]);
deptNos = data.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (partidx == 1)
ndepts.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeDeptAttr.FK_Node, nid);
lastpart = partidx == partcount;
DataTable dtDepts = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable("SELECT No FROM Port_Dept");
BP.WF.Template.NodeDept nemp = null;
foreach (string deptNo in deptNos)
if (dtDepts.Select(string.Format("No='{0}'", deptNo)).Length + dtDepts.Select(string.Format("NO='{0}'", deptNo)).Length == 0)
nemp = new BP.WF.Template.NodeDept();
nemp.NodeID = nid;
nemp.DeptNo = deptNo;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
jr.Msg = "保存成功";
jr.InnerData = new { lastpart, partidx, partcount };
if (lastpart)
jr.Msg = "保存成功";
jr.Msg = string.Format("第{0}/{1}段保存成功", partidx, partcount);
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr);
/// 获取节点绑定人员信息列表
public string Dot2DotTreeDeptModel_GetNodeDepts()
JsonResultInnerData jr = new JsonResultInnerData();
DataTable dt = null;
string nid = this.GetRequestVal("nodeid");
string sql = "SELECT pd.No,pd.Name,pd1.No DeptNo,pd1.Name DeptName FROM WF_NodeDept wnd "
+ " INNER JOIN Port_Dept pd ON pd.No=wnd.FK_Dept "
+ " LEFT JOIN Port_Dept pd1 ON pd1.No=pd.ParentNo "
+ "WHERE wnd.NodeID = " + nid + " ORDER BY pd1.Idx, pd.Name";
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); //, pagesize, pageidx, "No", "Name", "ASC"
dt.Columns.Add("Code", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Checked", typeof(bool));
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
row["Code"] = BP.Tools.chs2py.ConvertStr2Code(row["Name"] as string);
row["Checked"] = true;
foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
switch (col.ColumnName.ToUpper())
case "NO":
col.ColumnName = "No";
case "NAME":
col.ColumnName = "Name";
case "DEPTNO":
col.ColumnName = "DeptNo";
case "DEPTNAME":
col.ColumnName = "DeptName";
jr.InnerData = dt;
string re = BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(jr);
if (Glo.Plant == BP.WF.Plant.JFlow)
re = re.Replace("\"NO\"", "\"No\"").Replace("\"NAME\"", "\"Name\"").Replace("\"DEPTNO\"", "\"DeptNo\"").Replace("\"DEPTNAME\"", "\"DeptName\"");
return re;
#endregion Dot2DotTreeDeptModel.htm(部门选择)
#region Dot2DotStationModel.htm(角色选择)
/// 保存节点绑定角色信息
public string Dot2DotStationModel_SaveNodeStations()
JsonResultInnerData jr = new JsonResultInnerData();
string nodeid = this.GetRequestVal("nodeid");
string data = this.GetRequestVal("data");
string partno = this.GetRequestVal("partno");
bool lastpart = false;
int partidx = 0;
int partcount = 0;
int nid = 0;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeid) || int.TryParse(nodeid, out nid) == false)
throw new Exception("参数nodeid不正确");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
data = "";
BP.WF.Template.NodeStations nsts = new BP.WF.Template.NodeStations();
string[] stNos = data.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
nsts.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Node, nid);
string[] parts = partno.Split("/".ToCharArray());
if (parts.Length != 2)
throw new Exception("参数partno不正确");
partidx = int.Parse(parts[0]);
partcount = int.Parse(parts[1]);
stNos = data.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (partidx == 1)
nsts.Delete(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Node, nid);
lastpart = partidx == partcount;
DataTable dtSts = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable("SELECT No FROM Port_Station");
BP.WF.Template.NodeStation nst = null;
foreach (string stNo in stNos)
if (dtSts.Select(string.Format("No='{0}'", stNo)).Length + dtSts.Select(string.Format("NO='{0}'", stNo)).Length == 0)
nst = new BP.WF.Template.NodeStation();
nst.NodeID = nid;
nst.StationNo = stNo;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(partno))
jr.Msg = "保存成功";
jr.InnerData = new { lastpart, partidx, partcount };
if (lastpart)
jr.Msg = "保存成功";
jr.Msg = string.Format("第{0}/{1}段保存成功", partidx, partcount);
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr);
/// 获取部门树根结点
public string Dot2DotStationModel_GetStructureTreeRoot()
JsonResultInnerData jr = new JsonResultInnerData();
EasyuiTreeNode node, subnode;
List d = new List();
string parentrootid = this.GetRequestVal("parentrootid");
string sql = null;
DataTable dt = null;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(parentrootid))
throw new Exception("参数parentrootid不能为空");
bool isUnitModel = DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol("Port_Dept", "IsUnit");
if (isUnitModel)
bool isValid = DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol("Port_Station", "FK_Unit");
if (!isValid)
isUnitModel = false;
if (isUnitModel)
sql = string.Format("SELECT No,Name,ParentNo FROM Port_Dept WHERE IsUnit = 1 AND ParentNo = '{0}'", parentrootid);
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
dt.Rows.Add("-1", "无单位数据", parentrootid);
node = new EasyuiTreeNode(); = "UNITROOT_" + dt.Rows[0]["No"];
node.text = dt.Rows[0]["Name"] as string;
node.iconCls = "icon-department";
node.attributes = new EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes();
node.attributes.No = dt.Rows[0]["No"] as string;
node.attributes.Name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentNo = parentrootid;
node.attributes.TType = "UNITROOT";
node.state = "closed";
if (node.text != "无单位数据")
node.children = new List();
node.children.Add(new EasyuiTreeNode());
node.children[0].text = "loading...";
sql = "SELECT No,Name FROM Port_StationType";
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
node = new EasyuiTreeNode(); = "STROOT_-1";
node.text = "角色类型";
node.iconCls = "icon-department";
node.attributes = new EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes();
node.attributes.No = "-1";
node.attributes.Name = "角色类型";
node.attributes.ParentNo = parentrootid;
node.attributes.TType = "STROOT";
node.state = "closed";
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
node.children = new List();
node.children.Add(new EasyuiTreeNode());
node.children[0].text = "loading...";
jr.InnerData = d;
jr.Msg = isUnitModel.ToString().ToLower();
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr);
/// 获取指定部门下一级子部门及人员列表
public string Dot2DotStationModel_GetSubUnits()
string parentid = this.GetRequestVal("parentid");
string nid = this.GetRequestVal("nodeid");
string tp = this.GetRequestVal("stype"); //ST,UNIT
string ttype = this.GetRequestVal("ttype"); //STROOT,UNITROOT,ST,CST,S
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid))
throw new Exception("参数parentid不能为空");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nid))
throw new Exception("参数nodeid不能为空");
EasyuiTreeNode node = null;
List d = new List();
string sql = string.Empty;
DataTable dt = null;
BP.WF.Template.NodeStations sts = new BP.WF.Template.NodeStations();
string sortField = CheckStationTypeIdxExists() ? "Idx" : "No";
sts.Retrieve(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Node, int.Parse(nid));
if (tp == "ST")
if (ttype == "STROOT")
sql = "SELECT No,Name FROM Port_StationType ORDER BY " + sortField + " ASC";
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
node = new EasyuiTreeNode(); = "ST_" + row["No"];
node.text = row["Name"] as string;
node.iconCls = "icon-department";
node.attributes = new EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes();
node.attributes.No = row["No"] as string;
node.attributes.Name = row["Name"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentNo = "-1";
node.attributes.TType = "ST";
node.state = "closed";
node.children = new List();
node.children.Add(new EasyuiTreeNode());
node.children[0].text = "loading...";
sql =
"SELECT ps.No,ps.Name,ps.FK_StationType,pst.Name FK_StationTypeName FROM Port_Station ps"
+ " INNER JOIN Port_StationType pst ON pst.No = ps.FK_StationType"
+ " WHERE ps.FK_StationType = '{0}' ORDER BY ps.Name ASC", parentid);
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
node = new EasyuiTreeNode(); = "S_" + parentid + "_" + row["No"];
node.text = row["Name"] as string;
node.iconCls = "icon-user";
node.@checked =
sts.GetEntityByKey(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Station, row["No"]) != null;
node.attributes = new EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes();
node.attributes.No = row["No"] as string;
node.attributes.Name = row["Name"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentNo = row["FK_StationType"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentName = row["FK_StationTypeName"] as string;
node.attributes.TType = "S";
node.attributes.Code = BP.Tools.chs2py.ConvertStr2Code(row["Name"] as string);
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(string.Format("SELECT * FROM Port_Dept WHERE IsUnit = 1 AND ParentNo='{0}' ORDER BY Name ASC", parentid));
foreach (DataRow dept in dt.Rows)
node = new EasyuiTreeNode(); = "UNIT_" + dept["No"];
node.text = dept["Name"] as string;
node.iconCls = "icon-department";
node.attributes = new EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes();
node.attributes.No = dept["No"] as string;
node.attributes.Name = dept["Name"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentNo = dept["ParentNo"] as string;
node.attributes.TType = "UNIT";
node.attributes.Code = BP.Tools.chs2py.ConvertStr2Code(dept["Name"] as string);
node.state = "closed";
node.children = new List();
node.children.Add(new EasyuiTreeNode());
node.children[0].text = "loading...";
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(
"SELECT ps.No,ps.Name,pst.No FK_StationType, pst.Name FK_StationTypeName,ps.FK_Unit,pd.Name FK_UnitName FROM Port_Station ps"
+ " INNER JOIN Port_StationType pst ON pst.No = ps.FK_StationType"
+ " INNER JOIN Port_Dept pd ON pd.No=ps.FK_Unit"
+ " WHERE ps.FK_Unit = '{0}' ORDER BY pst.{1} ASC,ps.Name ASC", parentid, sortField));
foreach (DataRow st in dt.Rows)
node = new EasyuiTreeNode(); = "S_" + st["FK_Unit"] + "_" + st["No"];
node.text = st["Name"] + "[" + st["FK_StationTypeName"] + "]";
node.iconCls = "icon-user";
node.@checked = sts.GetEntityByKey(BP.WF.Template.NodeStationAttr.FK_Station, st["No"]) != null;
node.attributes = new EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes();
node.attributes.No = st["No"] as string;
node.attributes.Name = st["Name"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentNo = st["FK_Unit"] as string;
node.attributes.ParentName = st["FK_UnitName"] as string;
node.attributes.TType = "S";
node.attributes.Code = BP.Tools.chs2py.ConvertStr2Code(st["Name"] as string);
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d);
/// 获取节点绑定人员信息列表
public string Dot2DotStationModel_GetNodeStations()
JsonResultInnerData jr = new JsonResultInnerData();
DataTable dt = null;
string nid = this.GetRequestVal("nodeid");
int pagesize = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("pagesize"));
int pageidx = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("pageidx"));
string st = this.GetRequestVal("stype");
string sql = string.Empty;
string sortField = CheckStationTypeIdxExists() ? "Idx" : "No";
if (st == "UNIT")
sql = "SELECT ps.No,ps.Name,pd.No UnitNo,pd.Name UnitName FROM WF_NodeStation wns "
+ " INNER JOIN Port_Station ps ON ps.No=wns.FK_Station "
+ " INNER JOIN Port_Dept pd ON pd.No=ps.FK_Unit "
+ "WHERE wns.NodeID = " + nid + " ORDER BY ps.Name ASC";
sql = "SELECT ps.No,ps.Name,pst.No UnitNo,pst.Name UnitName FROM WF_NodeStation wns "
+ " INNER JOIN Port_Station ps ON ps.No=wns.FK_Station "
+ " INNER JOIN Port_StationType pst ON pst.No=ps.FK_StationType "
+ "WHERE wns.NodeID = " + nid + " ORDER BY pst." + sortField + " ASC,ps.Name ASC";
dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); //, pagesize, pageidx, "No", "Name", "ASC"
dt.Columns.Add("Code", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Checked", typeof(bool));
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
row["Code"] = BP.Tools.chs2py.ConvertStr2Code(row["Name"] as string);
row["Checked"] = true;
foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
switch (col.ColumnName.ToUpper())
case "NO":
col.ColumnName = "No";
case "NAME":
col.ColumnName = "Name";
case "UNITNO":
col.ColumnName = "DeptNo";
case "UNITNAME":
col.ColumnName = "DeptName";
jr.InnerData = dt;
jr.Msg = "";
string re = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr);
if (Glo.Plant == BP.WF.Plant.JFlow)
re = re.Replace("\"NO\"", "\"No\"").Replace("\"NAME\"", "\"Name\"").Replace("\"UNITNO\"", "\"UnitNo\"").Replace("\"UNITNAME\"", "\"UnitName\"");
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(re);
#endregion Dot2DotStationModel.htm(角色选择)
#region Methods
/// 判断Port_StationType表中是否含有Idx字段
public bool CheckStationTypeIdxExists()
if (DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol("Port_StationType", "Idx") == false)
if (DBAccess.IsView("Port_StationType", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) == false)
StationType st = new StationType();
DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE Port_StationType SET Idx = 1");
return true;
return true;
return false;
#region 辅助实体定义
/// Eayui tree node对象
/// 主要用于数据的JSON化组织
public class EasyuiTreeNode
public string id { get; set; }
public string text { get; set; }
public string state { get; set; }
public bool @checked { get; set; }
public string iconCls { get; set; }
public EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes attributes { get; set; }
public List children { get; set; }
public class EasyuiTreeNodeAttributes
public string No { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string ParentNo { get; set; }
public string ParentName { get; set; }
public string TType { get; set; }
public string Code { get; set; }
#endregion 辅助实体定义