ChangeLog --------- ### 1.11.1 - fix(js): fix #2439, `filterBy` cannot filter array keys - fix(js): fix #2424, from html with checkbox bug - fix(js): fix #2385, checkbox render bug with formatter - fix(js): fix #750, showRow and hideRow bug - fix(js): fix #2387, page list bug - fix(js): decrement totalRows on remove if using server side pagination - fix(js): bug in the calculation of toolbar and pagination heights - feat(js): fix #2414, add `paginationLoop` option - feat(js): update method `getRowsHidden` to `getHiddenRows` - feat(js): add `sortClass` option - feat(js): add `totalField` Option - feat(js): add 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' to 'refresh' method - feat(js): add `escape` column option - fix(js): fix #2461, adding the initPagination call to updateByUniqueId and updateRow methods - fix(js): fix #2879, IE8 bug - fix(js): fix #2719, remove `tabindex` - fix(css): fix #2208, dropdown-menu style bug - fix(filter-control extension): fix #2418, `height` cause datepicker not display the selected date - fix(export extension): fix #2220, selected rows does not work when data-pagination-side is server - fix(reorder-row extension): fix #1343, reorder rows bug with pagination - fix(cookie extension): correction regex to match 'mi' - feat(locale): fix #2759, add es-CL and uz-UZ locales - feat(cookie extension): fix #2386, add `getCookies` method - feat(cookie extension): fix #2371, add `cookieStorage` option - feat(multiple-selection-row extension): add multiple-selection-row extension - feat(filter-control extension): fix #1540, disable unnecessary/unused values from select options - feat(filter-control extension): fix #2448, create a css file which contains the style for this extension - feat(filter-control extension): fix #2189, set placeholder of the filter-control input - feat(print extension): add print extension - feat(auto-refresh extension): add auto refresh extension - feat(tree-column extension): add tree column extension #### Breaking changes in 1.11.1 - **Filter-Control extension**: deleted the inline-style and now this extension is using a separated css file. ### 1.11.0 - fix(js): fix cardVisible doesn't work bug - fix(js): int field break toggleColumn - fix(js): table elements inside bootstrap table bug - fix(js): move formatter after cellStyle - fix(js): the footer is hidden in card view - fix(js): fix sorting rows not working bug - fix(js): return field from visible cells - fix(js): onSearch event is not fire when we press the arrows keys - fix(js): fix fromHtml error - fix(js): fix event cannot work when some columns are hideen - fix(js): remove page size and number when pagination is false - fix(js): remove getFieldIndexFromColumnIndex because it cause events bug - fix(js): fix getSelections method bug - fix(js): update records to rows - fix(locale): update it-IT locale - fix(locale): add formatAllRows in template locale - fix(filter-control extension): add check for null values on existsOptionInSelectControl - fix(filter-control extension): fix show-clear button bug - fix(editable extesion): fix editable formatter error when refreshOptions - feat(js): add support for transfer from rowspan / colspan table - feat(js): add data variable to post-body event - feat(js): add `buttonsClass` option - feat(js): add `getVisibleColumns` method - feat(js): add resize event to fit the header - feat(js): add `onRefresh` event - feat(js): add field parameter in the click and dblClick row events - feat(js): add div.card-views surrounds all the card view divs - feat(js): add `field` parameter to cellStyle - feat(js): add `sortStable` option - feat(js): add `footerStyle` option - feat(extension): add select2 filter and i18n enhance extensions - feat(extension): add multi-column-toggle extension - feat(filter-control extension): add select list data to be passed in as JSON string and filter control starts with search - feat(angular extension): add constant in order to get it from angular scope - feat(export extension): add `formatExport` locale - feat(multiple-sort extension): add `formatSortOrders` option - feat(multiple-sort extension): support pagination server - refactor(filter-control extension): refactor the filterDataType method - refactor(filter-control extension): adding all unique values to select control and performance improvements - refactor(extension): refactor filter cookies extension to avoid dbcalls - docs(filter-control extension): add documentation for filterData ### 1.10.1 - revert: feat: update escape to false - feat: add `checkInvert` method - feat: add `bootstrap-table-he-IL.js` - bug: update grunt to development dependency - bug: press on toolbar elements, the key-events it will not run - bug: remove bogus conditions that will always be true - bug: refactor filter control select input initialization - bug: typo in Slovak translation ### 1.10.0 - [bug] Fixed #1619: sub-table checkbox selects all the table. - [bug] Fixed icons for ability customizing. - [bug] Fixed #1677: paginationSwitch for server-side. - [bug] Fixed #1613: padding in footer. - [bug] Fixed #1742: showRow & hideRow param checks. - [bug] Fixed getItemField bug. - [bug] Fixed #617: server side pagination uses `this.options.searchText`. - [bug] Fixed class name does not apply to checkbox field bug. - [bug] Fixed clear function and searchFormatter option of filter-control extension. - [bug] Fixed year computation on cookie extension. - [bug] Fixed ReorderRows init when reorderable is false. - [bug] Fix #1660: removed powerpoint type of export extension. - [enh] Added `title` attribute to pagination controls defining the page number. - [enh] Added `escape` option. - [enh] Added `searchOnEnterKey` option. - [enh] Added `updateFormatText` method. - [enh] Added a third parameter to `detailFormatter` method passing the jQuery element. - [enh] Added new param for `updateCell` method to avoid table reinitialization. - [enh] Removed outline of th. - [enh] Added extension.json and composer.json files. - [enh] Added alternative group-by extension. - [enh] Added sticky-header extension. - [enh] Added filterLocal option to filter-control extension. - [enh] Enabled data attributes for editable column. - [enh] Added IconSize option to export extension. - [enh] Added tooltip for filter-control toolbar button. ### 1.9.1 - [bug] Removed no records events. - [bug] Fixed cardView fieldIndex error. - [bug] Fixed #1130: table-condensed is not working. - [bug] Fixed #1482: export all server sidePagination bug(export extension). - [bug] Fixed #1248: IE8 does not support indexOf function. - [bug] Fixed #1491: (un)check event element argument missing. - [bug] Fixed Italian translation. - [bug] Unified naming of MS in type names(export extension). - [bug] Fixed selectPage method fails(cookie extension). - [bug] Add ja-JP and ms-MY translation for formatAllRows. - [enh] UniqueId can also be stored in a row's data property. - [enh] Use default settings when cookie settings don't exist(cookie extension). - [enh] Expand `filterBy` to accept and array of values. - [enh] Added `updateByUniqueId` method. - [doc] Added `iconSize` docs. ### 1.9.0 - [enh] Update bootstrap-table-cookie.js. - [enh] Use options for detailView's open/close icons. - [enh] Added `refreshOptions` and `gtHiddenColumns` method. - [enh] Added `datepicker` option to Filter Control. - [bug] Fix #936 Sort carets should not be inline-styled by JS. - [bug] Fix table header width bug when setting table to no bordered. - [bug] Fix #938, fix #940: Multiple Sort and Hide/Show column. - [bug] Fix #970: `click`and `dblclick` bug on no-rows table. - [bug] Fix #967: unselected column while column sorted display error. - [enh] Support title feature in cells. - [enh] Improved cookie, mobile extension. - [enh] Added group-by, angular extension. - [enh] Added option for setting locale. - [enh] Added `exportDataType` option for export extension. - [enh] Add fa-IR, ca-ES, es-ES, et-EE and af-ZA locales. - [enh] Supported complex header with `rowspans` and `colspans`. - [enh] Added `searchFomatter` column option. - [bug] Fixed ResetRow function and undefined column search bug. - [bug] Fixed #639: footer resizing problem. - [enh] Added resetSearch method to reset the search text. - [enh] Supported flat json. - [enh] Improved reorder-columns extension. - [enh] Added multiple-search, accent-neutralise extension. - [enh] Added fixed-columns extension. - [enh] Added `$.fn.bootstrapTable.utils` tools. - [enh] Added `expandRow` and `collapseRow` methods. - [enh] Updated `showRow`, `hideRow` and `updateCell` methods. - [bug] Fix #1390: radio maintainSelected bug. - [bug] Fix #1421: checkBy filter enabled. - [bug] Remove `bootstrap-table-all.js` and `bootstrap-table-all.min.js`. ### 1.8.1 - [enh] Accessing field name in formatter. - [enh] Improve function option to support string format for example formatter. - [enh] Added multiple sort extension. - [enh] Improve filter control extension. - [enh] Added jsdelivr CDN. - [bug] Fix #912: Bug when switching to card view. - [bug] Fix #914: extra empty toolbar div bug. - [bug] Fix bootstrap-table-pt-PT.js typo. ### 1.8.0 - [enh] Added state saving for visible columns and the ability to use extension with multiple simultaneous tables. - [enh] Added `ajax` option to replace jquery ajax method. - [enh] Added `resetWidth` method to reset header and footer width. - [enh] Added key-events, mobile, filter-control, reorder-columns, reorder-rows, resizable, natural-sorting, toolbar extensions, and update the extensions name. - [enh] Added `onToggle`, `onCheckSome` and `onUncheckSome` events. - [enh] Added `getScrollPosition`, `removeAll`, `removeByUniqueId` methods. - [bug] Fix double header bug after table show from hidden. - [bug] Fix #279: scrollWidth bug. - [enh] `getData` method support to get the current page data. - [enh] Added 'getAllSelections' method to get checked rows across all pages. - [enh] Added `ro-RO` locale. - [enh] Added `table-no-bordered` class to remove table-bordered style. - [enh] Added `bootstrap-table-all.js` and `bootstrap-table-locale-all.js` files to dist. - [enh] Added detail view feature. - [enh] Added `updateCell` method. - [enh] Added `onClickCell` and `onDblClickCell` events. - [bug] Fix #672: Column Fixed Width in Percentage bug. - [bug] Fix row state field value bug when there are disabled rows. - [bug] Fix #762: save tr's data-* attributes. - [bug] Fix #823, #850: break rowspan bug, data-attribute bug. ### 1.7.0 - [enh] Add `showFooter`, `keyEvents`, `searchText` and `uniqueId` options. - [enh] Add `cardVisible` column options. - [enh] Add `checkBy` and `uncheckBy`, `showRow` and `hideRow` and `getRowsHidden` methods. - [enh] Add nb-NO, ar-SA, es-MX, ka-GE locales. - [enh] Add cookie, resizable, natural-sorting, toolbar extensions. - [enh] Add exportOptions to export extension. - [enh] Fix #263: prepend method support object and array. - [enh] Card View support checkbox and radio. - [bug] Fix Card View events bug. - [enh] Keep all `data-*` attributes when transform from normal table. - [enh] Load method support fixedScroll param. - [enh] Added 'all' option in pagination. - [enh] Added pagination detail align. ### 1.6.0 - [bug] Fix queryParams bug when use `sidePagination='server'`. - [enh] Add uk-UA, sv-SE, pt-PT, ms-MY, ja-JP locales. - [enh] Add `searchTimeOut` option. - [bug] Fix #220: state column hideColumn bug. - [bug] Fix #221: cellStyle bug. - [enh] Add `iconsPrefix` and `icons` options to support custom icons. - [enh] Add i18n support for docs. - [enh] Allow `query` params to be specified during refresh. - [bug] Fix bug of ellipsis string. - [bug] Fix pageList smartDisplay. - [bug] Fix #188: Export Button is not shown only use `showExport=true`. - [bug] Fix page-change event params bug. - [enh] Add limit and offset params only if pagination is activated. - [enh] Add `ajaxOptions` option to custom $.ajax options. - [enh] Add a toggle pagination toolbar button. - [enh] Add `iconSize` option. - [enh] Add `buttonsAlign` option and update `toolbarAlign` option. - [enh] Add `prepend`, `insertRow` and `toggleView` methods. - [enh] Add `` event to editatble extension. - [enh] #431: load method support pagination. ### 1.5.0 - [bug] Fix #144: `onCheck` and `onUncheck` events are reversed when using `clickToSelect` option. (jQuery 1.7.2 bug). - [bug] Fix IE browser display header bug when use `mergeCells` method. - [bug] Fix #269: array as row bug. - [bug] Fix #314: `rowStyle` bug. - [enh] Add de-DE, hu-HU, sk-SK locales. - [enh] Fix #261: add namespace to `.table` style. - [bug] Fix #160, #323: operate events don't work in card view. - [enh] Add `filterBy`, `scrollTo`, `prevPage` and `nextPage`, `check` and `uncheck` methods. - [enh] Add `onPreBody` and `onPostBody` events. - [enh] Add `searchable` column option. - [enh] Fix #59: support load multiple locale files. - [enh] Modify the scope of the column events. - [enh] Improve editable extension. ### 1.4.0 - [enh] Fix #119, #123: Save all `id` and `class` of `tr` and `td` for html table. - [enh] Fix #149: Hide empty data on Card view. - [enh] Fix #131: Add `onPageChange` event. - [enh] Add `onSearch` event. - [enh] Apply `width` column option to row style. - [enh] Add bootstrap-table-filter extension. - [enh] Add cs-CZ, es-CR, es-NI, pl-PL, ur-PK, ko-KR, th-TH locales. - [bug] Fix `minimumCountColumns` option init error. - [bug] Fix #161: `undefined` or `null` string sort bug. - [bug] Fix #171: IE disabled button can be clicked bug. - [bug] Fix #185: Reset the page to the first page when changing the url with `refresh` method. - [bug] Fix #202: updateRow method keep the scroll position. - [enh] Add `smartDisplay` option. - [enh] Add `searchAlign` and `toolbarAlign` options. - [enh] Fix #193: Add `dataType` option. - [enh] Add flatJSON and editable extensions. - [enh] Add `rowAttributes` option. - [enh] Update documentation. ### 1.3.0 - [enh] Take `showHeader` option effect to the card view. - [enh] Rename and update locale files. - [bug] Fix #102: Wrong `options.columns` initialization. - [enh] Fix #121: Add extensions for bootstrap table. - [bug] Fix #138: IE8 search data and remove method error. - [bug] Fix bug: sorter and check all do not work in some case. - [enh] Add `bootstrap-table-nl-NL.js` and `bootstrap-table-el-GR.js`. - [enh] Support search without data-field set, trim search input. - [enh] Fix #81: Allow the `class` to be applied to the radio or checkbox row. - [bug] Fix #135, #142: Search use formatted data. - [enh] Verify search text before send queryParams. - [bug] Fix #148: column events support namespace. - [enh] Support to disable radio or checkbox column by formatter. ### 1.2.4 - [enh] Fix #23: Add css and classes parameters to column cell. - [enh] Fix #64: Add support for change remote url. - [enh] Fix #112: update the `refresh` method. - [bug] Fix #113: Using radio type and cardView error. - [enh] Fix #117: Add `updateRow` method. - [enh] Fix #96, #103: apply `class` option to td elements. - [enh] Fix #97: add `sortable` class to header cells instead of `cursor: pointer`. - [enh] Fix #124: change `queryParams` and `queryParamsType` default option. - [enh] Remove the `eval` method. - [enh] Add `bootstrap-table-it-IT.js` locale. ### 1.2.3 - [bug] Fix the selected row class reset after toggle column bug. - [bug] Fix #86: invisible column are still searchable. - [bug] Fix search result error when toggle column display. - [enh] Add `clickToSelect` to columns. - [bug] Fix click-row event bug. - [enh] When field is undefined, use index instead. - [enh] Add `cache` option for AJAX calls. - [enh] Improve zh-TW translation. - [enh] #82: Add `getData` method. - [enh] #82: Add `remove` method. ### 1.2.2 - Fix #68: Add `showColumn`/`hideColumn` methods. - Fix #69: Add `bootstrap-table-es_AR.js` locale. - Fix #88: Add `bootstrap-table-fr_BE.js` locale. - Fix #85: Select row and add row class. - Add `halign` column option. ### 1.2.1 - Fix #56: Pagination issue in bootstrap 2.3. - Fix #76: After refreshing table data, search no longer works. - Fix #77: After searching and then clearing the search field, table is no longer sortable. - Add `sortable` option, `false` to disable sortable of all columns. - Support localization for docs. ### 1.2.0 - Fix bootstrap 2 table border bug. - Fix loading and not found record display bug. - Update `minimunCountColumns` option to `minimumCountColumns`. - Fix sort order bug. ### 1.1.5 - Fix the bottom border bug on Chrome. - Add horizontal scroll for support. - Fix scroll header width error. - Add `showRefresh` and `showToggle` options. ### 1.1.4 - Fix `destroy` method bug. - Initialize table data from HTML. - Fix the hidden table reset header bug. ### 1.1.3 - Add `events` column option. - Add `checkboxHeader` option. - Add `queryParamsType` option. - Fix ie class bug, and fix duplicated data error. ### 1.1.2 - Add switchable column option. - Add `data-toggle` attribute. - Add support for number search. - Use html function instead of text in header th. ### 1.1.1 - Remove `bootstrapVerion` option. - Add `data-page-list` attribute. - Fix search data error. - Non case sensitive search in client side. - Added support for Danish translation. ### 1.1.0 - Fix old firefox browser display error. - Add minimunCountColumns option. - Update the table body header implementation and resetView method. - Remove bootstrapVersion option. - Fix search data error. ### 1.0.6 - Add jQuery events. - Add `onDblClickRow` event and `onAll` event. - Add `singleSelect` option. - Search improvent: add a timeout and trigger the search event when the text has changed to improve the search. - Scroll to top after data loaded. - Add `toolbar` option. - Add `rowStyle` option. - Add `bootstrapVersion` option. ### 1.0.5 - Update the pagination list position. - Update `queryParams` option. - Add `contentType` and `onBeforeLoad` options. - Add server side pagination(`pageSize, pageNumber, searchText, sortName, sortOrder`). - Add `COLUMN_DEFAULTS`. - Add `refresh` method. - Add `index` argument in `formatter` function. - Update card view display. ### 1.0.4 - Add `showLoading` and `hideLoading` methods. - Add `onLoadSuccess` and `onLoadError` events. - Add `clickToSelect` option. - Add `cardView` option. - Add loading with `formatLoadingMessage` function. - Add `idField` option. ### 1.0.3 - Update fixed headers. - Add zh-TW locale file. - Add `showColumns` option and `visible` column option. - Update `hideHeader` option to `showHeader`. - Add `formatNoMatches` locale function. - Add table events. ### 1.0.2 - Add i18n support. - Add `selectItemName` option. - Update the `pageList` default. - Add `search` option. - Add `destroy` method. - Add page list support. ### 1.0.1 - Add `pagination` support. ### 1.0.0 - Initial release