using System; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Data; using BP.En; using BP.DA; using BP.Port; using BP.Sys; using BP.Web; using System.Drawing; using BP.Difference; namespace BP.Pub { /// /// WebRtfReport 的摘要说明。 /// public class RTFEngine { #region 数据实体 private Entities _HisEns = null; public Entities HisEns { get { if (_HisEns == null) _HisEns = new Emps(); return _HisEns; } } #endregion 数据实体 #region 数据明细实体 private System.Text.Encoding _encoder = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"); public string GetCode(string str) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return ""; string rtn = ""; byte[] rr = _encoder.GetBytes(str); foreach (byte b in rr) { if (b > 122) rtn += "\\'" + b.ToString("x"); else rtn += (char)b; } return rtn.Replace("\n", " \\par "); } //明细表数据 private ArrayList _EnsDataDtls = null; public ArrayList EnsDataDtls { get { if (_EnsDataDtls == null) _EnsDataDtls = new ArrayList(); return _EnsDataDtls; } } //多附件数据 private Hashtable _EnsDataAths = null; public Hashtable EnsDataAths { get { if (_EnsDataAths == null) _EnsDataAths = new Hashtable(); return _EnsDataAths; } } #endregion 数据明细实体 /// /// 增加一个数据实体 /// /// public void AddEn(Entity en) { this.HisEns.AddEntity(en); } /// /// 增加一个Ens /// /// public void AddDtlEns(Entities dtlEns) { this.EnsDataDtls.Add(dtlEns); } public string CyclostyleFilePath = ""; public string TempFilePath = ""; #region 获取特殊要处理的流程节点信息. public string GetValueByKeyOfCheckNode(string[] strs) { foreach (Entity en in this.HisEns) { string val = en.GetValStringByKey(strs[2]); switch (strs.Length) { case 1: case 2: throw new Exception("step1参数设置错误" + strs.ToString()); case 3: // S.9001002.Rec return val; case 4: // S.9001002.RDT.Year switch (strs[3]) { case "Text": if (val == "0") return "否"; else return "是"; case "YesNo": if (val == "1") return "[√]"; else return "[×]"; case "Year": return val.Substring(0, 4); case "Month": return val.Substring(5, 2); case "Day": return val.Substring(8, 2); case "NYR": return DataType.ParseSysDate2DateTime(val).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); case "RMB": return float.Parse(val).ToString("0.00"); case "RMBDX": return DataType.ParseFloatToCash(float.Parse(val)); default: throw new Exception("step2参数设置错误" + strs); } default: throw new Exception("step3参数设置错误" + strs); } } throw new Exception("step4参数设置错误" + strs); } public static string GetImgHexString(System.Drawing.Image img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat ext) { StringBuilder imgs = new StringBuilder(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); img.Save(stream, ext); stream.Close(); byte[] buffer = stream.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) { if ((i % 32) == 0) { imgs.AppendLine(); } //else if ((i % 8) == 0) //{ // imgs.Append(" "); //} byte num2 = buffer[i]; int num3 = (num2 & 240) >> 4; int num4 = num2 & 15; imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num3]); imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num4]); } return imgs.ToString(); } public Entity HisGEEntity = null; /// /// 获取ICON图片的数据。 /// /// /// public string GetValueImgStrs(string key) { key = key.Replace(" ", ""); key = key.Replace("\r\n", ""); /*说明是图片文件.*/ string path = key.Replace("OID.Img@AppPath", SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp); //定义rtf中图片字符串 StringBuilder pict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexString; key = key.ToLower(); if (key.Contains(".png")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); else if (key.Contains(".jp")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); else if (key.Contains(".gif")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); else if (key.Contains(".ico")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon); else imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 pict.AppendLine(); pict.Append(@"{\pict"); pict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); pict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); pict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); pict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + img.Size.Width * 15); pict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + img.Size.Height * 15); pict.Append(imgHexString + "}"); pict.AppendLine(); return pict.ToString(); } /// /// 输入轨迹表. /// /// public string GetFlowTrackTable() { //定义表头. string title = @"\trowd\trgaph108\trleft5\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10 \trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10 \trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10 \trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10 \trpaddl108\trpaddr108\trpaddfl3\trpaddfr3 \clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx1065\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx2126\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx3187\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx4248\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx5309\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx6370\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx7431\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx8492\pard\intbl\qj\lang2052\kerning2\f1\fs21\'d0\'f2\'ba\'c5\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'d6\'b4\'d0\'d0\'bb\'b7\'bd\'da\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'b0\'ec\'c0\'ed\'c7\'e9\'bf\'f6\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'d7\'b4\'cc\'ac\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'d6\'b4\'d0\'d0\'c8\'cb\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'bf\'aa\'ca\'bc\'ca\'b1\'bc\'e4\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'bd\'e1\'ca\'f8\'ca\'b1\'bc\'e4\lang1033\f0\cell\lang2052\f1\'c0\'fa\'ca\'b1TTT\lang1033\f0\cell\row"; //内容行部分. string row = @"\trowd\ trgaph108\trleft5\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10 \trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10 \trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10 \trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10 \trpaddl108\trpaddr108\trpaddfl3\trpaddfr3 \clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx1065\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx2126\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx3187\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx4248\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx5309\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx6370\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx7431\clbrdrl\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrw10\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrw10\brdrs \cellx8492\pard\intbl\qj\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\f2 \f0\cell\row\"; string str = ""; int idx = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dtTrack.Rows) { idx++; string dataRow = row.Clone() as string; dataRow = dataRow.Replace("", idx.ToString()); dataRow = dataRow.Replace("", dr["NDFromT"].ToString()); str += dataRow; } return title + str; } /// /// 获取ICON图片的数据。 /// /// /// public string GetValueImgStrsOfQR(string billUrl) { /*说明是图片文件.*/ string path = SystemConfig.PathOfTemp + Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; // key.Replace("OID.Img@AppPath", BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp); #region 生成二维码. ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder qrc = new ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder(); qrc.QRCodeEncodeMode = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE; qrc.QRCodeScale = 4; qrc.QRCodeVersion = 7; qrc.QRCodeErrorCorrect = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M; System.Drawing.Bitmap btm = qrc.Encode(billUrl, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); btm.Save(path); #endregion //定义rtf中图片字符串 StringBuilder pict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串. string imgHexString; imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); //生成rtf中图片字符串 pict.AppendLine(); pict.Append(@"{\pict"); pict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); pict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); pict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); pict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + img.Size.Width * 15); pict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + img.Size.Height * 15); pict.Append(imgHexString + "}"); pict.AppendLine(); return pict.ToString(); } /// /// 获取M2M数据并输出 /// /// /// public string GetValueM2MStrs(string key) { return ""; //string[] strs = key.Split('.'); //string sql = "SELECT ValsName FROM SYS_M2M WHERE FK_MapData='" + strs[0] + "' AND M2MNo='" + strs[2] + "' AND EnOID='" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + "'"; //string vals = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnStringIsNull(sql, null); //if (vals == null) // return "无数据"; //vals = vals.Replace("@", " "); //vals = vals.Replace("", ""); //vals = vals.Replace("", ""); //return vals; //string val = ""; //string[] objs = vals.Split('@'); //foreach (string obj in objs) //{ // string[] noName = obj.Split(','); // val += noName[1]; //} //return val; } /// /// 获取写字版的数据 /// /// /// public string GetValueBPPaintStrs(string key) { key = key.Replace(" ", ""); key = key.Replace("\r\n", ""); string[] strs = key.Split('.'); string filePath = ""; try { filePath = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString("SELECT Tag2 From Sys_FrmEleDB WHERE RefPKVal=" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + " AND EleID='" + strs[2].Trim() + "'"); if (filePath == null) return ""; } catch { return ""; } //定义rtf中图片字符串 StringBuilder pict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexString; filePath = filePath.ToLower(); if (filePath.Contains(".png")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); else if (filePath.Contains(".jp")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); else if (filePath.Contains(".gif")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); else if (filePath.Contains(".ico")) imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon); else imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 pict.AppendLine(); pict.Append(@"{\pict"); pict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); pict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); pict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); pict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + img.Size.Width * 15); pict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + img.Size.Height * 15); pict.Append(imgHexString + "}"); pict.AppendLine(); return pict.ToString(); } /// /// 获取类名+@+字段格式的数据. /// 比如: /// Demo_Inc@ABC /// Emp@Name /// /// /// public string GetValueByAtKey(string key) { foreach (Entity en in this.HisEns) { string enKey = en.ToString(); //有可能是 BP.Port.Emp if (enKey.Contains(".")) enKey = en.GetType().Name; //如果不包含. if (key.Contains(enKey + "@") == false) continue; // 如果不包含 . 就说明,不需要转意。 if (key.Contains(".") == false) return en.GetValStringByKey(key.Substring(key.IndexOf('@') + 1)); //把实体名去掉 key = key.Replace(enKey + "@", ""); //把数据破开. string[] strs = key.Split('.'); if (strs.Length == 2) { if (strs[1].Trim() == "ImgAth") { string path1 = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ImgAth/Data/" + strs[0].Trim() + "_" + en.PKVal + ".png"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path1); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + imgAth.Size.Width * 15); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + imgAth.Size.Height * 15); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.AppendLine(); return mypict.ToString(); } string val = en.GetValStringByKey(strs[0].Trim()); switch (strs[1].Trim()) { case "Text": if (val == "0") return "否"; else return "是"; case "Year": return val.Substring(0, 4); case "Month": return val.Substring(5, 2); case "Day": return val.Substring(8, 2); case "NYR": return DataType.ParseSysDate2DateTime(val).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); case "RMB": return float.Parse(val).ToString("0.00"); case "RMBDX": return DataType.ParseFloatToCash(float.Parse(val)); case "ImgAth": string path1 = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ImgAth/Data/" + strs[0].Trim() + "_" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + ".png"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path1); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + imgAth.Size.Width * 15); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + imgAth.Size.Height * 15); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.AppendLine(); return mypict.ToString(); case "Siganture": string path = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "Siganture/" + val + ".jpg"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder pict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 pict.AppendLine(); pict.Append(@"{\pict"); pict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); pict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); pict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); pict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + img.Size.Width * 15); pict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + img.Size.Height * 15); pict.Append(imgHexString + "}"); pict.AppendLine(); return pict.ToString(); //替换rtf模板文件中的签名图片标识为图片字符串 // str = str.Replace(imgMark, pict.ToString()); default: throw new Exception("参数设置错误,特殊方式取值错误:" + key); } } } // 实体循环。 throw new Exception("参数设置错误 GetValueByKey :" + key); } /// /// 获得所所有的审核人员信息. /// /// public string GetValueCheckWorks() { string html = ""; //获得当前待办的人员,把当前审批的人员排除在外,不然就有默认同意的意见可以打印出来. string sql = "SELECT FK_Emp, FK_Node FROM WF_GenerWorkerlist WHERE IsPass!=1 AND WorkID=" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal; DataTable dtOfTodo = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dtTrack.Rows) { #region 排除正在审批的人员. string nodeID = dr["NDFrom"].ToString(); string empFrom = dr["EmpFrom"].ToString(); if (dtOfTodo.Rows.Count != 0) { bool isHave = false; foreach (DataRow mydr in dtOfTodo.Rows) { if (mydr["FK_Node"].ToString() != nodeID) continue; if (mydr["FK_Emp"].ToString() != empFrom) continue; isHave = true; } if (isHave == true) continue; } #endregion 排除正在审批的人员. html += ""; html += " " + dr["NDFromT"] + ""; string msg = dr["Msg"].ToString(); msg += "
"; msg += "
"; string empStrs = ""; if (dtTrack == null) { empStrs = dr["EmpFromT"].ToString(); } else { string singType = "0"; foreach (DataRow drTrack in dtTrack.Rows) { if (drTrack["No"].ToString() == dr["EmpFrom"].ToString()) { singType = drTrack["SignType"].ToString(); break; } } if (singType == "0" || singType == "2") { empStrs = dr["EmpFromT"].ToString(); } if (singType == "1") { empStrs = " " + dr["EmpFromT"]; } } msg += "审核人:" + empStrs + "      日期:" + dr["RDT"].ToString(); html += " " + msg + ""; html += " "; } return html; } /// /// 获得审核组件的信息. /// /// /// public string GetValueCheckWorkByKey(string key) { key = key.Replace(" ", ""); key = key.Replace("\r\n", ""); string[] strs = key.Split('.'); if (strs.Length == 3) { /* * 是一个节点一个审核人的模式. */ if (dtTrack == null) throw new Exception("@您设置了获取审核组件里的规则,但是你没有给审核组件数据源dtTrack赋值。"); string nodeID = strs[2]; foreach (DataRow dr in dtTrack.Rows) { if (dr["NDFrom"].ToString() != nodeID) continue; switch (strs[1]) { case "RDT": return dr["RDT"].ToString(); //审核日期. case "RDT-NYR": string rdt = dr["RDT"].ToString(); //审核日期. DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(rdt); return dt.Year + "\\'c4\\'ea" + dt.Month + "\\'d4\\'c2" + dt.Day + "\\'c8\\'d5"; return Convert.ToDateTime(rdt).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); case "Rec": return dr["EmpFrom"].ToString(); //记录人. case "RecName": string recName = dr["EmpFromT"].ToString(); //审核人. recName = this.GetCode(recName); return recName; case "Msg": case "Note": string text = dr["Msg"].ToString(); text = text.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); text = this.GetCode(text); return text; //return System.Text.Encoder //审核信息. default: break; } } } return "无"; } private string GetValueCheckWorkByKey(DataRow row, string key) { key = key.Replace(" ", ""); key = key.Replace("\r\n", ""); switch (key) { case "RDT": return row["RDT"].ToString(); //审核日期. case "RDT-NYR": string rdt = row["RDT"].ToString(); //审核日期. DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(rdt); return dt.Year + "\\'c4\\'ea" + dt.Month + "\\'d4\\'c2" + dt.Day + "\\'c8\\'d5"; return Convert.ToDateTime(rdt).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); case "Rec": return row["EmpFrom"].ToString(); //记录人. case "RecName": string recName = row["EmpFromT"].ToString(); //审核人. recName = this.GetCode(recName); return recName; case "Msg": case "Note": string text = row["Msg"].ToString(); text = text.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); text = this.GetCode(text); return text; case "Siganture": string empNo = row["EmpFrom"].ToString(); //记录人. return empNo;//审核人的签名. case "WriteDB": return row["WriteDB"].ToString(); default: return row[key] as string; } } /// /// 审核节点的表示方法是 节点ID.Attr. /// /// /// public string GetValueByKey(string key) { key = key.Replace(" ", ""); key = key.Replace("\r\n", ""); //获取参数代码. if (key.Contains("@")) return GetValueByAtKey(key); string[] strs = key.Split('.'); // 如果不包含 . 就说明他是从Rpt中取数据。 //if (this.HisGEEntity != null && key.Contains("ND") == false) if (this.HisGEEntity != null) { if (strs.Length == 1) return this.HisGEEntity.GetValStringByKey(key); if(strs[1].Trim() == "Checkboxs") { //获取复选框多选的值 string content = this.HisGEEntity.GetValStringByKey(strs[0]); //转换成文本 Attr attr = this.HisGEEntity.EnMap.Attrs.GetAttrByKeyOfEn(strs[0]); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.UIBindKey) == true) return content; SysEnums enums = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey); string str = ""; foreach(SysEnum en in enums) { if ((content + ",").Contains(en.IntKey + ",") == true) str += en.Lab + ","; } if (str != "") str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1); return str; } if (strs[1].Trim() == "Editor") { //获取富文本的内容 string content = this.HisGEEntity.GetValStringByKey(strs[0]); content = content.Replace("img+", "img "); string contentHtml = "" + content + ""; string StrNohtml = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(contentHtml, "<[^>]+>", ""); StrNohtml = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(StrNohtml, "&[^;]+;", ""); return this.GetCode(StrNohtml); string htmlpath = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "Bill/Temp/EditorHtm.html"; if (File.Exists(htmlpath) == false) File.Create(htmlpath); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(htmlpath)) { sw.Write(contentHtml); } //如何写入到word string html = File.ReadAllText(htmlpath, Encoding.UTF8); //byte[] array = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); //StringBuilder editors = new StringBuilder(); //for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) //{ // editors.Append(array[i]); //} //MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(array); //convert stream 2 string //System.IO.StreamReader readStream = new System.IO.StreamReader(contentHtml, Encoding.UTF8); return html; } if (strs[1].Trim() == "ImgAth") { string path1 = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ImgAth/Data/" + strs[0].Trim() + "_" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + ".png"; if (!File.Exists(path1)) { return path1; } //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path1); //图片附件描述属性 FrmImgAth frmImgAth = new FrmImgAth(); frmImgAth.RetrieveByAttr(FrmImgAthAttr.MyPK, strs[0].Trim()); //图片高宽 float iWidth = imgAth.Size.Width * 15; float iHeight = imgAth.Size.Height * 15; if (frmImgAth != null && !DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(frmImgAth.FK_MapData)) { iWidth = frmImgAth.W * 15; iHeight = frmImgAth.H * 15; } //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + iWidth); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + iHeight); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.AppendLine(); return mypict.ToString(); } if (strs[1].Trim() == "BPPaint") { string path1 = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString("SELECT Tag2 FROM Sys_FrmEleDB WHERE REFPKVAL=" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + " AND EleID='" + strs[0].Trim() + "'"); // string path1 = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "\\BPPaint\\" + this.HisGEEntity.ToString().Trim() + "\\" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + ".png"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image myBPPaint = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path1); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(myBPPaint, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + myBPPaint.Size.Width * 15); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + myBPPaint.Size.Height * 15); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.AppendLine(); return mypict.ToString(); } //根据枚举值返回选中符号 if (strs[1].Contains("-EnumYes") == true) { string relVal = this.HisGEEntity.GetValStringByKey(strs[0]); string[] checkVal = strs[1].Split('-'); if (checkVal.Length == 1) return relVal; if (relVal.Equals(checkVal[0])) return "[√]"; else return "[×]"; } if (strs.Length == 2) { string val = this.HisGEEntity.GetValStringByKey(strs[0].Trim()); switch (strs[1].Trim()) { case "Text": if (val == "0") return "否"; else return "是"; case "Year": return val.Substring(0, 4); case "Month": return val.Substring(5, 2); case "Day": return val.Substring(8, 2); case "NYR": return DataType.ParseSysDate2DateTime(val).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); case "RMB": decimal md = Math.Round(decimal.Parse(val), 2); return md.ToString(); case "RMBDX": return this.GetCode(DataType.ParseFloatToCash(float.Parse(val))); case "Siganture": string path = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "Siganture/" + val + ".jpg"; //获取要插入的图片 if (File.Exists(path) == true) { //定义rtf中图片字符串 StringBuilder pict = new StringBuilder(); System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 pict.AppendLine(); pict.Append(@"{\pict"); pict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); pict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); pict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); pict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + img.Size.Width * 15); pict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + img.Size.Height * 15); pict.Append(imgHexString + "}"); pict.AppendLine(); return pict.ToString(); } //图片不存在显示中文名,否则显示原值 string empName = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnStringIsNull("SELECT Name FROM Port_Emp WHERE No='" + val + "'", val); return this.GetCode(empName); //替换rtf模板文件中的签名图片标识为图片字符串 // str = str.Replace(imgMark, pict.ToString()); case "BoolenText": if (val == "0") return "否"; else return "是"; case "Boolen": if (val == "1") return "[√]"; else return "[×]"; break; case "YesNo": if (val == "1") return "[√]"; else return "[×]"; break; case "Yes": if (val == "1") return "[√]"; else return "[×]"; case "No": if (val == "0") return "[√]"; else return "[×]"; default: throw new Exception("参数设置错误,特殊方式取值错误:" + key); } } else { throw new Exception("参数设置错误,特殊方式取值错误:" + key); } } foreach (Entity en in this.HisEns) { string enKey = en.ToString(); if (enKey.Contains(".")) enKey = en.GetType().Name; if (key.Contains(en.ToString() + ".") == false) continue; /*说明就在这个字段内*/ if (strs.Length == 1) throw new Exception("参数设置错误,strs.length=1 。" + key); if (strs.Length == 2) return en.GetValStringByKey(strs[1].Trim()); if (strs.Length == 3) { if (strs[2].Trim() == "ImgAth") { string path1 = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ImgAth/Data/" + strs[1].Trim() + "_" + en.PKVal + ".png"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path1); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + imgAth.Size.Width * 15); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + imgAth.Size.Height * 15); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.AppendLine(); return mypict.ToString(); } string val = en.GetValStringByKey(strs[1].Trim()); switch (strs[2].Trim()) { case "Text": if (val == "0") return "否"; else return "是"; case "Year": return val.Substring(0, 4); case "Month": return val.Substring(5, 2); case "Day": return val.Substring(8, 2); case "NYR": return DataType.ParseSysDate2DateTime(val).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); case "RMB": return float.Parse(val).ToString("0.00"); case "RMBDX": return DataType.ParseFloatToCash(float.Parse(val)); case "ImgAth": string path1 = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "ImgAth/Data/" + strs[0].Trim() + "_" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + ".png"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path1); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + imgAth.Size.Width * 15); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + imgAth.Size.Height * 15); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.AppendLine(); return mypict.ToString(); case "Siganture": string path = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "Siganture/" + val + ".jpg"; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder pict = new StringBuilder(); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexString = GetImgHexString(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 pict.AppendLine(); pict.Append(@"{\pict"); pict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); pict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); pict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); pict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + img.Size.Width * 15); pict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + img.Size.Height * 15); pict.Append(imgHexString + "}"); pict.AppendLine(); return pict.ToString(); //替换rtf模板文件中的签名图片标识为图片字符串 // str = str.Replace(imgMark, pict.ToString()); default: throw new Exception("参数设置错误,特殊方式取值错误:" + key); } } } throw new Exception("参数设置错误 GetValueByKey :" + key); } #endregion #region 生成单据 /// /// 生成单据 /// /// 模板文件 public void MakeDoc(string cfile) { string file = PubClass.GenerTempFileName("doc"); this.MakeDoc(cfile, SystemConfig.PathOfTemp, file); } public string ensStrs = ""; /// /// 轨迹表(用于输出打印审核轨迹,审核信息.) /// public DataTable dtTrack = null; public DataTable wks = null; public DataTable subFlows = null; /// /// 单据生成 /// /// 模板文件 /// 生成路径 /// 生成文件 /// 要打开的url用于生成二维码 public void MakeDoc(string templateRtfFile, string path, string file, string billUrl = null) { templateRtfFile = templateRtfFile.Replace(".rtf.rtf", ".rtf"); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string str = Cash.GetBillStr(templateRtfFile, false).Substring(0); if (this.HisEns.Count == 0) if (this.HisGEEntity == null) throw new Exception("@您没有为报表设置数据源..."); this.ensStrs = ""; if (this.HisEns.Count != 0) { foreach (Entity en in this.HisEns) ensStrs += en.ToString(); } else { ensStrs = this.HisGEEntity.ToString(); } string error = ""; string[] paras = null; if (this.HisGEEntity != null) paras = Cash.GetBillParas(templateRtfFile, ensStrs, this.HisGEEntity); else paras = Cash.GetBillParas(templateRtfFile, ensStrs, this.HisEns); this.TempFilePath = path + file; try { string key = ""; string ss = ""; #region 替换主表标记 foreach (string para in paras) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(para)) continue; //如果包含,时间表. if (para.Contains("FlowTrackTable") == true && dtTrack != null) { str = str.Replace("", this.GetFlowTrackTable()); continue; } try { if (para.Contains("Editor")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains("ImgAth")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains("Siganture")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains("Img@AppPath")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueImgStrs(para)); else if (para.Contains("Img@QR")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueImgStrsOfQR(billUrl)); else if (para.Contains(".BPPaint")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueBPPaintStrs(para)); else if (para.Contains(".M2M")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueM2MStrs(para)); else if (para.Contains(".RMBDX")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".RMB")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".Boolen")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".BoolenText")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".NYR")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetCode(this.GetValueByKey(para))); else if (para.Contains(".Year")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".Month")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".Day")) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains(".Yes") == true) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetCode(this.GetValueByKey(para))); else if (para.Contains("-EnumYes") == true) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetCode(this.GetValueByKey(para))); else if (para.Contains(".Checkboxs") == true) str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetCode(this.GetValueByKey(para))); else if ((para.Contains("WorkCheck.RDT") == true && para.Contains("WorkCheck.RDT.") == false) || (para.Contains("WorkCheck.Rec") == true && para.Contains("WorkCheck.Rec.") == false) || (para.Contains("WorkCheck.RecName") == true && para.Contains("WorkCheck.RecName.") == false) || (para.Contains("WorkCheck.Note") == true && para.Contains("WorkCheck.Note.") == false)) // 审核组件的审核日期. str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(para)); else if (para.Contains("WorkChecks") == true) //为烟台增加审核人员的信息,把所有的审核人员信息都输入到这里. str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", this.GetValueCheckWorks()); else if (para.Contains(".") == true) continue; /*有可能是明细表数据.*/ else { string val = this.GetValueByKey(para); val = val.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); val = this.GetCode(val); str = str.Replace("<" + para + ">", val); } } catch (Exception ex) { error += "@替换主表标记取参数[" + para + "]出现错误:有以下情况导致此错误;1你用Text取值时间,此属性不是外键。2,类无此属性。3,该字段是明细表字段但是丢失了明细表标记.
" + ex.Message; if (SystemConfig.IsDebug) throw new Exception(error); BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError(error); } } #endregion 替换主表标记 #region 从表 string shortName = ""; ArrayList al = this.EnsDataDtls; foreach (Entities dtls in al) { Entity dtl = dtls.GetNewEntity; string dtlEnName = dtl.ToString(); shortName = dtlEnName.Substring(dtlEnName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (str.IndexOf(shortName) == -1) continue; int pos_rowKey = str.IndexOf("<" + shortName + ".") + 1; int row_start = -1, row_end = -1; if (pos_rowKey != -1) { row_start = str.Substring(0, pos_rowKey).LastIndexOf("\\nestrow"); if(row_start == -1) row_start = str.Substring(0, pos_rowKey).LastIndexOf("\\row"); row_end = str.Substring(pos_rowKey).IndexOf("\\nestrow"); if (row_end == -1) row_end = str.Substring(pos_rowKey).IndexOf("\\row"); } if (row_start == -1 || row_end == -1) continue; //如果没有发现标记. //获得row的数据. string row = str.Substring(row_start, (pos_rowKey - row_start) + row_end); str = str.Replace(row, ""); Map map = dtls.GetNewEntity.EnMap; int i = dtls.Count; while (i > 0) { i--; string rowData = row.Clone() as string; dtl = dtls[i]; //替换序号 int rowIdx = i + 1; rowData = rowData.Replace("", rowIdx.ToString()); foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppFloat: rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ">", dtl.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppMoney: rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ">", dtl.GetValDecimalByKey(attr.Key).ToString("0.00")); break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ">", dtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); int v = dtl.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key); if (v == 1) rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + "Text>", "是"); else rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + "Text>", "否"); } else { if (attr.IsEnum) rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + "Text>", GetCode(dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key))); else rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ">", dtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); } break; default: rowData = rowData.Replace("<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ">", GetCode(dtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key))); break; } } str = str.Insert(row_start, rowData); } } #endregion 从表 #region 明细 合计信息。 al = this.EnsDataDtls; foreach (Entities dtls in al) { Entity dtl = dtls.GetNewEntity; string dtlEnName = dtl.ToString(); shortName = dtlEnName.Substring(dtlEnName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); //shortName = dtls.ToString().Substring(dtls.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1); Map map = dtl.EnMap; foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: key = "<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ".SUM>"; if (str.IndexOf(key) != -1) str = str.Replace(key, dtls.GetSumFloatByKey(attr.Key).ToString()); key = "<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ".SUM.RMB>"; if (str.IndexOf(key) != -1) str = str.Replace(key, dtls.GetSumFloatByKey(attr.Key).ToString("0.00")); key = "<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ".SUM.RMBDX>"; if (str.IndexOf(key) != -1) str = str.Replace(key, GetCode(DataType.ParseFloatToCash(dtls.GetSumFloatByKey(attr.Key)))); break; case DataType.AppInt: key = "<" + shortName + "." + attr.Key + ".SUM>"; if (str.IndexOf(key) != -1) str = str.Replace(key, dtls.GetSumIntByKey(attr.Key).ToString()); break; default: break; } } } #endregion 从表合计 #region 审核组件组合信息,added by liuxc,2016-12-16 //节点单个审核人 // 根据track表获取审核的节点 if (dtTrack != null && str.Contains("") == false && str.Contains("") == false) { if (this.wks != null && this.wks.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow nd in this.wks.Rows) { int nodeID = nd[0] != null ? int.Parse(nd[0].ToString()) : 0; //判断是否存在一个节点多个签批意见,需要循环显示,第一个意见替换,其余的节点追加在后面 bool isHaveNote = str.IndexOf("WorkCheck.Note." + nodeID) != -1 ? true : false; bool isHaveRec = str.IndexOf("WorkCheck.Rec." + nodeID) != -1 ? true : false; bool isHaveRecName = str.IndexOf("WorkCheck.RecName." + nodeID) != -1 ? true : false; bool isHaveRDT = str.IndexOf("WorkCheck.RDT." + nodeID) != -1 ? true : false; bool isHaveWriteDB = str.IndexOf("WorkCheck.WriteDB." + nodeID) != -1 ? true : false; if (isHaveNote == false && isHaveRec == false && isHaveRecName == false && isHaveRDT == false && isHaveWriteDB == false) continue; //把track信息分组 DataRow[] tracks = tracks = dtTrack.Select("NDFrom=" + nodeID); if (tracks.Length == 0) { //该节点没有签名,替换签名的内容 string wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); continue; } string workCheckStr = ""; int idx = 0; foreach (DataRow row in tracks) { int acType = int.Parse(row["ActionType"].ToString()); if (acType != 22) continue; string empNo = row["EmpFrom"] == null ? "" : row["EmpFrom"].ToString(); //if (idx == 0) //{ // //替换,如果还有审核意见的时候需要追加在最后面 // str = WorkCheckReplace(str, row, nodeID); // if (isHaveWriteDB == true) // { // string wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "WriteDB"); // string RDT = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "RDT").Replace("-", ""); // RDT = RDT.Replace(":", ""); // RDT = RDT.Replace(" ", ""); // Int64 rdttime = Int64.Parse(RDT); // if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(wkVal) == true) // wkVal = ""; // //定义rtf中图片字符串. // StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); // //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 // byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(wkVal); // MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); // Bitmap bmpt = new Bitmap(ms); // Image image = bmpt; // if (image != null) // { // int width = image.Width; // int height = image.Height; // StringBuilder imgs = new StringBuilder(); // for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) // { // if ((i % 32) == 0) // { // imgs.AppendLine(); // } // byte num2 = buffer[i]; // int num3 = (num2 & 240) >> 4; // int num4 = num2 & 15; // imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num3]); // imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num4]); // } // //转换 // //生成rtf中图片字符串 // mypict.AppendLine(); // mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); // mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); // mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); // mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); // mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + width * 3); // mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + height * 3); // mypict.Append(imgs.ToString() + "}"); // mypict.Append("\n"); // workCheckStr += mypict.ToString() + "\\par"; // } // else // { // string md = ""; // if (row["RDT"]!= null) // { // string rdt = row["RDT"].ToString(); // DateTime date = DataType.ParseSysDate2DateTime(rdt); // md = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // } // workCheckStr += row["EmpFromT"].ToString() + md + "\\par"; // } // } // idx++; // continue; //} if (isHaveNote) workCheckStr += this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "Msg") + "\\par"; if (isHaveRec) workCheckStr += this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFrom") + "\\par"; if (isHaveRecName) workCheckStr += this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFromT") + "\\par"; if (isHaveRDT) workCheckStr += this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "RDT") + "\\par"; if (isHaveWriteDB) { string wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "WriteDB"); string RDT = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "RDT").Replace("-", ""); RDT = RDT.Replace(":", ""); RDT = RDT.Replace(" ", ""); Int64 rdttime = Int64.Parse(RDT); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(wkVal) == true) wkVal = ""; //定义rtf中图片字符串. StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(wkVal); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); Bitmap bmpt = new Bitmap(ms); Image image = bmpt; if (image != null) { int width = image.Width; int height = image.Height; StringBuilder imgs = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) { if ((i % 32) == 0) { imgs.AppendLine(); } byte num2 = buffer[i]; int num3 = (num2 & 240) >> 4; int num4 = num2 & 15; imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num3]); imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num4]); } //转换 //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + width * 3); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + height * 3); mypict.Append(imgs.ToString() + "}"); mypict.Append("\n"); workCheckStr += mypict.ToString() + "\\par"; } else { string md = ""; if (row["RDT"] != null) { string rdt = row["RDT"].ToString(); DateTime date = DataType.ParseSysDate2DateTime(rdt); md = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } workCheckStr += row["EmpFromT"].ToString() + md + "\\par"; } } idx++; } if (workCheckStr.Equals("")) { string wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); continue; } if (isHaveNote == true || isHaveRec == true || isHaveRecName == true || isHaveRDT == true || isHaveWriteDB == true) { bool isHaveChange = false; if (isHaveNote == true) { str = str.Replace("", workCheckStr); isHaveChange = true; } if (isHaveRec == true && isHaveChange == false) { str = str.Replace("", workCheckStr); isHaveChange = true; } if (isHaveRecName == true && isHaveChange == false) { str = str.Replace("", workCheckStr); isHaveChange = true; } if (isHaveRDT == true && isHaveChange == false) { str = str.Replace("", workCheckStr); isHaveChange = true; } if (isHaveWriteDB == true && isHaveChange == false) { str = str.Replace("", workCheckStr); isHaveChange = true; } string wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); wkKey = ""; str = str.Replace(wkKey, ""); } } } } //if (dtTrack != null && str.Contains("") == false && str.Contains("") == false) //{ // foreach (DataRow row in dtTrack.Rows) //此处的22是ActionType.WorkCheck的值,此枚举位于BP.WF项目中,此处暂写死此值 // { // int acType = int.Parse(row["ActionType"].ToString()); // if (acType != 22) // continue; // //节点从. // string nfFrom = row["NDFrom"].ToString(); // string wkKey = ""; // string wkVal = this.GetCode(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "Msg")); // str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); // wkKey = ""; // wkVal = this.GetCode(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFromT")); // str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); // wkKey = ""; // wkVal = this.GetCode(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "RDT")); // str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); // wkKey = ""; // wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "RDT-NYR"); // str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); // //审核人的签名. 2020.11.28 by zhoupeng // wkKey = ""; // if (str.Contains(wkKey) == true) // { // wkVal = this.GetCode(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFrom")); // String filePath = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "/Siganture/" + wkVal + ".jpg"; // //定义rtf中图片字符串. // StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); // //获取要插入的图片 // System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath); // //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 // string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); // //生成rtf中图片字符串 // mypict.AppendLine(); // mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); // mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); // mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); // mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); // mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + imgAth.Width * 15); // mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + imgAth.Height * 15); // mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); // mypict.AppendLine(); // str = str.Replace(wkKey, mypict.ToString()); ; // } // //审核人的手写签名. 2020.11.28 by zhoupeng // wkKey = ""; // if (str.Contains(wkKey) == true) // { // wkVal = this.GetCode(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "WriteDB")); // //定义rtf中图片字符串. // StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); // //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 // byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(wkVal); // StringBuilder imgs = new StringBuilder(); // for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) // { // if ((i % 32) == 0) // { // imgs.AppendLine(); // } // //else if ((i % 8) == 0) // //{ // // imgs.Append(" "); // //} // byte num2 = buffer[i]; // int num3 = (num2 & 240) >> 4; // int num4 = num2 & 15; // imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num3]); // imgs.Append("0123456789abcdef"[num4]); // } // //生成rtf中图片字符串 // mypict.AppendLine(); // mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); // mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); // mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); // mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); // mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + 45 * 15); // mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + 40 * 15); // mypict.Append(imgs.ToString() + "}"); // mypict.AppendLine(); // str = str.Replace(wkKey, mypict.ToString()); ; // } // } //} #endregion #region 多附件 foreach (string athObjEnsName in this.EnsDataAths.Keys) { string athName = "Ath." + athObjEnsName; string athFilesName = ""; if (str.IndexOf(athName) == -1) continue; FrmAttachmentDBs athDbs = this.EnsDataAths[athObjEnsName] as FrmAttachmentDBs; if (athDbs == null) continue; if (str.IndexOf("Ath." + athObjEnsName + ".ImgAth") != -1) { string wkKey = ""; string athImgs = ""; // 定义rtf中图片字符串 StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); System.Drawing.Image imgAth; foreach (FrmAttachmentDB athDb in athDbs) { if (athFilesName.Length > 0) { athFilesName += " , "; } int i = athDb.FileFullName.LastIndexOf("UploadFile/"); athDb.FileFullName = athDb.FileFullName.Substring(i); //String filePath = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "UploadFile/" + athDb.FK_MapData + "/" + this.HisGEEntity.PKVal + "/" + athDb.FileName; String filePath = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + athDb.FileFullName; imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath); System.Drawing.Image bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imgAth); //imgAth.Dispose(); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(bmp, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + bmp.Width * 3); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + bmp.Height * 3); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.Append("\n"); athImgs = mypict.ToString(); } str = str.Replace(wkKey, athImgs); } else { foreach (FrmAttachmentDB athDb in athDbs) { if (athFilesName.Length > 0) athFilesName += " , "; athFilesName += athDb.FileName; } } str = str.Replace("<" + athName + ">", this.GetCode(athFilesName)); } #endregion #region 要替换的字段 //if (replaceVals != null && replaceVals.Contains("@")) //{ // string[] vals = replaceVals.Split('@'); // foreach (string val in vals) // { // if (val == null || val == "") // continue; // if (val.Contains("=") == false) // continue; // string myRep = val.Clone() as string; // myRep = myRep.Trim(); // myRep = myRep.Replace("null", ""); // string[] myvals = myRep.Split('='); // str = str.Replace("<" + myvals[0] + ">", "<" + myvals[1] + ">"); // } //} #endregion StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(this.TempFilePath, false, Encoding.ASCII); str = str.Replace("<", ""); str = str.Replace(">", ""); wr.Write(str); wr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ""; if (SystemConfig.IsDebug) { // 异常可能与单据的配置有关系。 try { this.CyclostyleFilePath = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "CyclostyleFile/" + templateRtfFile; str = Cash.GetBillStr(templateRtfFile, false); msg = "@已经成功的执行修复线 RepairLineV2,您重新发送一次或者,退后重新在发送一次,是否可以解决此问题"; } catch (Exception ex1) { msg = "执行修复线失败. RepairLineV2 " + ex1.Message; } } throw new Exception("生成文档失败:单据名称[" + this.CyclostyleFilePath + "] 异常信息:" + ex.Message + " @自动修复单据信息:" + msg); } } #endregion #region 生成单据 #region 生成单据 /// /// 生成单据根据 /// /// 模板文件 /// /// /// public void MakeDocByDataSet(string templeteFile, string saveToPath, string saveToFileName, DataTable mainDT, DataSet dtlsDS) { string valMain = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString("SELECT NO FROM SYS_MapData"); this.HisGEEntity = new GEEntity(valMain); this.HisGEEntity.Row.LoadDataTable(mainDT, mainDT.Rows[0]); this.AddEn(this.HisGEEntity); //增加一个主表。 if (dtlsDS != null) { foreach (DataTable dt in dtlsDS.Tables) { string dtlID = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString("SELECT NO FROM SYS_MapDtl "); BP.Sys.GEDtls dtls = new BP.Sys.GEDtls(dtlID); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { BP.Sys.GEDtl dtl = dtls.GetNewEntity as BP.Sys.GEDtl; dtl.Row.LoadDataTable(dt, dr); dtls.AddEntity(dtl); } this.AddDtlEns(dtls); //增加一个明晰。 } } this.MakeDoc(templeteFile, saveToPath, saveToFileName); } #endregion #endregion private string WorkCheckReplace(string str, DataRow row, int nodeID) { string wkKey = ""; string wkVal; if (row != null && !"null".Equals(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "Msg"))) { wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "Msg"); } else { wkVal = ""; } str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); wkKey = ""; if (row != null) { wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFrom"); } else { wkVal = ""; } str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); wkKey = ""; if (row != null) { wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFromT"); } else { wkVal = ""; } str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); wkKey = ""; if (row != null) { wkVal = this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "RDT"); } else { wkVal = ""; } str = str.Replace(wkKey, wkVal); wkKey = ""; wkKey = ""; if (str.IndexOf(wkKey) != -1) { if (row != null) { wkVal = this.GetCode(this.GetValueCheckWorkByKey(row, "EmpFrom")); } else { wkVal = ""; } String filePath = SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "/Siganture/" + wkVal + ".jpg"; // 定义rtf中图片字符串 StringBuilder mypict = new StringBuilder(); // 获取要插入的图片 // System.Drawing.Image img = // System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path); //获取要插入的图片 System.Drawing.Image imgAth = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath); //将要插入的图片转换为16进制字符串 string imgHexStringImgAth = GetImgHexString(imgAth, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //生成rtf中图片字符串 mypict.AppendLine(); mypict.Append(@"{\pict"); mypict.Append(@"\jpegblip"); mypict.Append(@"\picscalex100"); mypict.Append(@"\picscaley100"); mypict.Append(@"\picwgoal" + imgAth.Width * 15); mypict.Append(@"\pichgoal" + imgAth.Height * 15); mypict.Append(imgHexStringImgAth + "}"); mypict.Append("\n"); str = str.Replace(wkKey, mypict.ToString()); } return str; } #region 方法 /// /// RTFEngine /// public RTFEngine() { this._EnsDataDtls = null; this._HisEns = null; } /// /// 传入的是单个实体 /// /// public RTFEngine(Entity en) { this._EnsDataDtls = null; this._HisEns = null; this.HisGEEntity = en; } #endregion } }