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10 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SOA.Persistent;
namespace ibk.IPD.Entity.IpdPs
[Serializable, Table("FP_SLAB")]
public class FP_SLAB
[Persistent("SLAB_NO"), DisplayName("板坯号")]
public string SLAB_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("OCCR_CD"), DisplayName("信息来源")]
public string OCCR_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("PLT"), DisplayName("工厂")]
public string PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("PRC_LINE"), DisplayName("机号")]
public string PRC_LINE { get; set; }
[Persistent("REC_STS"), DisplayName("进程状态代码")]
public string REC_STS { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROC_CD"), DisplayName("进程代码")]
public string PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("BEF_PROC_CD"), DisplayName("前进程代码")]
public string BEF_PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_CD"), DisplayName("产品代码")]
public string PROD_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("STLGRD"), DisplayName("钢种")]
public string STLGRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("THK"), DisplayName("厚度")]
public Decimal THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("WID"), DisplayName("宽度")]
public Decimal WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("LEN"), DisplayName("长度")]
public Decimal LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("WGT"), DisplayName("重量")]
public Decimal WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAL_WGT"), DisplayName("计算重量")]
public Decimal CAL_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("THK_GRP"), DisplayName("厚度组")]
public string THK_GRP { get; set; }
[Persistent("WID_GRP"), DisplayName("宽度组")]
public string WID_GRP { get; set; }
//头尾坯标记 0:非一炉最后一块;1:一炉最后一块;2:头坯;3:尾坯;4:连浇段;5:氮高+头坯;6:氮高+尾坯 7:低倍,8:吹检 9:对接坯 10:废坯利用 11:变速坯 22:次头坯 33:次尾坯
[Persistent("OVER_FL"), DisplayName("头尾坯标记 0:非一炉最后一块;1:一炉最后一块;2:头坯;3:尾坯;4:连浇段;5:氮高+头坯;6:氮高+尾坯 7:低倍,8:吹检 9:对接坯 10:废坯利用 11:变速坯 22:次头坯 33:次尾坯")]
public string OVER_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_FL"), DisplayName("订单材_余材代码")]
public string ORD_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("WOO_RSN"), DisplayName("余材原因代码")]
public string WOO_RSN { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_NO"), DisplayName("订单号")]
public string ORD_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_ITEM"), DisplayName("订单序列号")]
public string ORD_ITEM { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORG_ORD_NO"), DisplayName("原始订单号")]
public string ORG_ORD_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORG_ORD_ITEM"), DisplayName("原始订单序列号")]
public string ORG_ORD_ITEM { get; set; }
[Persistent("ENDUSE_CD"), DisplayName("订单用途")]
public string ENDUSE_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("DEL_TO_DATE"), DisplayName("交货日期")]
public string DEL_TO_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_DATE"), DisplayName("生产日期")]
public string PROD_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_TIME"), DisplayName("生产时间")]
public string PROD_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHIFT"), DisplayName("班次")]
public string SHIFT { get; set; }
[Persistent("GROUP_CD"), DisplayName("班别")]
public string GROUP_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("LOC"), DisplayName("垛位号")]
public string LOC { get; set; }
[Persistent("BED_PILE_DATE"), DisplayName("堆垛日期")]
public string BED_PILE_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_FL"), DisplayName("取样代码")]
public string SMP_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_LOC"), DisplayName("取样部位")]
public string SMP_LOC { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_LEN"), DisplayName("取样长度")]
public Decimal SMP_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NO"), DisplayName("试样号")]
public string SMP_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("INSP_EMP"), DisplayName("检查人员")]
public string INSP_EMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("DSC_DATE"), DisplayName("综合判定日期")]
public string DSC_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("DSC_TIME"), DisplayName("综合判定时间")]
public string DSC_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_GRD"), DisplayName("产品等级")]
public string PROD_GRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("SURF_GRD"), DisplayName("外观等级")]
public string SURF_GRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("QUALITY_GRD"), DisplayName("材质等级")]
public string QUALITY_GRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("QUALITY_UPD_GRD"), DisplayName("化学成分等级")]
public string QUALITY_UPD_GRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("APLY_STDSPEC"), DisplayName("标准号")]
public string APLY_STDSPEC { get; set; }
[Persistent("APLY_ENDUSE_CD"), DisplayName("订单用途")]
public string APLY_ENDUSE_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_PLT_CD"), DisplayName("入库状态")]
public string IN_PLT_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_PLT"), DisplayName("入库工厂")]
public string IN_PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_PLT_DATE"), DisplayName("购入日期")]
public string IN_PLT_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_PLT_TIME"), DisplayName("购入时间")]
public string IN_PLT_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_CAR_NO"), DisplayName("入库车辆号(A:盘盈)")]
public string IN_CAR_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_SHEET_NO"), DisplayName("入库提货单号")]
public string IN_SHEET_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_PLT_CO"), DisplayName("购货商代码")]
public string IN_PLT_CO { get; set; }
[Persistent("OUT_PLT_CD"), DisplayName("出库状态")]
public string OUT_PLT_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("OUT_PLT"), DisplayName("出库工厂")]
public string OUT_PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("OUT_PLT_DATE"), DisplayName("出库日期")]
public string OUT_PLT_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("OUT_PLT_TIME"), DisplayName("出库时间")]
public string OUT_PLT_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("OUT_CAR_NO"), DisplayName("出库车辆号")]
public string OUT_CAR_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("OUT_SHEET_NO"), DisplayName("出库提货单号")]
public string OUT_SHEET_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("HOUSING_DATE"), DisplayName("出库产品入库日期")]
public string HOUSING_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("HOUSING_TIME"), DisplayName("出库产品入库时间")]
public string HOUSING_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_IST_NO"), DisplayName("发货指示号")]
public string SHP_IST_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_IST_DATE"), DisplayName("发货指示日期")]
public string SHP_IST_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_IST_TIME"), DisplayName("发货指示时间")]
public string SHP_IST_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_DATE"), DisplayName("发货日期")]
public string SHP_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_TIME"), DisplayName("发货时间")]
public string SHP_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRNS_NO"), DisplayName("提货单号")]
public string TRNS_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAR_NO"), DisplayName("车辆号")]
public string CAR_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRNS_CMPY_CD"), DisplayName("运输公司")]
public string TRNS_CMPY_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_EMP"), DisplayName("发货人员")]
public string SHP_EMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRAIN_LINE_NAME"), DisplayName("专线名称")]
public string TRAIN_LINE_NAME { get; set; }
[Persistent("DEST_DETAIL"), DisplayName("详细目的地")]
public string DEST_DETAIL { get; set; }
[Persistent("CERT_RPT_FL"), DisplayName("质量证明书发放代码")]
public string CERT_RPT_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("CERT_RPT_DATE"), DisplayName("质量证明书发放日")]
public string CERT_RPT_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("CERT_RPT_TIME"), DisplayName("质量证明书发放时间")]
public string CERT_RPT_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_IST_CAN_DATE"), DisplayName("取消发货指示日期")]
public string SHP_IST_CAN_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_IST_CAN_TIME"), DisplayName("取消发货指示时间")]
public string SHP_IST_CAN_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("SHP_IST_CAN_FL"), DisplayName("取消发货指示代码")]
public string SHP_IST_CAN_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_DATE"), DisplayName("录入时间")]
public string INS_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_EMP_CD"), DisplayName("录入人员")]
public string INS_EMP_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_PGMID"), DisplayName("录入程序")]
public string INS_PGMID { get; set; }
[Persistent("UPD_DATE"), DisplayName("修改日期")]
public string UPD_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("UPD_EMP_CD"), DisplayName("修改人员")]
public string UPD_EMP_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("UPD_PGM"), DisplayName("修改程序")]
public string UPD_PGM { get; set; }
[Persistent("SF_ORNOT"), DisplayName("修磨代码")]
public string SF_ORNOT { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_RHF_IN_DATE"), DisplayName("板坯装炉时间")]
public string SLAB_RHF_IN_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("RHF_REJ_ORNOT"), DisplayName("加热炉内板坯缺号代码")]
public string RHF_REJ_ORNOT { get; set; }
[Persistent("AIM_HCR_KND"), DisplayName("目标板坯去向")]
public string AIM_HCR_KND { get; set; }
[Persistent("HCR_KND"), DisplayName("实际板坯去向")]
public string HCR_KND { get; set; }
[Persistent("PRC"), DisplayName("工序代码")]
public string PRC { get; set; }
[Persistent("SCR_ORNOT"), DisplayName("修磨代码")]
public string SCR_ORNOT { get; set; }
//结束原因 2可用 3:判废 8分切 7焊接 A:复合
[Persistent("END_RES"), DisplayName("结束原因 2可用 3:判废 8分切 7焊接 A:复合")]
public string END_RES { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOTHER_SLAB"), DisplayName("母板坯")]
public string MOTHER_SLAB { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_THK"), DisplayName("订单厚度")]
public Decimal ORD_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_WID"), DisplayName("订单宽度")]
public Decimal ORD_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_LEN"), DisplayName("订单长度")]
public Decimal ORD_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_WGT"), DisplayName("订单重量")]
public Decimal ORD_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("QUALITY_ID"), DisplayName("质量代码")]
public int QUALITY_ID { get; set; }
[Persistent("TAPER_LEN"), DisplayName("TAPER长度")]
public Decimal TAPER_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("HEAD_SLAB_WID"), DisplayName("切头宽度")]
public Decimal HEAD_SLAB_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("TAIL_SLAB_WID"), DisplayName("切尾宽度")]
public Decimal TAIL_SLAB_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUST_CD"), DisplayName("客户代码")]
public string CUST_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_SLAB_NO"), DisplayName("购入板坯号")]
public string IN_SLAB_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUR_HCR_KND"), DisplayName("目前板坯去向")]
public string CUR_HCR_KND { get; set; }
[Persistent("WGT_L2"), DisplayName("二机重量")]
public Decimal WGT_L2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("QUALITY_ID_L2"), DisplayName("二机质量代码")]
public int QUALITY_ID_L2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUR_INV"), DisplayName("板坯堆垛工厂")]
public string CUR_INV { get; set; }
[Persistent("SIZE_KND"), DisplayName("是否定尺")]
public string SIZE_KND { get; set; }
[Persistent("MIXED_FL"), DisplayName("是否接坯")]
public string MIXED_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("BAOXIN_IF_DATE"), DisplayName("发送板坯进程给ERP时间耿学玉-20110707")]
public string BAOXIN_IF_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUST_SPEC_NO"), DisplayName("客户特殊需求")]
public string CUST_SPEC_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("STLGRD_UPD_FL"), DisplayName("钢种是否改判")]
public string STLGRD_UPD_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("BEF_STLGRD"), DisplayName("改判前钢种")]
public string BEF_STLGRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("WGT_CAL_L2"), DisplayName("L2传理重")]
public Decimal WGT_CAL_L2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("LOAD_WGT"), DisplayName("过磅重量")]
public Decimal LOAD_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("CHG_GRD_RES"), DisplayName("等级")]
public string CHG_GRD_RES { get; set; }
[Persistent("MAT_OWNER_FL"), DisplayName("是否委托加工")]
public string MAT_OWNER_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("MAT_OWNER_CUST_CD"), DisplayName("委托加工客户")]
public string MAT_OWNER_CUST_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("PLAN_MILL_PLT"), DisplayName("计划供轧钢厂")]
public string PLAN_MILL_PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("USE_MILL_PLT"), DisplayName("实际供轧钢厂")]
public string USE_MILL_PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("PLAN_SLAB_CUT_CNT"), DisplayName("计划板坯分切块数")]
public int PLAN_SLAB_CUT_CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("CLAIM_RES"), DisplayName("退货原因")]
public string CLAIM_RES { get; set; }
[Persistent("CLAIM_DATE"), DisplayName("退货日期")]
public string CLAIM_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("CLAIM_THK"), DisplayName("退货厚度")]
public Decimal CLAIM_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("CLAIM_WID"), DisplayName("退货宽度")]
public Decimal CLAIM_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("CLAIM_LEN"), DisplayName("退货长度")]
public Decimal CLAIM_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("CLAIM_WGT"), DisplayName("退货重量")]
public Decimal CLAIM_WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_ORD_METH"), DisplayName("订单要求热处理方法")]
public string HTM_ORD_METH { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_RLT_METH"), DisplayName("实际热处理方法")]
public string HTM_RLT_METH { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_STATUS"), DisplayName("热处理状态")]
public string HTM_STATUS { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_BACK_CNT"), DisplayName("分板层次")]
public int SLAB_BACK_CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_CNT"), DisplayName("切割块数")]
public int CUT_CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("HTM_CNT"), DisplayName("热处理块数")]
public int HTM_CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("ERP_IF_DATE"), DisplayName("抛ERP日期")]
public string ERP_IF_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("PLAN_SLAB_CUT_FL"), DisplayName("是否计划分切")]
public string PLAN_SLAB_CUT_FL { get; set; }
//S:连铸板坯 M:模铸坯 A:开坯 B:复合坯 C:余坯二次轧制
[Persistent("INGOT_FL"), DisplayName("S:连铸板坯 M:模铸坯 A:开坯 B:复合坯 C:余坯二次轧制")]
public string INGOT_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("HEAD_SLAB_THK"), DisplayName("切头厚度")]
public Decimal HEAD_SLAB_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("TAIL_SLAB_THK"), DisplayName("切尾厚度")]
public Decimal TAIL_SLAB_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("PLAN_SLAB_MERGE_FL"), DisplayName("是否计划焊接")]
public string PLAN_SLAB_MERGE_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOTHER_SLAB_MERGE"), DisplayName("焊接母板坯")]
public string MOTHER_SLAB_MERGE { get; set; }
[Persistent("GRID_FL"), DisplayName("修磨指示")]
public string GRID_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("GRID_RSLT"), DisplayName("修磨实绩")]
public string GRID_RSLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("HEAT_NO"), DisplayName("炉号")]
public string HEAT_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("RH_CD"), DisplayName("是否RH")]
public string RH_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAL_TM"), DisplayName("异钢种替代")]
public string CAL_TM { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAL_TN"), DisplayName("备用字段")]
public string CAL_TN { get; set; }
[Persistent("ACT_SMP_FL"), DisplayName("实际取样标记")]
public string ACT_SMP_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NO1"), DisplayName("低倍试样号1")]
public string SMP_NO1 { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NO2"), DisplayName("低倍试样号2")]
public string SMP_NO2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("GET_SMP_DATE"), DisplayName("取样日期")]
public string GET_SMP_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_CAST_NO"), DisplayName("取样浇次号")]
public string SMP_CAST_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_FREQENCY"), DisplayName("取样频次")]
public string SMP_FREQENCY { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NOTE"), DisplayName("取样备注")]
public string SMP_NOTE { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NOTE1"), DisplayName("可装炉时间")]
public string SMP_NOTE1 { get; set; }
[Persistent("SMP_NOTE2"), DisplayName("板坯切割优先级E:紧急P:优先S:外厂预转入宽板库")]
public string SMP_NOTE2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_NO1"), DisplayName("计划板坯号1")]
public string SLAB_NO1 { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_NO2"), DisplayName("计划板坯号2")]
public string SLAB_NO2 { get; set; }
[Persistent("UST_RLT_CD"), DisplayName("探伤指示")]
public string UST_RLT_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("UST_RSLT"), DisplayName("探伤实绩")]
public string UST_RSLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("UST_METH"), DisplayName("探伤标准")]
public string UST_METH { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_AM"), DisplayName("积压原因")]
public string CUT_AM { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_BM"), DisplayName("处置时间")]
public string CUT_BM { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_CM"), DisplayName("责任人")]
public string CUT_CM { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_DM"), DisplayName("责任单位")]
public string CUT_DM { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_EM"), DisplayName("切割指示是否下达地面站(L2)")]
public string CUT_EM { get; set; }
[Persistent("CUT_FM"), DisplayName("探伤指示人员")]
public string CUT_FM { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOTHER_SLAB_BILLET"), DisplayName("复合母板坯")]
public string MOTHER_SLAB_BILLET { get; set; }
//复合坯类型1单倍 2多倍
[Persistent("BILLET_TYPE"), DisplayName("复合坯类型1单倍 2多倍")]
public string BILLET_TYPE { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOTHER_SLAB_ELEC"), DisplayName("电轧母板坯")]
public string MOTHER_SLAB_ELEC { get; set; }
[Persistent("RES_CM"), DisplayName("是否虚拟切割")]
public string RES_CM { get; set; }
[Persistent("RES_DM"), DisplayName("加探原因")]
public string RES_DM { get; set; }
[Persistent("RES_EM"), DisplayName("积压修改时间")]
public string RES_EM { get; set; }
[Persistent("RES_FM"), DisplayName("积压修改人员")]
public string RES_FM { get; set; }
[Persistent("RES_GM"), DisplayName("处置意见")]
public string RES_GM { get; set; }