You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

179 lines
6.2 KiB

11 months ago
// import WebUser from '/@/bp/web/WebUser';
// import { FlowExt } from '/@/WF/Admin/AttrFlow/FlowExt';
// import { getAuthCache, setAuthCache } from '/@/utils/auth';
// import { ADMIN_TOKEN_KEY, TOKEN_KEY } from '/@/enums/cacheEnum';
// import { message } from 'ant-design-vue';
// import { GetUrlToJSON } from '/@/utils/gener/StringUtils';
// import { useUserStoreWithOut } from '/@/store/modules/user';
import { GPNReturnObj, GPNReturnType } from "./GPNReturnObj";
import { PageBaseGenerList } from "./PageBaseGenerList";
import { DataType } from "./utils/DataType";
import { HttpHandler } from "../api/Gener";
// @zhoupeng 需要重写
export class GL_WorkerList extends PageBaseGenerList {
constructor() {
this.PageTitle = "切换用户";
async Init() {
this.LinkField = "Name";
this.GroupFields = "FK_DeptText"; //分组字段.
this.GroupFieldDefault = "FK_DeptText"; //分组字段.
this.PageSize = 0; // 分页的页面行数, 0不分页.
this.GroupFields = "FK_NodeText"; //分组字段.
this.Columns = [
Key: "WorkID",
Name: "人员账号",
IsShow: true,
DataType: DataType.AppString,
Key: "FK_Emp",
Name: "人员账号",
IsShow: true,
DataType: 1,
width: 100,
Key: "FK_EmpT",
Name: "人员名称",
IsShow: true,
DataType: 1,
width: 100,
{ Key: "FK_Node", Name: "节点ID", IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 100 },
Key: "FK_NodeText",
Name: "节点名称",
IsShow: true,
DataType: 1,
width: 100,
Key: "IsPass",
Name: "是否通过",
IsShow: true,
DataType: 1,
width: 100,
{ Key: "SDT", Name: "应完成日期", IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 40 },
Key: "RDT",
Name: "记录时间(接受工作日期)",
IsShow: true,
DataType: 1,
width: 66,
{ Key: "IsRead", Name: "是否读取", IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 66 },
{ Key: "IsRead", Name: "是否读取", IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 66 },
Key: "IsEnable",
Name: "是否可用",
IsShow: true,
DataType: 1,
width: 66,
// { Key: 'DeptFullName', Name: '部门全称', IsShow: true, DataType: 1, width: 150 },
const handler = new HttpHandler(
handler.AddPara("WorkID", this.RequestVal("WorkID"));
const res = handler.DoMethodReturnJSON("SelectOneUser_Init");
if (res) {
this.Data = res;
//console.log('data', this.Data);
public readonly MyHelpDocs = `
#### 帮助
- 当前的列表是可以发起当前流程的人员.
- 一个流程被哪些人能发起在开始节点的接受人规则设置.
- 选择一个人员,就可以以他的身份登录,并进入测试容器发起流程.
- 当您选择一个发起人发起流程后,系统就会把该人员记录下来下次登录仅仅显示当前处理人.
#### 其它功能
- 设置流程发起人:如果人员太多就可以设置一个指定的发起人发起该流程.
- 更多发起人:全部可以发起流程人员.
- 检查流程:自动修复数据表结构,检查流程设计错误.
async LinkFieldClick(record: Record<string, any>) {
// const flowNo = this.RequestVal('FlowNo');
// //存储Admin的Token
// setAuthCache(ADMIN_TOKEN_KEY, getAuthCache(TOKEN_KEY));
// const handler = new HttpHandler('BP.WF.HttpHandler.WF_Admin_TestingContainer');
// handler.AddPara('FK_Flow', flowNo);
// handler.AddPara('TesterNo', record.No);
// const data = await handler.DoMethodReturnString('TestFlow2020_StartIt');
// if (typeof data === 'string' && data.includes('err@')) {
// message.error(data.replace('err@', ''));
// return;
// }
// //data转JSON
// const result = GetUrlToJSON(data);
// //获取当前测试用户的Token
// setAuthCache(TOKEN_KEY, result.Token);
// //获取当前测试用户的信息
// const userStore = useUserStoreWithOut();
// userStore.token = result.Token;
// await userStore.getUserInfoAction();
// //页面跳转到测试容器
// const url = '/#/WF/TestingContainer/Default?FlowNo=' + flowNo + '&TesterNo=' + result.TesterNo;
// return new GPNReturnObj(GPNReturnType.GoToUrl, url);
* 按钮操作,包含工具栏、行操作
* @param btnName 按钮名称
* @param object 行数据
* @param params 组件参数
* @param callback 回调函数
* @constructor
async BtnClick(btnName: string, record: Record<string, any>) {
// const flowNo = this.RequestVal('FlowNo') || '';
// if (btnName == '返回流程设计器') {
// window.location.replace('/#/WF/Designer/EditFlow?FlowNo=' + flowNo + '&FK_Flow=' + flowNo + '&EnName=NewFlow');
// return;
// }
// if (btnName === '设置流程发起人') {
// let msg = '请输入测试人员的帐号,多个人员用逗号分开';
// msg += '\t\n 比如:zhangsan,lisi';
// msg += '\t\n 帐号就是登录该系统的编号,如果输入的帐号没有发起该流程的权限,系统就会提示错误。';
// const emps = window.prompt(msg, WebUser.No);
// const en = new FlowExt(flowNo);
// await en.RetrieveFromDBSources();
// en.SetValByKey('Tester', emps);
// await en.Update();
// await this.Init();
// //让数据重新绑定.
// return new GPNReturnObj(GPNReturnType.ReBind, this.Data);
// }
// if (btnName === '更多发起人') {
// const en = new FlowExt(flowNo);
// await en.RetrieveFromDBSources();
// en.SetValByKey('Tester', '');
// await en.Update();
// await this.Init();
// return new GPNReturnObj(GPNReturnType.ReBind, this.Data);
// }
// if (btnName === '检查流程') {
// const url = `/@/WF/Admin/FlowDesigner/components/CheckFlow.vue?FlowNo=${flowNo}`;
// return new GPNReturnObj(GPNReturnType.OpenUrlByDrawer, url);
// }
// console.log(record);
// return;