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9 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using BP.WF.Data;
using BP.En;
namespace BP.MES
/// <summary>
/// 箱体订单 Attr
/// </summary>
public class ND1RptAttr : NDXRptBaseAttr
#region 基本属性
/// <summary>
/// 箱体名称
/// </summary>
public const string XiangTiMingCheng = "XiangTiMingCheng";
/// <summary>
/// 订单号
/// </summary>
public const string DingDanHao = "DingDanHao";
/// <summary>
/// 项目名称
/// </summary>
public const string PrjName = "PrjName";
/// <summary>
/// 期限限定
/// </summary>
public const string QiXianXianDing = "QiXianXianDing";
/// <summary>
/// 紧急程度
/// </summary>
public const string JJCD = "JJCD";
public const string JJCDText = "JJCDText";
/// <summary>
/// 图纸编号
/// </summary>
public const string TuZhiBianHao = "TuZhiBianHao";
/// <summary>
/// 图纸制图人
/// </summary>
public const string TuZhiZhiTuRen = "TuZhiZhiTuRen";
/// <summary>
/// 装配负责人
/// </summary>
public const string ZhuangPeiFuZeRen = "ZhuangPeiFuZeRen";
/// <summary>
/// 检测负责人
/// </summary>
public const string JianCeFuZeRen = "JianCeFuZeRen";
/// <summary>
/// 封装人
/// </summary>
public const string FengZhuangRen = "FengZhuangRen";
/// <summary>
/// 客户信息
/// </summary>
public const string KeHuMingCheng = "KeHuMingCheng";
/// <summary>
/// 箱体订单
/// </summary>
public class ND1Rpt : NDXRptBase
#region 属性
/// <summary>
/// 请假人部门名称
/// </summary>
public string TuZhiBianHao
return this.GetValStringByKey(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiBianHao);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiBianHao, value);
public string DingDanHao
return this.GetValStringByKey(ND1RptAttr.DingDanHao);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiBianHao, DingDanHao);
public string PrjName
return this.GetValStringByKey(ND1RptAttr.PrjName);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.PrjName, value);
public string XiangTiMingCheng
return this.GetValStringByKey(ND1RptAttr.XiangTiMingCheng);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.XiangTiMingCheng, value);
/// <summary>
/// 请假人编号
/// </summary>
public string TuZhiZhiTuRen
return this.GetValStringByKey(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiZhiTuRen);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiZhiTuRen, value);
/// <summary>
/// 请假人名称
/// </summary>
public string ZhuangPeiFuZeRen
return this.GetValStringByKey(ND1RptAttr.ZhuangPeiFuZeRen);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.ZhuangPeiFuZeRen, value);
/// <summary>
/// 请假人部门编号
/// </summary>
public int JJCD
return this.GetValIntByKey(ND1RptAttr.JJCD);
this.SetValByKey(ND1RptAttr.JJCD, value);
/// <summary>
/// 总经理意见
/// </summary>
public string JJCDText
return this.GetValRefTextByKey(ND1RptAttr.JJCD);
/// <summary>
/// 人力资源意见
/// </summary>
#region 构造函数
/// <summary>
/// 请假
/// </summary>
public ND1Rpt()
/// <summary>
/// 请假
/// </summary>
/// <param name="workid">工作ID</param>
public ND1Rpt(Int64 workid)
this.OID = workid;
/// <summary>
/// 重写基类方法
/// </summary>
public override Map EnMap
if (this._enMap != null)
return this._enMap;
Map map = new Map("ND1Rpt", "箱体订单");
#region 流程的基本字段
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.Title, null, "标题", false, true, 0, 500, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.BillNo, null, "编号", false, true, 0, 50, 10);
// map.AddDDLSysEnum(ND1RptAttr.WFState, 0, "状态", false, true, "WFState");
//map.AddTBInt(ND1RptAttr.FID, 0, "FID", false, true);
//map.AddTBInt(ND1RptAttr.FlowDaySpan, 0, "跨度", false, true);
// map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.KeHuMingCheng, null, "客户名称", false, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.DingDanHao, null, "订单号", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.PrjName, null, "项目名称", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.KeHuMingCheng, null, "客户名称", false, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.QiXianXianDing, null, "期限限定", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddDDLSysEnum(ND1RptAttr.JJCD, 0, "紧急程度", true, true, ND1RptAttr.JJCD, "@0=低@1=中@2=高");
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiBianHao, null, "图纸编号", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.TuZhiZhiTuRen, null, "图纸制图人", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.XiangTiMingCheng, null, "箱体名称", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
//map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.ZhuangPeiFuZeRen, null, "装配负责人", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
//map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.JianCeFuZeRen, null, "检测负责人", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
//map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.FengZhuangRen, null, "封装人", true, true, 0, 50, 10);
map.AddTBInt(ND1RptAttr.PWorkID, 0, "父流程ID", true, true);
// map.AddTBString(ND1RptAttr.FaHuoRen, null, "发货人", false, true, 0, 100, 10);
#endregion 流程的基本字段
this._enMap = map;
return this._enMap;
/// <summary>
/// 检查是否可以发送.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Work_CheckIsOverAndSend()
BP.WF.GenerWorkFlow gwf = new WF.GenerWorkFlow(this.OID);
if (gwf.FK_Node != 102)
return "";
//获得重做与未完成的数据量: 如果是02则让其发送下去. 0=未检查, 2=重做的.
string sql = "SELECT count(OID) as Num FROM ND101Dtl1 WHERE RefPK = '" + this.OID + "' AND WorkSta in(0,2) ";
var val = BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql);
if (val != 0)
return "";
string msg = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Node_SendWork("001", this.OID, 103, null).ToMsgOfText();
// string msg = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Flow_ReSend(this.OID, 103, "zhoupeng", "运动到").ToMsgOfText();
return msg;
/// <summary>
/// 箱体订单s
/// </summary>
public class ND1Rpts : NDXRptBases
public string MyReWork_Init()
//2 重做
string sql = "SELECT OID, Title, WorkSta, Worker,count(OID) as Num FROM V_WorkDtl WHERE Worker = '" + BP.Web.WebUser.No + "' AND WorkSta=2 GROUP BY Title,WorkSta,Worker,OID ";
DataTable dt = BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(dt);
#region 方法
/// <summary>
/// 得到它的 Entity
/// </summary>
public override Entity GetNewEntity
return new ND1Rpt();
/// <summary>
/// 请假s
/// </summary>
public ND1Rpts() { }