You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

371 lines
13 KiB

9 months ago
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var selectedRows = null;
var hander;
$(function () {
var selectStation = GetQueryString("SelectStation");
var dbTrees = [];
var StationTypes = new Entities("BP.Port.StationTypes");
$.each(StationTypes, function (i, o) {
dbTrees.push({ "No": o.No, "Name": o.Name, "ParentNo": "0" });
selectedRows = [];
if (selectStation != null && selectStation != undefined && selectStation != "") {
var selectStations = selectStation.split(";");
$.each(selectStations, function (i, o) {
var item = o.split('@');
if (item.length == 2)
selectedRows.push({ "No": item[0], "Name": item[1] });
var webUser = new WebUser();
var searchTableColumns = [{
field: "_checkbox",
checkbox: true,
formatter: function (value, row, index) {
if (row.checked) {
return {
"checked": true
var tag = "No=编号,Name=名称";
$.each(tag.split(","), function (i, o) {
var exp = o.split("=");
var field;
var title;
if (exp.length == 1) {
field = title = exp[0];
} else if (exp.length == 2) {
field = exp[0];
title = exp[1];
if (!isLegalName(field)) {
return true;
field: field,
title: title
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columns: [{
field: 'No',
title: '编号'
}, {
field: 'Name',
title: '名称'
}, {
title: '操作', formatter: function (value, row, index) {
return '<a class="newBtn btn-danger" href="#" onclick="removeRecord(\'' + row.No + '\')">X</a>';
function loadViewGrid(json) {
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var sel = $.grep(globalSelectedRows, function (obj) {
return obj.No == o.No;
if (sel.length == 0) {
function removeSelectedData(globalSelectedRows, selectedRows) {
if (!$.isArray(globalSelectedRows) || !$.isArray(selectedRows)) {
$.each(selectedRows, function (i, o) {
for (var index = 0; index < globalSelectedRows.length; index++) {
if (o.No == globalSelectedRows[index].No) {
globalSelectedRows.splice(index, 1);
function loadSelectGridByNodeID(nodeID) {
var stations = new Entities("BP.Port.Stations", "FK_StationType", nodeID);
function loadSelectGrid(json) {
if (!$.isArray(json)) {
// 绑定内容列表.
$('#selectGrid').bootstrapTable("showColumn", "_checkbox");
$('#selectGrid').bootstrapTable("showColumn", "No");
$('#selectGrid').bootstrapTable("showColumn", "Name");
if ($.isArray(selectedRows)) {
$.each(json, function (i, o) {
var sel = $.grep(selectedRows, function (obj) {
return o.No == obj.No;
if (sel.length > 0) {
o.checked = true;
$('#selectGrid').bootstrapTable("load", json);
function findChildren(jsonArray, parentNo) {
var appendToTree = function (treeToAppend, child) {
$.each(treeToAppend, function (i, o) {
if ( == child.ParentNo) {
"id": child.No,
"text": child.Name,
"nodes": []
} else {
appendToTree(o.nodes, child);
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if (o.ParentNo == parentNo) {
"id": o.No,
"text": o.Name,
"nodes": []
} else {
appendToTree(jsonTree, o);
function _(treeArray) {
$.each(treeArray, function (i, o) {
if ($.isArray(o.nodes)) {
if (o.nodes.length == 0) {
o.nodes = undefined;
} else {
return jsonTree;
function loadTree(dbTrees, rootNo, global) {
var jsonTree = findChildren(dbTrees, rootNo);
data: jsonTree, // 数据源
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onNodeChecked: function (event, data) {
onNodeSelected: function (event, data) {
loadSelectGridByNodeID(; //, selectedRows);
function isLegalName(name) {
if (!name) {
return false;
return name.match(/^[a-zA-Z\$_][a-zA-Z\d\$_]*$/);
function removeRecord(No) {
$("#selectGrid").bootstrapTable("uncheckBy", {
field: "No",
values: [No]
$('#viewGrid').bootstrapTable("remove", {
field: "No",
values: [No]
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