using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Linq; using System; using System.Data; using BP.DA; using BP.En; using BP.Web; using BP.Sys; using BP.WF.Template; using BP.WF.Template.Frm; using BP.Difference; namespace BP.WF.HttpHandler { /// /// 处理页面的业务逻辑 /// public class WF_Admin_FoolFormDesigner : DirectoryPageBase { #region 表单设计器. public string Designer_Move() { //当前的MyPK. string mypk = this.MyPK; //当前的主键. //获得当前分组下的字段集合. string mypks = this.GetRequestVal("MyPKs"); //字段集合. int groupID = this.GetRequestValInt("GroupID"); GroupField gf = new GroupField(groupID); if (gf.CtrlType.Equals("") == false) return "err@你不能移动到【" + gf.Lab + "】它是非字段分组,您不能移动。"; string sql = ""; string[] strs = mypks.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { var str = strs[i]; if (str.Equals(mypk)) sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapAttr SET GroupID=" + groupID + ", Idx=" + i + " WHERE MyPK='" + str + "'"; else sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapAttr SET Idx=" + i + " WHERE MyPK='" + str + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } return "表单顺序移动成功.."; } /// /// 字段分组移动. /// /// public string DesignerVue_GF_Move() { string[] strs = this.GetRequestVal("Vals").Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { string str = strs[i]; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) continue; string sql = "UPDATE Sys_GroupField SET Idx=" + i + " WHERE OID=" + str; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } return "分组顺序移动成功..."; } /// /// 自动创建字段接口 /// /// public string DesignerVue_CreateField() { //获得类型. int dataType = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("DataType")); int fIdx = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("Idx")); MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); int idx = 0; while (true) { idx++; string field = "F" + idx.ToString(); attr.MyPK = this.FrmID + "_" + field; if (attr.IsExits == true) continue; // if (attr.IsExit("KeyOfEn", field, "FK_MapData", this.FrmID, "DataType", dataType) == true) // continue; if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppString) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "文字" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppInt) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "Int数值" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "开关类型:" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppMoney) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "金额类型:" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppFloat) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "Float数值" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppDouble) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "Double数值" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppDate) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "Date" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } if (dataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime) { attr.setKeyOfEn(field); attr.Name = "DateTime" + field; attr.MyDataType = dataType; attr.setIdx(fIdx); attr.Insert(); return attr.ToJson(); } return "err@参数类型错误:dataType:" + dataType + ",没有判断."; } return "err@不应该运行到这里."; } /// /// 删除字段 /// /// public string DesignerVue_DeleteField() { MapAttr ma = new MapAttr(this.MyPK); ma.Delete(); return "删除成功."; } /// /// 是不是第一次进来. /// public bool IsFirst { get { if (this.GetRequestVal("IsFirst") == null || this.GetRequestVal("IsFirst") == "" || this.GetRequestVal("IsFirst") == "null") return false; return true; } } /// /// 检查表单 /// /// public string Designer_CheckFrm() { #region 检查完整性. if (this.FK_MapData.ToUpper().Contains("BP.") == true) { /*如果是类的实体.*/ Entities ens = ClassFactory.GetEns(this.FK_MapData); Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; MapData mymd = new MapData(); mymd.No = this.FK_MapData; mymd.ClearCash(); //清除缓存。 int i = mymd.RetrieveFromDBSources(); if (i == 0) en.DTSMapToSys_MapData(this.FK_MapData); //调度数据到 mymd.RetrieveFromDBSources(); mymd.HisFrmType = FrmType.FoolForm; mymd.Update(); } #endregion // MapFrmFool cols = new MapFrmFool(this.FK_MapData); // cols.DoCheckFixFrmForUpdateVer(); return "url@Designer.htm?FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node; } /// /// 设计器初始化. /// /// public string Designer_Init() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //如果是第一次进入,就执行旧版本的升级检查. if (this.IsFirst == true) { return Designer_CheckFrm(); } //把表单属性放入里面去. MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); //清缓存 md.ClearCash(); ds.Tables.Add(md.ToDataTableField("Sys_MapData").Copy()); // 字段属性. MapAttrs mattrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapData); foreach (MapAttr item in mattrs) item.DefVal = item.DefValReal; ds.Tables.Add(mattrs.ToDataTableField("Sys_MapAttr")); MapDtls dtls = new MapDtls(); dtls.Retrieve(MapDtlAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, MapDtlAttr.FK_Node, 0); ds.Tables.Add(dtls.ToDataTableField("Sys_MapDtl")); GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(this.FK_MapData); // 检查组件的分组是否完整? foreach (GroupField item in gfs) { bool isHave = false; if (item.CtrlType == null) item.CtrlType = ""; if (item.CtrlType == "Dtl") { foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { if (dtl.No == item.CtrlID) { isHave = true; break; } } //分组不存在了,就删除掉他. if (isHave == false) item.Delete(); } } ds.Tables.Add(gfs.ToDataTableField("Sys_GroupField")); MapFrames frms = new MapFrames(this.FK_MapData); ds.Tables.Add(frms.ToDataTableField("Sys_MapFrame")); //附件表. FrmAttachments aths = new FrmAttachments(this.FK_MapData); ds.Tables.Add(aths.ToDataTableField("Sys_FrmAttachment")); //加入扩展属性. MapExts MapExts = new MapExts(this.FK_MapData); ds.Tables.Add(MapExts.ToDataTableField("Sys_MapExt")); if (this.FK_MapData.IndexOf("ND") == 0) { string nodeStr = this.FK_MapData.Replace("ND", ""); if (DataType.IsNumStr(nodeStr) == true) { FrmNodeComponent fnc = new FrmNodeComponent(int.Parse(nodeStr)); // var f = fnc.GetValFloatByKey("FWC_H"); ds.Tables.Add(fnc.ToDataTableField("WF_Node").Copy()); } } //把dataet转化成json 对象. return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } #endregion public string Designer_AthNew() { FrmAttachment ath = new FrmAttachment(); ath.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); ath.NoOfObj = this.GetRequestVal("AthNo"); ath.setMyPK(ath.FK_MapData + "_" + ath.NoOfObj); if (ath.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1) return "err@附件ID:" + ath.NoOfObj + "已经存在."; BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CreateOrSaveAthMulti(this.FK_MapData, this.GetRequestVal("AthNo"), "我的附件"); return ath.MyPK; } /// /// 生成随机的字段ID. /// /// public string GenerRandomFieldID() { string sql = "SELECT count(MyPK) as MyNum FROM Sys_MapAttr WHERE FK_MapData='" + this.FrmID + "'"; int idx = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql); for (int i = idx; i < 999; i++) { string str = "F" + i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); sql = "SELECT count(MyPK) as MyNum FROM Sys_MapAttr WHERE FK_MapData='" + this.FrmID + "' AND KeyOfEn='" + str + "'"; var num = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql); if (num == 0) return str; } return "err@系统错误."; } /// /// 初始化 /// /// public string MapDefDtlFreeFrm_Init() { string isFor = this.GetRequestVal("For"); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(isFor) == false) return "sln@" + isFor; if (this.FK_MapDtl.Contains("_Ath") == true) return "info@附件扩展"; if (this.FK_MapDtl.ToUpper().Contains("BP.WF.RETURNWORKS") == true) return "info@退回字段扩展"; MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(); //如果传递来了节点信息, 就是说明了独立表单的节点方案处理, 现在就要做如下判断 if (this.FK_Node != 0) { dtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl + "_" + this.FK_Node; if (dtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { // 开始复制它的属性. MapAttrs mattrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapDtl); MapDtl odtl = new Sys.MapDtl(); odtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl; int i = odtl.RetrieveFromDBSources(); if (i == 0) return "info@字段列"; //存储表要与原明细表一致 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(odtl.PTable)) dtl.PTable = odtl.No; else dtl.PTable = odtl.PTable; //让其直接保存. dtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl + "_" + this.FK_Node; dtl.setFK_MapData("Temp"); dtl.DirectInsert(); //生成一个明细表属性的主表. //字段的分组也要一同复制 Dictionary groupids = new Dictionary(); //循环保存字段. int idx = 0; foreach (MapAttr item in mattrs) { if (item.GroupID != 0) { if (groupids.ContainsKey(item.GroupID)) { item.GroupID = groupids[item.GroupID]; } else { GroupField gf = new Sys.GroupField(); gf.OID = item.GroupID; if (gf.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { gf.Lab = "默认分组"; } gf.EnName = dtl.No; gf.InsertAsNew(); if (groupids.ContainsKey(item.GroupID) == false) groupids.Add(item.GroupID, gf.OID); item.GroupID = gf.OID; } } item.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapDtl + "_" + this.FK_Node); item.setMyPK(item.FK_MapData + "_" + item.KeyOfEn); item.Save(); idx++; item.Idx = idx; item.DirectUpdate(); } MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = "Temp"; if (md.IsExits == false) { md.Name = "为权限方案设置的临时的数据"; md.Insert(); } } return "sln@" + dtl.No; } dtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl; if (dtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CreateOrSaveDtl(this.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapDtl, this.FK_MapDtl); else BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CreateOrSaveDtl(this.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapDtl, dtl.Name); return "创建成功."; } /// /// 构造函数 /// public WF_Admin_FoolFormDesigner() { } /// /// 转拼音 /// /// public string ParseStringToPinyin() { string name = GetRequestVal("name"); string flag = GetRequestVal("flag"); //此处为字段中文转拼音,设置为最大20个字符,edited by liuxc,2017-9-25 return BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.ParseStringToPinyinField(name, Equals(flag, "true"), true, 20); } /// /// 增加一个枚举类型 /// /// public string SysEnumList_SaveEnumField() { string dtlKey = this.GetRequestVal("DtlKeyOfEn"); MapAttr attr = new Sys.MapAttr(); attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn); if (attr.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0) return "err@字段名[" + this.KeyOfEn + "]已经存在."; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(dtlKey) == false) { attr = new Sys.MapAttr(); attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + dtlKey); if (attr.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0) return "err@字段名[" + dtlKey + "]已经存在."; } attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.UIBindKey = this.GetRequestVal("EnumKey"); attr.GroupID = this.GetRequestValInt("GroupFeid"); int uiContralType = this.GetRequestValInt("UIContralType"); if (uiContralType != 0) { attr.setUIContralType((UIContralType)uiContralType); if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.RadioBtn) attr.SetPara("RBShowModel", 3); //设置模式. } else attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.DDL); if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.CheckBok) attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppString); else attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppInt); attr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.Enum); SysEnumMain sem = new Sys.SysEnumMain(); sem.No = attr.UIBindKey; if (sem.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0) attr.Name = sem.Name; else { Int32 count = sem.Retrieve("EnumKey", attr.UIBindKey, "OrgNo", WebUser.OrgNo); if (count != 0) attr.Name = sem.Name; else attr.setName("枚举" + attr.UIBindKey); } //paras参数 Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.SQL = "SELECT OID FROM Sys_GroupField A WHERE A.FrmID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "FrmID AND ( CtrlType='' OR CtrlType IS NULL ) ORDER BY OID DESC "; ps.Add("FrmID", this.FK_MapData); attr.GroupID = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(ps, 0); attr.Insert(); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(dtlKey) == false) { attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + dtlKey); attr.setKeyOfEn(dtlKey); string uiBindKey = sem.GetParaString("DtlEnumKey"); attr.UIBindKey = uiBindKey; attr.Name = sem.GetParaString("DtlName"); attr.Insert(); //创建联动关系 MapExt ext = new MapExt(); string mypk = "ActiveDDL_" + this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn; ext.setMyPK(mypk); ext.AttrsOfActive = dtlKey; ext.DBType = "0"; ext.FK_DBSrc = "local"; ext.Doc = "Select IntKey as No, Lab as Name From " + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.SysEnum() + " Where EnumKey='" + uiBindKey + "' AND IntKey>=@Key*100 AND IntKey< (@Key*100/#100)"; ext.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); ext.AttrOfOper = this.KeyOfEn; ext.ExtType = "ActiveDDL"; ext.Insert(); } return this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn; } /// /// 保存空白的分组. /// /// public string GroupField_SaveBlank() { string no = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Blank_No"); string name = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Blank_Name"); GroupField gf = new GroupField(); gf.OID = this.GetRequestValInt("GroupField"); if (gf.OID != 0) gf.Retrieve(); gf.CtrlID = no; gf.EnName = this.FK_MapData; gf.Lab = name; gf.Save(); return "保存成功."; } /// /// 审核分组保存 /// /// public string GroupField_Save() { string lab = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Check_Name"); if (lab.Length == 0) return "err@审核角色不能为空"; string prx = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Check_No"); if (prx.Length == 0) prx = DataType.ParseStringToPinyin(lab); MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); int i = attr.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, prx + "_Note"); i += attr.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, prx + "_Checker"); i += attr.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, prx + "_RDT"); if (i > 0) return "err@前缀已经使用:" + prx + " , 请确认您是否增加了这个审核分组或者,请您更换其他的前缀。"; BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CreateCheckGroup(this.FK_MapData, lab, prx); return "保存成功"; } /// /// 保存分组 /// /// public string GroupField_SaveCheck() { string lab = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Check_Name"); string prx = this.GetRequestVal("TB_Check_No"); BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CreateCheckGroup(this.FK_MapData, lab, prx); return "创建成功..."; } /// /// /// 删除分组 /// /// public string GroupField_DeleteCheck() { GroupField gf = new GroupField(); gf.OID = this.GetRequestValInt("GroupField"); gf.Delete(); MapFrmFool md = new MapFrmFool(this.FK_MapData); md.DoCheckFixFrmForUpdateVer(); return "删除成功..."; } /// /// /// 删除并删除该分组下的字段 /// /// public string GroupField_DeleteAllCheck() { MapAttrs mattrs = new MapAttrs(); mattrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.GroupID, this.GetRequestValInt("GroupField")); foreach (MapAttr attr in mattrs) { if (attr.HisEditType != EditType.Edit) continue; if (attr.KeyOfEn == "FID") continue; attr.Delete(); } GroupField gf = new GroupField(); gf.OID = this.GetRequestValInt("GroupField"); gf.Delete(); return "删除并删除该分组下的字段成功..."; } public string ImpTableField_Step1() { BP.Sys.SFDBSrcs ens = new BP.Sys.SFDBSrcs(); ens.RetrieveAll(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(ens.ToDataTableField("SFDBSrcs")); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } public string FK_MapData { get { string str = this.GetRequestVal("FK_MapData"); //context.Request.QueryString["FK_MapData"]; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) str = this.GetRequestVal("FrmID"); return str; } } public string FK_SFDBSrc { get { return this.GetRequestVal("FK_SFDBSrc"); //return context.Request.QueryString["FK_SFDBSrc"]; } } private string _STable = null; public string STable { get { if (_STable == null) { //return this.GetRequestVal("FK_SFDBSrc"); _STable = this.GetRequestVal("STable");// context.Request.QueryString["STable"]; if (_STable == null || "".Equals(_STable)) { BP.En.Entity en = BP.En.ClassFactory.GetEn(this.FK_MapData); if (en != null) _STable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; else { MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); _STable = md.PTable; } } } if (_STable == null) _STable = ""; return _STable; } } public string ImpTableField_Step2() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SFDBSrc src = new SFDBSrc(this.FK_SFDBSrc); ds.Tables.Add(src.ToDataTableField("SFDBSrc")); DataTable tables = src.GetTables(); tables.TableName = "tables"; ds.Tables.Add(tables); DataTable tableColumns = src.GetColumns(this.STable); tableColumns.TableName = "columns"; ds.Tables.Add(tableColumns); MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapData); ds.Tables.Add(attrs.ToDataTableField("attrs")); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.TableName = "STable"; dt.Columns.Add("STable"); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["STable"] = this.STable; dt.Rows.Add(dr); ds.Tables.Add(dt); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } /// /// 列 /// private List sCols = null; /// /// 列 /// public List SColumns { get { if (sCols != null) return sCols; string cols = this.GetRequestVal("SColumns") ?? ""; string[] arr = cols.Split(','); sCols = new List(); foreach (string s in arr) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) continue; sCols.Add(s); } return sCols; } } /// /// 导入步骤 /// /// public string ImpTableField_Step3() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SFDBSrc src = new SFDBSrc(this.FK_SFDBSrc); var tableColumns = src.GetColumns(this.STable); DataTable dt = tableColumns.Clone(); dt.TableName = "selectedColumns"; foreach (DataRow dr in tableColumns.Rows) { if (this.SColumns.Contains(dr["No"])) { dt.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } } ds.Tables.Add(dt); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(MapAttrAttr.MyDataType); ds.Tables.Add(ens.ToDataTableField("MyDataType")); SysEnums ens1 = new SysEnums(MapAttrAttr.LGType); ds.Tables.Add(ens1.ToDataTableField("LGType")); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } /// /// 保存字段 /// /// public string ImpTableField_Save() { MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = this.FK_MapData; md.RetrieveFromDBSources(); string msg = md.Name + "导入字段信息:" + this.FK_MapData; bool isLeft = true; // float maxEnd = md.MaxEnd; Int32 iGroupID = 0; Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.SQL = "SELECT OID FROM Sys_GroupField WHERE FrmID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "FrmID and (CtrlType is null or CtrlType ='') ORDER BY OID DESC "; ps.Add("FrmID", this.FK_MapData); DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(ps); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { iGroupID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } foreach (string name in HttpContextHelper.RequestParamKeys) { if (name.StartsWith("HID_Idx_") == false) continue; string columnName = name.Substring("HID_Idx_".Length); MapAttr ma = new MapAttr(); ma.setKeyOfEn(columnName); ma.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); ma.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + ma.KeyOfEn); if (ma.IsExits) { msg += "\t\n字段:" + ma.KeyOfEn + " - " + ma.Name + "已存在."; continue; } ma.Name = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Desc_" + columnName); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(ma.Name)) ma.Name = ma.KeyOfEn; ma.MyDataType = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_DBType_" + columnName); //翻译过去. string len = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Len_" + columnName); if (len.Equals("null") || DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(len) == true) len = "20"; try { int mylen = int.Parse(len); if (mylen > 4000) { mylen = 0; //ma.isu = true; } ma.setMaxLen(mylen); } catch (Exception) { ma.setMaxLen(0); //throw new Exception("err@转化为最大长度的时候错误:" + ma.KeyOfEn + " len:" + len); } ma.UIBindKey = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_BindKey_" + columnName); ma.LGType = BP.En.FieldTypeS.Normal; ma.GroupID = iGroupID; //绑定了外键或者枚举. if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(ma.UIBindKey) == false) { SysEnums se = new SysEnums(); se.Retrieve(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, ma.UIBindKey); if (se.Count > 0) { ma.setMyDataType(DataType.AppInt); ma.LGType = BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum; ma.setUIContralType(BP.En.UIContralType.DDL); } SFTable tb = new SFTable(); tb.No = ma.UIBindKey; if (tb.IsExits == true) { ma.setMyDataType(DataType.AppString); ma.LGType = BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK; ma.setUIContralType(BP.En.UIContralType.DDL); } } if (ma.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) ma.UIContralType = BP.En.UIContralType.CheckBok; ma.Insert(); msg += "\t\n字段:" + ma.KeyOfEn + " - " + ma.Name + "加入成功."; isLeft = !isLeft; } //更新名称. DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE Sys_MapAttr SET Name=KeyOfEn WHERE Name=NULL OR Name='' "); return msg; } /// /// 框架信息. /// /// public string MapFrame_Init() { MapFrame mf = new MapFrame(); mf.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); if (this.MyPK == null) { mf.URL = ""; mf.W = 400; mf.H = 300; mf.setName("我的框架."); mf.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); mf.setMyPK(DBAccess.GenerGUID()); } else { mf.setMyPK(this.MyPK); mf.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } return mf.ToJson(); } /// /// 框架信息保存. /// /// public string MapFrame_Save() { MapFrame mf = new MapFrame(); mf = BP.Pub.PubClass.CopyFromRequestByPost(mf) as MapFrame; mf.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); mf.Save(); //执行保存. return "保存成功.."; } #region SFList 外键表列表. /// /// 删除 /// /// public string SFList_Delete() { try { SFTable sf = new SFTable(this.FK_SFTable); sf.Delete(); return "删除成功..."; } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@" + ex.Message; } } /// /// 字典表列表. /// /// public string SFList_Init() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = null; SFTables ens = new SFTables(); //获取关键字 string Key = this.GetRequestVal("Key"); //如果关键之不为空,直接查询 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Key)) { ens.RetrieveAll(); dt = ens.ToDataTableField("SFTables"); ds.Tables.Add(dt); }//如果关键字为空,按条件查询 else { QueryObject ob = new QueryObject(ens); // 查询条件示例:where No like '%Key%' or Name like '%Key%' ob.AddWhere(SFTableAttr.No, "like", "%" + Key + "%"); ob.addOr(); ob.AddWhere(SFTableAttr.Name, "like", "%" + Key + "%"); //根据No 排序 ob.addOrderBy(SFTableAttr.No); //返回对象为dt dt = ob.DoQueryToTable(); dt.TableName = "SFTables"; ds.Tables.Add(dt); } int pTableModel = 0; if (this.GetRequestVal("PTableModel").Equals("2")) pTableModel = 2; //获得ptableModel. if (pTableModel == 0) { MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(); dtl.No = this.FK_MapData; if (dtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1) { pTableModel = dtl.PTableModel; } else { MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = this.FK_MapData; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1) pTableModel = md.PTableModel; } } if (pTableModel == 2) { DataTable mydt = MapData.GetFieldsOfPTableMode2(this.FK_MapData); mydt.TableName = "Fields"; ds.Tables.Add(mydt); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } public string SFList_SaveSFField() { MapAttr attr = new Sys.MapAttr(); attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn); if (attr.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0) return "err@字段名[" + this.KeyOfEn + "]已经存在."; BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.SaveFieldSFTable(this.FK_MapData, this.KeyOfEn, null, this.GetRequestVal("SFTable"), 100, 100, 1); attr.Retrieve(); Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.SQL = "SELECT OID FROM Sys_GroupField A WHERE A.FrmID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "FrmID AND (CtrlType='' OR CtrlType IS NULL) ORDER BY OID DESC "; ps.Add("FrmID", this.FK_MapData); attr.GroupID = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(ps, 0); attr.Update(); SFTable sf = new SFTable(attr.UIBindKey); if (sf.SrcType == DictSrcType.TableOrView || sf.SrcType == DictSrcType.BPClass || sf.SrcType == DictSrcType.CreateTable) return "../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrSFTable&PKVal=" + attr.MyPK; else return "../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrSFSQL&PKVal=" + attr.MyPK; } #endregion 外键表列表. /// /// 初始化表. /// /// public string EditTableField_Init() { MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MyPK) == false) { attr.setMyPK(this.MyPK); attr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } else { SFTable sf = new SFTable(this.FK_SFTable); attr.Name = sf.Name; attr.setKeyOfEn(sf.No); } //第1次加载. attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.DDL); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); //字体大小. int size = attr.Para_FontSize; if (size == 0) attr.Para_FontSize = 12; //横跨的列数. if (attr.ColSpan == 0) attr.ColSpan = 1; return attr.ToJson(); } /// /// 从表里选择字段. /// /// public string FieldTypeListChoseOneField_Init() { string ptable = ""; MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(); dtl.No = this.FK_MapData; if (dtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1) { ptable = dtl.PTable; } else { MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); ptable = md.PTable; } //获得原始数据. DataTable dt = DBAccess.GetTableSchema(ptable, false); //创建样本. DataTable mydt = DBAccess.GetTableSchema(ptable, false); mydt.Rows.Clear(); //获得现有的列.. MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapData); string flowFiels = ",GUID,PRI,PrjNo,PrjName,PEmp,AtPara,FlowNote,WFSta,PNodeID,FK_FlowSort,FK_Flow,OID,FID,Title,WFState,CDT,FlowStarter,FlowStartRDT,FK_Dept,FK_NY,FlowDaySpan,FlowEmps,FlowEnder,FlowEnderRDT,FlowEndNode,PWorkID,PFlowNo,BillNo,ProjNo,"; //排除已经存在的列. foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string key = dr["FName"].ToString(); if (attrs.Contains(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, key) == true) continue; if (flowFiels.Contains("," + key + ",") == true) continue; DataRow mydr = mydt.NewRow(); mydr["FName"] = dr["FName"]; mydr["FType"] = dr["FType"]; mydr["FLen"] = dr["FLen"]; mydr["FDesc"] = dr["FDesc"]; mydt.Rows.Add(mydr); } mydt.TableName = "dt"; return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(mydt); } public string FieldTypeListChoseOneField_Save() { int dataType = this.GetRequestValInt("DataType"); string keyOfEn = this.GetRequestVal("KeyOfEn"); string name = this.GetRequestVal("FDesc"); string frmID = this.GetRequestVal("FK_MapData"); MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.setFK_MapData(frmID); attr.setKeyOfEn(keyOfEn); attr.setMyPK(attr.FK_MapData + "_" + keyOfEn); if (attr.IsExits) return "err@该字段[" + keyOfEn + "]已经加入里面了."; attr.Name = name; attr.MyDataType = dataType; if (DataType.AppBoolean == dataType) attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.CheckBok); else attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); //Paras ps = new Paras(); //ps.SQL = "SELECT OID FROM Sys_GroupField A WHERE A.FrmID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "FrmID AND ( CtrlType='' OR CtrlType= NULL ) "; // ps.Add("FrmID", this.FK_MapData); string sql = "SELECT OID FROM Sys_GroupField A WHERE A.FrmID='" + this.FK_MapData + "' AND (CtrlType='' OR CtrlType= NULL) "; attr.GroupID = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql, 0); attr.Insert(); return "保存成功."; } /// /// 字段选择. /// /// public string FieldTypeSelect_Create() { string no = this.GetRequestVal("KeyOfEn"); if (no == "No") no = "No1"; string name = this.GetRequestVal("name"); string newNo = DataType.ParseStringForNo(no, 0); //string newName = DataType.ParseStringForName(name, 0); string newName = name; int fType = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("FType")); bool isSupperText = this.GetRequestValBoolen("IsSupperText"); MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(); int i = attrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, newNo); if (i != 0) return "err@字段名:" + newNo + "已经存在."; #region 计算GroupID 需要翻译 int iGroupID = this.GroupField; try { Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.SQL = "SELECT OID FROM Sys_GroupField WHERE FrmID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "FrmID and (CtrlType is null or CtrlType ='') ORDER BY OID DESC "; ps.Add("FrmID", this.FK_MapData); DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(ps); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { iGroupID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion try { MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = this.FK_MapData; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() != 0) md.CheckPTableSaveModel(newNo); } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@" + ex.Message; } //求出选择的字段类型. MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.Name = newName; attr.setKeyOfEn(newNo); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); attr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.Normal); attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + newNo); attr.GroupID = iGroupID; attr.MyDataType = fType; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.GetRequestVal("FK_Flow")) == false) attr.SetPara("FK_Flow", this.GetRequestVal("FK_Flow")); int colspan = attr.ColSpan; attr.Para_FontSize = 12; int rows = attr.UIRows; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { UIContralType uiContralType = (UIContralType)this.GetRequestValInt("UIContralType"); attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; if (uiContralType == UIContralType.SignCheck || uiContralType == UIContralType.FlowBBS) { attr.setUIIsEnable(false); attr.setUIVisible(true); } else { attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); } attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppString); attr.setUIContralType(uiContralType); attr.Insert(); if (isSupperText == true) { Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrString attrString = new Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrString(attr.MyPK); attrString.IsSupperText = true; attrString.Update(); } return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrString&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppInt); attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); attr.DefVal = "0"; attr.Insert(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrNum&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppMoney) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppMoney); attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); attr.DefVal = "0.00"; attr.Insert(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrNum&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppFloat) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppFloat); attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); attr.DefVal = "0"; attr.Insert(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrNum&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDouble) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.MyDataType = DataType.AppDouble; attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); attr.DefVal = "0"; attr.Insert(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrNum&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDate) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppDate); attr.Insert(); BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrDT dt = new Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrDT(); dt.setMyPK(attr.MyPK); dt.RetrieveFromDBSources(); dt.Format = 0; dt.Update(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrDT&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDateTime) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppDateTime); attr.Insert(); BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrDT dt = new Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrDT(); dt.setMyPK(attr.MyPK); dt.RetrieveFromDBSources(); dt.Format = 1; dt.Update(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrDT&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { attr.UIWidth = 100; attr.UIHeight = 23; attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setUIIsEnable(true); attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.setMinLen(0); attr.setMaxLen(50); attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.CheckBok); attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppBoolean); attr.DefVal = "0"; attr.Insert(); return "url@../../Comm/En.htm?EnName=BP.Sys.FrmUI.MapAttrBoolen&MyPK=" + attr.MyPK + "&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + newNo + "&FType=" + attr.MyDataType + "&DoType=Edit&GroupField=" + this.GroupField; } return "err@没有判断的字段数据类型." + attr.MyDataTypeStr; } /// /// 字段初始化数据. /// /// public string EditF_FieldInit() { MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MyPK) == false) { attr.setMyPK(this.MyPK); attr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } else { attr.GroupID = this.GroupField; } attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); //字体大小. int size = attr.Para_FontSize; if (size == 0) attr.Para_FontSize = 12; //横跨的列数. if (attr.ColSpan == 0) attr.ColSpan = 1; return attr.ToJson(); } public string FieldInitEnum() { MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MyPK) == false) { attr.setMyPK(this.MyPK); attr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } else { SysEnumMain sem = new SysEnumMain(this.EnumKey); attr.Name = sem.Name; attr.setKeyOfEn(sem.No); attr.DefVal = "0"; } //第1次加载. if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.TB) attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.DDL); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); //字体大小. int size = attr.Para_FontSize; if (size == 0) attr.Para_FontSize = 12; //横跨的列数. if (attr.ColSpan == 0) attr.ColSpan = 1; var model = attr.RBShowModel; attr.RBShowModel = model; return attr.ToJson(); } /// /// 转化成json /// /// public string FieldInitGroupID() { GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(this.FK_MapData); //转化成json输出. return gfs.ToJson(); } /// /// 分组&枚举: 两个数据源. /// /// public string FieldInitGroupAndSysEnum() { GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(this.FK_MapData); //分组值. DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(gfs.ToDataTableField("Sys_GroupField")); //枚举值. string enumKey = this.EnumKey; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(enumKey) == true || enumKey.Equals("null") == true) { MapAttr ma = new MapAttr(this.MyPK); enumKey = ma.UIBindKey; } SysEnums enums = new SysEnums(enumKey); ds.Tables.Add(enums.ToDataTableField("Sys_Enum")); //转化成json输出. string json = BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); // DataType.WriteFile("c:\\FieldInitGroupAndSysEnum.json", json); return json; } /// /// 保存枚举值. /// /// public string FieldSaveEnum() { try { //定义变量. if (this.EnumKey == null) return "err@没有接收到EnumKey的值,无法进行保存操作。"; //@周朋 , 判断数据模式,创建的字段是否符合要求. MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); md.CheckPTableSaveModel(this.KeyOfEn); //赋值. MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MyPK) == false) { attr.setMyPK(this.MyPK); attr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } else { /*判断字段是否存在?*/ if (attr.IsExit(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, this.KeyOfEn, MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData) == true) return "err@字段名:" + this.KeyOfEn + "已经存在."; } attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); attr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.Enum); attr.UIBindKey = this.EnumKey; attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppInt); //控件类型. attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.DDL); attr.Name = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Name"); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_KeyOfEn")); attr.ColSpan = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_ColSpan"); if (attr.ColSpan == 0) attr.ColSpan = 1; //显示方式. attr.RBShowModel = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_RBShowModel"); //控件类型. attr.UIContralType = (UIContralType)this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_CtrlType"); attr.UIIsInput = this.GetValBoolenFromFrmByKey("CB_IsInput"); //是否是必填项. attr.IsEnableJS = this.GetValBoolenFromFrmByKey("CB_IsEnableJS"); //是否启用js设置? attr.Para_FontSize = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_FontSize"); //字体大小. //默认值. attr.DefVal = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_DefVal"); try { //分组. if (this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_GroupID") != 0) attr.GroupID = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_GroupID"); //在那个分组里? } catch { } //是否可用?所有类型的属性,都需要。 int isEnable = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_UIIsEnable"); if (isEnable == 0) attr.setUIIsEnable(false); else attr.setUIIsEnable(true); //是否可见? int visable = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_UIVisible"); if (visable == 0) attr.setUIVisible(false); else attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn); attr.Save(); return "保存成功."; } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@" + ex.Message; } } /// /// 保存外键表字段. /// /// public string EditTableField_Save() { try { //定义变量. if (this.FK_SFTable == null) return "err@没有接收到FK_SFTable的值,无法进行保存操作。"; //赋值. MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MyPK) == false) { attr.setMyPK(this.MyPK); attr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } else { /*判断字段是否存在?*/ if (attr.IsExit(MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, this.KeyOfEn, MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData) == true) return "err@字段名:" + this.KeyOfEn + "已经存在."; } attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); attr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.FK); attr.UIBindKey = this.FK_SFTable; attr.setMyDataType(DataType.AppString); //控件类型. attr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.DDL); attr.Name = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Name"); attr.setKeyOfEn(this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_KeyOfEn")); attr.ColSpan = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_ColSpan"); if (attr.ColSpan == 0) attr.ColSpan = 1; attr.UIIsInput = this.GetValBoolenFromFrmByKey("CB_IsInput"); //是否是必填项. attr.Para_FontSize = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_FontSize"); //字体大小. //默认值. attr.DefVal = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_DefVal"); try { //分组. if (this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_GroupID") != 0) attr.GroupID = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_GroupID"); //在那个分组里? } catch { } //是否可用?所有类型的属性,都需要。 int isEnable = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_UIIsEnable"); if (isEnable == 0) attr.setUIIsEnable(false); else attr.setUIIsEnable(true); //是否可见? int visable = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_UIVisible"); if (visable == 0) attr.setUIVisible(false); else attr.setUIVisible(true); attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn); attr.Save(); return "保存成功."; } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@" + ex.Message; } } /// /// 执行保存. /// /// //public string EditF_Save() //{ // try // { // //定义变量. // int fType = int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("FType")); //字段数据物理类型 // FieldTypeS lgType = (FieldTypeS)int.Parse(this.GetRequestVal("LGType")); //逻辑类型. // string uiBindKey = this.GetRequestVal("UIBindKey");// context.Request.QueryString["UIBindKey"]; // //赋值. // MapAttr attr = new MapAttr(); // attr.setKeyOfEn(this.KeyOfEn); // attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); // attr.LGType = lgType; //逻辑类型. // attr.UIBindKey = uiBindKey; //绑定的枚举或者外键. // attr.MyDataType = fType; //物理类型. // if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MyPK) == false) // { // attr.setMyPK(this.MyPK); // attr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); // } // attr.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); // attr.MyDataType = fType; //数据类型. // attr.Name = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Name"); // attr.setKeyOfEn(this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_KeyOfEn")); // attr.ColSpan = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_ColSpan"); // if (attr.ColSpan == 0) // attr.ColSpan = 1; // attr.Para_FontSize = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_FontSize"); //字体大小. // attr.Para_Tip = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_Tip"); //操作提示. // //默认值. // attr.DefVal = this.GetValFromFrmByKey("TB_DefVal"); // //对于明细表就可能没有值. // try // { // //分组. // if (this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_GroupID") != 0) // attr.GroupID = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_GroupID"); //在那个分组里? // } // catch // { // } // //把必填项拿出来,所有字段都可以设置成必填项 杨玉慧 // attr.UIIsInput = this.GetValBoolenFromFrmByKey("CB_IsInput"); //是否是必填项. // if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString && lgType == FieldTypeS.Normal) // { // attr.IsRichText = this.GetValBoolenFromFrmByKey("CB_IsRichText"); //是否是富文本? // attr.IsSupperText = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("CB_IsSupperText"); //是否是超大文本? // //高度. // attr.UIHeightInt = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("DDL_Rows") * 23; // //最大最小长度. // attr.setMaxLen(this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_MaxLen")); // attr.setMinLen(this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_MinLen")); // attr.UIWidth = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_UIWidth"); //宽度. // } // switch (attr.MyDataType) // { // case DataType.AppInt: // case DataType.AppFloat: // case DataType.AppDouble: // case DataType.AppMoney: // attr.IsSum = this.GetValBoolenFromFrmByKey("CB_IsSum"); // break; // } // //获取宽度. // try // { // attr.UIWidth = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("TB_UIWidth"); //宽度. // } // catch // { // } // //是否可用?所有类型的属性,都需要。 // int isEnable = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_UIIsEnable"); // if (isEnable == 0) // attr.setUIIsEnable(false); // else // attr.setUIIsEnable(true); // //仅仅对普通类型的字段需要. // if (lgType == FieldTypeS.Normal) // { // //是否可见? // int visable = this.GetValIntFromFrmByKey("RB_UIVisible"); // if (visable == 0) // attr.setUIVisible(false); // else // attr.setUIVisible(true); // } // attr.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.KeyOfEn); // attr.Save(); // return "保存成功."; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // return ex.Message; // } //} /// /// 该方法有2处调用。 /// 1,修改字段。 /// 2,编辑属性。 /// /// public string DtlInit() { MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(); dtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl; if (dtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { dtl.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); dtl.Name = this.FK_MapData; dtl.Insert(); dtl.IntMapAttrs(); } if (this.FK_Node != 0) { /* 如果传递来了节点信息, 就是说明了独立表单的节点方案处理, 现在就要做如下判断. * 1, 如果已经有了. */ dtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl + "_" + this.FK_Node; if (dtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { // 开始复制它的属性. MapAttrs mattrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapDtl); //让其直接保存. dtl.No = this.FK_MapDtl + "_" + this.FK_Node; dtl.setFK_MapData("Temp"); dtl.DirectInsert(); //生成一个明细表属性的主表. //循环保存字段. int idx = 0; foreach (MapAttr item in mattrs) { item.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapDtl + "_" + this.FK_Node); item.setMyPK(item.FK_MapData + "_" + item.KeyOfEn); item.Save(); idx++; item.Idx = idx; item.DirectUpdate(); } MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = "Temp"; if (md.IsExits == false) { md.Name = "为权限方案设置的临时的数据"; md.Insert(); } } } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = dtl.ToDataTableField("Main"); ds.Tables.Add(dt); //获得字段列表. MapAttrs attrsDtl = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapDtl); DataTable dtAttrs = attrsDtl.ToDataTableField("Ens"); ds.Tables.Add(dtAttrs); //返回json配置信息. return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } /// /// 执行保存. /// /// public string DtlSave() { try { //复制. MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(this.FK_MapDtl); //从request对象里复制数据,到entity. BP.Pub.PubClass.CopyFromRequest(dtl); dtl.Update(); return "保存成功..."; } catch (Exception ex) { return "err@" + ex.Message; } } /// /// 下载表单. /// public void DownTempFrm() { string fileFullName = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "Temp/" + this.FK_MapData + ".xml"; HttpContextHelper.ResponseWriteFile(fileFullName, this.FK_MapData + ".xml"); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } public bool IsNodeSheet { get { if (this.FK_MapData.StartsWith("ND") == true) return true; return false; } } /// /// 字段属性编辑 初始化 /// /// public string Attachment_Init() { FrmAttachment ath = new FrmAttachment(); ath.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); ath.NoOfObj = this.Ath; ath.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; if (this.MyPK == null) { if (this.FK_Node == 0) ath.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath); else ath.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath + "_" + this.FK_Node); } else { ath.setMyPK(this.MyPK); } int i = ath.RetrieveFromDBSources(); if (i == 0) { /*初始化默认值.*/ ath.NoOfObj = "Ath1"; ath.Name = "我的附件"; // ath.SaveTo = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "/UploadFile/" + this.FK_MapData + "/"; ath.H = 40; ath.Exts = "*.*"; } if (i == 0 && this.FK_Node != 0) { /*这里处理 独立表单解决方案, 如果有FK_Node 就说明该节点需要单独控制该附件的属性. */ MapData mapData = new MapData(); mapData.RetrieveByAttr(MapDataAttr.No, this.FK_MapData); if (mapData.AppType == "0") { FrmAttachment souceAthMent = new FrmAttachment(); // 查询出来原来的数据. int rowCount = souceAthMent.Retrieve(FrmAttachmentAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, FrmAttachmentAttr.NoOfObj, this.Ath, FrmAttachmentAttr.FK_Node, "0"); if (rowCount > 0) { ath.Copy(souceAthMent); } } if (this.FK_Node == 0) ath.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath); else ath.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath + "_" + this.FK_Node); //插入一个新的. ath.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; ath.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); ath.NoOfObj = this.Ath; // ath.DirectInsert(); } return ath.ToJson(); } /// /// 保存. /// /// public string Attachment_Save() { FrmAttachment ath = new FrmAttachment(); ath.setFK_MapData(this.FK_MapData); ath.NoOfObj = this.Ath; ath.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; ath.setMyPK(this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath); int i = ath.RetrieveFromDBSources(); ath = BP.Pub.PubClass.CopyFromRequestByPost(ath) as FrmAttachment; if (i == 0) ath.Save(); //执行保存. else ath.Update(); return "保存成功.."; } public string Attachment_Delete() { FrmAttachment ath = new FrmAttachment(); ath.setMyPK(this.MyPK); ath.Delete(); return "删除成功.." + ath.MyPK; } #region sfGuide /// /// 获取数据源字典表信息 /// /// public string SFGuide_GetInfo() { string sfno = this.GetRequestVal("sfno"); //context.Request.QueryString["sfno"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sfno)) return "err@参数不正确"; SFTable sftable = new SFTable(sfno); DataTable dt = sftable.ToDataTableField("info"); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper(); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } public string SFGuide_SaveInfo() { bool IsNew = this.GetRequestValBoolen("IsNew"); string sfno = this.GetRequestVal("No"); string myname = this.GetRequestVal("Name"); string srctype = this.GetRequestVal("SrcType"); int codestruct = this.GetRequestValInt("CodeStruct"); string defval = this.GetRequestVal("DefVal"); string sfdbsrc = this.GetRequestVal("FK_SFDBSrc"); string srctable = this.GetRequestVal("SrcTable"); string columnvalue = this.GetRequestVal("ColumnValue"); string columntext = this.GetRequestVal("ColumnText"); string parentvalue = this.GetRequestVal("ParentValue"); string tabledesc = this.GetRequestVal("TableDesc"); string selectstatement = this.GetRequestVal("Selectstatement"); //判断是否已经存在 SFTable sftable = new SFTable(); sftable.No = sfno; if (IsNew && sftable.RetrieveFromDBSources() > 0) return "err@字典编号" + sfno + "已经存在,不允许重复。"; sftable.Name = myname; sftable.SrcType = srctype; sftable.CodeStruct = (CodeStruct)codestruct; sftable.DefVal = defval; sftable.FK_SFDBSrc = sfdbsrc; sftable.SrcTable = srctable; sftable.ColumnValue = columnvalue; sftable.ColumnText = columntext; sftable.ParentValue = parentvalue; sftable.TableDesc = tabledesc; sftable.SelectStatement = selectstatement; switch (sftable.SrcType) { case DictSrcType.BPClass: string[] nos = sftable.No.Split('.'); sftable.FK_Val = "FK_" + nos[nos.Length - 1].TrimEnd('s'); sftable.FK_SFDBSrc = "local"; break; default: sftable.FK_Val = "FK_" + sftable.No; break; } sftable.Save(); return "保存成功!"; } public string SFGuide_Getmtds() { string src = this.GetRequestVal("src"); //context.Request.QueryString["src"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src)) return "err@系统中没有webservices类型的数据源,该类型的外键表不能创建,请维护数据源."; SFDBSrc sr = new SFDBSrc(src); if (sr.DBSrcType != DBSrcType.WebServices) return "err@数据源“" + sr.Name + "”不是WebService数据源."; List mtds = GetWebServiceMethods(sr); return LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson(mtds); } public string SFGuide_GetCols() { string src = this.GetRequestVal("src"); //context.Request.QueryString["src"]; string table = this.GetRequestVal("table"); //context.Request.QueryString["table"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src)) throw new Exception("err@参数不正确"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table)) { return "[]"; } SFDBSrc sr = new SFDBSrc(src); DataTable dt = sr.GetColumns(table); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { r["Name"] = r["No"] + (r["Name"] == null || r["Name"] == DBNull.Value || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r["Name"].ToString()) ? "" : string.Format("[{0}]", r["Name"])); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } /// /// //获取表/视图列表 /// /// public string SFGuide_GetTVs() { string src = this.GetRequestVal("src");// context.Request.QueryString["src"]; SFDBSrc sr = new SFDBSrc(src); DataTable dt = sr.GetTables(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper(); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } /// /// 获得clsss列表. /// /// public string SFGuide_GetClass() { string sfno = this.GetRequestVal("sfno");// context.Request.QueryString["sfno"]; string stru = this.GetRequestVal("struct"); //context.Request.QueryString["struct"]; int st = 0; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stru) || !int.TryParse(stru, out st)) throw new Exception("err@参数不正确."); string error = string.Empty; ArrayList arr = null; SFTables sfs = new SFTables(); Entities ens = null; SFTable sf = null; sfs.Retrieve(SFTableAttr.DictSrcType, DictSrcType.BPClass); switch (st) { case 0: arr = ClassFactory.GetObjects("BP.En.EntityNoName"); break; case 1: arr = ClassFactory.GetObjects("BP.En.EntitySimpleTree"); break; default: arr = new ArrayList(); break; } StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("["); foreach (BP.En.Entity en in arr) { try { if (en == null) continue; ens = en.GetNewEntities; if (ens == null) continue; sf = sfs.GetEntityByKey(ens.ToString()) as SFTable; if ((sf != null && sf.No != sfno) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ens.ToString())) continue; s.Append(string.Format( "{{\"NO\":\"{0}\",\"NAME\":\"{0}[{1}]\",\"DESC\":\"{1}\"}},", ens, en.EnDesc)); } catch { continue; } } return s.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + "]"; } /// /// 获取数据源列表 /// /// public string SFGuide_GetSrcs() { string type = this.GetRequestVal("type"); int itype; bool onlyWS = false; SFDBSrcs srcs = new SFDBSrcs(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type) && int.TryParse(type, out itype)) { onlyWS = true; srcs.Retrieve(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, itype); } else { srcs.RetrieveAll(); } DataTable dt = srcs.ToDataTableField(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper(); if (onlyWS == false) { List wsRows = new List(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { if (Equals(r["DBSrcType"], DBSrcType.WebServices)) wsRows.Add(r); } foreach (DataRow r in wsRows) dt.Rows.Remove(r); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } #endregion #region Methods /// /// 获取webservice方法列表 /// /// WebService数据源 /// public List GetWebServiceMethods(SFDBSrc dbsrc) { return BP.WF.Difference.WF_Admin_FoolFormDesigner.GetWebServiceMethods(dbsrc); } /// /// /// /// public string FrmView_Init() { string frmID = this.GetRequestVal("FrmID"); MapData md = new MapData(frmID); //获得表单模版. DataSet myds = BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.GenerHisDataSet(md.No); #region 把主从表数据放入里面. //.工作数据放里面去, 放进去前执行一次装载前填充事件. GEEntity wk = new GEEntity(FrmID); DataTable mainTable = wk.ToDataTableField("MainTable"); mainTable.TableName = "MainTable"; myds.Tables.Add(mainTable); #endregion #region 增加附件信息. BP.Sys.FrmAttachments athDescs = new FrmAttachments(); athDescs.Retrieve(FrmAttachmentAttr.FK_MapData, this.FrmID); if (athDescs.Count != 0) { FrmAttachment athDesc = athDescs[0] as FrmAttachment; //查询出来数据实体. BP.Sys.FrmAttachmentDBs dbs = new BP.Sys.FrmAttachmentDBs(); if (athDesc.HisCtrlWay == AthCtrlWay.PWorkID) { Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.SQL = "SELECT PWorkID FROM WF_GenerWorkFlow WHERE WorkID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "WorkID"; ps.Add("WorkID", this.WorkID); string pWorkID = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(ps, 0).ToString(); if (pWorkID == null || pWorkID == "0") { pWorkID = this.WorkID.ToString(); } if (athDesc.AthUploadWay == AthUploadWay.Inherit) { /* 继承模式 */ BP.En.QueryObject qo = new BP.En.QueryObject(dbs); qo.AddWhere(FrmAttachmentDBAttr.RefPKVal, pWorkID); qo.addOr(); qo.AddWhere(FrmAttachmentDBAttr.RefPKVal, this.WorkID.ToString()); qo.addOrderBy("RDT"); qo.DoQuery(); } if (athDesc.AthUploadWay == AthUploadWay.Interwork) { /*共享模式*/ dbs.Retrieve(FrmAttachmentDBAttr.RefPKVal, pWorkID); } } else if (athDesc.HisCtrlWay == AthCtrlWay.WorkID) { /* 继承模式 */ BP.En.QueryObject qo = new BP.En.QueryObject(dbs); qo.AddWhere(FrmAttachmentDBAttr.NoOfObj, athDesc.NoOfObj); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(FrmAttachmentDBAttr.RefPKVal, this.WorkID.ToString()); qo.addOrderBy("RDT"); qo.DoQuery(); } //增加一个数据源. myds.Tables.Add(dbs.ToDataTableField("Sys_FrmAttachmentDB").Copy()); } #endregion #region 把外键表加入DataSet DataTable dtMapAttr = myds.Tables["Sys_MapAttr"]; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); MapExts mes = md.MapExts; MapExt me = new MapExt(); DataTable ddlTable = new DataTable(); ddlTable.Columns.Add("No"); foreach (DataRow dr in dtMapAttr.Rows) { string lgType = dr["LGType"].ToString(); string uiBindKey = dr["UIBindKey"].ToString(); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(uiBindKey) == true) continue; //为空就continue. if (lgType.Equals("1") == true) continue; //枚举值就continue; string uiIsEnable = dr["UIIsEnable"].ToString(); if (uiIsEnable.Equals("0") == true && lgType.Equals("1") == true) continue; //如果是外键,并且是不可以编辑的状态. if (uiIsEnable.Equals("1") == true && lgType.Equals("0") == true) continue; //如果是外部数据源,并且是不可以编辑的状态. // 检查是否有下拉框自动填充。 string keyOfEn = dr["KeyOfEn"].ToString(); string fk_mapData = dr["FK_MapData"].ToString(); #region 处理下拉框数据范围. for 小杨. me = mes.GetEntityByKey(MapExtAttr.ExtType, MapExtXmlList.AutoFullDLL, MapExtAttr.AttrOfOper, keyOfEn) as MapExt; if (me != null) { string fullSQL = me.Doc.Clone() as string; fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("~", ","); fullSQL = BP.WF.Glo.DealExp(fullSQL, wk, null); dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(fullSQL); if(SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel != FieldCaseModel.None) { string columnName = ""; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { columnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper(); switch (columnName) { case "NO": col.ColumnName = "No"; break; case "NAME": col.ColumnName = "Name"; break; } } } //重构新表 DataTable dt_FK_Dll = new DataTable(); dt_FK_Dll.TableName = keyOfEn;//可能存在隐患,如果多个字段,绑定同一个表,就存在这样的问题. dt_FK_Dll.Columns.Add("No", typeof(string)); dt_FK_Dll.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); foreach (DataRow dllRow in dt.Rows) { DataRow drDll = dt_FK_Dll.NewRow(); drDll["No"] = dllRow["No"]; drDll["Name"] = dllRow["Name"]; dt_FK_Dll.Rows.Add(drDll); } myds.Tables.Add(dt_FK_Dll); continue; } #endregion 处理下拉框数据范围. // 判断是否存在. if (myds.Tables.Contains(uiBindKey) == true) { continue; } DataTable mydt = BP.Pub.PubClass.GetDataTableByUIBineKey(uiBindKey); if (mydt == null) { DataRow ddldr = ddlTable.NewRow(); ddldr["No"] = uiBindKey; ddlTable.Rows.Add(ddldr); } else { myds.Tables.Add(mydt); } } ddlTable.TableName = "UIBindKey"; myds.Tables.Add(ddlTable); #endregion End把外键表加入DataSet #region 图片附件 FrmImgAthDBs imgAthDBs = new FrmImgAthDBs(this.FrmID, this.WorkID.ToString()); if (imgAthDBs != null && imgAthDBs.Count > 0) { DataTable dt_ImgAth = imgAthDBs.ToDataTableField("Sys_FrmImgAthDB"); myds.Tables.Add(dt_ImgAth); } #endregion return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(myds); } #endregion #region ImpTableFieldSelectBindKey 外键枚举 /// /// 初始化数据 /// /// public string ImpTableFieldSelectBindKey_Init() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); BP.Sys.SysEnumMains ens = new BP.Sys.SysEnumMains(); ens.RetrieveAll(); ds.Tables.Add(ens.ToDataTableField("EnumMain")); BP.Sys.SFTables tabs = new BP.Sys.SFTables(); tabs.RetrieveAll(); ds.Tables.Add(tabs.ToDataTableField("SFTables")); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds); } #endregion ImpTableFieldSelectBindKey 外键枚举 public string MapDataVer_SetMainVer() { MapDataVer mdVer = new MapDataVer(this.MyPK); #region 1.变更主版本 string sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapDataVer SET IsRel=0 WHERE FrmID='" + mdVer.FrmID + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); mdVer.SetValByKey("IsRel", 1); mdVer.Update(); //更新. #endregion 1.变更主版本 #region 2. 覆盖之前的主版本数据 MapData mainData = new MapData(mdVer.FrmID); string currVer = mainData.No + "." + mainData.Ver2022.ToString(); MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = currVer; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1) md.Delete(); //把表单属性的FK_FormTree清空 BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CopyFrm(mainData.No, currVer, mainData.Name + "(Ver" + currVer + ".0)", mainData.FK_FormTree); md.FK_FormTree = ""; md.PTable = mainData.PTable; md.Update(); //修改从表的存储表 MapDtls dtls = md.MapDtls; foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { if (dtl.PTable.Equals(dtl.No) == true) { dtl.PTable = dtl.PTable.Replace(currVer, mainData.No); dtl.Update(); continue; } } //把当前表单对应数据改成当前的版本 DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + md.PTable + " SET AtPara=CONCAT(AtPara,'@FrmVer=" + mainData.Ver2022 + "') WHERE AtPara NOT LIKE '%@FrmVer=%'"); #endregion 2. 覆盖之前的主版本数据 #region 3.把设置的表单数据拷贝到FrmID所在的表单上去 //FrmID的表单只有不存在其他版本的时候才可以删除,修改版本 sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapDataVer SET FrmID='" + mdVer.MyPK + "'WHERE FrmID='" + mdVer.FrmID + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); //绑定的表单,表单方案的还原 FrmNodes frmNodes = new FrmNodes(); frmNodes.Retrieve(FrmNodeAttr.FK_Frm, mainData.No); FrmFields frmFields = new FrmFields(); string whereFK_MapData = "'" + mainData.No + "'"; dtls = new MapDtls(mainData.No); foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { whereFK_MapData += ",'" + dtl.No + "' "; } frmFields.RetrieveIn(FrmFieldAttr.FK_MapData, whereFK_MapData); mainData.Delete(); //把表单属性的FK_FormTree清空 BP.Sys.CCFormAPI.CopyFrm(mainData.No + "." + mdVer.Ver, mainData.No, mainData.Name, mainData.FK_FormTree); mainData.FK_FormTree = mainData.FK_FormTree; mainData.PTable = mainData.PTable; mainData.Ver2022 = mdVer.Ver; mainData.Update(); //修改从表的存储表 dtls = mainData.MapDtls; foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { if (dtl.PTable.Equals(dtl.No) == true) { dtl.PTable = dtl.PTable.Replace(mainData.No + "." + mdVer.Ver, mainData.No); dtl.Update(); continue; } } sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapDataVer SET FrmID='" + mainData.No + "' WHERE FrmID='" + this.MyPK + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); //还原表单方案 foreach (FrmNode frmNode in frmNodes) { frmNode.DirectInsert(); } foreach (FrmField frmField in frmFields) { frmField.DirectInsert(); } #endregion 3.把设置的表单数据拷贝到FrmID所在的表单上去 return "设置成功."; } public string SysEnumList_SelectEnum() { string sql = ""; string EnumName = this.GetRequestVal("EnumName"); if (EnumName == "") sql = "SELECT EnumKey,No,Name,CfgVal,Lang FROM Sys_EnumMain"; else sql = "SELECT EnumKey,No,Name,CfgVal,Lang FROM Sys_EnumMain WHERE (No like '%" + EnumName + "%') OR (Name like '%" + EnumName + "%')"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel != FieldCaseModel.None) { dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "EnumKey"; dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "No"; dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "Name"; dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "CfgVal"; dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "Lang"; } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } public string SysEnumList_MapAttrs() { string sql = "SELECT A.FK_MapData,A.KeyOfEn,A.Name From Sys_MapAttr A,Sys_MapData B Where A.FK_MapData=B.No " + "AND A.UIBindKey='" + this.GetRequestVal("UIBindKey") + "' AND B.OrgNo='" + this.GetRequestVal("OrgNo") + "'"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel != FieldCaseModel.None) { dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "FK_MapData"; dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "KeyOfEn"; dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "Name"; } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } } public class WSMethod { public string No { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Dictionary ParaMS { get; set; } public string Return { get; set; } } }