You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
4.4 KiB

9 months ago
function CreatHelpDiv(_parent, _element, _id, _css) {//创建层
var newObj = document.createElement(_element);
if (_id && _id != "") = _id;
if (_css && _css != "") {
newObj.setAttribute("style", _css); = _css;
if (_parent && _parent != "") {
var theObj = getobj(_parent);
var parent = theObj[0].parentNode;
if (parent.lastChild == theObj[0]) {
else {
theObj[0].insertBefore(newObj, theObj[0].nextSibling);
else getobj("divCCForm")[0].appendChild(newObj);
function getobj(o) {//获取对象
return $("*[id$=" + o + "]");
var swtemp = 0, objtemp;
function ShowHelpDiv(inputid, appPath, attrKey, enName, doType) {//显示层
if (appPath == "")
if (doType == "returnval") {
HelpTBOpenPopWin(inputid, appPath, "rev");
if (swtemp == 1) { if (getobj(inputid + "mydiv").length > 0) getobj(objtemp + "mydiv")[0].style.display = "none"; }
if (getobj(inputid + "mydiv").length <= 0) {//若尚未创建就建之
var souceObj = getobj(inputid)[0];
var parentEle = souceObj.parentElement.parentElement;
var left = parentEle.offsetLeft;
var top = parentEle.offsetTop + souceObj.offsetHeight;
var divcss = "word-break: keep-all;z-index:9999;font-size:12px;color:blue;position:absolute;left:" + left + "px;top:" + top + "px;border:1px solid blue"
CreatHelpDiv("", "div", inputid + "mydiv", divcss); //创建层"mydiv"
CreatHelpDiv(inputid + "mydiv", "ul", inputid + "myul"); //创建ul
CreatHelpDiv(inputid + "myul", "li", inputid + "li0", "background:#fff");
if (doType == "wordhelp") {
getobj(inputid + "li0")[0].innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:TBHelp(\"" + inputid + "\",\"" + appPath + "\",\"" + attrKey + "\",\"" + enName + "\")'>常用词汇</a>";
if (doType == "returnval") {
getobj(inputid + "li0")[0].innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:HelpTBOpenPopWin(\"" + inputid + "\",\"" + appPath + "\",\"rev\")'>打开选择页面</a>";
if (doType == "returnvalccformpopval") {
getobj(inputid + "li0")[0].innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:HelpTBOpenPopWin(\"" + inputid + "\",\"" + attrKey + "\",\"" + enName + "\",\"ccform\")'>打开选择页面</a>";
CreatHelpDiv(inputid + "myul", "li", inputid + "li1", "color:#f00;background:#fff"); //创建"clear"li
getobj(inputid + "li1")[0].innerHTML = "<a style=\"color:Red;\" href='javascript:ClearHelpTBText(\"" + inputid + "\")'>清空</a>";
getobj(inputid + "mydiv")[0].innerHTML += "<style type='text/css'>#" + inputid + "mydiv ul {padding:0px;margin:0;}#" + inputid + "mydiv ul li{list-style-type:none;padding:5px;margin:0;float:left;CURSOR: pointer;}</style>";
for (var i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
getobj(inputid + "li" + i)[0].onmouseover = function () { = "#eee"; clearTimeout(HelpTBTimer) }
getobj(inputid + "li" + i)[0].onmouseout = function () { = "#fff" }
var newdiv = getobj(inputid + "mydiv")[0];
newdiv.onclick = function () { HelpTBHiddiv(event, inputid); }
newdiv.onmouseout = function () { HelpTBMout(inputid + "mydiv") }
newdiv.onmouseover = function () { clearTimeout(HelpTBTimer) }
getobj(inputid)[0].onmouseout = function () { HelpTBMout(inputid + "mydiv") } = "block";
swtemp = 1;
objtemp = inputid;
var HelpTBTimer;
function HelpTBMout(newDiv) {
HelpTBTimer = setTimeout(function () { $("#" + newDiv).remove(); }, 300);
swtemp = 0;
function ClearHelpTBText(inputid) {
function HelpTBHiddiv(e, inputid) {
e = e || window.event;
ev = || e.srcElement;
v = ev.innerText || ev.textContent;
if (v == "清空") {
getobj(inputid)[0].value = "";
getobj(inputid + "mydiv")[0].style.display = "none";
function HelpTBOpenPopWin(inputid, fk_mapExt, refEnPK, model) {
var ctrl = getobj(inputid)[0];
if (model == "ccform") {
ReturnValCCFormPopVal(ctrl, fk_mapExt, refEnPK);
} else {
ReturnVal(ctrl, fk_mapExt, refEnPK);