You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

428 lines
23 KiB

11 months ago
var FieldTypeS = { Normal: 0, Enum: 1, FK: 2, WinOpen: 3 },
FormDataType = { AppString: 1, AppInt: 2, AppFloat: 3, AppBoolean: 4, AppDouble: 5, AppDate: 6, AppDateTime: 7, AppMoney: 8, AppRate: 9 },
UIContralType = { TB: 0, DDL: 1, CheckBok: 2, RadioBtn: 3, MapPin: 4, MicHot: 5 };
//解析表单字段 MapAttr
function InitDtlMapAttr(Sys_MapAttr, groupID, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
isReadonly = isReadonly || "0";
var _html = "";
$.grep(Sys_MapAttr, function (item) {
if (type == 'dtl' || type == 'refmethod' || type == 'dtls')
return item.IsEnableInAPP != 0 && item.UIVisible != 0;
return item.IsEnableInAPP != 0 && item.UIVisible != 0 && (item.GroupID == groupID || GetPara(item.AtPara, "GroupName") == groupID);
}).forEach(function (attr) {
if (attr.IsSigan == "1") {
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += FormUtils.CreateSignPicture(attr);
_html += "</div>";
switch (attr.LGType) {
case FieldTypeS.Normal: //输出普通类型字段
if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) {
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateDDLPK(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
switch (attr.MyDataType) {
case FormDataType.AppString:
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateTBString(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FormDataType.AppInt:
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateTBInt(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FormDataType.AppFloat:
case FormDataType.AppDouble:
case FormDataType.AppMoney:
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateTBFloat(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FormDataType.AppDate:
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateTBDate(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FormDataType.AppDateTime:
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateTBDateTime(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FormDataType.AppBoolean:
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateCBBoolean(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FieldTypeS.Enum: //枚举值下拉框
if (attr.Name.length >= 10) {
// var ctrl_ID = "RB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
// if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) {
var ctrl_ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == 'dtls')
ctrl_ID += "_" + dtlIndex;
_html += "<label for=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\"><p style='padding-left: 5px;'>" + attr.Name + "</p></label>";
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += "<select name=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\" id=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\" " + (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" ? "disabled" : "") + " >";
_html += InitDDLOperation1(frmData, attr, "", frmData, isReadonly);
_html += "</select>";
} else {
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateDDLEnum(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FieldTypeS.FK: //外键表下拉框
if (attr.Name.length >= 10) {
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateDDLPK(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
} else {
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateDDLPK(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case FieldTypeS.WinOpen: //打开系统页面
_html += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
switch (item.UIContralType) {
case UIContralType.MapPin: //地图定位
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateMapPin(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
case UIContralType.MicHot: //语音控件
_html += DtlFormUtils.CreateMicHot(attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx);
_html += "</div>";
return _html;
var DtlFormUtils = {
CreateSignPicture: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var elementId = "Sign_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "Sign_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var val = ConvertDefVal(frmData, attr.DefVal, attr.KeyOfEn);
var html_Sign = "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + "</p></label>";
html_Sign += "<div align=\"left\">";
html_Sign += "<img name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" src='../DataUser/Siganture/" + val + ".jpg' border=0 onerror=\"this.src='../DataUser/Siganture/UnName.jpg'\"/>";
// html_Sign += defValue;
html_Sign += "</div>";
return html_Sign;
CreateTBString: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var html_string = "";
var strPlaceholder = "请输入";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0")
strPlaceholder = "";
var elementId = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "TB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 || (type == "en" && attr.MinLen > 0) ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
if (attr.IsEnableQrCode && attr.IsEnableQrCode == "1") {
html_string += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
strPlaceholder = "通过扫一扫添加";
Form_Ext_Function += "$('#Btn_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "').on('tap', function () { QrCodeToInput('" + elementId + "'); });"
html_string += "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\">" + attr.Name + "</label>";
html_string += "<div class=\"QrCodeBar ui-grid-a\">";
html_string += " <div class=\"ui-block-a\">";
html_string += " <input " + (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" ? "disabled" : "") + " type='text' name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" placeholder=\"" + strPlaceholder + "\" />";
html_string += " </div>";
html_string += " <div class=\"ui-block-b\">";
html_string += " <div style='margin-top:12px;'>";
html_string += " <img id='Btn_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "' src='image/Field/scanQbar.png' width='29' height='24'/>";
html_string += " </div>";
html_string += " </div>";
html_string += "</div>";
return html_string;
if (attr.UIContralType == 60) {
html_string += "<div class='' style='padding:11px 15px;line-height:1.1;'>";
var filename = basePath + "/DataUser/CCForm/BigNoteHtmlText/" + attr.FK_MapData + ".htm";
var htmlobj = $.ajax({ url: filename, async: false });
var str = htmlobj.responseText;
if (htmlobj.status == 404)
str == "";
html_string += str;
html_string += "</div>";
return html_string;
if (attr.UIHeight > 30) {
html_string += "<div class='' style='padding:11px 15px;line-height:1.1;'>";
html_string += "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + "</p></label>";
//if (attr.AtPara && attr.AtPara.indexOf("@IsRichText=1") >= 0) {
// //如果富文本有数据,就用 div 展示html
// //html_string += "<div name='TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "' id='TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "' style='padding:5px;border:1px solid #d6dde6;font-size: 14px;line-height:22px;'></div>";
// html_string += "<textarea wrap='virtual' onpropertychange= '' cols='40' style='font-size:14px;width:100%;border:solid 1px gray;' rows=\"5\" placeholder=\"" + strPlaceholder + "\" name=\"TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\"></textarea>";
//} else {
//非富文本或者 如果没有数据 就用textarea
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == "1")
html_string += "<div name='" + elementId + "' id='" + elementId + "' style='padding:5px;border:1px solid #d6dde6;font-size: 14px;line-height:22px;'></div>";
html_string += "<textarea wrap='virtual' onpropertychange= '' cols='40' style='font-size:14px;width:100%;border:solid 1px gray;' rows=\"5\" placeholder=\"" + strPlaceholder + "\" name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\"></textarea>";
return html_string;
if ((attr.UIIsInput == 1 || (type == "en" && attr.MinLen > 0)) && attr.UIIsEnable == 1) {
html_string += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
html_string += "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\" class='mustInput' ><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
} else {
html_string += "<div class='mui-input-row'>";
html_string += "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\" ><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == "1") {
html_string += "<input style='background-color:#fff ' readonly='readonly' type='text' name='" + elementId + "' id='" + elementId + "' placeholder='" + strPlaceholder + "' />";
} else {
html_string += "<input style='background-color:#fff' type='text' name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" placeholder=\"" + strPlaceholder + "\" />";
return html_string;
CreateTBInt: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var elementId = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "TB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
var inputHtml = "<label style='background-color:#fff' for=\"" + elementId + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == "1")
inputHtml += "<input style='background-color:#fff ' readonly='readonly' type='text' name='" + elementId + "' id='" + elementId + "'/>";
else {
inputHtml += "<input style='background-color:#fff' type=\"number\" pattern=\"/^\d+$/\"";
inputHtml += " name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" placeholder='0' />";
return inputHtml;
CreateTBFloat: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var elementId = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "TB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var attrdefVal = attr.DefVal;
var bit;
if (attrdefVal != null && attrdefVal !== "" && attrdefVal.indexOf(".") >= 0)
bit = attrdefVal.substring(attrdefVal.indexOf(".") + 1).length;
bit = 2;
var event = "";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "1") {
if (attr.MyDataType == 8)
event = " onkeyup=\"valitationAfter(this, 'money');limitLength(this," + bit + "); FormatMoney(this, " + bit + ", ',')\"";
event = " onkeyup=\"valitationAfter(this, 'float');if(isNaN(value)) execCommand('undo');limitLength(this," + bit + ");\"" + " onafterpaste=\"valitationAfter(this, 'float');if(isNaN(value))execCommand('undo');\"";
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
var inputHtml = "<label style='background-color:#fff' for=\"" + elementId + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == "1")
inputHtml += "<input style='background-color:#fff ' readonly='readonly' type='text' name='" + elementId + "' id='" + elementId + "'/>";
inputHtml += "<input style = 'backgroud-color:#fff' type =\"number\" " + event + " name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" placeholder=\"0.00\" />";
return inputHtml;
CreateTBDate: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var elementId = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "TB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var labID = "LAB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
labID = "LAB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
var inputHtml = "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == 1) {
inputHtml += "<input readonly='readonly' type='text' name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" />";
else {
inputHtml += "<a class='mui-navigate-right'>";
inputHtml += " <span name=\"" + labID + "\" id=\"" + labID + "\" data-options='{\"type\":\"date\"}' class='mui-pull-right ccformdate' style='padding-top:10px;'><p>请选择日期</p></span>";
inputHtml += "</a>";
inputHtml += "<input type='hidden' name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" />";
return inputHtml;
CreateTBDateTime: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var elementId = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "TB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var labID = "LAB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
labID = "LAB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
var inputHtml = "<label for=\"" + elementId + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == 1) {
inputHtml += "<input name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" readonly='readonly' type='text' />";
else {
inputHtml += "<a class='mui-navigate-right'>";
inputHtml += " <label name=\"" + labID + "\" id=\"" + labID + "\" data-options='{\"type\":\"datetime\"}' class='mui-pull-right ccformdate' style='padding-top:10px;'>请选择时间</label>";
inputHtml += "</a>";
inputHtml += "<input type='hidden' name=\"" + elementId + "\" id=\"" + elementId + "\" />";
return inputHtml;
CreateCBBoolean: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var elementId = "CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
elementId = "CB_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var switchId = "SW_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
switchId = "SW_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var checkBoxVal = "";
var keyOfEn = attr.KeyOfEn;
var CB_Html = "";
CB_Html += " <label><p>" + attr.Name + "</p></label>";
CB_Html += " <input type='hidden' id='" + elementId + "' name='" + elementId + "' value='" + attr.DefVal + "'/>";
if (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == "1")
CB_Html += " <div class='mui-switch mui-switch-blue mui-switch-mini mui-disabled' id='" + switchId + "'>";
CB_Html += " <div class='mui-switch mui-switch-blue mui-switch-mini' id='" + switchId + "'>";
CB_Html += " <div class='mui-switch-handle'></div>";
CB_Html += " </div>";
return CB_Html;
//var checkBoxVal = "";
//var keyOfEn = attr.KeyOfEn;
//var CB_Html = "";
//CB_Html += " <label><p>" + attr.Name + "</p></label>";
//CB_Html += " <input type='hidden' name='CB_" + keyOfEn + "' value='0'/>";
//CB_Html += " <div class='mui-switch mui-switch-blue mui-switch-mini mui-active'>";
//CB_Html += " <div class='mui-switch-handle'></div>";
//CB_Html += " </div>";
////CB_Html += " <input readonly='" + (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" ? "readonly" : "") + "' type=\"checkbox\" name=\"CB_" + keyOfEn + "\" id=\"CB_" + keyOfEn + "\" " + checkBoxVal + " />";
//return CB_Html;
CreateDDLEnum: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
var ctrl_ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
ctrl_ID = "DDL_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var html_Select = "<label for=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\"><p style='padding-left: 5px;'>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
html_Select += "<select name=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\" id=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\" " + (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == 1 ? "disabled" : "") + " >";
html_Select += InitDDLOperation1(frmData, attr, "");
html_Select += "</select>";
return html_Select;
CreateDDLPK: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var ctrl_ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
if (type == "dtls")
ctrl_ID = "DDL_" + dtlIndx + "_" + attr.KeyOfEn;
var mustInput = attr.UIIsInput == 1 ? '<span style="color:red;display: inline-block;" class="mustInput" data-keyofen="' + mustInput + attr.KeyOfEn + '" >*</span>' : "";
var html_Select = "<label for=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\"><p>" + attr.Name + mustInput + "</p></label>";
html_Select += "<select name=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\" id=\"" + ctrl_ID + "\" readonly='" + (attr.UIIsEnable == "0" || isReadonly == 1 ? "readonly" : "") + "'>";
html_Select += InitDDLOperation1(frmData, attr, "");
html_Select += "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
return html_Select;
CreateMapPin: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var html_MapPin = "<label for=\"TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\">" + attr.Name + "</label>";
html_MapPin += "<div align=\"left\">";
if (this.Enable == false) {
html_MapPin += "<img name=\"MapPin_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"MapPin_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" src='image/Field/ic_pindisabled.png' border=0 width=\"" + attr.UIWidth + "\" height=\"" + attr.UIHeight + "\" align='middle'/>";
} else {
html_MapPin += "<img onclick=\"GetMapLocationAddress('" + attr.KeyOfEn + "')\" name=\"MapPin_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"MapPin_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" src='image/Field/ic_pin.png' border=0 width=\"" + attr.UIWidth + "\" height=\"" + attr.UIHeight + "\" align='middle'/>";
html_MapPin += "<span onclick=\"OpenMapView('" + attr.KeyOfEn + "')\" style=\"margin-left:5px;\" name=\"LBL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"LBL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\"></span>";
html_MapPin += "</div>";
html_MapPin += "<input type='hidden' name=\"TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" />";
return html_MapPin;
CreateMicHot: function (attr, frmData, isReadonly, type, dtlIndx) {
var html_MicHot = "<label for=\"TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\">" + attr.Name + "</label>";
var bDelete = this.Enable;
html_MicHot += "<div>";
if (this.Enable == false) {
html_MicHot += "<img align=\"left\" name=\"MicHot_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"MicHot_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" src='image/Field/microphonedisabled.png' border=0 width=\"" + attr.UIWidth + "\" height=\"" + attr.UIHeight + "\"/>";
} else {
html_MicHot += "<img align=\"left\" onclick=\"StartOpenRecord('" + attr.KeyOfEn + "')\" name=\"MicHot_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" ";
html_MicHot += "id=\"MicHot_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" src='image/Field/microphonehot.png' border=0 width=\"" + attr.UIWidth + "\" height=\"" + attr.UIHeight + "\"/>";
html_MicHot += "<img src='image/Field/wx_startplay.gif' align='middle' style='display:none;' />";
html_MicHot += "<div align=\"left\" style=\"margin-left:15px;float:left;\" name=\"Recorde_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\" id=\"Recorde_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\"></div>";
html_MicHot += "</div><br /><br />";
html_MicHot += "<div id=\"PanelRecords_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "\">";
var args = new RequestArgs();
var keyOfEn = attr.KeyOfEn;
html_MicHot += "</div>";
return html_MicHot;
function InitDDLOperation1(frmData, mapAttr, defVal) {
var operations = '';
var data = frmData[mapAttr.KeyOfEn];
if (data == undefined)
data = frmData[mapAttr.UIBindKey];
if (data == undefined) {
if (mapAttr.LGType == 1) {
var enums = frmData.Sys_Enum;
enums = $.grep(enums, function (value) {
return value.EnumKey == mapAttr.UIBindKey;
$.each(enums, function (i, obj) {
operations += "<option " + (obj.IntKey == mapAttr.DefVal ? " selected='selected' " : "") + " value='" + obj.IntKey + "'>" + obj.Lab + "</option>";
return operations;
if (data == undefined) {
return operations;
$.each(data, function (i, obj) {
operations += "<option " + (obj.No == defVal ? " selected='selected' " : "") + " value='" + obj.No + "'>" + obj.Name + "</option>";
return operations;