You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

771 lines
28 KiB

9 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using BP.DA;
using BP.En;
using BP;
using BP.Web;
using System.IO;
using BP.Difference;
namespace BP.Sys
/// <summary>
/// UI的设置.Search. Card, Group信息.
/// </summary>
public class UIConfig
public Entity HisEn;
public AtPara HisAP;
public UIConfig()
/// <summary>
/// UI的设置.Search. Card, Group信息.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enName"></param>
public UIConfig(Entity en)
this.HisEn = en;
EnCfg cfg = new EnCfg(en.ToString());
string paraStr = cfg.UI;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(paraStr) == true)
paraStr = "@UIRowStyleGlo=0@IsEnableDouclickGlo=1@IsEnableRefFunc=1@IsEnableFocusField=1@IsEnableOpenICON=1@FocusField=''@WinCardH=600@@WinCardW=800@ShowColumns=";
HisAP = new AtPara(paraStr);
/// <summary>
/// 获取显示列数组,中间用,隔开
/// </summary>
public string[] ShowColumns
string colstr = this.HisAP.GetValStrByKey("ShowColumns");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(colstr))
return new string[0];
return colstr.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
#region 移动.
/// <summary>
/// 移动到方式.
/// </summary>
public MoveToShowWay MoveToShowWay
return (MoveToShowWay)this.HisAP.GetValIntByKey("MoveToShowWay");
/// <summary>
/// 移动到字段
/// </summary>
public string MoveTo
string s = this.HisAP.GetValStrByKey("MoveTo");
return s;
#endregion 移动.
/// <summary>
/// 风格类型
/// </summary>
public int UIRowStyleGlo
return this.HisAP.GetValIntByKey("UIRowStyleGlo");
/// <summary>
/// 是否启用双击打开?
/// </summary>
public bool ItIsEnableDouclickGlo
return this.HisAP.GetValBoolenByKey("IsEnableDouclickGlo");
/// <summary>
/// 是否显示相关功能?
/// </summary>
public bool ItIsEnableRefFunc
return this.HisAP.GetValBoolenByKey("IsEnableRefFunc");
/// <summary>
/// 是否启用焦点字段
/// </summary>
public bool ItIsEnableFocusField
return this.HisAP.GetValBoolenByKey("IsEnableFocusField");
/// <summary>
/// 是否打开ICON
/// </summary>
public bool ItIsEnableOpenICON
return this.HisAP.GetValBoolenByKey("IsEnableOpenICON");
/// <summary>
/// 焦点字段
/// </summary>
public string FocusField
string s = this.HisAP.GetValStrByKey("FocusField");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
if (this.HisEn.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("Name"))
return "Name";
if (this.HisEn.EnMap.Attrs.Contains("Title"))
return "Title";
return s;
public int WinCardW
return this.HisAP.GetValIntByKey("WinCardW");
public int WinCardH
return this.HisAP.GetValIntByKey("WinCardH");
/// <summary>
/// 保存
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int Save()
EnCfg cfg = new EnCfg(this.HisEn.ToString());
cfg.UI = this.HisAP.GenerAtParaStrs();
return cfg.Save();
/// <summary>
/// 配置信息
/// </summary>
public class EnCfgAttr : EntityNoNameAttr
/// <summary>
/// 是否是数据加密
/// </summary>
public const string IsJM = "IsJM";
/// <summary>
/// 是否查询条件多选
/// </summary>
public const string IsSelectMore = "IsSelectMore";
/// <summary>
/// Url
/// </summary>
public const string UrlExt = "UrlExt";
/// <summary>
/// 附件路径
/// </summary>
public const string FJSavePath = "FJSavePath";
/// <summary>
/// 附件路径
/// </summary>
public const string FJWebPath = "FJWebPath";
/// <summary>
/// 数据分析方式
/// </summary>
public const string Datan = "Datan";
/// <summary>
/// Search,Group,设置.
/// </summary>
public const string UI = "UI";
/// <summary>
/// 字段颜色设置
/// </summary>
public const string ColorSet = "ColorSet";
/// <summary>
/// 字段求和求平均设置
/// </summary>
public const string FieldSet = "FieldSet";
public const string Drill = "Drill";
public const string MobileFieldShowModel = "MobileFieldShowModel";
public const string MobileShowContent = "MobileShowContent";
/// <summary>
/// 导入功能Url
/// </summary>
public const string ImpFuncUrl = "ImpFuncUrl";
/// <summary>
/// 是否显示分析按钮在查询工具栏里.
/// </summary>
public const string IsGroup = "IsGroup";
/// <summary>
/// 是否记录查询条件?
/// </summary>
public const string IsCond = "IsCond";
/// <summary>
/// EnCfgs
/// </summary>
public class EnCfg : EntityNoName
#region UI设置.
public string UI
return this.GetValStringByKey(EnCfgAttr.UI);
this.SetValByKey(EnCfgAttr.UI, value);
#endregion UI设置.
#region 基本属性
/// <summary>
/// 数据分析方式
/// </summary>
public string Datan
return this.GetValStringByKey(EnCfgAttr.Datan);
this.SetValByKey(EnCfgAttr.Datan, value);
/// <summary>
/// 附件路径
/// </summary>
public string FJSavePath
string str = this.GetValStringByKey(EnCfgAttr.FJSavePath);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str) == true)
return BP.Difference.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + this.No + "/";
return str;
this.SetValByKey(EnCfgAttr.FJSavePath, value);
/// <summary>
/// 附件存储位置.
/// </summary>
public string FJWebPath
string str = this.GetValStringByKey(EnCfgAttr.FJWebPath);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str) == true)
str = Path.Combine(HttpContextHelper.RequestApplicationPath,
"DataUser/", this.No);
str = str.Replace("\\", "/");
if (!str.EndsWith("/"))
str += "/";
return str;
this.SetValByKey(EnCfgAttr.FJWebPath, value);
#region 参数属性.
/// <summary>
/// 批处理-设置页面大小
/// </summary>
public int PageSizeOfBatch
return this.GetParaInt("PageSizeOfBatch", 600);
this.SetPara("PageSizeOfBatch", value);
/// <summary>
/// 批处理-设置页面大小
/// </summary>
public int PageSizeOfSearch
return this.GetParaInt("PageSizeOfSearch", 15);
this.SetPara("PageSizeOfSearch", value);
public string FieldSet
return this.GetValStringByKey(EnCfgAttr.FieldSet);
this.SetValByKey(EnCfgAttr.FieldSet, value);
#endregion 参数属性.
#region 构造方法
public override UAC HisUAC
UAC uac = new UAC();
uac.IsDelete = false;
if (WebUser.IsAdmin == true)
uac.IsInsert = false;
uac.IsDelete = false;
uac.IsUpdate = true;
uac.IsView = false;
return uac;
/// <summary>
/// 系统实体
/// </summary>
public EnCfg()
/// <summary>
/// 系统实体
/// </summary>
/// <param name="no"></param>
public EnCfg(string enName)
this.No = enName;
public override int Retrieve()
return base.RetrieveFromDBSources();
/// <summary>
/// map
/// </summary>
public override Map EnMap
if (this._enMap != null)
return this._enMap;
Map map = new Map("Sys_EnCfg", "实体配置");
map.AddTBStringPK(EnCfgAttr.No, null, "实体名称", true, false, 1, 100, 60);
#region 基本信息设置.
//string cfg1 = "@0=En.htm 实体与实体相关功能编辑器";
map.AddDDLSysEnum("UIRowStyleGlo", 0, "表格数据行风格(应用全局)", true, true);
map.AddBoolean("IsEnableDouclickGlo", true, "是否启动双击打开(应用全局)?", true, true);
map.AddBoolean("IsEnableFocusField", false, "是否启用焦点字段?", true, true);
map.AddTBString("FocusField", null, "焦点字段", true, false, 0, 30, 60, true);
map.SetHelperAlert("FocusField", "用于显示点击打开的列,比如:Name, Title列.");
map.AddBoolean("IsEnableRefFunc", false, "是否启用相关功能列?", true, true);
map.AddBoolean("IsEnableOpenICON", false, "是否启用打开图标?", true, true);
map.AddBoolean(EnCfgAttr.IsJM, false, "是否是加密存储?", true, true);
map.AddBoolean(EnCfgAttr.IsSelectMore, false, "是否下拉查询条件多选?", true, true);
map.AddDDLSysEnum("MoveToShowWay", 0, "移动到显示方式", true, true);
map.AddDDLSysEnum("TableCol", 0, "实体表单显示列数", true, true, "实体表单显示列数",
map.AddBoolean("IsShowIcon", false, "是否显示项目图标", true, true);
map.AddTBString("KeyLabel", null, "关键字Label", true, false, 0, 30, 60, true);
map.SetHelperAlert("KeyLabel", "(默认为:关键字:)");
map.AddTBString("KeyPlaceholder", null, "关键字提示", true, false, 0, 300, 60, true);
map.AddTBInt("PageSize", 10, "页面显示的条数", true, true);
map.SetHelperAlert("PageSize", "(默认:10)");
map.AddTBInt("FontSize", 14, "页面字体大小", true, true);
map.SetHelperAlert("FontSize", "(默认:14px)");
map.AddDDLSysEnum("EditerType", 0, "大块文本编辑器", true, true);
map.AddBoolean("IsCond", false, "退出后是否清空查询条件?", true, true);
map.SetHelperAlert("IsCond", "在查询组件中,是不是每次进入前都要清空以前的查询条件?默认不清空。");
#endregion 基本信息设置.
#region 查询排序.
map.AddTBString("OrderBy", null, "查询排序字段", true, false, 0, 100, 60);
map.AddBoolean("IsDeSc", true, "是否降序排序?", true, true);
#endregion 查询排序.
#region 附件保存路径.
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.FJSavePath, null, "附加保存路径", true, false, 0, 100, 60);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.FJWebPath, null, "附件Web路径", true, false, 0, 100, 60);
#endregion 附件保存路径.
#region 其他高级设置.
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.Datan, null, "字段数据分析方式", true, false, 0, 200, 60);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.UI, null, "UI设置", true, false, 0, 2000, 60);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.ColorSet, null, "颜色设置", true, false, 0, 500, 60, true);
string msg = "对字段的颜色处理";
msg += "\t\n@Age:From=0,To=18,Color=green;From=19,To=30,Color=red";
map.SetHelperAlert(EnCfgAttr.ColorSet, msg);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.FieldSet, null, "字段求和/平均设置", true, false, 0, 500, 60, true);
map.AddTBString("ForamtFunc", null, "字段格式化函数", true, false, 0, 200, 60, true);
msg = "对字段的显示使用函数进行处理";
msg += "\t\n 1. 对于字段内容需要处理后在输出出来.";
msg += "\t\n 2. 比如:原字段内容 @zhangsa,张三@lisi,李四 显示的内容为 张三,李四";
msg += "\t\n 3. 配置格式: 字段名@函数名; 比如: FlowEmps@DealFlowEmps; ";
msg += "\t\n 4. 函数写入到 \\DataUser\\JSLibData\\SearchSelf.js";
map.SetHelperAlert("ForamtFunc", msg);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.Drill, null, "数据钻取", true, false, 0, 200, 60, true);
msg = "显示钻取链接的字段";
msg += "\t\n 格式: @Age@JinE@ShouYi";
msg += "\t\n 显示在Search, En组件里面.";
map.SetHelperAlert(EnCfgAttr.Drill, msg);
map.AddDDLSysEnum(EnCfgAttr.MobileFieldShowModel, 0, "移动端列表字段显示方式", true, true, EnCfgAttr.MobileFieldShowModel, "@0=默认设置@1=设置显示字段@2=设置模板");
map.AddTBStringDoc(EnCfgAttr.MobileShowContent, EnCfgAttr.MobileShowContent, null, "移动端列表字段设置", true,
false, 0, 500, 10, true);
string help = "格式1: Key1,Key2, 格式2: @Key1@Key2@Key3@";
map.SetHelperAlert(EnCfgAttr.MobileShowContent, help);
#endregion 其他高级设置.
#region Search.工具栏按钮.
map.AddBoolean("BtnsShowLeft", false, "按钮显示到左边?", true, true, false);
msg = "配置的按钮显示位置.";
msg += "\t\n1.默认配置的按钮显示在右边位置. ";
msg += "\t\n1.这些按钮包括自定义按钮,新建,导入,导出,分组。";
map.SetHelperAlert("BtnsShowLeft", msg);
map.AddBoolean("IsImp", true, "是否显示导入?", true, true, false);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.ImpFuncUrl, null, "导入功能Url", true, false, 0, 500, 60, true);
map.SetHelperAlert(EnCfgAttr.ImpFuncUrl, "如果为空,则使用通用的导入功能.");
map.AddBoolean("IsExp", false, "是否显示导出", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(EnCfgAttr.IsGroup, true, "是否显示分析按钮(在查询工具栏里)?", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean("IsEnableLazyload", true, "是否启用懒加载?(对树结构实体有效)?", true, true, true);
map.AddTBString("BtnLab1", null, "集合:自定义按钮标签1", true, false, 0, 70, 60, false);
map.SetHelperAlert("BtnLab1", "自定义按钮与标签,函数可以写入到/DataUser/JSLabData/SearchSelf.js里面.");
map.AddTBString("BtnJS1", null, "集合:Url/Javasccript", true, false, 0, 300, 60, false);
map.AddTBString("BtnLab2", null, "集合:自定义按钮标签2", true, false, 0, 70, 60, false);
map.AddTBString("BtnJS2", null, "集合:Url/Javasccript", true, false, 0, 300, 60, false);
map.AddTBString("BtnLab3", null, "集合:自定义按钮标签3", true, false, 0, 70, 60, false);
map.AddTBString("BtnJS3", null, "集合:Url/Javasccript", true, false, 0, 300, 60, false);
#endregion 按钮配置信息 - 自定义按钮.
#region EnOnly.按钮配置信息.
map.AddTBString("EnBtnLab1", null, "实体:自定义按钮标签1", true, false, 0, 70, 60, false);
map.SetHelperAlert("EnBtnLab1", "实体:自定义按钮与标签,函数可以写入到/DataUser/JSLabData/SearchSelf.js里面.");
map.AddTBString("EnBtnJS1", null, "实体:Url/Javasccript", true, false, 0, 300, 60, false);
map.AddTBString("EnBtnLab2", null, "实体:自定义按钮标签2", true, false, 0, 70, 60, false);
map.AddTBString("EnBtnJS2", null, "实体:Url/Javasccript", true, false, 0, 300, 60, false);
#endregion 按钮配置信息 - 自定义按钮.
#region 双击/单击行的配置.
string cfg = "@0=En.htm 实体与实体相关功能编辑器";
cfg += "@1=EnOnly.htm 实体编辑器";
cfg += "@2=/CCForm/FrmGener.htm 傻瓜表单解析器";
cfg += "@3=/CCForm/FrmGener.htm 自由表单解析器";
cfg += "@9=自定义URL";
map.AddDDLSysEnum("SearchUrlOpenType", 0, "双击/单击行打开内容", true, true, "SearchUrlOpenType", cfg);
map.AddBoolean("IsRefreshParentPage", true, "关闭后是否刷新本页面", true, true);
map.AddTBString(EnCfgAttr.UrlExt, null, "要打开的Url", true, false, 0, 500, 60, true);
map.AddDDLSysEnum("DoubleOrClickModel", 0, "双击/单击行弹窗模式", true, true, "DoubleOrClickModel",
map.AddDDLSysEnum("OpenModel", 0, "打开方式", true, true, "OpenModel",
map.AddTBString("OpenModelFunc", null, "弹窗方法", true, false, 0, 300, 60, false);
msg = "首先在写一个函数,放入到:/DataUser/JSLab/SearchSelf.js里面 ";
msg += "\t\n 该函数里 OpenIt(传入一个已经计算好的url);";
msg += "\t\n 比如您写一个方法: OpenItMyUrl(url);";
map.SetHelperAlert("OpenModelFunc", msg);
// map.AddTBInt("WinCardW", 1000, "窗体宽度", false, false);
// map.AddTBInt("WinCardH", 600, "高度", false, false);
map.AddDDLSysEnum("WinCardW", 0, "宽度", true, true, "WinCardW", "@0=75%@1=50%@2=100%@3=25%");
map.AddDDLSysEnum("WinCardH", 2, "高度", true, true, "WinCardH", "@0=75%@1=50%@2=100%@3=85%@4=25%");
map.AddTBAtParas(3000); //参数属性.
#region 执行的方法 - 基本功能
RefMethod rm = new RefMethod();
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "设置显示的列";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".SearchSettingCols()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "多表头设置";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".MultiTitle()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "启用傻瓜表单设计器";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DesignerFool()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "导入数据";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".ImpData()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "字段颜色范围设置";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".FieldColors()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "字段求和/平均设置";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".FieldAvgSum()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "清除设计内容";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".ClearData()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "移动端Search";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".ToMSearch()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
#endregion 执行的方法.
#region 执行的方法 - 数据库信息
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "表结构";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".FieldDesc()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "字段UI";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".FieldDescUI()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
#endregion 执行的方法.
this._enMap = map;
return this._enMap;
public string FieldDescUI()
return "../../Comm/Sys/SystemClassFieldUI.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
public string FieldDesc()
return "../../Comm/Sys/SystemClassField.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
public string ToMSearch()
return "../../../CCMobile/Comm/Search.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
/// <summary>
/// 字段颜色设置
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string FieldColors()
return "../../Comm/Sys/FieldColors.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
/// <summary>
/// 字段求和/平均设置
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string FieldAvgSum()
return "../../Comm/Sys/FieldAvgSum.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
/// <summary>
/// 清除数据.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string ClearData()
MapData md = new MapData(this.No);
md.No = this.No;
if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
return "err@没有设计的数据要清除.";
return "清除成功.";
public string ImpData()
return "../../Comm/Sys/ImpData.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
public string DesignerFool()
return "../../Admin/FoolFormDesigner/Designer.htm?FK_MapData=" + this.No;
public string SearchSettingCols()
return "../../Comm/Sys/SearchSettingCols.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
public string SearchSetting()
return "../../Comm/Sys/SearchSetting.htm?EnsName=" + this.No;
/// <summary>
/// 多表头
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string MultiTitle()
return "../../Comm/Sys/MultiTitle.htm?EnsName=" + this.No + "&DoType=Search";
/// <summary>
/// 生成他的Attrs
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GenerAttrs()
Entities ens = ClassFactory.GetEns(this.No);
if (ens == null)
return "err@" + this.No + ",类名错误.";
MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs();
MapData md = new MapData();
md.No = this.No;
int count = md.RetrieveFromDBSources();
if (count == 0)
attrs = ens.GetNewEntity.EnMap.Attrs.ToMapAttrs;
attrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.No, MapAttrAttr.Idx);
return attrs.ToJson();
/// <summary>
/// 实体集合
/// </summary>
public class EnCfgs : EntitiesNoName
#region 构造
/// <summary>
/// 配置信息
/// </summary>
public EnCfgs()
/// <summary>
/// 得到它的 Entity
/// </summary>
public override Entity GetNewEntity
return new EnCfg();
#region 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List.
/// <summary>
/// 转化成 java list,C#不能调用.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List</returns>
public System.Collections.Generic.IList<EnCfg> ToJavaList()
return (System.Collections.Generic.IList<EnCfg>)this;
/// <summary>
/// 转化成list
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List</returns>
public System.Collections.Generic.List<EnCfg> Tolist()
System.Collections.Generic.List<EnCfg> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<EnCfg>();
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
return list;
#endregion 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List.