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9 months ago
/** layui-v2.5.6 MIT License By */
; layui.define(["laytpl", "laypage", "layer", "form", "util"], function (e) { "use strict"; var t = layui.$, i = layui.laytpl, a = layui.laypage, l = layui.layer, n = layui.form, o = (layui.util, layui.hint()), r = layui.device(), d = { config: { checkName: "LAY_CHECKED", indexName: "LAY_TABLE_INDEX" }, cache: {}, index: layui.table ? layui.table.index + 1e4 : 0, set: function (e) { var i = this; return i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, e), i }, on: function (e, t) { return, y, e, t) } }, c = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, i = || t.index; return i && (c.that[i] = e, c.config[i] = t), { config: t, reload: function (t) {, t) }, setColsWidth: function () { }, resize: function () { } } }, s = function (e) { var t = c.config[e]; return t || o.error("The ID option was not found in the table instance"), t || null }, u = function (e, a, l, n) { var o = e.templet ? function () { return "function" == typeof e.templet ? e.templet(l) : i(t(e.templet).html() || String(a)).render(l) }() : a; return n ? t("<div>" + o + "</div>").text() : o }, y = "table", h = ".layui-table", f = "layui-hide", p = "layui-none", v = "layui-table-view", m = ".layui-table-tool", g = ".layui-table-box", b = ".layui-table-init", x = ".layui-table-header", k = ".layui-table-body", C = ".layui-table-main", w = ".layui-table-fixed", T = ".layui-table-fixed-l", A = ".layui-table-fixed-r", L = ".layui-table-total", N = ".layui-table-page", S = ".layui-table-sort", R = "layui-table-edit", W = "layui-table-hover", _ = function (e) { var t = '{{#if(item2.colspan){}} colspan="{{item2.colspan}}"{{#} if(item2.rowspan){}} rowspan="{{item2.rowspan}}"{{#}}}'; return e = e || {}, ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="layui-table" ', '{{# if({ }}lay-skin="{{}}"{{# } }} {{# if({ }}lay-size="{{}}"{{# } }} {{# if({ }}lay-even{{# } }}>', "<thead>", "{{# layui.each(, function(i1, item1){ }}", "<tr>", "{{# layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ }}", '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ left = true; } }}', '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ right = true; } }}', function () { return e.fixed && "right" !== e.fixed ? '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ }}' : "right" === e.fixed ? '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ }}' : "" }(), "{{# var isSort = !(item2.colGroup) && item2.sort; }}", '<th data-field="{{ item2.field||i2 }}" data-key="{{d.index}}-{{i1}}-{{i2}}" {{# if( item2.parentKey){ }}data-parentkey="{{ item2.parentKey }}"{{# } }} {{# if(item2.minWidth){ }}data-minwidth="{{item2.minWidth}}"{{# } }} ' + t + ' {{# if(item2.unresize || item2.colGroup){ }}data-unresize="true"{{# } }} class="{{# if(item2.hide){ }}layui-hide{{# } }}{{# if(isSort){ }} layui-unselect{{# } }}{{# if(!item2.field){ }} layui-table-col-special{{# } }}">', '<div class="layui-table-cell laytable-cell-', "{{# if(item2.colGroup){ }}", "group", "{{# } else { }}", "{{d.index}}-{{i1}}-{{i2}}", '{{# if(item2.type !== "normal"){ }}', " laytable-cell-{{ item2.type }}", "{{# } }}", "{{# } }}", '" {{#if(item2.align){}}align="{{item2.align}}"{{#}}}>', '{{# if(item2.type === "checkbox"){ }}', '<input type="checkbox" name="layTableCheckbox" lay-skin="primary" lay-filter="layTableAllChoose" {{# if(item2[]){ }}checked{{# }; }}>', "{{# } else { }}", '<span>{{item2.title||""}}</span>', "{{# if(isSort){ }}", '<span class="layui-table-sort layui-inline"><i class="layui-edge layui-table-sort-asc" title="升序"></i><i class="layui-edge layui-table-sort-desc" title="降序"></i></span>', "{{# } }}", "{{# } }}", "</div>", "</th>", e.fixed ? "{{# }; }}" : "", "{{# }); }}", "</tr>", "{{# }); }}", "</thead>", "</table>"].join("") }, E = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="layui-table" ', '{{# if({ }}lay-skin="{{}}"{{# } }} {{# if({ }}lay-size="{{}}"{{# } }} {{# if({ }}lay-even{{# } }}>', "<tbody></tbody>", "</table>"].join(""), z = ['<di