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9 months ago
using BP.DA;
using BP.Port;
using BP.En;
namespace BP.WF.DTS
/// <summary>
/// Method 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
public class GenerDeptTree : Method
/// <summary>
/// 不带有参数的方法
/// </summary>
public GenerDeptTree()
this.Title = "为部门Port_Dept表生成 TreeNo 字段,跟节点为01。";
this.Help = "该字段仅仅为了用于LIKE查询不能作为关联主键因为该字段是变化的随着部门的增加而变化.";
this.Help += "执行此功能要求. 1. Port_Dept, 必须有 TreeNo 字段。 2. Port_Dept 必须有DeptTreeNo 字段. 3. Port_DeptEmp 必须有 DeptTreeNo 字段. 4. Port_DeptEmpStation 必须有 DeptTreeNo 字段.";
// this.HisAttrs.AddTBString("Path", "C:/ccflow.Template", "生成的路径", true, false, 1, 1900, 200);
/// <summary>
/// 设置执行变量
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override void Init()
/// <summary>
/// 当前的操纵员是否可以执行这个方法
/// </summary>
public override bool IsCanDo
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 执行
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回执行结果</returns>
public override object Do()
if (DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol("Port_Dept", "TreeNo") == false)
return "err@ Port_Dept 没有找到 TreeNo 的列.";
BP.Port.Dept dept = new BP.Port.Dept();
int i = dept.Retrieve(DeptAttr.ParentNo, "0");
if (i == 0)
return "err@没有找到ParentNo=0的根节点.";
string sql = "UPDATE Port_Dept SET TreeNo='01' WHERE No='" + dept.No + "'";
BP.Port.Depts depts = new Depts();
depts.Retrieve(BP.Port.DeptAttr.ParentNo, dept.No);
int idx = 0;
foreach (BP.Port.Dept item in depts)
string subNo = idx.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
sql = "UPDATE Port_Dept SET TreeNo='01" + subNo + "' WHERE No='" + item.No + "'";
sql = "UPDATE Port_DeptEmp SET DeptTreeNo='01" + subNo + "' WHERE FK_Dept='" + item.No + "'";
sql = "UPDATE Port_DeptEmpStation SET DeptTreeNo='01" + subNo + "' WHERE FK_Dept='" + item.No + "'";
SetDeptTreeNo(item, "01"+subNo);
return "执行成功.";
public void SetDeptTreeNo(Dept dept, string pTreeNo)
BP.Port.Depts depts = new Depts();
depts.Retrieve(BP.Port.DeptAttr.ParentNo, dept.No);
int idx = 0;
foreach (BP.Port.Dept item in depts)
string subNo = idx.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
string sql = "UPDATE Port_Dept SET TreeNo='" + pTreeNo + "" + subNo + "' WHERE No='" + item.No + "'";
sql = "UPDATE Port_DeptEmp SET DeptTreeNo='" + pTreeNo + "' WHERE FK_Dept='" + item.No + "'";
sql = "UPDATE Port_DeptEmpStation SET DeptTreeNo='" + pTreeNo + "' WHERE FK_Dept='" + item.No + "'";
SetDeptTreeNo(item, pTreeNo + subNo);