using System; using BP.DA; using BP.Difference; using BP.Sys; namespace BP.En { public class SqlBuilder { #region 关于IEntitiy的操作 // public static String GetKeyCondition(IEntity en) // { // return null; // } // public static String RetrieveAll(IEntity en) // { // return null; // } // public static String Retrieve(IEntity en) // { // return null; // } // public static String Insert(IEntity en) // { // return null; // } // public static String Delete(IEntity en) // { // return null; // } // public static String Update(IEntity en) // { // return null; // } #endregion #region GetKeyCondition /// /// 得到主健 /// /// /// public static String GetKeyConditionOfMS(Entity en) { // 判断特殊情况。 switch (en.PKField) { case "OID": return " OID=@OID"; case "No": return " No=@No"; case "MyPK": return " MyPK=@MyPK"; break; default: break; } if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("OID")) { int key = en.GetValIntByKey("OID"); if (key == 0) throw new Exception("@在执行[" + en.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "],没有给PK OID 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); // if (en.PKs.Length == 1) return " OID=@OID" + key; } string sql = " (1=1) "; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { string val = en.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString(); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) throw new Exception("@在执行[" + en.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]没有给PK " + attr.Key + " 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); sql = sql + " AND " + attr.Field + "=@" + attr.Key; continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { if (en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) == 0 && attr.Key == "OID") throw new Exception("@在执行[" + en.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "],没有给PK " + attr.Key + " 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); sql = sql + " AND " + attr.Field + "=@" + attr.Key; continue; } } } return sql; } /// /// 得到主健 /// /// /// public static String GetKeyConditionOfOLE(Entity en) { // 判断特殊情况。 if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("OID")) { int key = en.GetValIntByKey("OID"); if (key == 0) throw new Exception("@在执行[" + en.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "],没有给PK OID 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); if (en.PKs.Length == 1) return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".OID=" + key; } // if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("MID")) // { // int key=en.GetValIntByKey("MID"); // if (key==0) // throw new Exception("@在执行["+en.EnMap.EnDesc+ " " +en.EnMap.PhysicsTable +"],没有给PK MID 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); // return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+".MID="+key ; // } string sql = " (1=1) "; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { string val = en.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString(); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) throw new Exception("@在执行[" + en.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]没有给PK " + attr.Key + " 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".[" + attr.Field + "]='" + en.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString() + "'"; continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { if (en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) == 0 && attr.Key == "OID") throw new Exception("@在执行[" + en.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "],没有给PK " + attr.Key + " 赋值,不能进行查询操作。"); sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".[" + attr.Field + "]=" + en.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key); continue; } } } return sql; } /// /// 得到主健 /// /// /// public static String GenerWhereByPK(Entity en, string dbStr) { if (en.PKCount == 1) { if (dbStr == "?") return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + en.PKField + "=" + dbStr; else return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + en.PKField + "=" + dbStr + en.PK; } string sql = " (1=1) "; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (dbStr == "?") sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + dbStr; else sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + dbStr + attr.Field; } } return sql; } /// /// /// /// /// public static Paras GenerParasPK(Entity en) { Paras paras = new Paras(); string pk = en.PK; Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; Attr attr1 = null; switch (pk) { case "OID": attr1 = attrs.GetAttrByKey("OID"); if (attr1.IsNum) paras.Add("OID", en.GetValIntByKey("OID")); else paras.Add("OID", en.GetValStrByKey("OID")); return paras; case "No": paras.Add("No", en.GetValStrByKey("No")); return paras; case "MyPK": paras.Add("MyPK", en.GetValStrByKey("MyPK")); return paras; case "NodeID": paras.Add("NodeID", en.GetValIntByKey("NodeID")); return paras; case "WorkID": attr1 = attrs.GetAttrByKey("WorkID"); if (attr1.IsNum) paras.Add("WorkID", en.GetValIntByKey("WorkID")); else paras.Add("WorkID", en.GetValStrByKey("WorkID")); return paras; default: break; } foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { paras.Add(attr.Key, en.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString()); continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { paras.Add(attr.Key, en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key)); continue; } } } return paras; } public static String GetKeyConditionOfOraForPara(Entity en) { // 不能删除物理表名称,会引起未定义列。 // 判断特殊情况, switch (en.PK) { case "OID": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".OID=" + en.HisDBVarStr + "OID"; case "ID": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".ID=" + en.HisDBVarStr + "ID"; case "No": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".No=" + en.HisDBVarStr + "No"; case "MyPK": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".MyPK=" + en.HisDBVarStr + "MyPK"; case "NodeID": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".NodeID=" + en.HisDBVarStr + "NodeID"; case "WorkID": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".WorkID=" + en.HisDBVarStr + "WorkID"; default: break; } string sql = " (1=1) "; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + en.HisDBVarStr + attr.Key; continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + en.HisDBVarStr + attr.Key; continue; } } } return sql.Substring(" (1=1) AND ".Length); } public static String GetKeyConditionOfInformixForPara(Entity en) { // 不能删除物理表名称,会引起未定义列。 // 判断特殊情况, switch (en.PK) { case "OID": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".OID=?"; case "No": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".No=?"; case "MyPK": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".MyPK=?"; case "ID": return en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ".ID=?"; default: break; } string sql = " (1=1) "; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) { sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + attr.Field + "=?"; continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { sql = sql + " AND " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "." + attr.Field + "=?"; continue; } } } return sql.Substring(" (1=1) AND ".Length); } #endregion /// /// 查询全部信息 /// /// 实体 /// sql public static string RetrieveAll(Entity en) { return SqlBuilder.SelectSQL(en, BP.Difference.SystemConfig.TopNum); } /// /// 查询 /// /// 实体 /// string public static string Retrieve(Entity en) { string sql = ""; switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: case DBType.MySQL: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMS(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@") + " )"; break; case DBType.Access: // sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOLE(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOLE(en,"@") + " )"; sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOLE(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@") + " )"; break; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: case DBType.Informix: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOra(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, ":") + " )"; break; case DBType.DB2: throw new Exception("还没有实现。"); default: throw new Exception("还没有实现。"); } sql = sql.Replace("WHERE AND", " WHERE "); sql = sql.Replace("WHERE AND", " WHERE "); sql = sql.Replace("WHERE AND", " WHERE "); return sql; } public static string RetrieveForPara(Entity en) { string sql = null; switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMS(en, 1) + " AND " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@"); break; case DBType.MySQL: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMySQL(en, 1) + " AND " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@"); break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: case DBType.HGDB: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfPostgreSQL(en, 1) + " AND " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@"); break; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOra(en, 1) + "AND (" + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, ":") + " )"; break; case DBType.Informix: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfInformix(en, 1) + " WHERE (" + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "?") + " )"; break; case DBType.Access: sql = SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOLE(en, 1) + " AND " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@"); break; case DBType.DB2: default: throw new Exception("还没有实现。"); } sql = sql.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); sql = sql.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); return sql; } public static string RetrieveForPara_bak(Entity en) { switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: case DBType.MySQL: case DBType.Access: if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count == 0) return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMS(en, 1) + SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOraForPara(en); else return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMS(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOraForPara(en) + " )"; return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMS(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfMS(en) + " )"; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: case DBType.Informix: if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count == 0) return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOra(en, 1) + SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOraForPara(en); else return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOra(en, 1) + " AND ( " + SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOraForPara(en) + " )"; case DBType.DB2: default: throw new Exception("还没有实现。"); } } public static string GenerFormWhereOfOra(Entity en) { string from = " FROM " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count == 0) return from + " WHERE (1=1) "; string mytable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; from += ","; // 产生外键表列表。 Attrs fkAttrs = en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in fkAttrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; ptable = ptable + " T" + attr.Key; from += ptable + " ,"; } else { string fktable = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap.PhysicsTable; fktable = fktable + " T" + attr.Key; from += fktable + " ,"; } } from = from.Substring(0, from.Length - 1); string where = " WHERE "; bool isAddAnd = true; // 开始形成 外键 where. foreach (Attr attr in fkAttrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; string fktable = "T" + attr.Key; if (isAddAnd == false) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; else where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; isAddAnd = true; } else { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; else where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; } } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; string fktable = "T" + attr.Key; if (isAddAnd == false) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; else where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; isAddAnd = true; } else { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; else where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; } } } where = where.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); where = where.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); return from + where; } public static string GenerFormWhereOfInformix(Entity en) { string from = " FROM " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string mytable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; Attrs fkAttrs = en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs; string where = ""; bool isAddAnd = true; // 开始形成 外键 where. foreach (Attr attr in fkAttrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string fktable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; if (isAddAnd == true) { isAddAnd = false; where += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol; } else { where += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol; } } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; string fktable = en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; if (isAddAnd == true) { isAddAnd = false; where += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); } else { where += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); } } } where = where.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); where = where.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); return from + where; } /// /// 生成sql. /// /// /// public static string GenerCreateTableSQLOfMS(Entity en) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(en.EnMap.PhysicsTable)) return "DELETE FROM " + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.SysEnum() + " where enumkey='sdsf44a23'"; // throw new Exception(en.ToString() +" map error "+en.GetType() ); string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ( "; Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; if (attrs.Count == 0) throw new Exception("@" + en.EnDesc + " , [" + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]没有属性/字段集合 attrs.Count = 0 ,能执行数据表的创建."); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; int len = attr.MaxLength; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.IsPK) sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] NVARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NOT NULL,"; else { if (attr.MaxLength >= 4000) sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,"; else sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] NVARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; } break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (attr.MaxLength >= 4000) sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,"; else sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] NVARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] FLOAT NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsPK) { //说明这个是自动增长的列. if (attr.UIBindKey == "1") sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] INT primary key identity(1,1),"; else sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] INT NOT NULL,"; } else { sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] INT NULL,"; } break; case DataType.AppDouble: sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] FLOAT NULL,"; break; default: break; } } sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1); sql += ")"; return sql; } /// /// 执行PSQL. /// /// 实体 /// 生成的SQL public static string GenerCreateTableSQLOfPostgreSQL(Entity en) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(en.EnMap.PhysicsTable)) return "DELETE FROM " + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.SysEnum() + " where enumkey='sdsf44a23'"; // throw new Exception(en.ToString() +" map error "+en.GetType() ); string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ( "; Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; if (attrs.Count == 0) throw new Exception("@" + en.EnDesc + " , [" + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]没有属性/字段集合 attrs.Count = 0 ,能执行数据表的创建."); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; int len = attr.MaxLength; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.IsPK) sql += attr.Field + " VARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NOT NULL,"; else { if (attr.MaxLength >= 4000) sql += attr.Field + " VARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; else sql += attr.Field + " VARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; } break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: sql += attr.Field + " VARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: sql += attr.Field + " FLOAT NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsPK) { //说明这个是自动增长的列. if (attr.UIBindKey == "1") sql += attr.Field + " INT primary key identity(1,1),"; else sql += attr.Field + " INT NOT NULL,"; } else { sql += attr.Field + " INT NULL,"; } break; case DataType.AppDouble: sql += attr.Field + " FLOAT NULL,"; break; default: break; } } sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1); sql += ")"; return sql; } public static string GenerCreateTableSqlOfKingBase(Entity en) { string from = " FROM " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count == 0) return from + " WHERE (1=1) "; string mytable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; from += ","; // 产生外键表列表。 Attrs fkAttrs = en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in fkAttrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; string fktable = ptable; fktable = fktable + " T" + attr.Key; from += fktable + " ,"; } else { string fktable = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap.PhysicsTable; fktable = fktable + " T" + attr.Key; from += fktable + " ,"; } } from = from.Substring(0, from.Length - 1); string where = " WHERE "; bool isAddAnd = true; // 开始形成 外键 where. foreach (Attr attr in fkAttrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; string fktable = "T" + attr.Key; if (isAddAnd == false) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; else where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; isAddAnd = true; } else { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; else where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + nameCol + " (+) )"; } } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; string fktable = "T" + attr.Key; if (isAddAnd == false) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; else where += "( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; isAddAnd = true; } else { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString) where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; else where += " AND ( " + mytable + "." + attr.Key + "=" + fktable + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue) + " (+) )"; } } } where = where.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); where = where.Replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE"); return from + where; } public static string GenerCreateTableSQLOf_OLE(Entity en) { string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ("; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; int len = attr.MaxLength; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.MaxLength <= 254) { if (attr.IsPK) sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NOT NULL,"; else sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; } else { if (attr.IsPK) sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] text NOT NULL,"; else sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] text,"; } break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] float NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsPK) sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] int NOT NULL,"; else sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] int NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppDouble: sql += "[" + attr.Field + "] float NULL,"; break; default: break; } } sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1); sql += ")"; return sql; } public static string GenerCreateTableSQL(Entity en) { switch (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: return GenerCreateTableSQLOfOra(en); case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: case DBType.HGDB: return GenerCreateTableSQLOfPostgreSQL(en); case DBType.Informix: return GenerCreateTableSQLOfInfoMix(en); case DBType.MSSQL: case DBType.Access: return GenerCreateTableSQLOfMS(en); default: break; } return null; } /// /// 生成sql. /// /// /// public static string GenerCreateTableSQLOfOra(Entity en) { if (en.EnMap.PhysicsTable == null) throw new Exception("您没有为[" + en.EnDesc + "],设置物理表。"); if (en.EnMap.PhysicsTable.Trim().Length == 0) throw new Exception("您没有为[" + en.EnDesc + "],设置物理表。"); string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ("; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.IsPK) sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NOT NULL,"; else { if (attr.MaxLength >= 4000) sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; else sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; } break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: sql += attr.Field + " float NULL,"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsPK) { if (attr.UIBindKey == "1") if(SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.KingBaseR3 || SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.KingBaseR6) sql += attr.Field + " INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY,"; else sql += attr.Field + " int primary key identity(1,1),"; else sql += attr.Field + " int NOT NULL,"; } else { sql += attr.Field + " int ,"; } break; default: break; } } sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1); sql += ")"; return sql; } public static string GenerCreateTableSQLOfInfoMix(Entity en) { if (en.EnMap.PhysicsTable == null) throw new Exception("您没有为[" + en.EnDesc + "],设置物理表。"); if (en.EnMap.PhysicsTable.Trim().Length == 0) throw new Exception("您没有为[" + en.EnDesc + "],设置物理表。"); string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ("; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.MaxLength >= 255) { if (attr.IsPK) sql += attr.Field + " lvarchar (" + attr.MaxLength + "),"; else sql += attr.Field + " lvarchar (" + attr.MaxLength + "),"; } else { if (attr.IsPK) sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NOT NULL,"; else sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + "),"; } break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: sql += attr.Field + " varchar (" + attr.MaxLength + "),"; break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: sql += attr.Field + " float,"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: //说明这个是自动增长的列. if (attr.IsPK) { if (attr.UIBindKey == "1") sql += attr.Field + " Serial not null,"; else sql += attr.Field + " int8 NOT NULL,"; } else { sql += attr.Field + " int8,"; } break; default: break; } } sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1); sql += ")"; return sql; } /// /// 生成sql. /// /// /// public static string GenerCreateTableSQLOfMySQL(Entity en) { if (en.EnMap.PhysicsTable == null) throw new Exception("您没有为[" + en.EnDesc + "],设置物理表。"); if (en.EnMap.PhysicsTable.Trim().Length == 0) throw new Exception("您没有为[" + en.EnDesc + "],设置物理表。"); string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ("; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.IsPK) sql += attr.Field + " NVARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NOT NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; else { if (attr.MaxLength > 3000) sql += attr.Field + " TEXT NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; else sql += attr.Field + " NVARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; } break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: sql += attr.Field + " NVARCHAR (" + attr.MaxLength + ") NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; break; case DataType.AppFloat: sql += attr.Field + " float NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; break; case DataType.AppMoney: sql += attr.Field + " decimal(20,4) NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; break; case DataType.AppDouble: sql += attr.Field + " double NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsPK && attr.Key == "OID") { if (attr.UIBindKey == "1") sql += attr.Field + " INT(4) primary key not null auto_increment COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; else sql += attr.Field + " INT NOT NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; } else { if (attr.DefValType == 0 && attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) sql += attr.Field + " INT NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; else sql += attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT " + attr.DefaultVal + " COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "',"; } break; default: break; } } sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1); sql += ") default charset=utf8 "; return sql; } public static string GenerFormWhereOfOra(Entity en, Map map) { string from = " FROM " + map.PhysicsTable; // string where=" "; string table = ""; string tableAttr = ""; string enTable = map.PhysicsTable; foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Normal || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { //Entity en1= ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",") == true) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); table = strs[0]; // en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string noCol = strs[1]; // en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string nameCol = strs[2]; // en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; tableAttr = "T" + attr.Key + ""; from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " " + tableAttr + " ON " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + tableAttr + "." + noCol; //where=where+" AND "+" ("+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"."+attr.Field+"="+en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"_"+attr.Key+"."+en1.EnMap.Attrs.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue )+" ) " ; continue; } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; table = en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; tableAttr = "T" + attr.Key + ""; from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " " + tableAttr + " ON " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + tableAttr + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); //where=where+" AND "+" ("+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"."+attr.Field+"="+en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"_"+attr.Key+"."+en1.EnMap.Attrs.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue )+" ) " ; continue; } } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { //from= from+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN "+table+" AS "+tableAttr+ " ON "+enTable+"."+attr.Field+"="+tableAttr+"."+en1.EnMap.Attrs.GetFieldByKey( attr.UIRefKeyValue ); tableAttr = "Enum_" + attr.Key; from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT Lab, IntKey FROM " + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.SysEnum() + " WHERE EnumKey='" + attr.UIBindKey + "' ) Enum_" + attr.Key + " ON " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + tableAttr + ".IntKey "; // where=where+" AND ( "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"."+attr.Field+"= Enum_"+attr.Key+".IntKey ) "; } } //from=from+", "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; //where="("+where+")"; return from + " WHERE (1=1) "; } public static string GenerFormWhereOfMS(Entity en) { string from = " FROM " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; //去除原因有时获取外键不正确 //if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count == 0) // return from + " WHERE (1=1)"; string mytable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; Attrs fkAttrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; MapAttr mapAttr = null; foreach (Attr attr in fkAttrs) { if (attr.IsFK == false) continue; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; mapAttr = attr.ToMapAttr; //去除webservice填充DDL数据的类型,2015.9.25,added by liuxc if (mapAttr.LGType == FieldTypeS.Normal && attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) continue; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",") == true) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string fktable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; if (fktable.Equals("Port_Emp") == true && mytable.Equals("WF_NodeEmp") == false && BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS) from += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " AS " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Field + ".UserID AND " + fktable + "_" + attr.Field + ".OrgNo = '" + BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo + "' "; else from += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " AS " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Field + "." + noCol; } else { string fktable = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap.PhysicsTable; Attr refAttr = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); //added by liuxc,2017-9-11,此处增加是否存在实体表,因新增的字典表类型“动态SQL查询”,此类型没有具体的实体表,完全由SQL动态生成的数据集合,此处不判断会使生成的SQL报错 //if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject(fktable)) if (fktable.Equals("Port_Emp") == true && mytable.Equals("WF_NodeEmp") == false && BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS) from += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " AS " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Field + ".UserID AND " + fktable + "_" + attr.Field + ".OrgNo = '" + BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo + "' "; else from += " LEFT JOIN " + fktable + " AS " + fktable + "_" + attr.Key + " ON " + mytable + "." + attr.Field + "=" + fktable + "_" + attr.Field + "." + refAttr.Field; } } return from + " WHERE (1=1) "; } /// /// GenerFormWhere /// /// /// public static string GenerFormWhereOfMS(Entity en, Map map) { string from = " FROM " + map.PhysicsTable; // string where=" "; string table = ""; string tableAttr = ""; string enTable = map.PhysicsTable; foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Normal || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",") == true) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; tableAttr = ptable + "_" + attr.Key; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", " + en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) + ")=" + tableAttr + "." + noCol; } else { if (table.Equals("Port_Emp") == true && BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS) from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", '" + en.GetValByKey(attr.Key) + "')=" + tableAttr + ".UserID AND " + tableAttr + ".OrgNo = '" + BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo + "' "; else from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", '" + en.GetValByKey(attr.Key) + "')=" + tableAttr + "." + noCol; } } else { //Entity en1= ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; table = en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; tableAttr = en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", " + en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) + ")=" + tableAttr + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); } else { if (table.Equals("Port_Emp") == true && BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS) from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", '" + en.GetValByKey(attr.Key) + "')=" + tableAttr + ".UserID AND " + tableAttr + ".OrgNo = '" + BP.Web.WebUser.OrgNo + "' "; else from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", '" + en.GetValByKey(attr.Key) + "')=" + tableAttr + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); } } //where=where+" AND "+" ("+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"."+attr.Field+"="+en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"_"+attr.Key+"."+en1.EnMap.Attrs.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue )+" ) " ; continue; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { //from= from+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN "+table+" AS "+tableAttr+ " ON "+enTable+"."+attr.Field+"="+tableAttr+"."+en1.EnMap.Attrs.GetFieldByKey( attr.UIRefKeyValue ); tableAttr = "Enum_" + attr.Key; from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT Lab, IntKey FROM " + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.SysEnum() + " WHERE EnumKey='" + attr.UIBindKey + "' ) Enum_" + attr.Key + " ON ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ", " + en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) + ")=" + tableAttr + ".IntKey "; // where=where+" AND ( "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"."+attr.Field+"= Enum_"+attr.Key+".IntKey ) "; } } //from=from+", "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; //where="("+where+")"; return from + " WHERE (1=1) "; } /// /// GenerFormWhere /// /// /// protected static string GenerFormWhereOfMSOLE(Entity en) { string fromTop = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string from = ""; // string where=" "; string table = ""; string tableAttr = ""; string enTable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Normal || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; fromTop = "(" + fromTop; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; table = ptable; tableAttr = ptable + "_" + attr.Key; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON IIf( ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "), " + en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) + " , " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + " )=" + tableAttr + "." + nameCol; } else { from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON IIf( ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "), '" + en.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key) + "', " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + " )=" + tableAttr + "." + nameCol; } } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; table = en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable; tableAttr = en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON IIf( ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "), " + en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) + " , " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + " )=" + tableAttr + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); } else { from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " AS " + tableAttr + " ON IIf( ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "), '" + en.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key) + "', " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + " )=" + tableAttr + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyValue); } } } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { //from= from+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN "+table+" AS "+tableAttr+ " ON "+enTable+"."+attr.Field+"="+tableAttr+"."+en1.EnMap.Attrs.GetFieldByKey( attr.UIRefKeyValue ); tableAttr = "Enum_" + attr.Key; from = from + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT Lab, IntKey FROM " + BP.Sys.Base.Glo.SysEnum() + " WHERE EnumKey='" + attr.UIBindKey + "' ) Enum_" + attr.Key + " ON IIf( ISNULL( " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + "), " + en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) + ", " + enTable + "." + attr.Field + ")=" + tableAttr + ".IntKey "; // where=where+" AND ( "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"."+attr.Field+"= Enum_"+attr.Key+".IntKey ) "; } from = from + ")"; } fromTop = " FROM " + fromTop; //from=from+", "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; //where="("+where+")"; return fromTop + from + " WHERE (1=1) "; } protected static string SelectSQLOfOra(Entity en, int topNum) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = ""; Map map = en.EnMap; if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count != 0) mainTable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "."; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) { if (attr.IsKeyEqualField) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field; else val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; } else { val = val + ",NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') " + attr.Key; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + noCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.DefValType == 0) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Key; else val = val + ",NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal + ") " + attr.Key + ""; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.UIBindKey)) throw new Exception("@" + en.ToString() + " key=" + attr.Key + " UITag=" + attr.UITag); SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); val = val + "," + ses.GenerCaseWhenForOracle(en.ToString(), mainTable, attr.Key, attr.Field, attr.UIBindKey, int.Parse(attr.DefaultVal.ToString())); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { if (attr.HisFKEns == null) throw new Exception("@生成SQL错误 Entity=" + en.ToString() + " 外键字段{" + attr.Key + "." + attr.Desc + ", UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + "}已经无效, 也许该类或者外键字段被移除,请通知管理员解决。"); Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppFloat: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ",0) " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",1) " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDouble: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppMoney: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else { val = val + ",NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",'" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') " + attr.Key; } break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } return " SELECT " + val.Substring(1) + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfOra(en); } /// /// SelectSQLOfInformix /// /// /// /// protected static string SelectSQLOfInformix(Entity en, int topNum) { string val = ""; string mainTable = ""; if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count != 0) mainTable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "."; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) { if (attr.IsKeyEqualField) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field; else val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; } else { val = val + ",NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') " + attr.Key; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Map map = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", " + map.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + map.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: val = val + ",NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal + ") " + attr.Key + ""; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.UIBindKey)) throw new Exception("@" + en.ToString() + " key=" + attr.Key + " UITag=" + attr.UITag); SysEnums ses = new BP.Sys.SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); val = val + "," + ses.GenerCaseWhenForOracle(en.ToString(), mainTable, attr.Key, attr.Field, attr.UIBindKey, int.Parse(attr.DefaultVal.ToString())); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { Map map = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", " + map.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + map.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } break; case DataType.AppFloat: val = val + ", NVL( round(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",4) ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ",0) " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",1) " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDouble: val = val + ", NVL( round(" + mainTable + attr.Field + " ,4) ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppMoney: val = val + ", NVL( round(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",4)," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else { val = val + ",NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",'" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') " + attr.Key; } break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } return " SELECT " + val.Substring(1) + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfInformix(en); } public static string SelectSQL(Entity en, int topNum) { switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMS(en, topNum); case DBType.MySQL: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfMySQL(en, topNum); case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: case DBType.HGDB: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfPostgreSQL(en, topNum); case DBType.Access: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOLE(en, topNum); case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOra(en, topNum); case DBType.Informix: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfInformix(en, topNum); default: throw new Exception("没有判断的情况"); } } /// /// 得到sql of select /// /// 实体 /// top /// sql public static string SelectCountSQL(Entity en) { switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: return SqlBuilder.SelectCountSQLOfMS(en); case DBType.Access: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOLE(en, 0); case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: case DBType.Informix: return SqlBuilder.SelectSQLOfOra(en, 0); default: return null; } } /// /// 建立SelectSQLOfOLE /// /// 要执行的en /// 最高查询个数 /// 返回查询sql public static string SelectSQLOfOLE(Entity en, int topNum) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "."; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: val = val + ", IIf( ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "), '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "', " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ) AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", IIf( ISNULL(" + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + ") ,''," + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + ") AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; val = val + ", IIf( ISNULL(" + en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + ") ,''," + en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + ") AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: val = val + ",IIf( ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ")," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { val = val + ",IIf( ISNULL( Enum_" + attr.Key + ".Lab),'',Enum_" + attr.Key + ".Lab ) AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; val = val + ", IIf( ISNULL(" + en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + "),0 ," + en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + ") AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } break; case DataType.AppFloat: val = val + ",IIf( ISNULL( Round(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",2) )," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", IIf( ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "),0 ," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; else val = val + ",IIf( ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "),1," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppDouble: val = val + ", IIf(ISNULL( Round(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",4) )," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppMoney: val = val + ",IIf( ISNULL( Round(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",2) )," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppDate: val = val + ", IIf(ISNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + "), '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "'," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppDateTime: val = val + ", IIf(ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "), '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "'," + mainTable + attr.Field + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } if (topNum == -1 || topNum == 0) topNum = 99999; //return " SELECT TOP " +topNum.ToString()+" " +val.Substring(1) + " FROM "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; return " SELECT TOP " + topNum.ToString() + " " + val.Substring(1) + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfMSOLE(en); } /// /// 生成sqlserver标准的sql /// /// 实体类 /// 前几行 /// 生成的SQL public static string SelectSQLOfMS(Entity en, int topNum) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = ""; Map map = en.EnMap; // if (en.EnMap.HisFKAttrs.Count != 0) mainTable = map.PhysicsTable + "."; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; if (attrs.Count == 0) { en.DTSMapToSys_MapData(); throw new Exception("err@错误:" + en.ToString() + "没有attrs属性,无法生成SQL, 如果是动态实体请关闭后,重新打开一次。"); } foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) { if (attr.IsKeyEqualField) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field; else val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; } else { val = val + ",ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') " + attr.Key; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { string ptable = "", noCol = "", nameCol = ""; if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); ptable = strs[0]; noCol = strs[1]; nameCol = strs[2]; if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject(ptable)) val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + noCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; else val = val + ", '' AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { if (attr.HisFKEns == null) throw new Exception("@生成SQL错误 Entity=" + en.ToString() + " 外键字段{" + attr.Key + "." + attr.Desc + ", UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + "}已经无效, 也许该类或者外键字段被移除,请通知管理员解决。"); Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject(mapFK.PhysicsTable)) val = val + ", " + mapFK.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; else val = val + ", '' AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsNull || attr.DefValType == 0) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key + ""; else val = val + ",ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal + ") " + attr.Key + ""; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.UIBindKey) == true) throw new Exception("@系统严重异常:" + en.ToString() + " Key=" + attr.Key + " UITag=" + attr.UITag + ", UIBindKey 无数据,请描述该字段的设计过程,反馈给开发人员。"); #warning 20111-12-03 不应出现异常。 if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(".") == true) throw new Exception("@系统异常:" + en.ToString() + " &UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + " @Key=" + attr.Key); SysEnums ses = new BP.Sys.SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); val = val + "," + ses.GenerCaseWhenForOracle(mainTable, attr.Key, attr.Field, attr.UIBindKey, int.Parse(attr.DefaultVal.ToString())); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", " + mapFK.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppMoney: if (attr.IsNull) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else //不处理 val = val + ", ISNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", ISNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ",0) " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",1) " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDate: if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.DateType.Equals("datetime") == true) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + ",ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(100), " + mainTable + attr.Field + ", 23),'" + "CONVERT(varchar(100), getdate(), 23)') " + attr.Key; else val = val + ",ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(100), " + mainTable + attr.Field + ", 23),'" + "CONVERT(varchar(100), " + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ", 23)') " + attr.Key; } else { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else val = val + ",ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') " + attr.Key; } break; case DataType.AppDateTime: if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.DateType.Equals("datetime") == true) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + ",ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(100), " + mainTable + attr.Field + ", 20),'" + "CONVERT(varchar(100), getdate(), 20)') " + attr.Key; else val = val + ",ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(100), " + mainTable + attr.Field + ", 20),'" + "CONVERT(varchar(100), " + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ", 20)') " + attr.Key; } else { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else val = val + ",ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') " + attr.Key; } break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } //return " SELECT TOP " +topNum.ToString()+" " +val.Substring(1) + " FROM "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; if (topNum == -1 || topNum == 0) topNum = 99999; return " SELECT TOP " + topNum.ToString() + " " + val.Substring(1) + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfMS(en); } /// /// 生成postgresql标准的sql /// /// 实体类 /// 前几行 /// 生成的SQL public static string SelectSQLOfPostgreSQL(Entity en, int topNum) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = ""; Map map = en.EnMap; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; if (map.HisFKAttrs.Count != 0) mainTable = map.PhysicsTable + "."; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) { if (attr.IsKeyEqualField) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field; else val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; } else { // val = val + ",COALESCE(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') AS " + attr.Key; val = val + ",COALESCE(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') AS " + attr.Key; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject(ptable)) val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; else val = val + ", '' AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { if (attr.HisFKEns == null) throw new Exception("@生成SQL错误 Entity=" + en.ToString() + " 外键字段{" + attr.Key + "." + attr.Desc + ", UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + "}已经无效, 也许该类或者外键字段被移除,请通知管理员解决。"); Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject(mapFK.PhysicsTable)) val = val + ", " + mapFK.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; else val = val + ", '' AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsNull || attr.DefValType == 0) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key + ""; else val = val + ",COALESCE(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal + ") AS " + attr.Key + ""; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.UIBindKey)) throw new Exception("@" + en.ToString() + " key=" + attr.Key + " UITag=" + attr.UITag + ""); #warning 20111-12-03 不应出现异常。 if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(".")) throw new Exception("@" + en.ToString() + " &UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + " @Key=" + attr.Key); SysEnums ses = new BP.Sys.SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); val = val + "," + ses.GenerCaseWhenForOracle(mainTable, attr.Key, attr.Field, attr.UIBindKey, int.Parse(attr.DefaultVal.ToString())); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", " + mapFK.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppMoney: if (attr.IsNull) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else //不处理 val = val + ", COALESCE( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", COALESCE( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ",0) AS " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", COALESCE(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",1) AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else { val = val + ",COALESCE(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",'" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') AS " + attr.Key; } break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } //return " SELECT TOP " +topNum.ToString()+" " +val.Substring(1) + " FROM "+en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; if (topNum == -1 || topNum == 0) topNum = 99999; return " SELECT " + val.Substring(1) + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfMS(en); } public static string SelectSQLOfMySQL(Entity en, int topNum) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = ""; Map map = en.EnMap; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; if (map.HisFKAttrs.Count != 0) mainTable = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "."; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) { if (attr.IsKeyEqualField) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field; else val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; } else { val = val + ",IFNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') " + attr.Key; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", " + mapFK.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.DefValType == 0) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Key; else val = val + ",IFNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal + ") " + attr.Key + ""; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.UIBindKey)) throw new Exception("@" + en.ToString() + " key=" + attr.Key + "绑定的枚举 UIBindKey为空"); #warning 2011-12-03 不应出现异常。 if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(".")) throw new Exception("@" + en.ToString() + " &UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + " @Key=" + attr.Key); SysEnums ses = new BP.Sys.SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); val = val + "," + ses.GenerCaseWhenForOracle(mainTable, attr.Key, attr.Field, attr.UIBindKey, int.Parse(attr.DefaultVal.ToString())); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", " + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { if (attr.HisFKEns == null) throw new Exception("@生成SQL错误 Entity=" + en.ToString() + " 外键字段{" + attr.Key + "." + attr.Desc + ", UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey + "}已经无效, 也许该类或者外键字段被移除,请通知管理员解决。"); Map mapFK = attr.HisFKEn.EnMap; val = val + ", " + mapFK.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + mapFK.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppFloat: val = val + ", IFNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", IFNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ",0) " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", IFNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",1) " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDouble: val = val + ", IFNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " ," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppMoney: val = val + ", IFNULL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.DateType.Equals("datetime") == true) { string format = GetDataTypeFormt(attr.IsSupperText); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + ",IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",'" + format + "'),DATE_FORMAT(now(),'" + format + "')) " + attr.Key; else val = val + ",IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",'" + format + "'),DATE_FORMAT('" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "','" + format + "')) " + attr.Key; } else { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal as string)) val = val + "," + mainTable + attr.Field + " " + attr.Key; else val = val + ",IFNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",'" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') " + attr.Key; } break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } return " SELECT " + val.Substring(1) + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfMS(en); } /// /// 建立selectSQL /// /// 要执行的en /// 最高查询个数 /// 返回查询sql public static string SelectCountSQLOfMS(Entity en) { // 判断内存里面是否有 此sql. string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) "; return sql + SqlBuilder.GenerFormWhereOfMS(en, en.EnMap); } public static string SelectSQLOfOra(string enName, Map map) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = map.PhysicsTable + "."; foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.DefaultVal == null) val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field + " AS " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal + "') AS " + attr.Key; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: val = val + ", NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal + ") AS " + attr.Key + ""; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { SysEnums ses = new BP.Sys.SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); val = val + "," + ses.GenerCaseWhenForOracle(enName, mainTable, attr.Key, attr.Field, attr.UIBindKey, int.Parse(attr.DefaultVal.ToString())); } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; // ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } break; case DataType.AppFloat: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + " , 0) AS " + attr.Key; else val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ", 1) AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDouble: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppMoney: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDate: val = val + ", NVL( " + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') AS " + attr.Key; break; case DataType.AppDateTime: val = val + ", NVL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') AS " + attr.Key; break; default: throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } return "SELECT " + val.Substring(1); } /// /// 产生sql /// /// public static string SelectSQLOfMS(Map map) { string val = ""; // key = null; string mainTable = map.PhysicsTable + "."; foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: if (attr.DefaultVal == null) val = val + " " + mainTable + attr.Field + " AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; else val = val + ",ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { if (attr.UIBindKey.Contains(",")) { string[] strs = attr.UIBindKey.Split(','); string ptable = strs[0]; string noCol = strs[1]; string nameCol = strs[2]; // val = val + ", T" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; val = val + "," + ptable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + nameCol + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } else { Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; val = val + "," + en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.IsNull) { /*如果允许为空*/ val = val + ", " + mainTable + attr.Field + " AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; } else { val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.Enum || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKEnum) { val = val + ", Enum_" + attr.Key + ".Lab AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { //Entity en1= ClassFactory.GetEns(attr.UIBindKey).GetNewEntity; Entity en1 = attr.HisFKEn; val = val + ", " + en1.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "_" + attr.Key + "." + en1.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attr.UIRefKeyText) + " AS " + attr.Key + "Text"; } } break; case DataType.AppFloat: val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString() == "0") val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",0) AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; else val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ",1) AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppDouble: val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppMoney: val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + "," + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + ") AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppDate: val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; case DataType.AppDateTime: val = val + ", ISNULL(" + mainTable + attr.Field + ", '" + attr.DefaultVal.ToString() + "') AS [" + attr.Key + "]"; break; default: if (attr.Key == "MyNum") { val = val + ", COUNT(*) AS MyNum "; break; } else throw new Exception("@没有定义的数据类型! attr=" + attr.Key + " MyDataType =" + attr.MyDataType); } } return "SELECT TOP @TopNum " + val.Substring(1); } public static Paras GenerParas(Entity en, string[] keys) { bool IsEnableNull = BP.Difference.SystemConfig.IsEnableNull; string mykeys = "@"; if (keys != null) foreach (string key in keys) mykeys += key + "@"; Map map = en.EnMap; Paras ps = new Paras(); string errKey = ""; try { foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; if (keys != null) { if (mykeys.Contains("@" + attr.Key + "@") == false) { if (attr.IsPK == false) continue; } } errKey = attr.Key; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: #warning 替换掉',是因为在直接使用SQL中查询条件是该值的时候会出现SQL错误 var val = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key).Replace('\'', '~'); //对存储的数据进行加密. if (en.EnMap.IsJM && attr.IsPK == false && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(val) == false) { } if (attr.MaxLength >= 4000) ps.Add(attr.Key, val, true); else ps.Add(attr.Key, val); break; case DataType.AppBoolean: ps.Add(attr.Key, en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.Key.Equals("MyPK")) //特殊判断解决 truck 是64位的int类型的数值问题. { ps.Add(attr.Key, en.GetValInt64ByKey(attr.Key)); } else { if (en.Row[attr.Key] == DBNull.Value) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultValOfReal)) ps.Add(attr.Key, 0); else ps.Add(attr.Key, int.Parse(attr.DefaultValOfReal)); continue; } //判断是否为空. Object strInt = en.Row[attr.Key]; if (strInt == null || DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(strInt.ToString())) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultValOfReal) == true) ps.Add(attr.Key, 0); else ps.Add(attr.Key, int.Parse(attr.DefaultValOfReal)); } else ps.Add(attr.Key, int.Parse(strInt.ToString())); } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: //ps.Add(attr.Key, en.GetValFloatByKey(attr.Key, 0)); string str = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key) as string; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { if (IsEnableNull) //2023-06-06修改,类型不匹配执行SQL报错 ps.Add(attr.Key, null); else ps.Add(attr.Key, 0); } else { if (attr.DefValType == 0 && attr.DefaultVal.Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true && en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) == Int64.Parse(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal)) ps.Add(attr.Key, null); else ps.Add(attr.Key, decimal.Parse(str)); } break; case DataType.AppMoney: object val1 = en.Row.GetValByKey(attr.Key); if (val1 == null || val1 == DBNull.Value) { str = "0"; } else { str = val1.ToString(); str = str.Replace("¥", ""); str = str.Replace(",", ""); } if (attr.DefValType == 0 && attr.DefaultVal.Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true && str.Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal)) ps.Add(attr.Key, null); else ps.Add(attr.Key, double.Parse(str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any)); break; case DataType.AppDate: // 如果是日期类型。 string da = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.DateType.Equals("datetime") && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(da) == true) { da = GetDefValByDataType(attr.IsSupperText); } ps.Add(attr.Key, da); break; case DataType.AppDateTime: string datime = en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.DateType.Equals("datetime") && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(datime) == true) { datime = GetDefValByDataType(attr.IsSupperText); } ps.Add(attr.Key, datime); break; default: throw new Exception("@SqlBulider.update, 没有这个数据类型"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Attr attr = en.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(errKey); errKey = "@attrKey=" + attr.Key + ",AttrVal=" + en.Row[attr.Key] + ",DataType=" + attr.MyDataTypeStr; throw new Exception("生成参数期间错误:" + en.ToString() + "," + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ";" + errKey + "@错误信息:" + ex.Message); } if (keys != null) { switch (en.PK) { case "OID": case "WorkID": ps.Add(en.PK, en.GetValIntByKey(en.PK)); break; default: ps.Add(en.PK, en.GetValStrByKey(en.PK)); break; } } return ps; } public static string UpdateForPara(Entity en, string[] keys) { string mykey = ""; if (keys != null) foreach (string s in keys) mykey += "@" + s + ","; string dbVarStr = en.HisDBVarStr; // string dbstr = en.HisDBVarStr; Map map = en.EnMap; string val = ""; foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText || attr.IsPK) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; if (keys != null) if (mykey.Contains("@" + attr.Key + ",") == false) continue; if (dbVarStr == "?") val = val + "," + attr.Field + "=" + dbVarStr; else val = val + "," + attr.Field + "=" + dbVarStr + attr.Key; } if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { foreach (Attr attr in map.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (keys != null) if (mykey.Contains("@" + attr.Key + ",") == false) continue; val = val + "," + attr.Field + "=" + attr.Field; } // throw new Exception("@生成SQL出现错误:" + map.EnDesc + "," + en.ToString() + ",要更新的字段为空。"); } if (!DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) val = val.Substring(1); string sql = ""; switch (en.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: case DBType.Access: case DBType.MySQL: case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: case DBType.HGDB: sql = "UPDATE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " SET " + val + " WHERE " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "@"); break; case DBType.Informix: sql = "UPDATE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " SET " + val + " WHERE " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, "?"); break; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: sql = "UPDATE " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " SET " + val + " WHERE " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, ":"); break; default: throw new Exception("no this case db type . "); } return sql.Replace(",=''", ""); } /// /// Delete sql /// /// /// public static string DeleteForPara(Entity en) { string dbstr = en.HisDBVarStr; string sql = "DELETE FROM " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + SqlBuilder.GenerWhereByPK(en, dbstr); return sql; } public static string InsertForPara(Entity en) { string dbstr = en.HisDBVarStr; bool isInnkey = false; if (en.IsOIDEntity) { EntityOID myen = en as EntityOID; isInnkey = false; // myen.IsInnKey; } Map map = en.EnMap; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; string key = "", field = "", val = ""; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; if (isInnkey) { if (attr.Key == "OID") continue; } key = attr.Key; field = field + ",[" + attr.Field + "]"; val = val + "," + dbstr + attr.Key; } string sql = "INSERT INTO " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " (" + field.Substring(1) + " ) VALUES ( " + val.Substring(1) + ")"; return sql; } /// /// Insert /// /// /// public static string Insert(Entity en) { string key = "", field = "", val = ""; Map map = en.EnMap; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; if (attrs.Count == 0) throw new Exception("@实体:" + en.ToString() + " ,Attrs属性集合信息丢失,导致无法生成SQL。"); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (map.ParaFields != null && map.ParaFields.Contains(attr.Key + ",") == true) continue; key = attr.Key; field = field + "," + attr.Field; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: string str = en.GetValStringByKey(key); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) str = ""; else str = str.Replace('\'', '~'); if (attr.UIIsDoc && attr.Key == "Doc") { if (attrs.Contains("DocLength")) en.SetValByKey("DocLength", str.Length); if (str.Length >= 2000) { SysDocFile.SetValV2(en.ToString(), en.PKVal.ToString(), str); if (attrs.Contains("DocLength")) en.SetValByKey("DocLength", str.Length); val = val + ",''"; } else { val = val + ",'" + str + "'"; } } else { val = val + ",'" + en.GetValStringByKey(key).Replace('\'', '~') + "'"; } break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: val = val + "," + en.GetValIntByKey(key); break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppMoney: string strNum = en.GetValStringByKey(key).ToString(); strNum = strNum.Replace("¥", ""); strNum = strNum.Replace(",", ""); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(strNum)) strNum = "0"; val = val + "," + strNum; break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: string da = en.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.DateType.Equals("datetime") == true && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(da) == true) { da = GetDefValByDataType(attr.IsSupperText); } if (da.IndexOf("_DATE") == -1) val = val + ",'" + da + "'"; else val = val + "," + da; break; default: throw new Exception("@bulider insert sql error: 没有这个数据类型"); } } string sql = "INSERT INTO " + en.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " (" + field.Substring(1) + " ) VALUES ( " + val.Substring(1) + ")"; return sql; } /// /// 获取判断指定表达式如果为空,则返回指定值的SQL表达式 /// 注:目前只对MSSQL/ORACLE/MYSQL三种数据库做兼容 /// added by liuxc,2017-03-07 /// /// 要判断的表达式,在SQL中的写法 /// 判断的表达式为NULL,返回值的表达式,在SQL中的写法 /// public static string GetIsNullInSQL(string expression, string isNullBack) { switch (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: return " ISNULL(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: return " NVL(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; case DBType.MySQL: return " IFNULL(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: case DBType.HGDB: return " COALESCE(" + expression + "," + isNullBack + ")"; default: throw new Exception("GetIsNullInSQL未涉及的数据库类型"); } } private static string GetDataTypeFormt(int dataType) { string format = "%Y-%m-%d"; switch (dataType) { case 0: format = "%Y-%m-%d"; break; case 1: format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"; break; case 2: format = "%Y-%m-%d %T"; break; case 3: format = "%Y-%m"; break; case 4: format = "%H:%i"; break; case 5: format = "%H:%i:%s"; break; case 6: format = "%m-%d"; break; default: format = "%Y-%m-%d"; break; } return format; } private static string GetDefValByDataType(int dataType) { string format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; switch (dataType) { case 0: format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; break; case 1: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"; break; case 2: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; break; case 3: format = "yyyy-MM"; break; case 4: format = "HH:mm"; break; case 5: format = "HH:mm:ss"; break; case 6: format = "MM-dd"; break; case 7: format = "yyyy"; break; default: format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; break; } return DataType.CurrentDateByFormart(format); } } }