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10 months ago
using SOA.Persistent;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SlabHandle
[Serializable, Table("EP_REQ_SLAB")]
public class EP_REQ_SLAB
[Persistent("ROW_NUM"), DisplayName("行号")]
public string ROW_NUM { get; set; }
[Persistent("ROWNUM"), DisplayName("行号")]
public string ROWNUM { get; set; }
[Persistent("REQ_SEQ_NO"), DisplayName("申请顺序")]
public string REQ_SEQ_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("SUPLY_SMS_PLT"), DisplayName("坯料供料炼钢厂")]
public string SUPLY_SMS_PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("REQ_PLT"), DisplayName("坯料申请厂")]
public string REQ_PLT { get; set; }
[Persistent("STLGRD"), DisplayName("钢种")]
public string STLGRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_THK"), DisplayName("板坯厚度")]
public Decimal SLAB_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_WID"), DisplayName("板坯宽度")]
public Decimal SLAB_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_LEN"), DisplayName("板坯长度")]
public Decimal SLAB_LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_WGT"), DisplayName("板坯重量")]
public Decimal SLAB_WGT { get; set; }
//申请HCR 代码
[Persistent("REQ_HCR_FL"), DisplayName("申请HCR 代码")]
public string REQ_HCR_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_NO"), DisplayName("订单号")]
public string ORD_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_ITEM"), DisplayName("订单序列号")]
public string ORD_ITEM { get; set; }
[Persistent("ORD_FL"), DisplayName("订单材/余材代码")]
public string ORD_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("MLT_PROC_CD"), DisplayName("炼钢工艺流程")]
public string MLT_PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("REQ_LIMI_DATE"), DisplayName("计划使用日期")]
public string REQ_LIMI_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("REQ_SEQ"), DisplayName("计划使用顺序")]
public string REQ_SEQ { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_CUT_CNT"), DisplayName("切割数")]
public int SLAB_CUT_CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_EDT_SEQ"), DisplayName("板坯编制号")]
public int SLAB_EDT_SEQ { get; set; }
[Persistent("SLAB_NO"), DisplayName("板坯号")]
public string SLAB_NO { get; set; }
//HCR 代码
[Persistent("HCR_FL"), DisplayName("HCR 代码")]
public string HCR_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("ERP_IF_DATE"), DisplayName("ERP接口最终传送日期")]
public string ERP_IF_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("BEF_PROC_CD"), DisplayName("前进程代码")]
public string BEF_PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROC_CD"), DisplayName("进程代码")]
public string PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("CNF_FL"), DisplayName("确定状态")]
public string CNF_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("FL"), DisplayName("标识")]
public string FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_DATE"), DisplayName("录入日期")]
public string INS_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_TIME"), DisplayName("录入时刻")]
public string INS_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("INS_EMP"), DisplayName("录入人员")]
public string INS_EMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("CNF_DATE"), DisplayName("确定日期")]
public string CNF_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("CNF_TIME"), DisplayName("确定时间")]
public string CNF_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("CNF_EMP"), DisplayName("确定人")]
public string CNF_EMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAN_DATE"), DisplayName("取消日期")]
public string CAN_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAN_TIME"), DisplayName("取消时间")]
public string CAN_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAN_EMP"), DisplayName("取消人")]
public string CAN_EMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("UPD_PGMID"), DisplayName("变更程序ID")]
public string UPD_PGMID { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_SLAB_THK"), DisplayName("入库板坯厚度")]
public Decimal IN_SLAB_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_SLAB_WID"), DisplayName("入库板坯宽度")]
public Decimal IN_SLAB_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_SLAB_LEN"), DisplayName("入库板坯长度")]
public Decimal IN_SLAB_LEN { get; set; }
//入库HCR 代码
[Persistent("IN_HCR_FL"), DisplayName("入库HCR 代码")]
public string IN_HCR_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("IN_DATE"), DisplayName("入库日期")]
public string IN_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("REC_STS"), DisplayName("进程状态代码")]
public string REC_STS { get; set; }
[Persistent("INGOT_FL"), DisplayName("板坯类型")]
public string INGOT_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("HEAD_SLAB_THK"), DisplayName("切头厚度")]
public Decimal HEAD_SLAB_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("TAIL_SLAB_THK"), DisplayName("切尾厚度")]
public Decimal TAIL_SLAB_THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("HEAD_SLAB_WID"), DisplayName("切头宽度")]
public Decimal HEAD_SLAB_WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("TAIL_SLAB_WID"), DisplayName("切尾宽度")]
public Decimal TAIL_SLAB_WID { get; set; }