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9 months ago
!function (t, n) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = n() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(n) : t.dayjs = n() }(this, function () { "use strict"; var t = "millisecond", n = "second", e = "minute", r = "hour", i = "day", s = "week", u = "month", o = "quarter", a = "year", h = /^(\d{4})-?(\d{1,2})-?(\d{0,2})[^0-9]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?.?(\d{1,3})?$/, f = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{2,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, c = function (t, n, e) { var r = String(t); return !r || r.length >= n ? t : "" + Array(n + 1 - r.length).join(e) + t }, d = { s: c, z: function (t) { var n = -t.utcOffset(), e = Math.abs(n), r = Math.floor(e / 60), i = e % 60; return (n <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + c(r, 2, "0") + ":" + c(i, 2, "0") }, m: function (t, n) { var e = 12 * (n.year() - t.year()) + (n.month() - t.month()), r = t.clone().add(e, u), i = n - r < 0, s = t.clone().add(e + (i ? -1 : 1), u); return Number(-(e + (n - r) / (i ? r - s : s - r)) || 0) }, a: function (t) { return t < 0 ? Math.ceil(t) || 0 : Math.floor(t) }, p: function (h) { return { M: u, y: a, w: s, d: i, D: "date", h: r, m: e, s: n, ms: t, Q: o }[h] || String(h || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "") }, u: function (t) { return void 0 === t } }, $ = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_") }, l = "en", m = {}; m[l] = $; var y = function (t) { return t instanceof v }, M = function (t, n, e) { var r; if (!t) return l; if ("string" == typeof t) m[t] && (r = t), n && (m[t] = n, r = t); else { var i =; m[i] = t, r = i } return e || (l = r), r }, g = function (t, n, e) { if (y(t)) return t.clone(); var r = n ? "string" == typeof n ? { format: n, pl: e } : n : {}; return = t, new v(r) }, D = d; D.l = M, D.i = y, D.w = function (t, n) { return g(t, { locale: n.$L, utc: n.$u, $offset: n.$offset }) }; var v = function () { function c(t) { this.$L = this.$L || M(t.locale, null, !0), this.parse(t) } var d = c.prototype; return d.parse = function (t) { this.$d = function (t) { var n =, e = t.utc; if (null === n) return new Date(NaN); if (D.u(n)) return new Date; if (n instanceof Date) return new Date(n); if ("string" == typeof n && !/Z$/i.test(n)) { var r = n.match(h); if (r) return e ? new Date(Date.UTC(r[1], r[2] - 1, r[3] || 1, r[4] || 0, r[5] || 0, r[6] || 0, r[7] || 0)) : new Date(r[1], r[2] - 1, r[3] || 1, r[4] || 0, r[5] || 0, r[6] || 0, r[7] || 0) } return new Date(n) }(t), this.init() }, d.init = function () { var t = this.$d; this.$y = t.getFullYear(), this.$M = t.getMonth(), this.$D = t.getDate(), this.$W = t.getDay(), this.$H = t.getHours(), this.$m = t.getMinutes(), this.$s = t.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t.getMilliseconds() }, d.$utils = function () { return D }, d.isValid = function () { return !("Invalid Date" === this.$d.toString()) }, d.isSame = function (t, n) { var e = g(t); return this.startOf(n) <= e && e <= this.endOf(n) }, d.isAfter = function (t, n) { return g(t) < this.startOf(n) }, d.isBefore = function (t, n) { return this.endOf(n) < g(t) }, d.$g = function (t, n, e) { return D.u(t) ? this[n] : this.set(e, t) }, d.year = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$y", a) }, d.month = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$M", u) }, = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$W", i) }, = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$D", "date") }, d.hour = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$H", r) }, d.minute = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$m", e) }, d.second = function (t) { return this.$g(t, "$s", n) }, d.millisecond = function (n) { return this.$g(n, "$ms", t) }, d.unix = function () { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3) }, d.valueOf = function () { return this.$d.getTime() }, d.startOf = function (t, o) { var h = this, f = !!D.u(o) || o, c = D.p(t), d = function (t, n) { var e = D.w(h.$u ? Date.UTC(h.$y, n, t) : new Date(h.$y, n, t), h); return f ? e : e.endOf(i) }, $ = function (t, n) { return D.w(