using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Schema; using BP.DA; using BP.En; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using System.Threading; namespace BP.Sys { /// /// 数据源 /// public class SFDBSrcAttr : EntityNoNameAttr { /// /// 数据源类型 /// public const string DBSrcType = "DBSrcType"; /// /// 用户编号 /// public const string UserID = "UserID"; /// /// 密码 /// public const string Password = "Password"; /// /// IP地址 /// public const string IP = "IP"; /// /// 数据库名称 /// public const string DBName = "DBName"; public const string ConnString = "ConnString"; } /// /// 数据源 /// public class SFDBSrc : EntityNoName { #region 属性 public FieldCaseModel FieldCaseModel { get { switch (this.DBSrcType) { case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: return FieldCaseModel.UpperCase; case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.UX: return FieldCaseModel.Lowercase; break; default: return FieldCaseModel.None; } } } /// /// 数据库类型 /// public string DBSrcType { get { return this.GetValStringByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType); } set { this.SetValByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, value); } } public string DBName { get { return this.GetValStringByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.DBName); } set { this.SetValByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.DBName, value); } } public string IP { get { return this.GetValStringByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.IP); } set { this.SetValByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.IP, value); } } /// /// 数据库类型 /// public DBType HisDBType { get { switch (this.DBSrcType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.local: return BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType; case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: return DBType.MSSQL; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: return DBType.Oracle; case Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3: return DBType.KingBaseR3; case Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6: return DBType.KingBaseR6; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: return DBType.MySQL; case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: return DBType.Informix; case Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: return DBType.PostgreSQL; default: throw new Exception("err@HisDBType没有判断的数据库类型."); } } } #endregion #region 数据库访问方法 /// /// 运行SQL返回数值 /// /// 一行一列的SQL /// 如果为空,就返回制定的值. /// 要返回的值 public int RunSQLReturnInt(string sql, int isNullAsVal) { DataTable dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) return isNullAsVal; return int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } public Entities DoQuery(Entities ens, string sql, string expPageSize, string pk, Attrs attrs, int count, int pageSize, int pageIdx, string orderBy, bool isDesc = false) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (count == 0) return null; int pageNum = 0; string orderBySQL = ""; //如果没有加入排序字段,使用主键 if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) == false) { orderBy = pk; string isDescStr = ""; if (isDesc) isDescStr = " DESC "; orderBySQL = orderBy + isDescStr; } sql = sql + " " + orderBySQL; try { if (pageSize == 0) pageSize = 10; if (pageIdx == 0) pageIdx = 1; int top = pageSize * (pageIdx - 1) + 1; int max = pageSize * pageIdx; int myleftCount = count - (pageNum * pageSize); string mysql = ""; switch (this.DBSrcType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: case Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3: case Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6: mysql = "SELECT * FROM (" + sql + " AND ROWNUM<=" + max + ") temp WHERE temp.rn>=" + top; break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: mysql = sql + " LIMIT " + pageSize * (pageIdx - 1) + "," + pageSize; break; case Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: case Sys.DBSrcType.UX: case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: default: //获取主键的类型 Attr attr = attrs.GetAttrByKeyOfEn(pk); //mysql = countSql; //mysql = mysql.Substring(mysql.ToUpper().IndexOf("FROM ")); // mysql = "SELECT "+ mainTable+pk + " " + mysql; string pks = this.GenerPKsByTableWithPara(pk, attr.IsNum, expPageSize, pageSize * (pageIdx - 1), max, null); if (pks == null) mysql = sql + " AND 1=2 "; else mysql = sql + " AND OID in(" + pks + ")"; break; } dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(mysql); return InitEntitiesByDataTable(ens, dt, null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("err@数据源执行分页SQL出现错误:" + sql + "错误原因:" + ex.Message); } } public Entities InitEntitiesByDataTable(Entities ens, DataTable dt, string[] fullAttrs) { if (fullAttrs == null) { Map enMap = ens.GetNewEntity.EnMap; Attrs attrs = enMap.Attrs; try { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (dt.Columns.Contains(attr.Key) == false && dt.Columns.Contains(attr.Key.ToUpper()) == false) continue; if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel == FieldCaseModel.UpperCase) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) en.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key]); else en.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key.ToUpper()]); } else if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel == FieldCaseModel.Lowercase) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) en.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key]); else en.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key.ToLower()]); } else en.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key]); } ens.AddEntity(en); } } catch (Exception ex) { // warning 不应该出现的错误. 2011-12-03 add String cols = ""; foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { cols += " , " + dc.ColumnName; } throw new Exception("Columns=" + cols + "@Ens=" + ens.ToString() + " @异常信息:" + ex.Message); } return ens; } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; foreach (String str in fullAttrs) { if (dt.Columns.Contains(str) == false && dt.Columns.Contains(str.ToUpper()) == false) continue; if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel == FieldCaseModel.UpperCase) { if (dt.Columns.Contains(str) == true) en.SetValByKey(str, dr[str]); else en.SetValByKey(str, dr[str.ToUpper()]); } else if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldCaseModel == FieldCaseModel.Lowercase) { if (dt.Columns.Contains(str) == true) en.SetValByKey(str, dr[str]); else en.SetValByKey(str, dr[str.ToLower()]); } else en.SetValByKey(str, dr[str]); } ens.AddEntity(en); } return ens; } public string GenerPKsByTableWithPara(string pk, bool isNum, string sql, int from, int to, Paras paras) { DataTable dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(sql, paras); string pks = ""; int i = 0; int paraI = 0; string dbStr = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { i++; if (i > from) { if (isNum == true) pks += int.Parse(dr[pk].ToString()) + ","; else pks += "'" + dr[pk].ToString() + "',"; if (i >= to) return pks.Substring(0, pks.Length - 1); } } if (pks == "") { return null; } return pks.Substring(0, pks.Length - 1); } /// /// 运行SQL /// /// /// public int RunSQL(string sql) { int i = 0; switch (this.DBSrcType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.local: return DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnString); SqlCommand cmd = null; try { conn.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return i; } catch (Exception ex) { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) conn.Close(); if (cmd != null) cmd.Dispose(); // throw new Exception("RunSQL 错误,SQL=" + sql); throw new Exception("RunSQL 错误,SQL=" + sql + " ex=" + ex.Message); } case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: OracleConnection connOra = new OracleConnection(this.ConnString); OracleCommand cmdOra = null; try { connOra.Open(); cmdOra = new OracleCommand(sql, connOra); cmdOra.CommandType = CommandType.Text; i = cmdOra.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdOra.Dispose(); connOra.Close(); return i; } catch (Exception ex) { if (connOra.State == ConnectionState.Open) connOra.Close(); if (cmdOra != null) cmdOra.Dispose(); throw new Exception("RunSQL 错误,SQL=" + sql + " ex=" + ex.Message); } case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: MySqlConnection connMySQL = new MySqlConnection(this.ConnString); MySqlCommand cmdMySQL = null; try { connMySQL.Open(); cmdMySQL = new MySqlCommand(sql, connMySQL); cmdMySQL.CommandType = CommandType.Text; i = cmdMySQL.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdMySQL.Dispose(); connMySQL.Close(); return i; } catch (Exception ex) { if (connMySQL.State == ConnectionState.Open) connMySQL.Close(); if (cmdMySQL != null) cmdMySQL.Dispose(); throw new Exception("RunSQL 错误,SQL=" + sql + " ex=" + ex.Message); //throw new Exception("RunSQL 错误,SQL=" + sql); } //From Zhou IBM删除 //case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: // IfxConnection connIfx = new IfxConnection(this.ConnString); // IfxCommand cmdIfx = null; // try // { // connIfx.Open(); // cmdIfx = new IfxCommand(sql, connIfx); // cmdIfx.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // i = cmdIfx.ExecuteNonQuery(); // cmdIfx.Dispose(); // connIfx.Close(); // return i; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // if (connIfx.State == ConnectionState.Open) // connIfx.Close(); // if (cmdIfx != null) // cmdIfx.Dispose(); // throw new Exception("RunSQL 错误,SQL=" + sql); // } default: throw new Exception("@没有判断的支持的数据库类型."); } return 0; } public void RunSQLs(string sql) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) return; //sql = DealSQL(sql);//去掉注释. sql = sql.Replace("@GO", "~"); sql = sql.Replace("@", "~"); if (sql.Contains("';'") == false) sql = sql.Replace(";", "~"); sql = sql.Replace("UPDATE", "~UPDATE"); sql = sql.Replace("DELETE", "~DELETE"); sql = sql.Replace("INSERT", "~INSERT"); string[] strs = sql.Split('~'); foreach (string str in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) continue; if (str.Contains("--") || str.Contains("/*")) continue; RunSQL(str); } } private static readonly object _lock = new object(); /// /// 运行SQL /// /// /// public DataTable RunSQLReturnTable(string runObj) { DataTable dt = RunSQLReturnTable(runObj, new Paras()); Thread thread = Thread.CurrentThread; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SFTable --- Thread-" + thread.ManagedThreadId + ",runObj: --" + runObj); return dt; } public string RunSQLReturnString(string runObj, string isNullasVal = null) { DataTable dt = RunSQLReturnTable(runObj); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) return isNullasVal; return dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } /// /// 运行SQL返回datatable /// /// /// public DataTable RunSQLReturnTable(string runObj, Paras ps) { try { Thread thread = Thread.CurrentThread; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Thread:" + thread.ManagedThreadId + ",NO:" + this.No + ",runObj:" + runObj + ",paras:" + ps); switch (this.DBSrcType) { case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local: //如果是本机,直接在本机上执行. return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(runObj, ps); case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: //如果是SQLServer. SqlConnection connSQL = new SqlConnection(this.ConnString); SqlDataAdapter ada = null; SqlParameter myParameter = null; try { connSQL.Open(); //打开. ada = new SqlDataAdapter(runObj, connSQL); ada.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // 加入参数 if (ps != null) { foreach (Para para in ps) { myParameter = new SqlParameter(para.ParaName, para.val); myParameter.Size = para.Size; ada.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(myParameter); } } DataTable oratb = new DataTable("otb"); ada.Fill(oratb); ada.Dispose(); connSQL.Close(); return oratb; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ada != null) ada.Dispose(); if (connSQL.State == ConnectionState.Open) connSQL.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + runObj + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: OracleConnection oracleConn = new OracleConnection(ConnString); OracleDataAdapter oracleAda = null; OracleParameter myParameterOrcl = null; try { oracleConn.Open(); oracleAda = new OracleDataAdapter(runObj, oracleConn); oracleAda.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (ps != null) { // 加入参数 foreach (Para para in ps) { myParameterOrcl = new OracleParameter(para.ParaName, para.val); myParameterOrcl.Size = para.Size; oracleAda.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(myParameterOrcl); } } DataTable oracleTb = new DataTable("otb"); oracleAda.Fill(oracleTb); oracleAda.Dispose(); oracleConn.Close(); return oracleTb; } catch (Exception ex) { if (oracleAda != null) oracleAda.Dispose(); if (oracleConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) oracleConn.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + runObj + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: MySqlConnection mysqlConn = new MySqlConnection(ConnString); MySqlDataAdapter mysqlAda = null; MySqlParameter myParameterMysql = null; try { mysqlConn.Open(); mysqlAda = new MySqlDataAdapter(runObj, mysqlConn); mysqlAda.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (ps != null) { // 加入参数 foreach (Para para in ps) { myParameterMysql = new MySqlParameter(para.ParaName, para.val); myParameterMysql.Size = para.Size; mysqlAda.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(myParameterMysql); } } DataTable mysqlTb = new DataTable("otb"); mysqlAda.Fill(mysqlTb); mysqlAda.Dispose(); mysqlConn.Close(); return mysqlTb; } catch (Exception ex) { if (mysqlAda != null) mysqlAda.Dispose(); if (mysqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) mysqlConn.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + runObj + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } default: break; } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("err@从自定义数据源中获取数据失败," + this.No + " , " + this.Name + " 异常信息:" + ex.Message); BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError(ex.Message); } } public DataTable RunSQLReturnTable(string sql, int startRecord, int recordCount) { switch (this.DBSrcType) { case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local: //如果是本机,直接在本机上执行. return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); case BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: //如果是SQLServer. SqlConnection connSQL = new SqlConnection(this.ConnString); SqlDataAdapter ada = null; try { connSQL.Open(); //打开. ada = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connSQL); ada.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; DataTable oratb = new DataTable("otb"); ada.Fill(startRecord, recordCount, oratb); ada.Dispose(); connSQL.Close(); return oratb; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ada != null) ada.Dispose(); if (connSQL.State == ConnectionState.Open) connSQL.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + sql + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: OracleConnection oracleConn = new OracleConnection(ConnString); OracleDataAdapter oracleAda = null; try { oracleConn.Open(); oracleAda = new OracleDataAdapter(sql, oracleConn); oracleAda.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; DataTable oracleTb = new DataTable("otb"); oracleAda.Fill(startRecord, recordCount, oracleTb); oracleAda.Dispose(); oracleConn.Close(); return oracleTb; } catch (Exception ex) { if (oracleAda != null) oracleAda.Dispose(); if (oracleConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) oracleConn.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + sql + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: MySqlConnection mysqlConn = new MySqlConnection(ConnString); MySqlDataAdapter mysqlAda = null; try { mysqlConn.Open(); mysqlAda = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, mysqlConn); mysqlAda.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; DataTable mysqlTb = new DataTable("otb"); mysqlAda.Fill(startRecord, recordCount, mysqlTb); mysqlAda.Dispose(); mysqlConn.Close(); return mysqlTb; } catch (Exception ex) { if (mysqlAda != null) mysqlAda.Dispose(); if (mysqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) mysqlConn.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + sql + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } // //case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: // IfxConnection ifxConn = new IfxConnection(ConnString); // IfxDataAdapter ifxAda = null; // try // { // ifxConn.Open(); // ifxAda = new IfxDataAdapter(sql, ifxConn); // ifxAda.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // DataTable ifxTb = new DataTable("otb"); // ifxAda.Fill(startRecord, recordCount, ifxTb); // ifxAda.Dispose(); // ifxConn.Close(); // return ifxTb; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // if (ifxAda != null) // ifxAda.Dispose(); // if (ifxConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // ifxConn.Close(); // throw new Exception("SQL=" + sql + " Exception=" + ex.Message); // } default: break; } return null; } /// /// 判断数据源所在库中是否已经存在指定名称的对象【表/视图】 /// /// 表/视图 名称 /// 如果不存在,返回null,否则返回对象的类型:TABLE(表)、VIEW(视图)、PROCEDURE(存储过程,判断不完善)、OTHER(其他类型) public string IsExistsObj(string objName) { string sql = string.Empty; DataTable dt = null; switch (this.DBSrcType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.local: sql = GetIsExitsSQL(DBAccess.AppCenterDBType, objName, DBAccess.GetAppCenterDBConn.Database); dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: sql = GetIsExitsSQL(DBType.MSSQL, objName, this.DBName); dt = RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: sql = GetIsExitsSQL(DBType.Oracle, objName, this.DBName); dt = RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: sql = GetIsExitsSQL(DBType.MySQL, objName, this.DBName); dt = RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: sql = GetIsExitsSQL(DBType.Informix, objName, this.DBName); dt = RunSQLReturnTable(sql); break; default: throw new Exception("@未涉及的数据库类型。"); } return dt.Rows.Count == 0 ? null : dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } /// /// 获取判断数据库中是否存在指定名称的表/视图SQL语句 /// /// 数据库类型 /// 表/视图名称 /// 数据库名称 /// public string GetIsExitsSQL(DBType dbType, string objName, string dbName) { switch (dbType) { case DBType.MSSQL: case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: return string.Format("SELECT (CASE s.xtype WHEN 'U' THEN 'TABLE' WHEN 'V' THEN 'VIEW' WHEN 'P' THEN 'PROCEDURE' ELSE 'OTHER' END) OTYPE FROM sysobjects s WHERE = '{0}'", objName); case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: return string.Format("SELECT uo.OBJECT_TYPE OTYPE FROM user_objects uo WHERE uo.OBJECT_NAME = '{0}'", objName.ToUpper()); case DBType.MySQL: return string.Format("SELECT (CASE t.TABLE_TYPE WHEN 'BASE TABLE' THEN 'TABLE' ELSE 'VIEW' END) OTYPE FROM information_schema.tables t WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{1}' AND t.TABLE_NAME = '{0}'", objName, dbName); case DBType.Informix: return string.Format("SELECT (CASE s.tabtype WHEN 'T' THEN 'TABLE' WHEN 'V' THEN 'VIEW' ELSE 'OTHER' END) OTYPE FROM systables s WHERE s.tabname = '{0}'", objName); case DBType.DB2: return string.Format(""); case DBType.Access: return string.Format(""); default: throw new Exception("@没有涉及的数据库类型。"); } } #endregion #region 构造方法 /// /// 编辑类型 /// public int EditType { get { return this.GetParaInt("EditType", 0); } set { this.SetPara("EditType", value); } } /// /// 数据源 /// public SFDBSrc() { } public SFDBSrc(string no) { this.No = no; try { this.Retrieve(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (no.Equals("local")==true) { this.Name = no; this.DBSrcType = no; this.DBName = no; this.Insert(); } } } /// /// EnMap /// public override Map EnMap { get { if (this._enMap != null) return this._enMap; Map map = new Map("Sys_SFDBSrc", "数据源"); map.AddTBStringPK(SFDBSrcAttr.No, null, "编号", true, false, 1, 20, 20); map.AddTBString(SFDBSrcAttr.Name, null, "名称", true, false, 0, 30, 20); //string cfg = "@0=应用系统主数据库(默认)@1=SQLServer数据库@2=Oracle数据库@3=MySQL数据库@4=Informix数据库@50=Dubbo服务@100=WebService数据源"; //map.AddDDLSysEnum(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, 0, "数据源类型", true, true, // SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType,cfg); string cfg1 = "@local=应用系统数据库(默认)@MSSQL=SQLServer数据库@Oracle=Oracle数据库@MySQL=MySQL数据库@Informix=Informix数据库@KindingBase3=人大金仓库R3@KindingBase6=人大金仓库R6@UX=优漩@Dubbo=Dubbo服务@WS=WebService数据源@URL=url模式@CCFromRef.js"; map.AddDDLStringEnum(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, "local", "类型", cfg1, true, null, false); map.AddTBString(SFDBSrcAttr.DBName, null, "数据库名称/Oracle保持为空", true, false, 0, 30, 20); map.AddTBString(SFDBSrcAttr.ConnString, null, "连接串/URL", true, false, 0, 200, 20,true); map.AddTBAtParas(200); //string runPlant = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.RunOnPlant; //if (runPlant.Equals("CCFlow") == false && runPlant.Equals("bp") == false) //{ // map.AddTBString(SFDBSrcAttr.UserID, null, "数据库登录用户ID", true, false, 0, 30, 20); // map.AddTBString(SFDBSrcAttr.Password, null, "密码", true, false, 0, 30, 20); // map.AddTBString(SFDBSrcAttr.IP, null, "IP地址/数据库实例名", true, false, 0, 500, 20); //} //map.AddDDLSysEnum(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, 0, "数据源类型", true, true, // SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, "@0=应用系统主数据库@1=SQLServer@2=Oracle@3=MySQL@4=Infomix"); RefMethod rm = new RefMethod(); rm = new RefMethod(); rm.Title = "测试连接"; rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoConn"; rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func; // 仅仅是一个功能. map.AddRefMethod(rm); this._enMap = map; return this._enMap; } } #endregion #region 方法. /// /// 连接字符串. /// public string ConnString { get { switch (this.DBSrcType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.local: return BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDSN; default: return this.GetValStringByKey(SFDBSrcAttr.ConnString); //case Sys.DBSrcType.SQLServer: // return "password=" + this.Password + ";persist security info=true;user id=" + this.UserID + ";initial catalog=" + this.DBName + ";data source=" + this.IP + ";timeout=999;multipleactiveresultsets=true"; //case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: // return "user id=" + this.UserID + ";data source=" + this.IP + ";password=" + this.Password + ";Max Pool Size=200"; //case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: // return "Data Source=" + this.IP + ";Persist Security info=True;Initial Catalog=" + this.DBName + ";User ID=" + this.UserID + ";Password=" + this.Password + ";"; //case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: // return "Host=" + this.IP + "; Service=; Server=; Database=" + this.DBName + "; User id=" + this.UserID + "; Password=" + this.Password + "; "; //Service为监听客户端连接的服务名,Server为数据库实例名,这两项没提供 //case Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: // return "Server=" + this.IP + ";Port=5432;Database=" + this.DBName + ";UserId=" + this.UserID + ";Password=" + this.Password + ";;Pooling=False;"; //default: // throw new Exception("@没有判断的类型."); } } } /// /// 执行连接 /// /// public string DoConn() { if (this.No == "local") return "本地连接不需要测试."; if (this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) return "@在该系统中只能有一个本地连接."; string dsn = ""; if (this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL) { try { System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = this.ConnString; conn.Open(); conn.Close(); return "恭喜您,该(" + this.Name + ")连接配置成功。"; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } if (this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle) { try { // dsn = "user id=" + this.UserID + ";data source=" + this.DBName + ";password=" + this.Password + ";Max Pool Size=200"; //System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection conn = new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection(); //zyt改造OracleConnection,Core And Fram4编译正常 OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = this.ConnString; conn.Open(); conn.Close(); return "恭喜您,该(" + this.Name + ")连接配置成功。"; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } if (this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL) { try { // dsn = "Data Source=" + this.IP + ";Persist Security info=True;Initial Catalog=" + this.DBName + ";User ID=" + this.UserID + ";Password=" + this.Password + ";"; MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = this.ConnString; conn.Open(); conn.Close(); return "恭喜您,该(" + this.Name + ")连接配置成功。"; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } if (this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.WebServices) { string url = this.ConnString; try { HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); myRequest.Method = "GET";  //设置提交方式可以为"get","head"等 myRequest.Timeout = 30000;  //设置网页响应时间长度 myRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false;//是否允许自动重定向 HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse(); return myResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK ? "连接配置成功。" : "连接配置失败。";//返回响应的状态 } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } return "没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."; } /// /// 获取所有数据表,不包括视图 /// /// public DataTable GetAllTablesWithoutViews() { var sql = new StringBuilder(); var dbType = this.DBSrcType; if (dbType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) { switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL; break; case DBType.Oracle: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle; break; case DBType.MySQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL; break; case DBType.Informix: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Informix; break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL; break; case DBType.UX: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.UX; break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3; break; case DBType.KingBaseR6: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6; break; default: throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); } } switch (dbType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: sql.AppendLine("SELECT NAME AS No,"); sql.AppendLine(" NAME"); sql.AppendLine("FROM sysobjects"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE xtype = 'U'"); sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY"); sql.AppendLine(" Name"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: sql.AppendLine("SELECT uo.OBJECT_NAME No,"); sql.AppendLine(" uo.OBJECT_NAME Name"); sql.AppendLine(" FROM user_objects uo"); sql.AppendLine(" WHERE uo.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE'"); sql.AppendLine(" ORDER BY uo.OBJECT_NAME"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: sql.AppendLine("SELECT "); sql.AppendLine(" table_name No,"); sql.AppendLine(" table_name Name"); sql.AppendLine("FROM"); sql.AppendLine(" information_schema.tables"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" table_schema = '{0}'", this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local ? DBAccess.GetAppCenterDBConn.Database : this.DBName)); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"); sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY table_name;"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: sql.AppendLine(""); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: case Sys.DBSrcType.UX: sql.AppendLine("SELECT "); sql.AppendLine(" table_name No,"); sql.AppendLine(" table_name Name"); sql.AppendLine("FROM"); sql.AppendLine(" information_schema.tables"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" table_schema = '{0}'", this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local ? DBAccess.GetAppCenterDBConn.Database : this.DBName)); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"); sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY table_name;"); break; default: break; } DataTable allTables = null; if (this.No == "local") { allTables = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString()); } else { var dsn = this.ConnString; var conn = GetConnection(dsn); try { conn.Open(); allTables = RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString(), conn, dsn, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("@失败:" + ex.Message + " dns:" + dsn); } } return allTables; } /// /// 获得数据列表. /// /// public DataTable GetTables(bool isCutFlowTables = false) { var sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT ss.SrcTable FROM Sys_SFTable ss WHERE ss.FK_SFDBSrc = '{0}'", this.No); var allTablesExist = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString()); sql.Clear(); var dbType = this.DBSrcType; if (dbType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) { switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL; break; case DBType.Oracle: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle; break; case DBType.MySQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL; break; case DBType.Informix: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Informix; break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL; break; case DBType.UX: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.UX; break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3; break; case DBType.KingBaseR6: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6; break; default: throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); } } switch (dbType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: sql.AppendLine("SELECT NAME AS No,"); sql.AppendLine(" [Name] = '[' + (CASE xtype WHEN 'U' THEN '表' ELSE '视图' END) + '] ' + "); sql.AppendLine(" NAME,"); sql.AppendLine(" xtype"); sql.AppendLine("FROM sysobjects"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE (xtype = 'U' OR xtype = 'V')"); // sql.AppendLine(" AND (NAME NOT LIKE 'ND%')"); sql.AppendLine(" AND (NAME NOT LIKE 'Demo_%')"); sql.AppendLine(" AND (NAME NOT LIKE 'Sys_%')"); sql.AppendLine(" AND (NAME NOT LIKE 'WF_%')"); sql.AppendLine(" AND (NAME NOT LIKE 'GPM_%')"); sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY"); sql.AppendLine(" xtype,"); sql.AppendLine(" NAME"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: sql.AppendLine("SELECT uo.OBJECT_NAME AS No,"); sql.AppendLine(" '[' || (CASE uo.OBJECT_TYPE"); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN 'TABLE' THEN"); sql.AppendLine(" '表'"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE"); sql.AppendLine(" '视图'"); sql.AppendLine(" END) || '] ' || uo.OBJECT_NAME AS Name,"); sql.AppendLine(" CASE uo.OBJECT_TYPE"); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN 'TABLE' THEN"); sql.AppendLine(" 'U'"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE"); sql.AppendLine(" 'V'"); sql.AppendLine(" END AS xtype"); sql.AppendLine(" FROM user_objects uo"); sql.AppendLine(" WHERE (uo.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' OR uo.OBJECT_TYPE = 'VIEW')"); //sql.AppendLine(" AND uo.OBJECT_NAME NOT LIKE 'ND%'"); //sql.AppendLine(" AND uo.OBJECT_NAME NOT LIKE 'Demo_%'"); //sql.AppendLine(" AND uo.OBJECT_NAME NOT LIKE 'Sys_%'"); //sql.AppendLine(" AND uo.OBJECT_NAME NOT LIKE 'WF_%'"); //sql.AppendLine(" AND uo.OBJECT_NAME NOT LIKE 'GPM_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" ORDER BY uo.OBJECT_TYPE, uo.OBJECT_NAME"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: sql.AppendLine("SELECT "); sql.AppendLine(" table_name AS No,"); sql.AppendLine(" CONCAT('[',"); sql.AppendLine(" CASE table_type"); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN 'BASE TABLE' THEN '表'"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE '视图'"); sql.AppendLine(" END,"); sql.AppendLine(" '] ',"); sql.AppendLine(" table_name) AS Name,"); sql.AppendLine(" CASE table_type"); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN 'BASE TABLE' THEN 'U'"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE 'V'"); sql.AppendLine(" END AS xtype"); sql.AppendLine("FROM"); sql.AppendLine(" information_schema.tables"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" table_schema = '{0}'", this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local ? DBAccess.GetAppCenterDBConn.Database : this.DBName)); sql.AppendLine(" AND (table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"); sql.AppendLine(" OR table_type = 'VIEW')"); // sql.AppendLine(" AND (table_name NOT LIKE 'ND%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'Demo_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'Sys_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'WF_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'GPM_%'"); sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY table_type , table_name;"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: sql.AppendLine(""); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: case Sys.DBSrcType.UX: sql.AppendLine("SELECT "); sql.AppendLine(" table_name AS No,"); sql.AppendLine(" CONCAT('[',"); sql.AppendLine(" CASE table_type"); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN 'BASE TABLE' THEN '表'"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE '视图'"); sql.AppendLine(" END,"); sql.AppendLine(" '] ',"); sql.AppendLine(" table_name) AS Name,"); sql.AppendLine(" CASE table_type"); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN 'BASE TABLE' THEN 'U'"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE 'V'"); sql.AppendLine(" END AS xtype"); sql.AppendLine("FROM"); sql.AppendLine(" information_schema.tables"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" table_schema = '{0}'", this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local ? DBAccess.GetAppCenterDBConn.Database : this.DBName)); sql.AppendLine(" AND (table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"); sql.AppendLine(" OR table_type = 'VIEW')"); // sql.AppendLine(" AND (table_name NOT LIKE 'ND%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'Demo_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'Sys_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'WF_%'"); sql.AppendLine(" AND table_name NOT LIKE 'GPM_%'"); sql.AppendLine("ORDER BY table_type , table_name;"); break; default: break; } DataTable allTables = null; if (this.No == "local") { allTables = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString()); #region 把tables 的英文名称替换为中文. //把tables 的英文名称替换为中文. string mapDT = "SELECT PTable,Name FROM Sys_MapData "; DataTable myDT = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(mapDT); foreach (DataRow myDR in allTables.Rows) { string no = myDR["No"].ToString(); string name = null; foreach (DataRow dr in myDT.Rows) { string pTable = dr["PTable"].ToString(); if (pTable.Equals(no) == false) continue; name = dr["Name"].ToString(); break; } if (name != null) myDR["Name"] = myDR["Name"].ToString() + "-" + name; } #endregion 把tables 的英文名称替换为中文. } else { var dsn = this.ConnString; var conn = GetConnection(dsn); try { conn.Open(); allTables = RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString(), conn, dsn, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("@失败:" + ex.Message + " dns:" + dsn); } } //去除已经使用的表 var filter = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in allTablesExist.Rows) filter += string.Format("No='{0}' OR ", dr[0]); if (filter != "") { var deletedRows = allTables.Select(filter.TrimEnd(" OR ".ToCharArray())); foreach (DataRow dr in deletedRows) { allTables.Rows.Remove(dr); } } //去掉系统表. if (isCutFlowTables == true) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("No", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); foreach (DataRow dr in allTables.Rows) { string no = dr["No"].ToString(); if (no.Contains("WF_") || no.Contains("Track") || no.Contains("Sys_") || no.Contains("Demo_")) continue; DataRow mydr = dt.NewRow(); mydr["No"] = dr["No"]; mydr["Name"] = dr["Name"]; dt.Rows.Add(mydr); } return dt; } return allTables; } /// /// 获取数据库连接 /// /// 连接字符串 /// private System.Data.Common.DbConnection GetConnection(string dsn) { System.Data.Common.DbConnection conn = null; var dbType = this.DBSrcType; if (dbType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) { switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL; break; case DBType.Oracle: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle; break; case DBType.MySQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL; break; case DBType.Informix: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Informix; break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3; break; case DBType.KingBaseR6: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6; break; default: throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); } } this.DBSrcType = dbType; switch (dbType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(dsn); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: //conn = new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection(dsn); conn = new OracleConnection(dsn); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: conn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(dsn); break; // from Zhou 删除IBM //case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: // conn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(dsn); // break; } return conn; } public string GetTablesJSON() { DataTable dt = this.GetTables(true); return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt); } private DataTable RunSQLReturnTable(string sql, System.Data.Common.DbConnection conn, string dsn, CommandType cmdType) { if (conn is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection) return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql, (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)conn, dsn, cmdType, null); //if (conn is System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection) // return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql, (System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection)conn, cmdType, dsn); if (conn is OracleConnection) return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql, (OracleConnection)conn, cmdType, dsn); if (conn is MySqlConnection) { var mySqlConn = (MySqlConnection)conn; if (mySqlConn.State != ConnectionState.Open) mySqlConn.Open(); var ada = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, mySqlConn); ada.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; try { DataTable oratb = new DataTable("otb"); ada.Fill(oratb); ada.Dispose(); conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); return oratb; } catch (Exception ex) { ada.Dispose(); conn.Close(); throw new Exception("SQL=" + sql + " Exception=" + ex.Message); } } throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); return null; } /// /// 修改表/视图/列名称(不完善) /// /// 修改对象的类型,TABLE(表)、VIEW(视图)、COLUMN(列) /// 旧名称 /// 新名称 /// 修改列名称时,列所属的表名称 public void Rename(string objType, string oldName, string newName, string tableName = null) { var dbType = this.DBSrcType; if (dbType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) { switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL; break; case DBType.Oracle: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle; break; case DBType.MySQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL; break; case DBType.Informix: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Informix; break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3; break; case DBType.KingBaseR6: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6; break; default: throw new Exception("@没有涉及到的连接测试类型。"); } } switch (dbType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: if (objType.ToLower() == "column") RunSQL(string.Format("EXEC SP_RENAME '{0}', '{1}', 'COLUMN'", oldName, newName)); else RunSQL(string.Format("EXEC SP_RENAME '{0}', '{1}'", oldName, newName)); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: case Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3: case Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6: if (objType.ToLower() == "column") RunSQL(string.Format("ALTER TABLE {0} RENAME COLUMN {1} TO {2}", tableName, oldName, newName)); else if (objType.ToLower() == "table") RunSQL(string.Format("ALTER TABLE {0} RENAME TO {1}", oldName, newName)); else if (objType.ToLower() == "view") RunSQL(string.Format("RENAME {0} TO {1}", oldName, newName)); else throw new Exception("@未涉及到的Oracle数据库改名逻辑。"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: if (objType.ToLower() == "column") { string sql = string.Format("SELECT c.COLUMN_TYPE FROM information_schema.columns c WHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}' AND c.TABLE_NAME = '{1}' AND c.COLUMN_NAME = '{2}'", this.DBName, tableName, oldName); DataTable dt = RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { RunSQL(string.Format("ALTER TABLE {0} CHANGE COLUMN {1} {2} {3}", tableName, oldName, newName, dt.Rows[0][0])); } } else if (objType.ToLower() == "table") { RunSQL(string.Format("ALTER TABLE `{0}`.`{1}` RENAME `{0}`.`{2}`", this.DBName, oldName, newName)); } else if (objType.ToLower() == "view") { string sql = string.Format( "SELECT t.VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.views t WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}' AND t.TABLE_NAME = '{1}'", this.DBName, oldName); DataTable dt = RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { RunSQL("DROP VIEW " + oldName); } else { RunSQL(string.Format("CREATE VIEW {0} AS {1}", newName, dt.Rows[0][0])); RunSQL("DROP VIEW " + oldName); } } else throw new Exception("@未涉及到的Oracle数据库改名逻辑。"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: break; default: throw new Exception("@没有涉及到的数据库类型。"); } } /// /// 获取判断指定表达式如果为空,则返回指定值的SQL表达式 /// 注:目前只对MSSQL/ORACLE/MYSQL三种数据库做兼容 /// added by liuxc,2017-03-07 /// /// 要判断的表达式,在SQL中的写法 /// 判断的表达式为NULL,返回值的表达式,在SQL中的写法 /// public string GetIsNullInSQL(string expression, string isNullBack) { var dbType = this.DBSrcType; if (dbType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) { switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL; break; case DBType.Oracle: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle; break; case DBType.MySQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL; break; case DBType.Informix: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Informix; break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3; break; case DBType.KingBaseR6: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6; break; default: throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); } } switch (dbType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: return " ISNULL(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: return " NVL(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: return " IFNULL(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; case Sys.DBSrcType.PostgreSQL: case Sys.DBSrcType.UX: return " COALESCE(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; default: throw new Exception("GetIsNullInSQL未涉及的数据库类型"); } } /// /// 获取表的字段信息 /// /// 表/视图名称 /// 有四个列 No,Name,DBType,DBLength 分别标识 列的字段名,列描述,类型,长度。 public DataTable GetColumns(string tableName) { //SqlServer数据库 var sql = new StringBuilder(); var dbType = this.DBSrcType; if (dbType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) { switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL; break; case DBType.Oracle: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle; break; case DBType.MySQL: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL; break; case DBType.Informix: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.Informix; break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR3; break; case DBType.KingBaseR6: dbType = BP.Sys.DBSrcType.KingBaseR6; break; default: throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); } } this.DBSrcType = dbType; switch (dbType) { case Sys.DBSrcType.MSSQL: sql.AppendLine("SELECT as No,"); sql.AppendLine(" AS [DBType],"); sql.AppendLine(" ("); sql.AppendLine(" CASE "); sql.AppendLine(" WHEN = 'nchar' OR = 'nvarchar' THEN sc.length / 2"); sql.AppendLine(" ELSE sc.length"); sql.AppendLine(" END"); sql.AppendLine(" ) AS DBLength,"); sql.AppendLine(" sc.colid,"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" {0} AS [Name]", GetIsNullInSQL("ep.[value]", "''"))); sql.AppendLine("FROM dbo.syscolumns sc"); sql.AppendLine(" INNER JOIN dbo.systypes st"); sql.AppendLine(" ON sc.xtype = st.xusertype"); sql.AppendLine(" LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.extended_properties ep"); sql.AppendLine(" ON = ep.major_id"); sql.AppendLine(" AND sc.colid = ep.minor_id"); sql.AppendLine(" AND = 'MS_Description'"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format("WHERE = OBJECT_ID('dbo.{0}')", tableName)); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Oracle: sql.AppendLine("SELECT utc.COLUMN_NAME AS No,"); sql.AppendLine(" utc.DATA_TYPE AS DBType,"); sql.AppendLine(" utc.CHAR_LENGTH AS DBLength,"); sql.AppendLine(" utc.COLUMN_ID AS colid,"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" {0} AS Name", GetIsNullInSQL("ucc.comments", "''"))); sql.AppendLine(" FROM user_tab_cols utc"); sql.AppendLine(" LEFT JOIN user_col_comments ucc"); sql.AppendLine(" ON ucc.table_name = utc.TABLE_NAME"); sql.AppendLine(" AND ucc.column_name = utc.COLUMN_NAME"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" WHERE utc.TABLE_NAME = '{0}'", tableName.ToUpper())); sql.AppendLine(" ORDER BY utc.COLUMN_ID ASC"); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.MySQL: //分别代表字段名,类型,描述,类型加长度(char(11)) sql.AppendLine("SELECT "); sql.AppendLine(" column_name AS 'No',"); sql.AppendLine(" data_type AS 'DBType',"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" {0} AS DBLength,", GetIsNullInSQL("character_maximum_length", "numeric_precision"))); sql.AppendLine(" ordinal_position AS colid,"); sql.AppendLine(" column_comment AS 'Name'"); sql.AppendLine("FROM"); sql.AppendLine(" information_schema.columns"); sql.AppendLine("WHERE"); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" table_schema = '{0}'", DBAccess.GetAppCenterDBConn.Database)); sql.AppendLine(string.Format(" AND table_name = '{0}';", tableName)); break; case Sys.DBSrcType.Informix: break; default: throw new Exception("没有涉及到的连接测试类型..."); } DataTable dt = null; if (this.No.Equals("local") == true) { dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString()); return dt; } var dsn = this.ConnString; var conn = GetConnection(dsn); try { //System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(); //conn.ConnectionString = dsn; conn.Open(); return RunSQLReturnTable(sql.ToString(), conn, dsn, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("@失败:" + ex.Message + " dns:" + dsn); } return null; } protected override bool beforeDelete() { if (this.No == "local") throw new Exception("@默认连接(local)不允许删除、更新."); string str = ""; MapDatas mds = new MapDatas(); mds.Retrieve(MapDataAttr.DBSrc, this.No); if (mds.Count != 0) { str += "如下表单使用了该数据源,您不能删除它。"; foreach (MapData md in mds) { str += "@\t\n" + md.No + " - " + md.Name; } } SFTables tabs = new SFTables(); tabs.Retrieve(SFTableAttr.FK_SFDBSrc, this.No); if (tabs.Count != 0) { str += "如下 table 使用了该数据源,您不能删除它。"; foreach (SFTable tab in tabs) { str += "@\t\n" + tab.No + " - " + tab.Name; } } if (str != "") throw new Exception("@删除数据源的时候检查,是否有引用,出现错误:" + str); return base.beforeDelete(); } protected override bool beforeUpdate() { if (this.No == "local") throw new Exception("@默认连接(local)不允许删除、更新."); return base.beforeUpdate(); } //added by liuxc,2015-11-10,新建修改时,判断只能加一个本地主库数据源 protected override bool beforeUpdateInsertAction() { if (this.No != "local" && this.DBSrcType == BP.Sys.DBSrcType.local) throw new Exception("@在该系统中只能有一个本地连接,请选择其他数据源类型。"); //测试数据库连接. DoConn(); return base.beforeUpdateInsertAction(); } #endregion 方法. } /// /// 数据源s /// public class SFDBSrcs : EntitiesNoName { #region 构造 /// /// 数据源s /// public SFDBSrcs() { } /// /// 得到它的 Entity /// public override Entity GetNewEntity { get { return new SFDBSrc(); } } #endregion public override int RetrieveAll() { int i = this.RetrieveAllFromDBSource(); if (i == 0) { SFDBSrc src = new SFDBSrc(); src.No = "local"; src.Name = "应用系统主数据库(默认)"; src.Insert(); this.AddEntity(src); return 1; } return i; } /// /// 查询数据源 /// /// 返回查询的个数 public int RetrieveDBSrc() { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, " < ", 100); int i = qo.DoQuery(); if (i == 0) return this.RetrieveAll(); return i; } /// /// 查询数据源 /// /// 返回查询的个数 public int RetrieveWCSrc() { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(SFDBSrcAttr.DBSrcType, "= ", BP.Sys.DBSrcType.WebServices); int i = qo.DoQuery(); if (i == 0) return this.RetrieveAll(); return i; } #region 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List. /// /// 转化成 java list,C#不能调用. /// /// List public System.Collections.Generic.IList ToJavaList() { return (System.Collections.Generic.IList)this; } /// /// 转化成list /// /// List public System.Collections.Generic.List Tolist() { System.Collections.Generic.List list = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) { list.Add((SFDBSrc)this[i]); } return list; } #endregion 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List. } }