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9 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace CCFlow.SDKFlowDemo.QingJia
public partial class S3_ZongJingLiShenpi : System.Web.UI.Page
#region 接受4大参数(这四大参数是有ccflow传递到此页面上的).
/// <summary>
/// 流程编号
/// </summary>
public string FK_Flow
return this.Request.QueryString["FK_Flow"];
/// <summary>
/// 当前节点ID
/// </summary>
public int FK_Node
return int.Parse(this.Request.QueryString["FK_Node"]);
/// <summary>
/// 工作ID
/// </summary>
public Int64 WorkID
return Int64.Parse(this.Request.QueryString["WorkID"]);
/// <summary>
/// 流程ID
/// </summary>
public Int64 FID
return Int64.Parse(this.Request.QueryString["FID"]);
#endregion 接受4大参数(这四大参数是有ccflow传递到此页面上的).
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.IsPostBack == false)
// 查询出来.
BP.Demo.SDK.QingJia en = new BP.Demo.SDK.QingJia();
en.OID = (int)this.WorkID;
// 请假人基础信息赋值.
this.TB_No.Text = en.QingJiaRenNo; //
this.TB_Name.Text = en.QingJiaRenName; // 请假人名称.
this.TB_DeptNo.Text = en.QingJiaRenDeptNo; //部门编号.
this.TB_DeptName.Text = en.QingJiaRenDeptName; //部门名称
this.TB_QingJiaYuanYin.Text = en.QingJiaYuanYin; //请假原因
this.TB_QingJiaTianShu.Text = en.QingJiaTianShu.ToString(); //请假天数.
this.TB_BMNote.Text = en.NoteBM;
protected void Btn_Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// 执行保存.
Btn_Save_Click(null, null);
#region 第2步: 执行发送.
//调用发送api, 返回发送对象.
BP.WF.SendReturnObjs objs = null;
// 查询出来.
BP.Demo.SDK.QingJia en = new BP.Demo.SDK.QingJia();
en.OID = (int)this.WorkID;
// 向下发送.
objs = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Node_SendWork(this.FK_Flow, this.WorkID, 0, null);
* 1,发送api有多个, 根据不同的场景使用不同的api 但是常用的就那1个您可以产看该参数使用说明.
* BP.WF.Node_SendWork(string fk_flow, Int64 workID, int toNodeID, string toEmps)
* 2,回来的发送对象里面有系统变量,这些系统变量包括发送给谁了,发送到那里了.
* 开发人员可以根据系统变量,执行相关的业务逻辑操作.
#endregion 第2步: 执行发送.
#region 第3步: 把发送信息提示出来.
string info = objs.ToMsgOfText();
info = info.Replace("\t\n", "<br>@");
info = info.Replace("@", "<br>@");
this.Response.Write("<font color=blue>" + info + "</font>");
#endregion 第3步: 把发送信息提示出来.
this.Btn_Save.Enabled = false;
this.Btn_Send.Enabled = false;
protected void Btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BP.Demo.SDK.QingJia en = new BP.Demo.SDK.QingJia();
en.OID = (int)this.WorkID;
en.NoteBM = this.TB_NoteRL.Text;
en.Update(); // 写入部门经理意见.
protected void Btn_Track_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// BP.WF.Dev2Interface.UI_Window_OneWork(this.FK_Flow, this.WorkID, this.FID);
protected void Btn_Return_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// BP.WF.Dev2Interface.UI_Window_Return(this.FK_Flow, this.FK_Node, this.WorkID, this.FID);