using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BP.Sys; using BP.DA; using BP.En; using BP.Web; using BP.WF.Template; using BP.Port; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace BP.WF { /// /// 执行事件 /// public class ExecEvent { /// /// 执行表单 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static string DoFrm(MapData md, string eventType, Entity en, string atParas = null) { #region 首先执行通用的事件重载方法. if (EventListFrm.FrmLoadBefore.Equals(eventType) == true) BP.En.OverrideFile.FrmEvent_LoadBefore(md.No, en); //装载之后. if (EventListFrm.FrmLoadAfter.Equals(eventType) == true) BP.En.OverrideFile.FrmEvent_FrmLoadAfter(md.No, en); ///保存之前. if (EventListFrm.SaveBefore.Equals(eventType) == true) BP.En.OverrideFile.FrmEvent_SaveBefore(md.No, en); //保存之后. if (EventListFrm.SaveAfter.Equals(eventType) == true) BP.En.OverrideFile.FrmEvent_SaveAfter(md.No, en); #endregion 首先执行通用的事件重载方法. string str = md.FrmEvents.DoEventNode(eventType, en); string mystrs = null; if (md.HisFEB != null) mystrs = md.HisFEB.DoIt(eventType, en, atParas); if (str == null) return mystrs; if (mystrs == null) return str; return str + "@" + mystrs; } /// /// 执行节点事件 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static string DoNode(string doType, Node nd, Work wk, SendReturnObjs objs = null, string atParas = null) { WorkNode wn = new WorkNode(wk, nd); return DoNode(doType, wn, objs, atParas); } /// /// 执行事件 /// /// /// public static string DoNode(string doType, WorkNode wn, SendReturnObjs objs = null, string atPara = null) { if (wn.HisNode == null) return null; if (objs == null) objs = wn.HisMsgObjs; //如果执行了节点发送成功时间. if (doType.Equals(EventListNode.SendSuccess) == true) { if (wn.HisFlow.ItIsFullSA == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE WF_CCList SET Sta=0,RDT='"+DataType.CurrentDateTime+"' WHERE NodeIDWork=" + wn.HisNode.NodeID + " AND WorkID=" + wn.WorkID); WorkNodePlus.SendDraftSubFlow(wn); //执行自动发送子流程草稿. } #region 增加系统变量. if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(atPara) == true) atPara = ""; if (atPara.Contains("@WorkID") == false) atPara += "@WorkID=" + wn.WorkID; if (atPara.Contains("@NodeID") == false) atPara += "@NodeID=" + wn.HisNode.NodeID; if (atPara.Contains("@FK_Node") == false) atPara += "@FK_Node=" + wn.HisNode.NodeID; if (atPara.Contains("@FlowNo") == false) atPara += "@FlowNo=" + wn.HisNode.FlowNo; if (atPara.Contains("@FK_Flow") == false) atPara += "@FK_Flow=" + wn.HisNode.FlowNo; #endregion 增加系统变量. //执行:全局的重写的方法事件. string mymsg1 = BP.WF.OverrideEvent.DoIt(doType, wn, atPara, null, 0, null, null); if (mymsg1 != null) return mymsg1; #region 2021.5.30 gaoxin. 更新授权角色:为中科软 //更新授权角色:为中科软. 如果是当前节点的处理人员是按照角色绑定的,就需要吧授权岗,写入到 Emps里面去. if (doType.Equals(EventListNode.SendSuccess) == true && BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKeyBoolen("IsEnableAuthDeptStation", false) == true) { // 如果这些计算人员的方式有角色的因素,就需要把当前人员授权岗增加上去. if (wn.HisNode.HisDeliveryWay == DeliveryWay.ByStation || wn.HisNode.HisDeliveryWay == DeliveryWay.ByStationOnly //|| wn.HisNode.HisDeliveryWay == DeliveryWay.ByStationAndEmpDept || wn.HisNode.HisDeliveryWay == DeliveryWay.ByDeptAndStation) { string sql = "SELECT A.FK_Dept, A.FK_Station FROM Port_DeptEmpStation A, WF_NodeStation B "; sql += " WHERE A.FK_Emp='" + WebUser.No + "' AND A.FK_Station=B.FK_Station AND B.FK_Node=" + wn.HisNode.NodeID; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string strs = "@" + dr[0].ToString() + "_" + dr[1].ToString() + "@"; if (wn.HisGenerWorkFlow.Emps.Contains("@" + strs) == true) continue; wn.HisGenerWorkFlow.Emps += strs; } } } #endregion 2021.5.30. //写入消息之前,删除所有的消息. if (BP.WF.Glo.IsEnableSysMessage == true) { try { switch (doType) { case EventListNode.SendWhen: if (wn.HisNode.TodolistModel == TodolistModel.QiangBan) DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM Sys_SMS WHERE WorkID=" + wn.HisWork.OID); else DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM Sys_SMS WHERE SendTo='" + WebUser.No + "' AND WorkID=" + wn.HisWork.OID); break; case EventListNode.ReturnAfter: case EventListNode.ShitAfter: DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM Sys_SMS WHERE WorkID=" + wn.HisWork.OID); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { SMS sms = new SMS(); sms.CheckPhysicsTable(); } } int toNodeID = 0; if (wn.JumpToNode != null) toNodeID = wn.JumpToNode.NodeID; string msg = null; //定义执行的消息. if (wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity == null) { } if (wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity != null) { wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity.SendReturnObjs = objs; msg = wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity.DoIt(doType, wn.HisNode, wn.HisWork, atPara, toNodeID, wn.JumpToEmp, wn.HisGenerWorkFlow); } #region 执行事件. FrmEvents fes = wn.HisNode.FrmEvents; //获得当前的事件. if (fes.Count != 0) { // 2019-08-27 取消节点事件 zl string msg1 = fes.DoEventNode(doType, wn.HisWork, atPara); if (msg != null && msg1 != null) msg += msg1; if (msg == null) msg = msg1; } #endregion 执行事件. #region 处理消息推送 //有一些事件没有消息,直接 return ; switch (doType) { case EventListNode.WorkArrive: case EventListNode.SendSuccess: case EventListNode.ShitAfter: case EventListNode.ReturnAfter: case EventListNode.UndoneAfter: case EventListNode.AskerReAfter: case EventListFlow.FlowOverAfter: //流程结束后. break; default: return msg; } //执行消息的发送. PushMsgs pms = wn.HisNode.HisPushMsgs; if (pms.Count == 0) return msg; //如果没有设置消息. //撤销之后. if (doType.Equals(EventListNode.UndoneAfter) == true) { AtPara ap = new AtPara(atPara); if (toNodeID == 0) toNodeID = ap.GetValIntByKey("ToNode"); if (toNodeID == 0) return msg; Node toNode = new Node(toNodeID); pms = toNode.HisPushMsgs; } string msgAlert = ""; //生成的提示信息. foreach (PushMsg item in pms) { if (item.FK_Event != doType) continue; if (item.SMSPushWay == 0) continue; /* 如果都没有消息设置,就放过.*/ //执行发送消息. msgAlert += item.DoSendMessage(wn.HisNode, wn.HisWork, atPara, objs); } if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) == true) return msgAlert; return msg + msgAlert; #endregion 处理消息推送. } public static string DoFlow(string doType, Work wk, Node nd, string atPara) { WorkNode wn = new WorkNode(wk, nd); return DoFlow(doType, wn, atPara); } /// /// 执行流程事件 /// /// /// /// /// public static string DoFlow(string doType, WorkNode wn, string atPara) { if (wn.HisNode == null) return null; int toNodeID = 0; if (wn.JumpToNode != null) toNodeID = wn.JumpToNode.NodeID; //执行的参数. BP.WF.CCBill_FlowEvent.DoFlow(doType, wn, atPara); #region 写入消息之前,删除消息,不让其在提醒. if (BP.WF.Glo.IsEnableSysMessage == true) { switch (doType) { case EventListFlow.FlowOverAfter: DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM Sys_SMS WHERE (MsgType='" + EventListNode.SendSuccess + "' OR MsgType='" + EventListNode.ReturnAfter + "' ) AND WorkID=" + wn.HisWork.OID); break; case EventListFlow.AfterFlowDel: //删除所有的消息,包括抄送. DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM Sys_SMS WHERE AtPara LIKE '%=" + wn.HisWork.OID + "@' OR WorkID=" + wn.HisWork.OID); break; default: break; } } #endregion 写入消息之前,删除消息,不让其在提醒. string msg = null; if (wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity != null) { wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity.SendReturnObjs = wn.HisMsgObjs; if (doType.Equals("FlowOnCreateWorkID") == true) msg = wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity.DoIt(doType, wn.HisNode, wn.HisWork, null, toNodeID, wn.JumpToEmp, null); else msg = wn.HisFlow.FEventEntity.DoIt(doType, wn.HisNode, wn.HisWork, null, toNodeID, wn.JumpToEmp, wn.HisGenerWorkFlow); } #region 执行事件. FrmEvents fes = wn.HisFlow.FrmEvents; //获得当前的事件. if (fes.Count != 0) { string msg1 = fes.DoEventNode(doType, wn.HisWork, atPara); if (msg1 != null && msg != null) msg += msg1; if (msg == null) msg = msg1; } #endregion 执行事件. #region 处理消息推送 //有一些事件没有消息,直接 return ; switch (doType) { case EventListFlow.BeforeFlowDel: case EventListFlow.FlowOnCreateWorkID: case EventListFlow.FlowOverBefore: case EventListFlow.FlowOverAfter: break; default: return msg; } //执行消息的发送. PushMsgs pms = wn.HisFlow.PushMsgs; if (pms.Count == 0) return msg; string msgAlert = ""; //生成的提示信息. foreach (PushMsg item in pms) { if (item.FK_Event != doType) continue; if (item.SMSPushWay == 0) continue; /* 如果都没有消息设置,就放过.*/ //执行发送消息. msgAlert += item.DoSendMessage(wn.HisNode, wn.HisWork, atPara, wn.HisMsgObjs); } if (msg == null) return msgAlert; return msg + msgAlert; #endregion 处理消息推送. } } }