You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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12 KiB

9 months ago
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<button @click.stop="Search()" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm"> 查询</button>
<button onclick="StartIt()" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm">新建</button>
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<button onclick="SearchAdv()" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm">高级查询</button>
<div class="row" style="margin-top:10px;">
<div class="item item-other">#</div>
<div class="item item-other">单号</div>
<div class="item item-other">状态</div>
<div class="item item-name"><i class="icon-app"></i> 标题</div>
<div class="item item-other">创建人</div>
<div class="item item-other">创建日期</div>
<div class="item item-other">参与人</div>
<div class="item item-other">优先级</div>
<div class="row" v-for="(gwf,idx) in gwfs" :key="idx" :data-id="gwf.WorkID">
<div class="item item-other" style="text-align: right;">{{idx + 1}}</div>
<div class="item item-other" style="text-align: right;">{{gwf.BillNo}}</div>
<div class="item item-other" style="text-align: right;">{{idx + 1}}</div>
<div class="item item-name" style="text-align: left" :data-mypk="gwf.WorkID" :data-name="gwf.Title"
:data-idx="idx" @click.stop="OpenMyView(gwf.FK_Flow,gwf.WorkID)">
<span> <font color="blue">{{gwf.Title}}</font></span>
<div class="item item-other">{{gwf.StarterName}}</div>
<div class="item item-other">{{gwf.RDT}}</div>
<div class="item item-other">
<div class="item item-other"><i :class="gwf.Icon"></i> {{gwf.IconTitle}}</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
//var handler = new HttpHandler("BP.CCBill.WF_CCBill_OptOneFlow");
//var data = handler.DoMethodReturnString("FlowBaseData_Init");
//if (data.indexOf('err@') == 0) {
// alert(data);
// return;
new Vue({
el: '#method',
data: {
gwfs: [], //工作流实例集合.
expandAll: false,
loadingDialog: false
watch: {
expandAll(val) {
methods: {
startList: function () {
var frmID = GetQueryString("FrmID");
var workID = GetQueryString("WorkID");
if (workID == null)
workID = 0;
var ens = new Entities("BP.CCBill.GenerBills");
ens.Retrieve("PWorkID", workID, "PFrmID", frmID, "RDT");
mapAttrs = obj2arr(ens);
for (var i = 0; i < ens.length; i++) {
if (this.ens[i].BillState <= 0) continue; //草稿与空白的
var gwf = this.ens[i];
if (gwf.BillState === 1) { gwf.Icon = "icon-clock"; gwf.IconTitle = "草稿"; }//运行中的.
if (gwf.BillState === 2) { gwf.Icon = "icon-check"; gwf.IconTitle = "编辑中"; }//已完成的.
if (gwf.BillState === 100) { gwf.Icon = "icon-action-undo"; gwf.IconTitle = "归档"; } //退回的.
this.gwfs = ens;
Search: function () {
this.searchKey = $("#TB_Key").val();
venss = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.gwfs.length; i++) {
var Titlebj = this.gwfs[i].Title;
if (Titlebj.indexOf(this.searchKey) == -1) continue;
venss[i] = this.gwfs[i];
this.gwfs = venss;
OpenMyView: function (flowNo, workid) {
var handler = new HttpHandler("BP.WF.HttpHandler.WF_MyView");
handler.AddPara("WorkID", workid);
handler.AddPara("FK_Flow", flowNo);
var data = handler.DoMethodReturnString("MyView_Init");
if (data.indexOf('err@') == 0) {
$("#Msg").html("<br>" + data);
if (data.indexOf('url@') == 0) {
data = data.replace('url@', ''); //如果返回url就直接转向.
data = data.replace('?DoType=HttpHandler', '?');
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data = data.replace('&DoMethod=MyView_Init', '');
data = data.replace('&HttpHandlerName=BP.WF.HttpHandler.WF_MyCC', '');
data = data.replace('?&', '?');
SetHref("../../" + data);
mounted: function () {
// fix firefox bug
document.body.ondrop = function (event) {
function obj2arr(obj) {
delete obj.Paras
delete obj.ensName
delete obj.length
var arr = []
for (var key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
return arr
//创建单据, 把当前表单的数据传入进去..
function StartIt() {
var methodNo = GetQueryString("MethodNo");
var workID = GetQueryString("WorkID");
workID = parseInt(workID);
var en = new Entity("BP.CCBill.Template.MethodBill", methodNo);
var billWorkID = en.DoMethodReturnString("CreateWorkID", workID);
if (billWorkID.indexOf('err@') == 0) {
var url = "../../CCBill/MyBill.htm?FK_Flow=" + en.FlowNo + "&FrmID=" + en.Tag1 + "&WorkID=" + billWorkID + "&FK_Node=0&MethodNo=" + methodNo + "&PWorkID=" + workID;
function Search() {
//对this.gwfs 的数据 的Title 进行过滤匹配,从新绑定表格.
var key = $("#TB_Key").val();
if (key == "" || key == undefined)
//高级查询, 转入到单据查询上去.
function SearchAdv() {
var url = "";
url = "./SearchBill.htm?FrmID=" + GetQueryString("FrmID");
url += "&PWorkID=" + GetQueryString("PWorkID");
url += "&MothodNo=" + GetQueryString("MothodNo");
//window.location.href = filterXSS(url);
addTab(url, GetQueryString("FrmID") + '高级查询')
function addTab(url, title = '高级查询') {, url, true);
$(function () {
if (CustomerNo != "" && CustomerNo != null) {
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