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//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
//namespace SlabHandle.Enity
// internal class FP_SLAB_DES_HIS
// {
// }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Http.Routing;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SOA.Persistent;
namespace SlabHandle
[Serializable, Table("FP_SLAB_DES_HIS")]
public class FP_SLAB_DES_HIS
[Persistent("SLAB_NO"), DisplayName("板坯号")]
public string SLAB_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("BLOCK_SEQ"), DisplayName("分块顺序(母板)")]
public string BLOCK_SEQ { get; set; }
[Persistent("SEQ"), DisplayName("顺序(子板)")]
public string SEQ { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROC_CD"), DisplayName("当前进程代码")]
public string PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("BEF_PROC_CD"), DisplayName("前进程代码")]
public string BEF_PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_NO"), DisplayName("订单号")]
public string ORD_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_ITEM"), DisplayName("订单序列号")]
public string ORD_ITEM { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_CNT"), DisplayName("订单数量")]
public decimal? ORD_CNT { get; set; }
//超量标记(* 头尾非计划)
[Persistent("OVER_FL"), DisplayName("超量标记(* 头尾非计划)")]
public string OVER_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_CD"), DisplayName("产品代码")]
public string PROD_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("STLGRD"), DisplayName("钢种")]
public string STLGRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("THK"), DisplayName("厚度")]
public Decimal THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("WID"), DisplayName("宽度")]
public Decimal WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("LEN"), DisplayName("长度")]
public Decimal LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("WGT"), DisplayName("重量")]
public Decimal WGT { get; set; }
//[Persistent("FS_WGT"), DisplayName("实际重量")]
//public Decimal FS_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("CNT"), DisplayName("数量")]
public decimal? CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("CR_CD"), DisplayName("控轧代码")]
public string CR_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("UST_FL"), DisplayName("UST代码")]
public string UST_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRIM_FL"), DisplayName("切边代码")]
public string TRIM_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_FL"), DisplayName("取样代码")]
public string SMP_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_LOC"), DisplayName("取样部位")]
public string SMP_LOC { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_LEN"), DisplayName("取样长度")]
public Decimal SMP_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NO"), DisplayName("试样号")]
public string SMP_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_DATE"), DisplayName("录入日期")]
public string INS_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_TIME"), DisplayName("录入时间")]
public string INS_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("END_DATE"), DisplayName("结束日期")]
public string END_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("END_TIME"), DisplayName("结束时间")]
public string END_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("UPD_PGMID"), DisplayName("变更程序ID")]
public string UPD_PGMID { get; set; }
[Persistent("REC_STS"), DisplayName("物料状态")]
public string REC_STS { get; set; }
[Persistent("DESIGN_SMP_LEN"), DisplayName("试料长度")]
public Decimal DESIGN_SMP_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_CUT_SEQ"), DisplayName("计划板坯切割顺序")]
public string SLAB_CUT_SEQ { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_LEN"), DisplayName("板坯长度")]
public Decimal SLAB_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_WGT"), DisplayName("板坯重量")]
public Decimal SLAB_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_SHOT_BLAST"), DisplayName("抛丸代码")]
public string HTM_SHOT_BLAST { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_METH1"), DisplayName("热处理方法1")]
public string HTM_METH1 { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_COND1"), DisplayName("热处理条件1")]
public string HTM_COND1 { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_METH2"), DisplayName("热处理方法2")]
public string HTM_METH2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_COND2"), DisplayName("热处理条件2")]
public string HTM_COND2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_METH3"), DisplayName("热处理方法3")]
public string HTM_METH3 { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_COND3"), DisplayName("热处理条件3")]
public string HTM_COND3 { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_FL"), DisplayName("订单材、余材代码")]
public string ORD_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("MID_SMP_LEN"), DisplayName("取样长度")]
public Decimal MID_SMP_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("POSITION_TYPE"), DisplayName("配置形状")]
public string POSITION_TYPE { get; set; }
[Persistent("POSITION_X"), DisplayName("X坐标")]
public decimal? POSITION_X { get; set; }
[Persistent("POSITION_Y"), DisplayName("Y坐标")]
public decimal? POSITION_Y { get; set; }
[Persistent("PLT"), DisplayName("工厂")]
public string PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("ID"), DisplayName("主键")]
public string ID { get; set; }
[Persistent("HAN_RSL"), DisplayName("处理状态")]
public string HAN_RSL { get; set; }
[Persistent("HAN_CON"), DisplayName("处理内容")]
public string HAN_CON { get; set; }
[Persistent("HAN_DATE"), DisplayName("处理时间")]
public string HAN_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("THK_RATIO"), DisplayName("压缩比")]
public decimal THK_RATIO { get; set; }
[Persistent("WID_RATIO"), DisplayName("宽展比")]
public decimal WID_RATIO { get; set; }
[Persistent("HEAD_LEN"), DisplayName("切头")]
public decimal HEAD_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("TAIL_LEN"), DisplayName("切尾")]
public decimal TAIL_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("WID_MRGIN"), DisplayName("切边")]
public decimal WID_MRGIN { get; set; }
[Persistent("SAMP_LEN"), DisplayName("取样")]
public decimal SAMP_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_LOSS"), DisplayName("切损")]
public decimal CUT_LOSS { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORG_LEN"), DisplayName("原始板坯长度")]
public decimal ORG_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORG_WGT"), DisplayName("原始板坯重量")]
public decimal ORG_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORG_THK"), DisplayName("原始板坯厚度")]
public decimal ORG_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORG_WID"), DisplayName("原始板坯宽度")]
public decimal ORG_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("REM_LEN"), DisplayName("剩余长度")]
public decimal REM_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("REM_WGT"), DisplayName("剩余重量")]
public decimal REM_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("YIELD"), DisplayName("成材率")]
public decimal YIELD { get; set; }
[Persistent("UTILIZATION"), DisplayName("利用率")]
public decimal UTILIZATION { get; set; }
[Persistent("SUB_KIND"), DisplayName("替代类型")]
public string SUB_KIND { get; set; }
[Persistent("SUB_TIME"), DisplayName("替代发送时间")]
public string SUB_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("REQ_SEQ_NO"), DisplayName("炼钢申请号")]
public string REQ_SEQ_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("FL"), DisplayName("预留标记")]
public string FL { get; set; }