/**Object with default values for figures*/ var FigureDefaults = { /**Size of figure's segment*/ segmentSize: 70, /**Size of figure's short segment*/ segmentShortSize: 40, /**Size of radius*/ radiusSize: 35, /**Size of offset for parallels * For example: for parallelogram it's projection of inclined line on X axis*/ parallelsOffsetSize: 40, /**Corner radius * For example: for rounded rectangle*/ corner: 10, /**Corner roundness * Value from 0 to 10, where 10 - it's circle radius.*/ cornerRoundness: 8, /**Color of lines*/ strokeStyle: "#000000", /**Color of fill*/ fillStyle: "#ffffff", /**Text size*/ textSize: 15, /**Text label*/ textStr: "Text", /**Text font*/ textFont: "Arial", /**Color of text*/ textColor: "#000000" }; /**Controls set declaration*/ figureSets["basic"] = { name: '基本控件', description: 'A basic set of Controls', figures: [ { figureFunction: null, name: "Poiner", image: "Poiner.png", CNName: "指针" }, { figureFunction: null, name: CCForm_Controls.Line, image: "Line.png", CNName: "直线" }, { figureFunction: "Label", name: CCForm_Controls.Label, image: "Label.png", CNName: "文字" }, { figureFunction: "Button", name: CCForm_Controls.Button, image: "Button.png", CNName: "按钮" }, { figureFunction: "HyperLink", name: CCForm_Controls.HyperLink, image: "HyperLink.png", CNName: "超链接" }, { figureFunction: "Image", name: CCForm_Controls.Image, image: "Img.png", CNName: "图片" } ] }; /**method of create Label **/ function figure_Label(x, y) { var f = new Figure('Label'); //ccform Property f.CCForm_Shape = CCForm_Controls.Label; f.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.fillStyle; f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('基本属性', 'group', BuilderProperty.TYPE_GROUP_LABEL)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty(BuilderProperty.SEPARATOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('文本', 'primitives.0.str', BuilderProperty.TYPE_SINGLE_TEXT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体大小', 'primitives.0.size', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体', 'primitives.0.font', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('对齐', 'primitives.0.align', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_ALIGNMENT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('下划线', 'primitives.0.underlined', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_UNDERLINED)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体加粗', 'primitives.0.fontWeight', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONTWEIGHT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体颜色', 'primitives.0.style.fillStyle', BuilderProperty.TYPE_COLOR)); var t2 = new Text("Label", x, y + FigureDefaults.radiusSize / 2, FigureDefaults.textFont, FigureDefaults.textSize); t2.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.textColor; f.addPrimitive(t2); f.finalise(); return f; } /**method of create Button **/ function figure_Button(x, y) { var f = new Figure("Button"); //ccform Property f.CCForm_Shape = CCForm_Controls.Button; f.style.strokeStyle = "#c0c0c0"; f.style.lineWidth = 2; f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('基本属性-Button', 'group', BuilderProperty.TYPE_GROUP_LABEL)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty(BuilderProperty.SEPARATOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体大小', 'primitives.1.size', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体', 'primitives.1.font', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体加粗', 'primitives.1.fontWeight', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONTWEIGHT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体颜色', 'primitives.1.style.fillStyle', BuilderProperty.TYPE_COLOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('控件属性', 'group', BuilderProperty.TYPE_GROUP_LABEL)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty(BuilderProperty.SEPARATOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('按钮标签', 'primitives.1.str', BuilderProperty.TYPE_SINGLE_TEXT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('按钮事件', 'ButtonEvent', BuilderProperty.CCFormEnum)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('事件内容', 'BtnEventDoc', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT)); var p = new Path(); var hShrinker = 12; var vShrinker = 15; var l1 = new Line(new Point(x + hShrinker, y + vShrinker), new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker, y + vShrinker)); var c1 = new QuadCurve(new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker, y + vShrinker), new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner * (FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness / 10), y + FigureDefaults.corner / FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness + vShrinker), new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + vShrinker)) var l2 = new Line(new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + vShrinker), new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker)); var c2 = new QuadCurve(new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker), new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner * (FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness / 10), y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner * (FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness / 10)), new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner)) var l3 = new Line(new Point(x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize - hShrinker, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner), new Point(x + hShrinker, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner)); var c3 = new QuadCurve( new Point(x + hShrinker, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner), new Point(x + hShrinker - FigureDefaults.corner * (FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness / 10), y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker + FigureDefaults.corner * (FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness / 10)), new Point(x + hShrinker - FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker)) var l4 = new Line(new Point(x + hShrinker - FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize - vShrinker), new Point(x + hShrinker - FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + vShrinker)); var c4 = new QuadCurve( new Point(x + hShrinker - FigureDefaults.corner, y + FigureDefaults.corner + vShrinker), new Point(x + hShrinker - FigureDefaults.corner * (FigureDefaults.cornerRoundness / 10), y + vShrinker), new Point(x + hShrinker, y + vShrinker)) p.addPrimitive(l1); p.addPrimitive(c1); p.addPrimitive(l2); p.addPrimitive(c2); p.addPrimitive(l3); p.addPrimitive(c3); p.addPrimitive(l4); p.addPrimitive(c4); f.addPrimitive(p); var t2 = new Text("Btn...", x + FigureDefaults.segmentSize / 2, y + FigureDefaults.segmentShortSize / 2 + FigureDefaults.corner, FigureDefaults.textFont, FigureDefaults.textSize); t2.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.textColor; f.addPrimitive(t2); f.finalise(); return f; } /**method of create HyperLink **/ function figure_HyperLink(x, y) { var f = new Figure('HyperLink'); //ccform Property f.CCForm_Shape = CCForm_Controls.HyperLink; f.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.fillStyle; f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('基本属性-HyperLink', 'group', BuilderProperty.TYPE_GROUP_LABEL)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty(BuilderProperty.SEPARATOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('文本', 'primitives.0.str', BuilderProperty.TYPE_SINGLE_TEXT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体大小', 'primitives.0.size', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体', 'primitives.0.font', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY)); //f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('对齐', 'primitives.0.align', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONT_ALIGNMENT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('下划线', 'primitives.0.underlined', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_UNDERLINED)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体加粗', 'primitives.0.fontWeight', BuilderProperty.TYPE_TEXT_FONTWEIGHT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('字体颜色', 'primitives.0.style.fillStyle', BuilderProperty.TYPE_COLOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('控件属性', 'group', BuilderProperty.TYPE_GROUP_LABEL)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty(BuilderProperty.SEPARATOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('连接地址', 'URL', BuilderProperty.TYPE_SINGLE_TEXT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('打开窗口', 'WinOpenModel', BuilderProperty.CCFormEnum)); var t2 = new Text("我的超连接.", x, y + FigureDefaults.radiusSize / 2, FigureDefaults.textFont, FigureDefaults.textSize); t2.style.fillStyle = "#0000ff"; t2.underlined = true; f.addPrimitive(t2); f.finalise(); return f; } /**method of create image **/ function figure_Image(x, y) { var f = new Figure("Image"); //ccform Property f.CCForm_Shape = CCForm_Controls.Image; f.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.fillStyle; f.style.strokeStyle = FigureDefaults.strokeStyle; //Image var url = figureSetsURL + "/basic/TempleteFile.png"; var ifig = new ImageFrame(url, x, y, true, 120, 140); ifig.debug = true; f.addPrimitive(ifig); //Text f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('控件属性-Image', 'group', BuilderProperty.TYPE_GROUP_LABEL)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty(BuilderProperty.SEPARATOR)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('应用类型', 'ImgAppType', BuilderProperty.CCFormEnum)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('上传图片', 'ImgURL', BuilderProperty.CCFormUpload)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('指定路径', 'ImgPath', BuilderProperty.TYPE_SINGLE_TEXT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('图片连接到', 'LinkURL', BuilderProperty.TYPE_SINGLE_TEXT)); f.properties.push(new BuilderProperty('打开窗口', 'WinOpenModel', BuilderProperty.CCFormEnum)); var t2 = new Text("", x, y + 36, FigureDefaults.textFont, FigureDefaults.textSize); t2.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.textColor; f.addPrimitive(t2); f.finalise(); return f; } /**Controls set declaration*/ figureSets["Data"] = { name: '字段控件', description: 'A Data set of Controls', figures: [ { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.TextBox, image: "TextBox.png",CNName:"文本类型" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.TextBoxInt, image: "TextBoxInt.png",CNName:"数值类型" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.TextBoxMoney, image: "TextBoxMoney.png", CNName: "金额类型" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.TextBoxFloat, image: "TextBoxFloat.png", CNName: "浮点类型" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.Date, image: "TextBoxDate.png", CNName: "日期类型" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.DateTime, image: "TextBoxDateTime.png", CNName: "日期时间类型" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.CheckBox, image: "Checkbox.png", CNName: "选择框" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.RadioButton, image: "Radiobutton.png", CNName: "枚举单选按钮" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.DropDownListEnum, image: "DropDownListEnum.png", CNName: "枚举下拉框" }, { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.DropDownListTable, image: "DropDownListTable.png", CNName: "外键下拉框" } // { figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.ListBox, image: "ListBox.png", CNName: "外部数据源" }, //{ figureFunction: "TextBox", name: CCForm_Controls.HiddendField, image: "HiddendField.png", CNName: "隐藏字段" } ] }; //文本框创建控件 function figure_TextBox(x, y) { var f = new Figure("TextBox"); //ccform Property f.CCForm_Shape = CCForm_Controls.TextBox; f.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.fillStyle; f.style.strokeStyle = FigureDefaults.strokeStyle; if (createFigureName != "RadioButton") { //Image var url = figureSetsURL + "/Data/TextBoxBig.png"; var ifig = new ImageFrame(url, x, y, true, 150, 30); ifig.debug = true; f.addPrimitive(ifig); } var t2 = new Text("", x, y, FigureDefaults.textFont, FigureDefaults.textSize); t2.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.textColor; f.addPrimitive(t2); f.finalise(); return f; } /**Controls set declaration*/ figureSets["Components"] = { name: '组件类', description: '组件类控件', figures: [ { figureFunction: "Square", name: CCForm_Controls.Dtl, image: "Dtl.png", CNName: "明细表/从表" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "AthMulti", image: "AthMulti.png", CNName: "多附件" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "AthSingle", image: "AthSingle.png", CNName: "单附件" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "AthImg", image: "AthImg.png", CNName: "图片附件" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "HandSiganture", image: "HandSiganture.png", CNName: "签字板" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "iFrame", image: "iFrame.png", CNName: "框架" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "Fieldset", image: "Fieldset.png", CNName: "分组" } ] }; /**Controls set declaration*/ figureSets["mobile"] = { name: '移动组件', description: '与手机平板移动设备应用相关的组件', figures: [ { figureFunction: "Square", name: "Map", image: "Map.png", CNName: "地图控件" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "Camera", image: "Camera.png", CNName: "拍照上传" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "SoundRecord", image: "SoundRecord.png", CNName: "录音" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "VideoRecord", image: "VideoRecord.png", CNName: "录像" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "QRCode", image: "QRCode.png", CNName: "二维码" } ] }; /**Controls set declaration*/ figureSets["ccbpm"] = { name: '流程组件', description: '与ccbpm相关的流程组件', figures: [ { figureFunction: "Square", name: "CheckGroup", image: "CheckGroup.png", CNName: "审核分组" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "FlowChart", image: "FlowChart.png", CNName: "轨迹图" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "FrmCheck", image: "FrmCheck.png", CNName: "审核组件" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "SubFlowDtl", image: "SubFlowDtl.png", CNName: "子流程" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "ThreadDtl", image: "ThreadDtl.png", CNName: "子线程" }, { figureFunction: "Square", name: "FrmTransferCustom", image: "FrmTransferCustom.png", CNName: "流转自定义" } ] }; function figure_Square(x, y) { var f = new Figure("Square"); //ccform Property f.CCForm_Shape = CCForm_Controls.TextBox; f.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.fillStyle; f.style.strokeStyle = FigureDefaults.strokeStyle; //Image var url = figureSetsURL + "/Data/TextBoxBig.png"; var ifig = new ImageFrame(url, x, y, true, 150, 30); ifig.debug = true; f.addPrimitive(ifig); var t2 = new Text("", x, y, FigureDefaults.textFont, FigureDefaults.textSize); t2.style.fillStyle = FigureDefaults.textColor; f.addPrimitive(t2); f.finalise(); return f; }